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And On and On (part II)

Started by LHX, April 25, 2007, 04:26:55 PM

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with a brief recap:

some people want to change these things they perceive as being bad / unfortunate / unnecessary / lamentable
only to discover that it is not possible
-- and not 'not possible' from a pessimistic point of view - but rather due to the physical nature of the situation which we are experiencing --

i spoke of the necessity for a person to have first-hand experience in learning the pitfalls of their ways and actions
and it holds true

you can explain to the slanderer why it is bad to slander
the slanderer will not stop until he is slandering somebody who happens to over-hear and subsequently beats the ass of the slanderer

you can explain to the murderer why it is bad to murder
the murderer will not stop until he experiences facing the unnecessary extermination of his own life (contrasted with the body's impulse to stay alive)

you can explain to the glutton why it is bad to be gluttonous
he will not change his ways and actions until he can feel the strain he has put on his system

you can explain to the oblivious north american how their way of life will come at great personal expense
he will not change his approach until it is clear - tangibly clear - that he is in too deep

i talked about people here having been thru some sort of apocalypse already
my intent was not to coin a new term - but rather to acknowledge that there seems to be a trend here that people already know what it is like to have been 'in too deep'

a lot of what is detailed here on these boards is a series of observations of people who have managed to crawl out of having been in too deep (and/or observations made along the way of trying to navigate toward a better place)

that being said
this suggests that over the upcoming years - we will be forced to sit back and observe as everybody goes thru the same thing
possibly en masse

thats what apocalypse is all about right?
mass judgment according to the laws of the universe

those physical laws

which means that everybody who bases their lives on illusions or false principles or anything that doesnt actually exist will eventually be called to task as 'real life' situations present themselves and they find themselves abandoned by the illusion that they had been relying on

dont get it twisted -
we are going to observe these things

- the marketing campaigns get stronger
- the entertainment industry gets better
- more drugs allow people to get thru more situations without reconciling the real cause of the situation
- adolescents going thru a stage of vulnerability will be turning to the internet and they will find themselves swallowed up by social networking sites (and all of the subsequent implications of this)
- we will continue leading a consumptive lifestyle
- we will continue extracting from resources without giving the time to allow resources to recover
- etc

and although we have found reason enough to consider these things and attempt to either a) prepare or b) avoid
it is becoming clear as day that b) is not an option
and it has nothing to do with a lack of effort

it is not possible to deliver peace of mind to a person who is chasing property

in the upcoming years - the most that can be done is to make the information available
and prepare it in a way that is most palatable

prepare the vegetables as best you can without turning it into a dessert

deliver the rice - but resist turning it into rice pudding just because they are crying for it

the lamentable aspects of this are clear -
- observing loved ones fall apart in ways that seem to have been unnecessary
- being forced to be amongst those who wear themselves out while stiving for that which is non-existant
- observing the decay of future generations

the positive aspects are also in abundance
- the number of people that come to these understandings will increase
- we have the means by which to stay connected and avoid being swallowed (again) by this social decline
- this wild times will result in some tremendously creative art as people search for answers
- while everybody else is panicking and losing their shit - we will prolly be able to sleep a bit better and hold our shit together

it is quite possible that i am talking out my ass when i say it is not possible to change the direction of a system that is carrying the momentum of 7 billion people

000 or SillyCybin may have come up with some sort of weather-control technique that would allow us to threaten some densely-populated areas with bad weather until they start seeing things differently
as i sit here and crunch the numbers
i think it would be unnecessarily cruel to maintain any illusions of stretching beyond our grasp

that being said - i am going to pause again because i have to think about what is within reach

the objective is to not be oppressed by a oppressive system
not becoming a part of the oppressive element
encouraging the components of the system not to be oppressive and contribute to the exploitation
providing support to those who have made some observations about the nature of things but dont know how to act on it
acknowledging the absurdity of the situation

hopefully i can bring this home in one more post -
neat hell

Triple Zero

Quote from: LHX on April 25, 2007, 04:26:55 PM000 or SillyCybin may have come up with some sort of weather-control technique that would allow us to threaten some densely-populated areas with bad weather until they start seeing things differently

? we are?

SC, we should get to work.

also, LHX, about this personal apocalypse stuff, (i'm not sure if i've had mine yet--prolly in the middle of it, it sure is a grind), one important point is that on this board, there seems to be a great variety of different personal apocalypses. it's the variety that makes for a healthy ecosystem, perhaps also on this board.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



I read revelations - The Omen bits. Struck a chord. I mapped my experience onto it as closely as I could. In hindsight, having done so I saw how a lot of other peoples documented experiences could also be mapped onto it. This investigation, by it's nature, showed up other descriptions than the biblical one, to which my own and the others could all be mapped, with greater or lesser correspondence in each case.

Of all of them my favourite so far has been zen. Not proper, authentic, really real zen, what you have to go through centuries of oriental upbringing and then study in a temple or some shit. I'm talking about one book "The little book of Zen" and a collection of quotes with introductions on themes, called "Zen Soup"

I'm a couple of paragraphs short of an ignoramus, tho, so I have read lots of heavy stuff too, just not much eastern stuff, Tao te Ching, ROTK, a few others but that's as far as it goes. The way I looked at it the ones that made most sense to me came from western traditions and that godawful Hebraic crap they used to condition my paradigm. Stood to reason that studying the stuff would afford me opportunity to take it to bits.

In studying it I gained a greater respect for it. Behind the superfluousness of the propaganda content there was a systematic, almost mathematical language of formulae and metaphor. Lot of that shit I applied, built myself a disparate little humdrum machine, outta little bits of all and sundry and liberal dowsings in shit I just made up on the fly. A paradigm interface, if you like. It aint the finely honed machine of those famous secret adepts and masters you read so much about. Mine is more a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or a 'Tardis', all held together with bits of frayed string and chewing gum, give it a kick to start it and hope it doesn't go splodey at the completely wrong time.

No one has the power to break the laws of physics but everyone has the power to break their own mind. Some may have the ability to break your mind for you, tear your paradigm down and erect something wierd in it's place. Even worse, leave only rubble and force you to rebuild.

It's hell but you gotta go there to appreciate heaven competely. All my heroes only got to be heroes cos bad shit happened to them.

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark