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RIP The Discordian Network: The Highlights

Started by LHX, December 03, 2006, 07:31:18 PM

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August 2006: In the wake of the forum crash, and riding the strength of the PD06 exploration, The Discordian Network forum developed.

Originally a forum that RWHN had registered and was toying with, it developed into the center for the discussion aimed at fleshing out the philosophies presented in and related to PD, as well as compiling new Discordian material to be broadcast or distributed.

It was kept free of nonsense for the most part, and though it had been predominantly quiet in the weeks before it died, it had developed into a useful resource.

The highlights from the TDN forum:

- The general continuation of PD06 matters that were started in this forum
- this includes BIP affairs
- A renewal of SSOOKN investigation and development and a inventory of related writings
- Further probes into linguistics and the nature of communication
- Recent discussions regarding the nature of technology and robotics

Maybe this latest forum crash can serve as opportunity to take a look at where we are at now after that surge from April/May to August.

Opportunity to gather some stuff together and see where the 'We' stands at this point, as a vague collective in the process of doing a vague something.

Bar Stools

PD07 and so on

a reminder that:
Inspiration (still) Requires Original Notions

add on
neat hell


I will be keeping an eye on things.  If it is resurrected, or if I'm somehow able to get something from the host company I will let you all know.  It is very frustrating I can tell you.  I wanted to provide a safe haven from crashes and nonsense.  I think we were able to be free of the nonsense but ultimately there was a crash. 

But to LHX's point, we should try to continue the spirit of what was going on there here in some form.  Perhaps a BIP subforum?  Dunno, just thinking out loud here.

Again, sorry guys that this happened.  If I knew more message boards, etc., I probably would have set up shop somewhere different. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

East Coast Hustle

I've said it before, but you guys are more than welcome to use this place for your BIP stuff, and I'd be happy to create a separate BIP sub-forum.

in fact...
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"



please don't tell me that the SSOOKN essays are gone.....

What makes it so? Making it so is what makes it so.


Quote from: Pope T.Mangrove xvii on December 04, 2006, 09:04:34 PM

please don't tell me that the SSOOKN essays are gone.....


the only option seems to be to come back bigger better stronger

or some such optimistic approach
neat hell

East Coast Hustle

Quote from: Pope T.Mangrove xvii on December 04, 2006, 09:04:34 PM

please don't tell me that the SSOOKN essays are gone.....


shitty, man.

but you know the lesson, right?

ALWAYS have a hard copy.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"



Quote from: Mangrove
acLiber 812


A Transcript of a live lecture by Mangrove to his devoted follower/dog.

"The Black Iron Prison furnishes us with a new metaphor for an old problem being that;
as advanced as humanity might seem at times, it has yet to transcend TEH STOOPID in
sufficient numbers or for any satisfactory duration. As such, it is the mission of the
SSOOKN to make it known that, this new metaphor has the divine sanction of the Holy
Kabbalah - just in case you thought it was the effluent by-product of cynical miscreants
glued to the internet. Let's begin...

Firstly, we can take the term BLACK IRON PRISON and apply Notariqon to condense: BIP.
Converting these letters into their Hebrew equivalents we get Beth, Yod, & Peh. BIP
gematrically enumerates to 812 hence the title of this lection and also contains a
heavily veiled reference to the administration of the eucharist to the community. And
remember kids, the next time you're in prison and someone called Jesus wants your bread -
it would be wise to share.

But right now, I want to focus our attention on B or Beth for Beth is Hebrew for House.
Now, if I had the time & inclination, I could offer an array of bewildering kabbalistic
connections to the hit TV show of the same name....ok......I can tell you won't rest until
I do....

The answer is simple. Beth is the 12th path on the Tree of Life and associated with the
Tarot card "THe Magician" which, in turn, is related to the god Mercury. Mercury carried the
double serpent entwined wand known as the Caduceus and the Caduceus is used frequently to
advertise doctors and other medical establishments.And if that's not enough for you
ceremonial magicians, the archangel Raphael also carries the Caduceus and his name in
English means 'God Who Has Healed'. Voila! Dr House.

An irrelevant digression? Perhaps not. Is not The Big House an endearing pet name for
prison? Ha! Bet you were wondering how I was going to dig myself out of that hole. To
further reinforce the point, allow me to quote from another prankster kabbalist,
Aleister Crowley who, in reference to Beth wrote:

"It is the dwelling place of man in the world of duality and illusion."

Illusion. There's the money shot right there, folks. Buying into the illusion is what the
BIP is all about. I don't use the word illusion lightly either, for the god Mercury - that
fleet-footed, tricky messenger boy of the Romans was also a god of commerce. We're so
easily lulled into falsehood by the slippery, shiny things, non? Shiny, slippery things like.
...oh...I don't know....Politics? Relgion? TV? Patriotism? Money is a symbol of the material
realm. YOU ARE NOT YOUR 'STUFF' MORON. The grimoire geeks will know that one of the spirits
of Mercury is Taphtatharath. A spirit that oversees, among other things - thieves. Thieves
in a prison? Who woulda thunk? People stealing stuff from us! People stealing us!? Argghh!!

Getting back to snakes for a minute...and I am not talking about the ones on planes either.
Snakes get a bad rap. We think of the reptilian brain as being like the poor uncultured,
philistine cousin that makes an asp out of itself at family gatherings. And don't get me
started on Eve and who whole 'mystical fruit embargo'!!

Other traditions with lesser amounts of panty fabric wedged into their gluteal clefts viewed
the serpent as a symbol of wisdom and of initiation. The Egyptian Pharoahs (which,
linguistically refers to a household FYI) had the ureas serpent displayed on their brows.
Whereabouts? About where the yogis of India said the Ajna Chakra resided, or what we
colloquially refer to as the 3rd eye. Now, the 3rd eye represents our intuition and our
ability to 'see' beyond the obvious, apparent and mundane. I should hope that he notion of
higher vision and BIP is ringing a few doorbells here. By 'higher vision' it is unecessary
to get into a debate over 'psychic powers' or anything of that sort - merely appreciate
that inmates of the BIP possess within them the potential to see beyond the obvious if the
so wish.

If you're wondering what any of this has to do with Discordian/Erisianism, then you're
duller than I realized...but here goes:

The Ajna Chakra of yoga is associated in terms of Western anatomy and physiology with the..
....I almost hate to say it...with the....


Got that out of your system yet? Ok. Good. Now let's review the pineal gland itself. Pineal
because ancient anatomists felt its shape was like that of a pine cone. one of its functions
is to produce melatonin, a hormone that is affected by light and is part of our cycle of
sleeping and awakening. Once again, before anyone starts reading the Madjgiqual Hosrie riot
act, I reiterate that, for our purposes, it is of no relevance or consequence whether a
person believes or disbelieves in the notion of chakras or psychism. The fact that the
pineal gland is, in the strictest scientific terms, responsible for us being AWAKE.
Therefore, the metaphor remains harmonious and consistent.

I need a drink....this is thyrsus* work....(*That's for the honour roll kids)

Now, allow me to direct your attention to the overhead projection whereby you will see
displayed, the Hebrew letter Beth. The shape of the letter denotes a roof, floor and
one wall (as seen from the side). It sort of implies that the 'house' lacks a front door.
I'll let that sit with your for a while.

In closing, I would like to draw your focus to this: B.L.A.C.K.

Biological Limitation Affects Complete Knowledge

and this:

BIP Learning Awakens teh Cool Kids.

Next week we discuss Iron.
Class dismissed!!! Scrid, bring me my sandwich!


Liber 812 part II

"Ok everyone...find a seat and shut up. We've got a lot more to cover. Last class we analyzed the B of BIP. Today we approach the letter I as well as the attributes of Iron.

In Hebrew, the closest we get to the English 'I' is Yod. Because English has 26 letters and Hebrew has 22, the letter Yod serves triple duty by representing the letters I/J/Y. (This is not as strange as it seems to those of you who have studied Latin.)

On the Tree Of Life, the letter Yod is ascribed to the 20th path. By consulting a qabalistic resource like Crowley's "777", we find that the 20th path throws up the term 'The Lord Of Yoga'. Now, the fact that yoga begins with a 'Y' is not only terribly convenient, it's significant in other ways too. Etymology fans will appreciate that the Sanskrit world 'yoga', the Latin 'jugorum' and the English 'yoke' all stem from the same Indo-European linguistic root. Big deal? Well, actually, yes it is. These three words all carry the connotation of 'joining together'. Let's extend that a little further. By joining two things together, suggests some restrictive medium that makes this possible. Take, for example, the human body. Muscles cause movements to occur at joints, but it is the tough, inelastic ligaments that connect bones together that make those joints in the first place. A ligament prevents your body from having excess movement. Therefore, it is the ligaments restriction that contributes to making normal mobility possible. (Joint = teh prison pun)

What the hell does that have to do with anything? The world ligament has the same Latin root as ligature. The implication here is one of 'binding'. The word 'religion' in its original sense means to 're-bind'. Does this not make one think of re-joining and of yoga?

