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Fashion Design: Steampunk

Started by Kaienne, September 25, 2007, 06:51:14 AM

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Shibboleet The Annihilator

Quote from: Kaienne on September 25, 2007, 03:43:21 PM
Quote from: LMNO on September 25, 2007, 03:28:40 PM
Holy fuck, you're worse than a LARP-er.

Oh God, not a LARPer! That's the worst insult you could possibly call me! O, how now I see the error of my ways, thanks to and only because of you applying to me a label belonging to a subculture that is easy to discriminate against because of their enjoyment in putting attention to detail into something they love! Oh God, why did I ever dare to not be normal?!
I'm gonna go out and buy a set of GAP clothes and get a desk job, right now! Thank you, LMNO! You've saved my life!


Shibboleet The Annihilator

Quote from: Kaienne on September 25, 2007, 06:10:49 PM
Quote from: Cthulhu's Squidling on September 25, 2007, 06:05:42 PM
you still didnt answer my question

chick or dude?

and i see so much of this "steampunk" thing around here(although they just drop it in a "goth" or "industrial" category), it isnt anything new to me. no matter what, when you think youre doing something unique and new and being an individual... theres a whole group of people doing the exact same thing.

so..... chick or dude and are you the same person with the cat ear avatar (who i thought was a chick)

I'm biomale, yeah. You can refer to me by whatever pronoun you prefer. I gave the cat ears (and tail) away awhile ago, got bored of them.
Usually when I see goths, cybergoths, or even rivetheads, their outfits are usually really well-kept and sleek and stuff, whereas I wanted to go for a more rags-and-patches feel.

ITT I call


Quote from: Kaou Suu on September 26, 2007, 01:20:54 AM
Being Canadian is not an excuse. There's alternatives I'm sure. (Hot Topic IS owned by Gap..)

And for the record, just do some research before pompously asserting that you're part of a certain fashion stereotype.

Pompously asserting...?
They're CLOTHES. MOTHERFUCKING PEICES OF CLOTH. Rags, damnit! Why do you give this much of a shit?!
In a constant state of losing The Game.



- So the New World Order does not actually exist?
- Oh it exists, and how!
Ask the slaves whose labour built the White House;
Ask the slaves of today tied down to sweatshops and brothels to escape hunger;
Ask most women, second class citizens, in a pervasive rape culture;
Ask the non-human creatures who inhabit the planet:
whales, bears, frogs, tuna, bees, slaughtered farm animals;
Ask the natives of the Americas and Australia on whose land
you live today, on whose graves your factories, farms and neighbourhoods stand;
ask any of them this, ask them if the New World Order is true;
they'll tell you plainly: the New World Order... is you!


Quote from: Kaienne on September 26, 2007, 02:23:47 AM
Quote from: Kaou Suu on September 26, 2007, 01:20:54 AM
Being Canadian is not an excuse. There's alternatives I'm sure. (Hot Topic IS owned by Gap..)

And for the record, just do some research before pompously asserting that you're part of a certain fashion stereotype.

Pompously asserting...?
They're CLOTHES. MOTHERFUCKING PEICES OF CLOTH. Rags, damnit! Why do you give this much of a shit?!

You created the thread and asked for our opinions. You got our opinions. And, if you are so into the way that you look, why are you getting so aggravated when you don't like what we have to say?

Therefore, the question here should be, why do YOU give this much of a shit?!

Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."

Sir Squid Diddimus

Suu shows her "fashion ed" ITT

i dont know what the hell these kids are calling all this crap these days.
all i know is i like some of it but im too damned old to pull it off and it pisses me off.
makes me wanna yell "hey you kids get off my lawn"  :argh!:

awe wait..... that makes me sad.


Quote from: LMNO on September 25, 2007, 02:49:25 PM

If those pics are an accurate representation, you seem to be sporting an "industrial gutterpunk" look.

Also, I'm a little worried as to what you must smell like.

You may have answered the question about the smell in your own post.

