
"Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed." - Jesus

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Knock It Off

Started by Cainad (dec.), October 10, 2008, 12:15:20 AM

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Cainad (dec.)

Find something else to do. You degenerate little fuckshits are a disgrace to our already pathetic generation. Seriously, there are woods nearby to go do this shit in. Why are you baking your brains out in the goddamn room where people have called the cops on you twice already? Do you not realize that they put us on "The List" after the first time you got in trouble?

Apologizing in advance doesn't get me back those lost hours of sleep, nor does it safeguard your dignity. You may receive the blessing of blackouts, but I see you all with sober eyes. I see your stupidity with eyes clearer than the vodka you pump down your stomachs every third night. I remember the shit that goes down.

I fell asleep with the words "Beer pong" and "Captain Morgan" in my ears. I awoke a few hours later to the sounds of our already ridiculously fractious social network breaking asunder. A thunderstorm of drunken rants, freakouts, and hurt feelings swept through here last night, the likes of which I have never seen. Granted, I am inexperienced in these matters, but if this is what it's like when you don't have class the next day during nice weather, what will winter be like?

No, seriously, what will it be like? When there's nothing to do, you will turn to the bottle, the blunt, and the bong. We'll all be stir-crazy, sick of each other, and restless. If this madness can happen when the weather's still nice, I shudder to think what will happen in the coming months.

But I shudder with laughter. Mad, unrestrained laughter. Behold the one true Divine Comedy; the self-destruction of Tomorrow's Leaders! The setup will go on and on, and my guts shall bleed with the chuckles as I anticipate the grotesque punchline.

Then someone will die. Though I've felt like killing some of you in the delerious haze of sleeplessness, it will not be me who puts an end to that poor soul's life. It seems like half of you have drunk yourselves nearly to alcohol poisoning; I have no reason to believe that you will stop or begin to regulate yourselves. Someone will die.

And no one will laugh. In retrospect, I will think, it wasn't a very funny joke at all.

Oh well.

Golden Applesauce

Quote from: Cainad on October 10, 2008, 12:15:20 AM
Find something else to do. You degenerate little fuckshits are a disgrace to our already pathetic generation. Seriously, there are woods nearby to go do this shit in. Why are you baking your brains out in the goddamn room where people have called the cops on you twice already? Do you not realize that they put us on "The List" after the first time you got in trouble?

Apologizing in advance doesn't get me back those lost hours of sleep, nor does it safeguard your dignity. You may receive the blessing of blackouts, but I see you all with sober eyes. I see your stupidity with eyes clearer than the vodka you pump down your stomachs every third night. I remember the shit that goes down.

I fell asleep with the words "Beer pong" and "Captain Morgan" in my ears. I awoke a few hours later to the sounds of our already ridiculously fractious social network breaking asunder. A thunderstorm of drunken rants, freakouts, and hurt feelings swept through here last night, the likes of which I have never seen. Granted, I am inexperienced in these matters, but if this is what it's like when you don't have class the next day during nice weather, what will winter be like?

No, seriously, what will it be like? When there's nothing to do, you will turn to the bottle, the blunt, and the bong. We'll all be stir-crazy, sick of each other, and restless. If this madness can happen when the weather's still nice, I shudder to think what will happen in the coming months.

But I shudder with laughter. Mad, unrestrained laughter. Behold the one true Divine Comedy; the self-destruction of Tomorrow's Leaders! The setup will go on and on, and my guts shall bleed with the chuckles as I anticipate the grotesque punchline.

Then someone will die. Though I've felt like killing some of you in the delerious haze of sleeplessness, it will not be me who puts an end to that poor soul's life. It seems like half of you have drunk yourselves nearly to alcohol poisoning; I have no reason to believe that you will stop or begin to regulate yourselves. Someone will die.

And no one will laugh. In retrospect, I will think, it wasn't a very funny joke at all.

Oh well.


Wallpaper your dorm's hallways with this.  (anonymously, of course.)  4 AM on Tues/Wed mornings tends to work.
Q: How regularly do you hire 8th graders?
A: We have hired a number of FORMER 8th graders.

Iason Ouabache

Quote from: GA on October 10, 2008, 02:13:40 AM

Wallpaper your dorm's hallways with this.  (anonymously, of course.)  4 AM on Tues/Wed mornings tends to work.

Nobody likes passive/agressive pansies.  I say he needs to find a bullhorn and let everyone know how he feels. 
You cannot fathom the immensity of the fuck i do not give.
┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘

Cainad (dec.)

And besides, I'm the one who complains about sleep loss the most. They'd know it was me.


Quote from: Iason Ouabache on October 10, 2008, 02:15:36 AM
Quote from: GA on October 10, 2008, 02:13:40 AM

Wallpaper your dorm's hallways with this.  (anonymously, of course.)  4 AM on Tues/Wed mornings tends to work.

