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2 questions about Maybe Logic & Occam's Razor

Started by Triple Zero, January 26, 2007, 12:00:16 PM

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Well, shit.  In that case, I'm gonna keep using it.

-Likes to sound cool.


obviously - any approach that suggests to 'opt for the simplest solution' only holds weight when in a climate of immediacy when time is of the essence

AND can only be responsibly be used if prefaced by the possibility of error (MAYBE)

that being said - if you throw me $12 billion over 5 years - i will swallow all my current conclusions and come back to you in 5 years with a more thorough answer about whatever is in question

maybe part of the problem with studying logic is that these people rarely have their neck in the noose

after wittgenstein got back from the war - his writings were suddenly different

it was all concise and in numerical order as tho he was desperately trying to keep track of things

in layman's terms, the razor seems to be one of the rare circumstances where the formal study of logic tries to lend itself toward practicality

something you can take home and use
neat hell


There are a few interesting linguistic ways to put these principles into use. These tools are not perfect, but they sure as hell get you thinking and keep you clued in to alternate possibilities.

Try removing the word "need" from your vocabulary, since it is almost always conditional. It'll put you right in the driver's in terms of forcing you to acknowledge desires. You don't NEED to buy more toilet paper for the house -- you just REALLY WANT TO based on your cultural needs, hygiene habits, economic wealth, etc.

Try removing binaries of "good/bad" from your vocabulary, where actions, outcomes, and character traits are concerned. Replace them instead with "skillful" and "unskillful." It's not necessarily bad to lie -- but, considering the circumstances and possible consequences, it may or may not be unskillful. It may not be good for Steve Jobs to be an impetuous asshole, but it may or may not be skillful, depending. And when I rear-ended that soccer mom a few months ago? Well, it wasn't bad of me -- wasn't even entirely my responsibility. But I did some unskillful things that led to that outcome.

Reinforce your subjectivity when making critical assessments. Remind people that it's just your opinion. This is especially important for well-read, well-versed spags like us who tend to pre-meditate our opinions about things, and subsequently feel very confident expressing them verbally. Some people can read that confidence about our opinion as conviction that OUR OPINION IS THE CORRECT AND ONLY WAY. Which in turn makes us potentially look like hypocrites and idiots for conflating opinion with fact.

I'm bisexual, and that pretty much forces you to look at certain things on a continuum-based model rather than a binary model. The Kinsey Scale of sexual identification is a useful middle ground between binary sexuality definition and useless, "there-are-as-many-sexual-identities-as-there-are-people" uber-continuums.

Also, it's interesting to note that in Islam, whenever expressing a wish or hope or plan for the future, you preface it with "Insh'Allah" -- "if Allah wills it." All discussion of God/Allah aside, that's a pretty robust cultural acknowledgment that shit may not turn out the way you hope.

A friend and I developed a lot of these tools as Buddhist practices to develop mindfulness. It is AMAZING to me how well the dharma, Discordianism, and logic studies like the ones in this thread get along together.
Jesus. I leave for like a year and a half, and when I come back, it's like everything's different. What the fuck is this board -- ACTIVE or somethin'?
I'm a green Discordian. I don't eat the bun OR the hot dog.
Click here to read "All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace" by Richard Brautigan

Eater of Clowns

Wait, I think I've seen this one this where someone gets up and beats the shit out of everyone with a barstool?
Quote from: Pippa Twiddleton on December 22, 2012, 01:06:36 AM
EoC, you are the bane of my existence.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 07, 2014, 01:18:23 AM
EoC doesn't make creepy.

EoC makes creepy worse.

the afflicted persons get hold of and consume carrots even in socially quite unacceptable situations.

Golden Applesauce

Quote from: saturnine on October 18, 2008, 09:56:18 PM
Try removing the word "need" from your vocabulary, since it is almost always conditional. It'll put you right in the driver's in terms of forcing you to acknowledge desires. You don't NEED to buy more toilet paper for the house -- you just REALLY WANT TO based on your cultural needs, hygiene habits, economic wealth, etc.

Rather that drop 'need' from my vocabulary, I specify that something is needed as a prerequisite for something else.  As in, "I need to buy more toilet paper in order to continue to wipe my ass with it without begging, borrowing, or stealing any."  The act of tacking on everything you need to make a 'need' statement true is interesting in itself, and highlights alternative ways get what you "need."

Quote from: Eater of Clowns on October 20, 2008, 12:33:48 AM
Wait, I think I've seen this one this where someone gets up and beats the shit out of everyone with a barstool?

No, that thread is stickied up in Principia Discussions.
Q: How regularly do you hire 8th graders?
A: We have hired a number of FORMER 8th graders.