I am the result of 13.75 ± 0.13 billion years of random chance. Now that I exist I see no reason to start planning and organizing everything in my life.

Random dumb luck got me here, random dumb luck will get me to where I'm going.

Hail Eris!


Quote from: Cthulhu's Squidling on September 25, 2007, 06:05:42 PM
you still didnt answer my question

chick or dude?

Though it's possible this question has been answered (sztill working through the thread) I'm going to say the evidence points to dude.



I am the result of 13.75 ± 0.13 billion years of random chance. Now that I exist I see no reason to start planning and organizing everything in my life.

Random dumb luck got me here, random dumb luck will get me to where I'm going.

Hail Eris!


Quote from: Kaienne on September 25, 2007, 03:23:06 PM

The word Steampunk describes the world setting in which things that are adjective to it appear.

You keep using that word.  I do not think it means what you think it means.

I am the result of 13.75 ± 0.13 billion years of random chance. Now that I exist I see no reason to start planning and organizing everything in my life.

Random dumb luck got me here, random dumb luck will get me to where I'm going.

Hail Eris!


Quote from: LMNO on September 25, 2007, 06:03:15 PM
Anyway, back to the OP.

Apparently, Steampunk is also a term used for retrofitting modern technology to look more like an antique:

Which I think is pretty damn cool, Kai's fashion sense notwithstanding.

These images are people engaged in steampunk fashion:

Kaienne looks like he should be hanging out with these guys:


I am the result of 13.75 ± 0.13 billion years of random chance. Now that I exist I see no reason to start planning and organizing everything in my life.

Random dumb luck got me here, random dumb luck will get me to where I'm going.

Hail Eris!



I am the result of 13.75 ± 0.13 billion years of random chance. Now that I exist I see no reason to start planning and organizing everything in my life.

Random dumb luck got me here, random dumb luck will get me to where I'm going.

Hail Eris!


We've already established that yes, J did in fact have my wires crossed. J've had the game Fallout (perhaps erroneously) and the manga Trigun described to me as Steampunk, and J mistook the common desert/wasteland theme to be a tenet of the genre. Sufficient evidence has been presented to me ITT to realize my mistake.

PopeTom: J've only been on hormones for two months, give it another four and J'll be up to a nice, full B-cup. A year from now J'll be up to a C. Also; those people rock my socks. Also also; dibs on seconds.

Suu: "[D]o some research before pompously asserting that you're part of a certain fashion stereotype" is not an opinion, it is a command, and a rude and undiplomatic one at that. You've pointed out that J was wrong, and J acknowledged it. You won, you can stop being a sandy cunt now. My incredulousness was more geared towards the brazenness of how you said it, not what you said.
In a constant state of losing The Game.


Quote from: Kaienne on September 26, 2007, 09:12:21 AM
We've already established that yes, J did in fact have my wires crossed. J've had the game Fallout (perhaps erroneously) and the manga Trigun described to me as Steampunk, and J mistook the common desert/wasteland theme to be a tenet of the genre. Sufficient evidence has been presented to me ITT to realize my mistake.

I work at night so miss a lot of the action that goes on here during the day.  I'm not affraid to get my kicks in even after an issue has been resolved.

Quote from: Kaienne on September 26, 2007, 09:12:21 AM
Suu: "[D]o some research before pompously asserting that you're part of a certain fashion stereotype" is not an opinion, it is a command, and a rude and undiplomatic one at that.

Bet you would have a different attitude if she barked those orders at you in her Imperial Officer uniform.

I am the result of 13.75 ± 0.13 billion years of random chance. Now that I exist I see no reason to start planning and organizing everything in my life.

Random dumb luck got me here, random dumb luck will get me to where I'm going.

Hail Eris!


Quote from: Kaou Suu on September 26, 2007, 01:20:54 AM
Being Canadian is not an excuse. There's alternatives I'm sure. (Hot Topic IS owned by Gap..)

I believe this is an Urban myth, however it is a good one to use on those that frequent Hot Topic.