
For my part, I've replaced optimism and believing the best of people by default with a grin and the absolute 100% certainty that if they cannot find a pig to fuck, they will buy some bacon and play oinking noises on YouTube.

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Rant X: Be Excellent to Each Other

Started by Trollax, June 09, 2004, 03:45:01 AM

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Rant X: Be Excellent to Each Other
I have had about enough of this shit from everyone in here. You want your discord and you want it all the one flavour, sounds oddly Geno-ish to me. The Editor of Nexus, Duncan Roads, once said to me that there are a million obscure publications that outsell his magazine, there are thousands of people who would love to buy it, but they,Äôve never heard of it. As a philosophical/religious/spiritual/irreligious/franchise Discordianism has the same problem, one that is only made worse by the fratricidal bitching that appears to be the flavour of the day. You want respect? Then give it. You want to be heard? Then participate. You want your own philosophical opinions to be considered fairly and evenly? Then don,Äôt pooh-pooh the ideology of other people. It may be a load of shit to you but it,Äôs as real as anything else to the person saying it.
Am I not Oldschool enough for some of you? Not serious enough? Not active enough? Then please let me delete my account and create a new one as a self-confessed Fundamentalist Christian and lazy bastard who only says: ,Äúwakka wakka wakka,Äù to everything. I am neither here to conform to you expectations nor ideology. If you want to hit me with a list of thou shalts and shalt nots, then I will floss your brain with my ass hairs.
Here,Äôs my two cents on every single thing that has happened in the last fortnight:

There,Äôs a whole lot of dogmaticising going on and not nearly enough respect floating around.

I,Äôm not going to tell you to go around holding each other,Äôs hand and singing ,Äúkum-bay-yah.,Äù But I do think that it,Äôs a bit much to go around and start classifying the forum denizens into worthy and unworthy based on a gripe you have with the way things are in general. That,Äôs paranoia bucko. Paranoia in the worst sense of the word: Fear + Suspicion + Mystification = A gigantic fratricidal bust-up
There is no concerted movement within this forum to be silly, nor exclude people. But as time moves on and people state their piece, many of us who sit on the fence will gravitate towards the strongest position. Don,Äôt think I,Äôm not aware of the weight my opinion has around this place, along with the opinions of others. But while I may be someone who has a voice which carries far within this place, I am also an independent person, and the least and most I can do is express the honest to gods truth of what I think and feel. Whether or not it conflicts with your position, in no way is it a personal evaluation of my opinion of you. Nor is it an attack, disparagement, free license, or expression of friendship.
There are people who used to frequent this forum who no longer do so because of similar arguments. We may have overreacted, stepped over the line, pushed the wrong buttons, and now they are gone. I feel that is a shame. It,Äôs not a case of right or wrong, Discordian or otherwise. We,Äôre all screaming too loud and it,Äôs giving me the shits, no doubt it,Äôs grating on the nerves of many of you as well.

To Be Continued...



While there is an obvious dichotomy evident between certain sections of this board regarding the issue and practice of mindfucking and the apparent lack thereof, it is something we all engage in from time to time. Furthermore the foundation of a school of thought devoted to the practice was one of the goals behind the DIA website and something I do support. If you wish to hang Bob,Äôs visage from a prominent public monument and devise a way of doing so, then go for it. Don,Äôt expect everyone to be behind you or even care. And yes, maybe we could do with a few more proactive Discordians running around this place. But don,Äôt cut yourself off from us just because we,Äôre not right there with you, that,Äôs cutting off your nose to spite your face. It would be exactly the same as two churches starting a feud because of the number of steps involved in the morning prayer service, it is a division that is both unnecessary and damaging to your cause and everyone else,Äôs. As I said at the top of this rant, we,Äôre a small organization and making it smaller because subtle distinctions means that we can reach less people and are less likely to broaden our horizons.

The amount of content posted daily in this place is so large sometimes it makes my head spin. Perhaps something the wider phpBB community could benefit from would be a watch-topic list rather than E-mail service. It would work exactly the same as the view post since last visit function except every user profile has a list of watched topics associated with it. So Instead of receiving 30 E-mails when your latest rant becomes a hot topic (something that happened to me a short while back) it gets put in a list very similar to the ,Äúview posts since your last visit,Äù function. All you do is log on and click ,Äúwatched topics list,Äù and you can read all your favourite discussions and then go to the massive list of 50+ topics that were hot in the last 24 hours.
Funny thing is I can,Äôt believe nobody,Äôs ever thought of it before. If there are any PHP monkies out there who think they could create such a mod please let me know and we can talk to the Mgt.