Discordians are only too happy to tell you that there's 'no one, true, religion' but the true religion is simply to reconnect with who/what you really are ie: not MTV, WalMart, Political Parties, The Internet, Hot Topic, Hot Pockets, Hot Pants or the Hot 100. It would be more fair to say that 'there is no one true method of religion' or that 'the one true religion has no single manifestation'. If you want to eat bread discs or not eat pork, or shave your head or not cut your hair or pray 5 times daily or wear a funny hat - it really doesn't amount to a hill o'beans because these are merely DETAILS and not the actual religious process itself. (The opposite of religion being 'negligence')

What has this to do with BIP? Every Fucking Thing. The whole metaphor is about restriction. The paradox is that some restrictions (eg: prison) prevent freedoms while others (eg: ligaments) are restrictions that enable freedoms. There's an Orwellian koan for you. Freedom is restriction!

While it's certainly true that our biological and evolutionary heritage limited the bandwidth of our senses, would not the opposite create as many, if not, more problems? If you could see everything that physicists call electromagnetism, would you be able to look at anything at all? Our nervous system dampens down sensory input constantly and often with good reason. For instance, once you put your shirt on in the morning, the brain (thanks to what neuro-geeks call the reticular formation) acknowledges and then ignores the presence of the shirt in a matter of moments. Imagine what it'd be like if your cerebrum was bombarded 24/7 with a singal that said "Hey! I'm wearing a shirt!". It would be like a HIMEOBS strike on a Hentai forum, but infinitely more intense and with negative LAIL.

So, is Discordianism a religion disguised as a joke or a joke disguised as a religion? The SSOOKN answer is: "If you're spending this much time bouncing around the rubber room of entry-level dualism, you're probably not actually doing anything even remotely useful."

Returning to the qabalah once more, let's look at some really obvious stuff. Yod is the 9th key of the tarot known as The Hermit. Think lonlieness, think soliary confinement, think of the Buddha's instruction that we have to be our own lamp bearers. Simply put, not only is the BIP hard work, it's hard lonely work. The qabalah won't make you more spiritual, smart or sexy. You have to do that yourself. Incidentally, the Hermit card is associated with the sign of Virgo. Virgins in prison....well..I'd better leave that alone.

More obvious than tarot is that the Hebrew letter 'yod' means hand and is also the number 10. 10 fingers. Easy isn't it? The sophistication of our hands enables us to express our wills in a sophisticated manner. We can do all sorts of cool things like excise brain tumours, paint masterpieces and play the piano like Art Tatum. Try doing that with flippers! Our hands are so vital in just about everything we do. As such, the hands are a fantastic symbol of DOING. No surprise then the Hebrews considered yod 'the intelligence of will'.

Where am I going withe all this hand stuff? Simple. The hand indicates our means of action. Actions have results and results can have consequences. Certain actions (rape, murder, insider trading etc) are restricted by the agreements of society that we call Teh Law. If one commits one of these restricted actions (even unsuccessfully), then they run the risk of ending up in the slammer, another form of restriction.

The moral of the story? That restriction exists all around us, in us and through us. Restriction is fundamental to manifestation (and not necessarily always a bad thing). It just depends on your perspective. Is your crash helmet a protective container or a prison?

In closing, I would like to leave you with the following Notariqon.

Remember: Inspiration Requires Original Notions.
Get offline once in a while: Internets Render One Numb.
Read Darwin: Intelligent designers Repress Our Neurons!
The qabalah?: It's Really Only Numbers.
Keep an open mind: Illumination Reorientates Open Neurology.
Hate preppy clothes?: I Return Old Navy.
Read W S Burroughs instead of J K Rowling: Insipid Reading? Opiates Now!

Extra credit students: Contemplate 'conjugal visits'.


Quote from: East Coast Hustle on December 04, 2006, 11:24:27 PM
Quote from: Pope T.Mangrove xvii on December 04, 2006, 09:04:34 PM

please don't tell me that the SSOOKN essays are gone.....


shitty, man.

but you know the lesson, right?

ALWAYS have a hard copy.

Oh and another tip, don't think that backing up your stuff on another message board run on the same site is going to help. 

