
If it quacks like a sociopath, but also ponders its own sociopathy, it's probably just an asshole.

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Shepard Fairey

Started by LHX, February 05, 2007, 10:44:53 PM

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Has anybody heard of this dude?

its amazing how successful subversive people can become, in every aspect except evoking any noticeable social change

in other words: subversion

its funny tho - every so often i keep coming across a new individual/group who seems to have committed their lives to throwing a 'wrench in The Machine'

but The Machine handles it like its nothing

doesnt slow down, and sure as hell doesnt stop

just keeps on digging deeper

on the other side tho - some incredible art comes out of it all
neat hell


True.  Its odd (or maybe it isn't) that artists seem most hell bent on this sort of action.  Writers, musicians, installation artists and painters all seem to have it in for the system.  And often make quite an impact too.


im tellin you man

the worse the situation gets, the better the art gets

its a strange trade-off
neat hell


-- maybe its because people see communication as a way out of their situation

just thinking out loud

people get closure after resolving something
a good barometer of having something resolved is to be able to describe it or communicate it
(possibly re-create it)
neat hell

hunter s.durden

They did an episode of Icons (G4) on this guy.
Good shit.

There will always be dissent, and art is the concentrated form of that dissent.
Any music worth a fuck, any art campaign, or book that dosen't suck is usually a middle finger at some sort of system.

LHX- you like hip hop right? Dissent.
Cain- I believe you are a Voltaire fan IIRC. Dissent (to the point of exile. twice)
Hunter- Just read the handle. Dissent.

Art that dosen't have that is usually not as good. Sure, many good observations are made. Shakespeare sonnets about love, or a Frost poem about trees. Good? Yes.
Good as seeing Rage whip up a bunch of angry youths? No. That's power and beauty.
This space for rent.


Quote from: hunter s.durden on February 05, 2007, 11:08:48 PM
They did an episode of Icons (G4) on this guy.
Good shit.
yeah i think that was the name of the show i saw too

Quote from: hunter s.durden on February 05, 2007, 11:08:48 PM
There will always be dissent, and art is the concentrated form of that dissent.
Any music worth a fuck, any art campaign, or book that dosen't suck is usually a middle finger at some sort of system.

LHX- you like hip hop right? Dissent.
Cain- I believe you are a Voltaire fan IIRC. Dissent (to the point of exile. twice)
Hunter- Just read the handle. Dissent.

Art that dosen't have that is usually not as good. Sure, many good observations are made. Shakespeare sonnets about love, or a Frost poem about trees. Good? Yes.
Good as seeing Rage whip up a bunch of angry youths? No. That's power and beauty.
how much better does the art have to get before everybody gets to relax?
neat hell

hunter s.durden

When is the last time society relaxed?
Not in our life times.

There will always be dissent.  :x is in charge. :x pisses off  :-D.  :-D fights back.

End 1-  :x wins.  :-D is absorbed.  :| gets mad, revolts.
End 2-  :-D wins.  :x is absorbed.  :| gets mad, revolts.
This space for rent.


Early 90s, I would think.

Of course, I was alot younger, but it did seem throughout the nineties that many problems that could happen were a fair way off and that things were getting better.


Quote from: hunter s.durden on February 05, 2007, 11:24:37 PM
When is the last time society relaxed?
Not in our life times.
thats for dam sure

but it must have happened at some point else we wouldnt be looking for it

Quote from: hunter s.durden on February 05, 2007, 11:24:37 PM
There will always be dissent.  :x is in charge. :x pisses off  :-D.  :-D fights back.

End 1-  :x wins.  :-D is absorbed.  :| gets mad, revolts.
End 2-  :-D wins.  :x is absorbed.  :| gets mad, revolts.

i dig what youre saying

but as this process progresses, the playing board isnt even able to support the game anymore

so clearly there is another element in the mix

a cross between  8-) :mrgreen: :lulz:

there is reason to believe dissent isnt necessary
neat hell


Quotebut it must have happened at some point else we wouldnt be looking for it
no one is ever satisfied, but there are moments of tranquility, its a pretty strait forward cycle.

things were better in the old days.
things now are terrible.
I hope things in prove.

in retrospect there are elements that stand out and make everything seem better, but there is no need for anyone to have ever actually say "I am content with this at the moment."

Hell maybe it is time to say it, as an average Joe in Ireland I am satisfied with what I have. I live in a country that pretty much anyone can go to college if they want, that if they get sick the health care is great, tv shows have a few good things at the moment, ads are getting worse, music I cant identify with but I have the older stuff still, women are pretty much available whenever I need if I put the effort into it.
from our spot things seem pretty good, I hope it lasts. I hope things get better for you in the states.

radical change could improve things, maybe not. whoever takes over wont please everyone but they might improve peoples lifestyles a bit for a temporary time. As long as people don't agree on everything it can only ever be temporary.

for anyone in charge to avoid a revolution; find something that works pretty well, then as much as possible remove the imbalance by making it harder for radicals to form that could upset the balance and oust you. anyone who figures out that this is what you are doing has to be let in on it and recruited.


i see where you are getting at

but that seems a lot like a 'close your eyes and sweep it under the carpet' approach

are you satisfied? or well-stimulated?
neat hell


more of a realistic view, its not close your eyes, I just don't believe in a perfect solution that will work with everyone indefinitely, and that because it is only transient and gone in a few years it should be made work as well as possible rather then constantly slated(I DONT mean criticism, anything valid is needed) and actively hampered (with the exception of governments and the issue of war. I disagree totally with the concept and would rather leave then be part of a nation that uses it).

Our country remains vaguely neutral, I am not well stimulated, and I am terribly lonely and fairly poor, but I find what I have and what is available to me, adequate. Irish government is corrupt, but they are constantly ousted and replaced by similar but less corrupt ones.

Most people are taken care of here. If a homeless beggar were dying he gets medical care, goes a long way for my view of what I am provided with.
Theres bits I would change here and there, but Irish government for the moment, is providing, yes I guess I am satisfied for now.


sounds pretty reasonable

it stands to reason that there is some tolerable locations on the globe right now

if heard rumors that belize is nice

also prague

but the one thing that keeps being made clear is that whatever the 'thing' is that is constantly demanding production on this planet is not going to stop until every cow has been milked

preventative measures

the cycle does stop when this place is unable to sustain the cycle

as has been said before:

america will come to YUO
neat hell


I recognise this guys work from the ps2 game Guitar Hero 2

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark


I see his stuff around Boston all the time. Good shit.

As far as whether he made a difference to The Machine,Ñ¢, maybe not on a global-cultural scale, but to quite a few people on the street, he made them laugh & think.  My favorite was when he figured out how to open up the advert frames on the train, and did the "OBEY" poster to fill the car.  Best commute ever.