While I am loathe to suggest any formal structure or dogmas be established around the present debate, I think it is important to note that there are a number of differing views on discordianism, and perhaps the establishment of some thread or series of threads in Principia Discussion for the exploration of these particular philosophical takes on Discordianism to be discussed in a straightforward and open manner. It seems quite apparent that there are many of us on this forum who have very strong and heartfelt beliefs about what Eris means both to them and universally. If we,Äôre going to prevent this place from imploding then the best thing we can do right now is get all the Erisian theology out in the open rather than slinging mud around.

If there,Äôs anything I,Äôve missed please feel free to add to this list.


As a final note, I would like to explore the title of this rant in a paragraph or two. Be Excellent to Each other, is of course part of the catch cry of two characters known as Bill S. Preston Esq. and ,ÄúTed,Äù Theodore Logan. Two rather clueless individuals who,Äôs simple philosophy was fated to change the world, and why? Because it was simple: ,ÄúBe excellent to each other. Party on Dudes.,Äù Don,Äôt underestimate the philosophical value of that simple sentiment, it is rather pervasive and clever if you think about it. If we are excellent to each other, then we can party on. We won,Äôt have to worry about being attacked, backstabbed, back-bitten and undermined by the people around us, the people who we need to trust.
Didn,Äôt Eris say: ,ÄúOh well, then Stop.,Äù? If you say that Eris isn,Äôt real, then it was whoever wrote the Principia that said it. Even if you,Äôre prevented from believing what you read then I will speak it to you, just call me up. Be excellent to each other, and life can be a party.

While I am perfectly aware that I am in no way blameless in the recent series of upheavals, or past ones. I do feel that it is about time that we actually decided to do something constructive. Yes, I,Äôm just as dirty as anyone else in this mess, so let,Äôs get on with doing something about it.


* points and laughs at the hypocrite *


You pooh-poohed on my ideology of pooh-poohing the ideology of other people.



very well said,,,

I think that summed up how a lot of us where feeling, but didnt quite know how to say,,,

Coito ergo sum
O! Plus! Perge! Aio! Hui! Hem!
"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy,the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named Bush, Dick, and Colon.  --Comedian Chris Rock


Quote from: null-n-void* points and laughs at the hypocrite *


You pooh-poohed on my ideology of pooh-poohing the ideology of other people.

:-P Bite my hairy fat-free ass


This looks like the work of a covert Bavarian to me... Spreading Disorder by attempting to enforce a version of Order..

: paranoid :    i guess there's no face for that


Quote from: St. Trollax, ODD:-P Bite my hairy fat-free ass

A new business opportunity: low-fat humans for cannibals.


Quote from: null-n-void
Quote from: St. Trollax, ODD:-P Bite my hairy fat-free ass

A new business opportunity: low-fat humans for cannibals.


And the next business opportunity from greyface inc is...


As for the Watched Topics Mod, it has been thought of before.

Unfortunately, it's for phpBB 2.0.6. This is 2.0.4. Might not work.

[edit] OOPS! that's not what it looks like. It does e-mail notification for all watched topics...

Colonel Failure


You sir are the shit and I salute your shit.

All I knew, all I believed
Are crumbling images
No longer comforting me.
Scramble to reach higher ground,
Order and sanity,
Something to comfort me.

I take what is mine, and hold what is mine,
Suffocate what is mine, and bury what's mine.
Soon the water will come
And claim what is mine.
I must leave it behind,
And climb to a new place now.

This ground is not the rock I thought it to be.

   Tool, Flood

Do you believe
In the lies, the lies, the lies that shape your world?
Do you believe
In your own, your own, fictitious immortality?

The world won't end while you walk the earth
And when you realize that your life don't matter
You'll turn to something to help you forget
That you're only young once, old forever

And we become what we hate
(Don't think of us)

    -Screeching Weasel, What We Hate[/size][/color]


::hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop::

::ding ding::

:: beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep::

Hello, National Enquirer? May I speak to the gossip desk, please?

la la la la  

la la la la

la la la la  

la la la la

Hello, gossip desk?

This is Fluffy, the cute little forest creature from who only posts fluff.

About that phone call I made a little while ago
about St. Trollax drooling over pictures
of Aunt Bee?

Just kidding.


::hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop::

It's really Britney Spears.
::hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop::


i agree with your proposals trollax, especially #3

Rev Thwack

I agree with the fact that I can either completly agree or disagree with any/all that Trollax wrote, and he still wound't quite trust what I said, due to him not looking at everything I write as though I quite possibly have some hidden motive.

Not that bad of an attitude to take though.
My balls itch...


Quote from: Rev ThwackI agree with the fact that I can either completly agree or disagree with any/all that Trollax wrote, and he still wound't quite trust what I said, due to him not looking at everything I write as though I quite possibly have some hidden motive.

Not that bad of an attitude to take though.

You can confirm all the theories you want, you can still never prove them. That is real skepticism, anyone else who tells you otherwise is definitely out for your shorts.