Yup.  My stuff was backed up on the Maine Platypus Cabal message board, also on   Me = teh screwed!!!

Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on December 05, 2006, 02:05:55 PM
Quote from: East Coast Hustle on December 04, 2006, 11:24:27 PM
Quote from: Pope T.Mangrove xvii on December 04, 2006, 09:04:34 PM

please don't tell me that the SSOOKN essays are gone.....


shitty, man.

but you know the lesson, right?

ALWAYS have a hard copy.

Oh and another tip, don't think that backing up your stuff on another message board run on the same site is going to help. 

Yup.  My stuff was backed up on the Maine Platypus Cabal message board, also on   Me = teh screwed!!!


Online backups aint worth the paper they're printed on. Burn it to CD/DVD or run a disk mirror setup. Or be prepared to lose the lot.

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark


This = correct.  I learnt that after my computer collapsed from all the Spyware on it about a year and a half ago.


TBH I kinda like losing all my old stuff every so often anyway. Keeps the corpus fresh.

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark


comin thru in the clutch
Quote from: LMNO on December 05, 2006, 01:32:19 PM

Quote from: Mangrove
acLiber 812


A Transcript of a live lecture by Mangrove to his devoted follower/dog.

"The Black Iron Prison furnishes us with a new metaphor for an old problem being that;
as advanced as humanity might seem at times, it has yet to transcend TEH STOOPID in
sufficient numbers or for any satisfactory duration. As such, it is the mission of the
SSOOKN to make it known that, this new metaphor has the divine sanction of the Holy
Kabbalah - just in case you thought it was the effluent by-product of cynical miscreants
glued to the internet. Let's begin...

Firstly, we can take the term BLACK IRON PRISON and apply Notariqon to condense: BIP.
Converting these letters into their Hebrew equivalents we get Beth, Yod, & Peh. BIP
gematrically enumerates to 812 hence the title of this lection and also contains a
heavily veiled reference to the administration of the eucharist to the community. And
remember kids, the next time you're in prison and someone called Jesus wants your bread -
it would be wise to share.

But right now, I want to focus our attention on B or Beth for Beth is Hebrew for House.
Now, if I had the time & inclination, I could offer an array of bewildering kabbalistic
connections to the hit TV show of the same name....ok......I can tell you won't rest until
I do....

The answer is simple. Beth is the 12th path on the Tree of Life and associated with the
Tarot card "THe Magician" which, in turn, is related to the god Mercury. Mercury carried the
double serpent entwined wand known as the Caduceus and the Caduceus is used frequently to
advertise doctors and other medical establishments.And if that's not enough for you
ceremonial magicians, the archangel Raphael also carries the Caduceus and his name in
English means 'God Who Has Healed'. Voila! Dr House.

An irrelevant digression? Perhaps not. Is not The Big House an endearing pet name for
prison? Ha! Bet you were wondering how I was going to dig myself out of that hole. To
further reinforce the point, allow me to quote from another prankster kabbalist,
Aleister Crowley who, in reference to Beth wrote:

"It is the dwelling place of man in the world of duality and illusion."

Illusion. There's the money shot right there, folks. Buying into the illusion is what the
BIP is all about. I don't use the word illusion lightly either, for the god Mercury - that
fleet-footed, tricky messenger boy of the Romans was also a god of commerce. We're so
easily lulled into falsehood by the slippery, shiny things, non? Shiny, slippery things like.
...oh...I don't know....Politics? Relgion? TV? Patriotism? Money is a symbol of the material
realm. YOU ARE NOT YOUR 'STUFF' MORON. The grimoire geeks will know that one of the spirits
of Mercury is Taphtatharath. A spirit that oversees, among other things - thieves. Thieves
in a prison? Who woulda thunk? People stealing stuff from us! People stealing us!? Argghh!!

Getting back to snakes for a minute...and I am not talking about the ones on planes either.
Snakes get a bad rap. We think of the reptilian brain as being like the poor uncultured,
philistine cousin that makes an asp out of itself at family gatherings. And don't get me
started on Eve and who whole 'mystical fruit embargo'!!

Other traditions with lesser amounts of panty fabric wedged into their gluteal clefts viewed
the serpent as a symbol of wisdom and of initiation. The Egyptian Pharoahs (which,
linguistically refers to a household FYI) had the ureas serpent displayed on their brows.
Whereabouts? About where the yogis of India said the Ajna Chakra resided, or what we
colloquially refer to as the 3rd eye. Now, the 3rd eye represents our intuition and our
ability to 'see' beyond the obvious, apparent and mundane. I should hope that he notion of
higher vision and BIP is ringing a few doorbells here. By 'higher vision' it is unecessary
to get into a debate over 'psychic powers' or anything of that sort - merely appreciate
that inmates of the BIP possess within them the potential to see beyond the obvious if the
so wish.

If you're wondering what any of this has to do with Discordian/Erisianism, then you're
duller than I realized...but here goes:

The Ajna Chakra of yoga is associated in terms of Western anatomy and physiology with the..
....I almost hate to say it...with the....


Got that out of your system yet? Ok. Good. Now let's review the pineal gland itself. Pineal
because ancient anatomists felt its shape was like that of a pine cone. one of its functions
is to produce melatonin, a hormone that is affected by light and is part of our cycle of
sleeping and awakening. Once again, before anyone starts reading the Madjgiqual Hosrie riot
act, I reiterate that, for our purposes, it is of no relevance or consequence whether a
person believes or disbelieves in the notion of chakras or psychism. The fact that the
pineal gland is, in the strictest scientific terms, responsible for us being AWAKE.
Therefore, the metaphor remains harmonious and consistent.

I need a drink....this is thyrsus* work....(*That's for the honour roll kids)

Now, allow me to direct your attention to the overhead projection whereby you will see
displayed, the Hebrew letter Beth. The shape of the letter denotes a roof, floor and
one wall (as seen from the side). It sort of implies that the 'house' lacks a front door.
I'll let that sit with your for a while.

In closing, I would like to draw your focus to this: B.L.A.C.K.

Biological Limitation Affects Complete Knowledge

and this:

BIP Learning Awakens teh Cool Kids.

Next week we discuss Iron.
Class dismissed!!! Scrid, bring me my sandwich!


Liber 812 part II

"Ok everyone...find a seat and shut up. We've got a lot more to cover. Last class we analyzed the B of BIP. Today we approach the letter I as well as the attributes of Iron.

In Hebrew, the closest we get to the English 'I' is Yod. Because English has 26 letters and Hebrew has 22, the letter Yod serves triple duty by representing the letters I/J/Y. (This is not as strange as it seems to those of you who have studied Latin.)

On the Tree Of Life, the letter Yod is ascribed to the 20th path. By consulting a qabalistic resource like Crowley's "777", we find that the 20th path throws up the term 'The Lord Of Yoga'. Now, the fact that yoga begins with a 'Y' is not only terribly convenient, it's significant in other ways too. Etymology fans will appreciate that the Sanskrit world 'yoga', the Latin 'jugorum' and the English 'yoke' all stem from the same Indo-European linguistic root. Big deal? Well, actually, yes it is. These three words all carry the connotation of 'joining together'. Let's extend that a little further. By joining two things together, suggests some restrictive medium that makes this possible. Take, for example, the human body. Muscles cause movements to occur at joints, but it is the tough, inelastic ligaments that connect bones together that make those joints in the first place. A ligament prevents your body from having excess movement. Therefore, it is the ligaments restriction that contributes to making normal mobility possible. (Joint = teh prison pun)

What the hell does that have to do with anything? The world ligament has the same Latin root as ligature. The implication here is one of 'binding'. The word 'religion' in its original sense means to 're-bind'. Does this not make one think of re-joining and of yoga?

Discordians are only too happy to tell you that there's 'no one, true, religion' but the true religion is simply to reconnect with who/what you really are ie: not MTV, WalMart, Political Parties, The Internet, Hot Topic, Hot Pockets, Hot Pants or the Hot 100. It would be more fair to say that 'there is no one true method of religion' or that 'the one true religion has no single manifestation'. If you want to eat bread discs or not eat pork, or shave your head or not cut your hair or pray 5 times daily or wear a funny hat - it really doesn't amount to a hill o'beans because these are merely DETAILS and not the actual religious process itself. (The opposite of religion being 'negligence')

What has this to do with BIP? Every Fucking Thing. The whole metaphor is about restriction. The paradox is that some restrictions (eg: prison) prevent freedoms while others (eg: ligaments) are restrictions that enable freedoms. There's an Orwellian koan for you. Freedom is restriction!

