
That line from the father's song in Mary Poppins, where he's going on about how nothing can go wrong, in Britain in 1910.  That's about the point I realized the boy was gonna die in a trench.

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Indecision 08 Wingnut thread

Started by Cain, June 26, 2008, 05:22:20 PM

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This is the thread where we can document and laugh at all the current wingnuttery and tin foil hattery over the 2008 elections.

For example:

Over at Free Republic, they're investigating the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Scandal.

What scandal? They don't seem to know yet, but confidence is fairly high that something will turn up. Here's one essai:

QuoteI belive the reason [Barack Obama] won't release [his birth certificate] is because it lists his full name including the firstname of Barry, not Barack, and lists him as caucasian, not african.

He's worked awfully hard (changing his name to something african sounding and calling himself black, instead of white or mixed) to further his career. He's not about to have that all blown up by the truth that he's just as much white as black.

Um, yeah. Or maybe the doctor's signature trails off and reads "Aieee!" and the document is spattered with human blood. Also, be warned that we mean 'kerners' in the literal sense. A scanned copy of the document was released earlier this month (on Daily Kos and at least one other liberal site), and here's where that's been going:

QuoteThe typeface on [a sample birth certificate from Hawaii, the 'Decosta image,'] is much darker and thicker, and has less kerning (spacing between the letters), than the Obama image. Moreover, the color of the green paper comes through almost all of the letters regardless of magnification or image compression.

By comparison, you will not see the grey and white pixels found between the letters on the Obama image.

When you enlarge the letters in the Decosta image, they all tend to remain solid, especially letters like "I, L, B, E, H," that continue to look the same no matter how large you make them. Conversely, when you enlarge the letters in the Obama image, they start to fall apart — that is, they start losing pixels. This is exactly what happens to bitmapped text created by a graphics program.

OK, now let's compare the borders of both images.

In the Obama image — or, should I say, "images," because the edges of the vertical borders in the Kos image overlap the horizontal ones, whereas the...

People have asked why I'm so fascinated by the right wing in America. I believe this goes some way toward answering the question.


I was going to shop something saying he's secretly white...but I found this instead.

It's all fun and games, till someone gets herpes.

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Oh its fascinating, until you have to live and work and play with those fuckers. I actually had to explain to half my D&D group that neither Obama nor Hillary are Communists nor Fascists.  *d4 to the forebrain*
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson


What's really funny is that this is a carbon copy of the smears the Ron Paul crowd tried on McCain - saying that being born in Panama meant he wasn't a naturalized citizen so he couldn't run for President. 

Iason Ouabache

It's probably a good thing that they are preoccupied with Obama's birth certificate.  They are wasting time trying to find fnords instead of doing something productive like actually campaigning for McCain.
You cannot fathom the immensity of the fuck i do not give.
┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘


Its kind of like throwing everything and seeing what sticks - only carried out by retards.

Also, Sadly No! is an incredible source of far-right wingnuts having the piss taken out of them, and now on my daily reading list.  They have even more snark than these forums can contain.


Quote from: Ratatosk on June 26, 2008, 05:30:41 PM
Oh its fascinating, until you have to live and work and play with those fuckers. I actually had to explain to half my D&D group that neither Obama nor Hillary are Communists nor Fascists.  *d4 to the forebrain*

ugh I know what you mean.  Last year I worked for a christian preschool...   :x :x :x
It's all fun and games, till someone gets herpes.


The big problem is that there are always morons out there to spread the shit.

Case in point: A friend of mine is slowly turning into a republican conservative.  When I go and visit him, he actually uses Hannity and Limbaugh as citations and references.

He actually tried to say that if Obama became president, he would put Hillary on the Supreme Court.  And no, he wasn't joking.


Quote from: LMNO on June 26, 2008, 06:39:14 PM
The big problem is that there are always morons out there to spread the shit.

Case in point: A friend of mine is slowly turning into a republican conservative.  When I go and visit him, he actually uses Hannity and Limbaugh as citations and references.

He actually tried to say that if Obama became president, he would put Hillary on the Supreme Court.  And no, he wasn't joking.

your friend isn't my father by any chance is he?
It's all fun and games, till someone gets herpes.



I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the people who STILL support Hillary Clinton are batshit insane:

The bell has tolled: The American Prospect has a hard-edged piece today on Larry Johnson's rise and fall as a liberal hero. Alas, Johnson.

There's a bit more to say, though. The problem wasn't just that Larry went so hard for Hillary Clinton that he began crediting nasty right-wing smears against other candidates: A lot of other liberal bloggers fell into the same trap, to some extent or another, and indeed some of them did us the courtesy of swinging by and going apeshit in comments, where it at least jazzed up our otherwise creaky and threadbare act. The problem seems more in the fact that Johnson is the sort of guy who experiences argument as affront — one of those forceful but brittle people we've all encountered who, if you tell them they're doing something that drives you crazy, will feel compelled to double down and do it even harder, just to prove (perhaps to themselves) that you can't tell them what to say or do.

The Prospect piece covers Larry's mongering of the Michelle Obama 'whitey' rumor, but even that isn't such a big deal in itself. A lot of wack narratives and mudclot rumors were slung around during the Democratic primary this season, and as we've seen with Corrente, Talk Left, and most of the other heavy-hitting Clinton sites, folks have tended to forget their differences pretty quickly since June 3rd, when no doubt remained as to who would be the Democratic nominee. What's become a bigger deal is that as the complaints and protests mounted against the bogus 'whitey' thing and other such anti-Obama rumoroids and memelets, Johnson upped the rancor. He kept it up even after Clinton suspended her campaign, and even now shows no sign of stopping. His advocacy is, in short, an activity no longer coupled to cause-and-effect, to a rational sense of outcome. It has become the obsessive work of a Clinton cargo cultist, a bitter-ender, a retailer of spite.

Johnson's latest idée fixe has been an as-yet-unspecified scandal believed to be encoded in a JPEG scan of a copy of Obama's birth certificate — a field of inquiry in which his efforts have exactly paralleled those of the far-right Freeper crazies. In fact you can read the former piece, a stupendously ding-whoop, yar-yar investigative cowflop emitted by Johnson's co-blogger TexasDarlin, either at Johnson's No Quarter site, or at Free Republic. A comparison of the comments at the two sites is guaranteed to make you wonder who's on which side, and why. Try it and see if you don't come away lightheaded yet crushingly sober. Who are these people?

An irony that often attends upon characters like Larry Johnson (i.e. spooks and related personality types) is that they can be genuinely stunned and hurt when opinion turns against them. The irony dwells in the fact that their professional-issue, otherwise adaptive touch of narcissism can lead them to engage in provocative, chaos-seeking behavior, firstly without realizing that they're doing it, and secondly without realizing that they're doing it specifically to make people react. Sometimes this leads to gems and riches, as when Johnson hilariously left cranky notes in David Brooks's mailbox. Sometimes, though, it just makes you want to crawl under the bed until the yeek goes away. Note to Johnson: It's dusty under here; please just stop.

Also, if anyone's in the mood to stare into the heart of the sun, there's a movement building in the Clinton-or-else cargo cult that leaves behind even Lambert of Corrente, one of the most grudging of hatchet-buryers:

QuoteThe prog-bloggers kept shouting: Go! Go! Leave us, Clintonistas! This is OUR party now. Get out out OUT!

    So out we went.

    And we ain't coming back soon.

    [...] We will not forgive those who bigot-baited us simply because we refuse to doublethink our way around the Lightbringer's nonstop lies.

    We have only one way to cleanse the party of Moulitsas, Stassinopoulos, Aravosis, Marshall, Obama, Axelrod, Plouffe, Dean, Brazile and all those other pieces of subhuman sewage. We must make sure that Obama fails — either in August (very unlikely) or in November (more likely) or, if need be, in his presidency.

    After that, and only after that, comes unity. On our terms.

There's a larger (and I think more interesting) story here, but what's striking at the moment is how quickly, in this Internet age, dunces can organize into confederacies.

Kurt Christ

So the Democrats are getting reaady for a good, old-fashioned, party purge?
Ready the gulags!
Formerly known as the Space Pope (then I was excommunicated), Father Kurt Christ (I was deemed unfit to raise children, spiritual or otherwise), and Vartox (the speedo was starting to chafe)


Cain's House of Wingnuttery: guaranteed to bring you the best in internet insanity.


I've actually taken to getting my election information from Fox News. Their bias, at least, is blatant and reliable, so I can just read between the lines. With CNN, I don't really know what they're trying to do sometimes.

And bloggers don't know anything.

Fredfredly ⊂(◉‿◉)つ

except cain. he knows everything.