Nobody likes passive/agressive pansies.  I say he needs to find a bullhorn and let everyone know how he feels. 

Also, he needs to wear long whit robes, unkemp (!) his hair and spread ashes on his face while delivering this monologue at the top of his voice directly into the faces of the people he is addressing. Whilst they are stoned out of their gourds.

Dysfunctional Cunt

Did you ever ask for a dorm re-assignment?

Cainad (dec.)

Quote from: Khara on October 10, 2008, 03:06:27 PM
Did you ever ask for a dorm re-assignment?

Wednesday night was EVERYWHERE. Nowhere is safe.

Dysfunctional Cunt

Quote from: Cainad on October 10, 2008, 04:00:14 PM
Quote from: Khara on October 10, 2008, 03:06:27 PM
Did you ever ask for a dorm re-assignment?

Wednesday night was EVERYWHERE. Nowhere is safe.

It may have been everywhere, but I am sure there were many who didn't have the cops called on them.  You don't want to get involved in that shit on a legal level.  The fact that the police have been called is only going to help you get approval to move.


Isn't this what dorms are supposed to be like?
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman


Quote from: Hoopla on October 10, 2008, 06:56:42 PM
Isn't this what dorms are supposed to be like?

Unless you live in one of those "wellness" dorms.
Emotionally crippled narcissist.

Dysfunctional Cunt

Maybe I'm just a lot older, but while my dorm time was a bit insane, it was under control really fast.  The people who got the cops called on them were kicked out of the dorm and or the college.  There is no money back policy for tuition so thats a lot of money down the drain.  There also wasn't a he/she are the REAL culprits kind of conversation, the entire block was booted, and not all of them were shitfaced and running naked through the corridors.  It was a guilt by association thing.  Scared the rest of the building pretty straight, for a while....

I moved into an apartment as soon as I was allowed.  I figured if I was going to get in trouble I wanted to have done something to deserve it, not been a bystander to dorms gone wild!


Yeah, you need to move out soon if it's really this big of a problem, Cainad.  I mean, partying is part of the undergrad deal, but partying to the point of arrest and jailtime is not.  If the fuckheads you live with are headed down that path, you don't want to go down it with them by proxy.

I'm sure not every day and every night is like this, but if most are, then you should definitely seek another place to live.  Student boards around campus and craigslist are good places to see a room for rent if it comes down to that...

Either way, good luck, and awesome rant.  Try to keep your head and some sympathetic friends who let you crash out at their place when shit gets too heavy to be around/deal with chez toi.


REQUEST A ROOM CHANGE... or if you are in control of yourself, GTFO. or start to be a really annoying and nag on them constantly, soon enough they will make the decision for you.

or or or, adapt and stop letting it bother you.   study at a library.   

as long as you're getting a 4-5 hours of sleep at least, it shouldn't be too hard to handle.   if you're tired a short nap does wonders...   Hopefully you can get at least 3 nights a week with a full nights sleep...  I think the biggest hurdle is trying not to let the fact your night was interupted mindfuck you and give you an excuse to be an idle pissed off motherfucker for the rest of the day.

I know this doesn't really fucking matter but I get at least 5 hours of sleep a night...   weekends I get like 12 hours a night.   Through the week, I can get through the entire day without a nap, I get tired and sometimes nap when I'm being idle.  I only recently passed out in the early evening after a long day in the field only operating on 3 hours of glorious sleep.  *pats self on back.

anyways.   If you're in this environment because of the price, is the annoyance worth it?  can you start to deal with it, without being a pissed of motherfucker?  if not...   
REALLY real discordians

i wouldnt hurt a fly
:thumb: :kojak:


While I fully endorse napping as a means of catching up on some missed zzz's, /having/ to nap because your idiot roommates won't stfu long enough to let you sleep is definitely a different situation.
Emotionally crippled narcissist.


Quote from: Eve on October 11, 2008, 12:10:08 AM
While I fully endorse napping as a means of catching up on some missed zzz's, /having/ to nap because your idiot roommates won't stfu long enough to let you sleep is definitely a different situation.

but why Cainaad did you put yourself in such an environment, because is was cheap right?  well, maybe naps are the price you have to pay.   

How much sleep on average do you actually get Cainad?
If it is cheap living, I'm sure there are ways you can work around this annoyance and still manage to get through school with good grades...  MEH.

I'm not trying to be a jerk-off or anything, just hoping to help you see a different perspective that may help you get through this without the hassle of relocating...
I'd probably try to find someplace else to sleep because I would not feel comfortable sleeping while there are drunks in the house...  . anyways...
REALLY real discordians

i wouldnt hurt a fly
:thumb: :kojak: