
It's not laughter if you're just going through the muscle movements you remember from the times you actually gave a fuck.

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Started by Thurnez Isa, December 29, 2006, 04:11:55 PM

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Thurnez Isa

as long as he doesn't know its you

please say you didn't use your email
Through me the way to the city of woe, Through me the way to everlasting pain, Through me the way among the lost.
Justice moved my maker on high.
Divine power made me, Wisdom supreme, and Primal love.
Before me nothing was but things eternal, and eternal I endure.
Abandon all hope, you who enter here.



Of course I did.  It wouldn't mean anything if it wasn't from me.

Triple Zero

update on the goatse thing, i just got from the ha.ckers blog

Quote from: syberghostApril 10th, 2007 at 5:49 am

I’m looking at the Senate site, and it looks to me like this was passed in the House, placed on the Senate calendar in July of last year, and has not had any action since.

Which means it’s not law.

so, that's good. a reply was: "time to write our congressmen, I guess."
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



I really hope that during this discussion, they have to show the actual image in Congress

Shibboleet The Annihilator

Wouldn't it be better of it stayed off of their radar and was forgotten? Is this attached to another bill or something?

Triple Zero

i dunno, i'm hardly the expert on american politics law passing stuff.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.


Thurnez Isa

Quote from: triple zero on April 11, 2007, 04:49:36 PM
i dunno, i'm hardly the expert on american politics law passing stuff.

Thats how you prevent debate
you attach your bill to something like "Flag's for Orphans" - something you would look like a careless idiot to vote against
we try to do the same thing here, but Canada is a little behind the political times
Through me the way to the city of woe, Through me the way to everlasting pain, Through me the way among the lost.
Justice moved my maker on high.
Divine power made me, Wisdom supreme, and Primal love.
Before me nothing was but things eternal, and eternal I endure.
Abandon all hope, you who enter here.


Shibboleet The Annihilator

Yep, that's about how it goes. Pretty fucking infuriating.

Also, seeing the house's reaction to goatse would be fecking hilarious.


Shut the fuck up Ted.

Also, needs more tentacles.


Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."

Thurnez Isa

"Filipinos crucify themselves on Good Friday

CUTUD, Philippines (Reuters) - More than a dozen Filipinos were nailed to crosses and scores more whipped their backs into a bloody pulp on Friday in a gory ritual to mark the death of Jesus Christ.

The voluntary crucifixions in the northern Philippines were the most extreme displays of religious devotion in this mainly Catholic country, where millions are praying and fasting ahead of the Easter weekend.

In the small village of Cutud, about 80 km (50 miles) north of Manila, seven men cried out as nails the size of pencils were driven into their hands and feet before they were hoisted up in the scorching heat.

Up to 20,000 people watched the spectacle, which has grown from a village production started in 1962 to a media and tourist attraction copied in other parts of the country.

The atmosphere was festive, with hawkers selling beer, ice-cream and souvenir whips. Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" blared out from speakers before the penitents approached the crosses.

"I don't like the festivities. It should have been more solemn," said Pauline, a tourist from Poland, but added: "I believe in the sincerity of the volunteers, it was very moving."

Local travel agents offered overnight packages for curious visitors and VIPs watched from a specially elevated "viewing platform."

For hours before the crucifixions, lines of men, hooded and half naked, flayed their backs with bamboo whips and paddles tipped with broken glass. Blood splattered over the road.

The country's dominant Catholic Church disapproves of the crucifixions and flagellations as a misrepresentation of the faith.

But participants, many of whom have been nailed multiple times, say they do it as a sacrifice for their families.

A priest from Bangladesh said the ritual was a wonderful experience.

"Through this, faith can be solidified. I was very touched by it," said Father Robert Gonsalves, who is studying in the Philippines.

Some foreigners have previously been crucified including a Belgian nun and a Japanese man, who later allowed footage of his ordeal to be used in a pornographic film.

No one has ever died during the rituals."
Through me the way to the city of woe, Through me the way to everlasting pain, Through me the way among the lost.
Justice moved my maker on high.
Divine power made me, Wisdom supreme, and Primal love.
Before me nothing was but things eternal, and eternal I endure.
Abandon all hope, you who enter here.



One by one, we break the sheep from their Iron Bar Prisons and expand their imaginations, make them think for themselves. In turn, they break more from their prisons. Eventually, critical mass is reached. Our key word: Resolve. Evangelize with compassion and determination. And realize that there will be few in the beginning. We are hand picking our successors. They are the future of Discordianism. Let us guide our future with intelligence.

     --Reverse Brainwashing: A Guide

6.5 billion Buddhas walking around.

99.xxxxxxx% forgot they are Buddha.

Shibboleet The Annihilator



The Humble Farmer gets muzzled.  He's this guy on the MPBN radio network who hosts a weekly jazz program.  He has the classic Maine/Downeast accent and has a sort of dry sense of humor.  (You'd understand why I like the guy).  Apparently he made some "political" comments relating to the Bush administration and so the MPBN trustees told him to tone it down.  So, he has quit the banter alltogether and is only announcing song titles. 

Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Good on him.  Fuck their censorship.


Kind of dispells the whole notion of Public Radio being part of the "liberal media"
Apparently MPBN has gotten a flurry of e-mails from angry listeners.  I think I should fire one off as well. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.