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Join me...

Started by Trollax, December 30, 2003, 10:39:06 AM

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That's it, just join me...

Join me is like a cult without the suicide pact...
A group without a purpose...
power without corruption

A lot like FNORD actually...

I bought the book today and it is fucking hillarious...

This guy is bored so he puts an add in the local newspaper just saying join me, with instructions to mail in a passport-sized photo... that's it...
nothing else

and then he ends up starting a cult... by accident

and it's all true!


Blue Bomber

The guy that runs the place is probably a grey alien in league with the Illuminati/Bank of Canada, and probably jerks off to the pictures on Fridays.

I'ma send one  :D !
----->Disturb not do.<-----
We of the newly forme(d)r nation of Sporkinsteinsylvaniaistan can handle cabbages any day.....Indulge in your thoughtcrime[/color]
Ma(s)te(r) of parent(hesis) (ab)use
Adopt an -imp, define a word and call it your own!


anyway this is a litterary thread so I may as well mention the book

found here

details are...

    Paperback: 320 pages
    Publisher: Ebury Press; (May 29, 2003)
    ISBN: 009188800X[/list:u]

    for those of you who like to oder in through bookstores...

Horab Fibslager

strangely enough, when i click on the canada site link, it sends em to the american site...
Hell is other people.


Yeah Danny Wallace, British Guy - Good friends with Dave Gorman, himself an enacter of many Erisian type things. He and Danny once went around the world trying to find 52 people with Dave's name.
Join Me is also very Discordian, they get you to perform one random act of kindness every friday.


Quote from: St. Trollax, ODD
anyway this is a litterary thread so I may as well mention the book

found here

for those of you who like to oder in through bookstores...

ASIN 009188800X does not exist in our catalog. Would you like to try your search again?



Quote from: St. Trollax, ODDThe new link is here

Oh. Okay. That's nice.


All Discordians are already members of join me - I did it for us all, but hey if you want to do it yourself - goosy.

I meant to type goody but I liked goosy soo much, that.... I kept it.


thanks. and you are?


I am Guest, the symbol of all things guesty,
nah I just can't be bothered to login.
Hmmm Guess the Guest, a good idea


Yes. I agree with guest. Do not confuse my guestlike qualities with guest's guestlike qualities, please.


Don't play that game guest. I was the original and you'll never take my place.

I am the real guest.


Sorta reminds me of Geno
1. e4             e5
2. Bc4           Bc5
3. Qf3           Ne7
4. Qxf7++


sigerm halkret meg tenibran kelfe zramt
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