While it's certainly true that our biological and evolutionary heritage limited the bandwidth of our senses, would not the opposite create as many, if not, more problems? If you could see everything that physicists call electromagnetism, would you be able to look at anything at all? Our nervous system dampens down sensory input constantly and often with good reason. For instance, once you put your shirt on in the morning, the brain (thanks to what neuro-geeks call the reticular formation) acknowledges and then ignores the presence of the shirt in a matter of moments. Imagine what it'd be like if your cerebrum was bombarded 24/7 with a singal that said "Hey! I'm wearing a shirt!". It would be like a HIMEOBS strike on a Hentai forum, but infinitely more intense and with negative LAIL.

So, is Discordianism a religion disguised as a joke or a joke disguised as a religion? The SSOOKN answer is: "If you're spending this much time bouncing around the rubber room of entry-level dualism, you're probably not actually doing anything even remotely useful."

Returning to the qabalah once more, let's look at some really obvious stuff. Yod is the 9th key of the tarot known as The Hermit. Think lonlieness, think soliary confinement, think of the Buddha's instruction that we have to be our own lamp bearers. Simply put, not only is the BIP hard work, it's hard lonely work. The qabalah won't make you more spiritual, smart or sexy. You have to do that yourself. Incidentally, the Hermit card is associated with the sign of Virgo. Virgins in prison....well..I'd better leave that alone.

More obvious than tarot is that the Hebrew letter 'yod' means hand and is also the number 10. 10 fingers. Easy isn't it? The sophistication of our hands enables us to express our wills in a sophisticated manner. We can do all sorts of cool things like excise brain tumours, paint masterpieces and play the piano like Art Tatum. Try doing that with flippers! Our hands are so vital in just about everything we do. As such, the hands are a fantastic symbol of DOING. No surprise then the Hebrews considered yod 'the intelligence of will'.

Where am I going withe all this hand stuff? Simple. The hand indicates our means of action. Actions have results and results can have consequences. Certain actions (rape, murder, insider trading etc) are restricted by the agreements of society that we call Teh Law. If one commits one of these restricted actions (even unsuccessfully), then they run the risk of ending up in the slammer, another form of restriction.

The moral of the story? That restriction exists all around us, in us and through us. Restriction is fundamental to manifestation (and not necessarily always a bad thing). It just depends on your perspective. Is your crash helmet a protective container or a prison?

In closing, I would like to leave you with the following Notariqon.

Remember: Inspiration Requires Original Notions.
Get offline once in a while: Internets Render One Numb.
Read Darwin: Intelligent designers Repress Our Neurons!
The qabalah?: It's Really Only Numbers.
Keep an open mind: Illumination Reorientates Open Neurology.
Hate preppy clothes?: I Return Old Navy.
Read W S Burroughs instead of J K Rowling: Insipid Reading? Opiates Now!

Extra credit students: Contemplate 'conjugal visits'.

thats the shit right there
neat hell

East Coast Hustle

hard copy = paper in a sealed waterproof UV-proof container with positive buoyancy.

unless you have the means to actually carve things in stone.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"

Triple Zero

> Online backups aint worth the paper they're printed on.

nah, storing stuff in large webmail accounts like yahoo, gmail or even hotmail is pretty safe. they got huge servers, backups, RAIDs etc. i trust a big company's serverpark way more than my own attempts at backing up stuff. also easier to keep up to date or move around. sure i keep some stuff on DVD or CD as well, and i hate throwing data away.

kinda surprises me that a site like got screwed over lack of backups like this. especially considering their main asset IS all the data and text on the fora, and since it's just an SQL dump of a phpBB forum, it's all plain text, ZIP it up and i would guess all fora on there would have fit on one CD. pay a scriptkiddie once to build something that gathers all the phpBB DBs, ZIP it, send then over to a safe place, and a 100 bucks later you are secured (or even for less if you find an actual kid that doesn't know what code like that is worth per hour).

aaaaaaaaanyways, starting over again kind of causes us to rethink and regroup which is not too -- yes what you said here:
> TBH I kinda like losing all my old stuff every so often anyway. Keeps the corpus fresh.


not sure if it's the same for writing stuff, but for software it definitely helps to be forced to start over a few times. 's called 'refactoring' :)                                               
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



Quote from: triple zero on December 06, 2006, 10:45:59 AM
not sure if it's the same for writing stuff, but for software it definitely helps to be forced to start over a few times. 's called 'refactoring' :)                                               

Almost all the stuff I write is shit anyways. TBH I'm usly glad for the extra disk space.

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark