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lunch time! story time! another adventure at toxic hell aka taco bell drivethrew

Started by -Kel-, February 10, 2010, 07:21:35 PM

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Today i was pulling out of the drive threw at toxic hell and i missed my opportunity to get into the road because another person exited the
driveway to the left of me and then i was stuck sitting there because traffic was coming, and the person in back of me pulled up to me. This old lady, in her late 50s is walking down the street and when she gets to my car she says "ya know, you're blocking the side walk"
me:"well, you're just going to have to walk around me"
she replied, "blocking the sidewalk is illegal!!"
to which i said, "there is nothing i can do about it right now"
She starting going off about reporting me, so i cut her off and said "you need to stop harassing me, and move on!"
so she yelled "bitch"
And i yelled "fuck off, whore!"

i wonder what would of happened if i had said after the whole "that's illegal!!" ...

"lady, i have a gun"

ok, story time ended!

join us some other time when we look at hairless pets


One time I was coming home from a concert in SF and we stopped at some Taco Bell (we endearingly call it 'The Butt' over here, because it is the ass of fast food joints).  The concert was Steel Pole Bath Tub's reunion show a few years back with Neurosis.  Anywho, so we stop at the drive thru and its one of those ghetto 'dont shoot the cashier' windows with a huge plexi-glass contraption that slides the food out to you, kinda like how gas stations do it at night when you have to buy your smokes through a window or whatever, anyway, you get the idea.  So, we pull up and before we say anything, before we hand over the money (I was in the front passenger seat), the cashier girl pushes our food out to us through the window thing, and the way it works, once she put the food through and we opened our side, her side was closed and remained closed...  Can you see where this is going?

Yeah, it took about half a second for me to grab my friends hand with the money in it to stop him from handing it over.  At about the exact same moment I realized what I was about to do (which is eat free taco bell food), the cashier girl realized how bad she fucked up.  We were making eye contact and there was this cool sort of weird moment where we both realized what was going to go down.  At this point, I sort of remember me saying something like "fuck it, just drive!!" and we pulled out of there and on to the overpass with about 15 bucks worth of free taco bell food.

Ok, so, its no reservoir dogs, but at least we got away...
All text and pictures uploaded by/to/from this person/account is/are purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Or not.



Quote from: Hangshai on February 10, 2010, 07:31:40 PM
One time I was coming home from a concert in SF and we stopped at some Taco Bell (we endearingly call it 'The Butt' over here, because it is the ass of fast food joints).  The concert was Steel Pole Bath Tub's reunion show a few years back with Neurosis.  Anywho, so we stop at the drive thru and its one of those ghetto 'dont shoot the cashier' windows with a huge plexi-glass contraption that slides the food out to you, kinda like how gas stations do it at night when you have to buy your smokes through a window or whatever, anyway, you get the idea.  So, we pull up and before we say anything, before we hand over the money (I was in the front passenger seat), the cashier girl pushes our food out to us through the window thing, and the way it works, once she put the food through and we opened our side, her side was closed and remained closed...  Can you see where this is going?

Yeah, it took about half a second for me to grab my friends hand with the money in it to stop him from handing it over.  At about the exact same moment I realized what I was about to do (which is eat free taco bell food), the cashier girl realized how bad she fucked up.  We were making eye contact and there was this cool sort of weird moment where we both realized what was going to go down.  At this point, I sort of remember me saying something like "fuck it, just drive!!" and we pulled out of there and on to the overpass with about 15 bucks worth of free taco bell food.

Ok, so, its no reservoir dogs, but at least we got away...

There's a very good chance that they had a strict inventory control there, and that poor cashier had to make up the difference out of her own paycheck.

Way to stick it to the Man™, dude.


Quote from: Hangshai on February 10, 2010, 07:31:40 PM
One time I was coming home from a concert in SF and we stopped at some Taco Bell (we endearingly call it 'The Butt' over here, because it is the ass of fast food joints).  The concert was Steel Pole Bath Tub's reunion show a few years back with Neurosis.  Anywho, so we stop at the drive thru and its one of those ghetto 'dont shoot the cashier' windows with a huge plexi-glass contraption that slides the food out to you, kinda like how gas stations do it at night when you have to buy your smokes through a window or whatever, anyway, you get the idea.  So, we pull up and before we say anything, before we hand over the money (I was in the front passenger seat), the cashier girl pushes our food out to us through the window thing, and the way it works, once she put the food through and we opened our side, her side was closed and remained closed...  Can you see where this is going?

Yeah, it took about half a second for me to grab my friends hand with the money in it to stop him from handing it over.  At about the exact same moment I realized what I was about to do (which is eat free taco bell food), the cashier girl realized how bad she fucked up.  We were making eye contact and there was this cool sort of weird moment where we both realized what was going to go down.  At this point, I sort of remember me saying something like "fuck it, just drive!!" and we pulled out of there and on to the overpass with about 15 bucks worth of free taco bell food.

Ok, so, its no reservoir dogs, but at least we got away...

Not cool.
Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


I didn't know fast food joints could legally do that.  They don't do that to bank tellers.



If a table does a chew and screw at my restaurant I'm required to pay for it.
Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


Quote from: Hangshai on February 10, 2010, 07:31:40 PM
One time I was coming home from a concert in SF and we stopped at some Taco Bell (we endearingly call it 'The Butt' over here, because it is the ass of fast food joints).  The concert was Steel Pole Bath Tub's reunion show a few years back with Neurosis.  Anywho, so we stop at the drive thru and its one of those ghetto 'dont shoot the cashier' windows with a huge plexi-glass contraption that slides the food out to you, kinda like how gas stations do it at night when you have to buy your smokes through a window or whatever, anyway, you get the idea.  So, we pull up and before we say anything, before we hand over the money (I was in the front passenger seat), the cashier girl pushes our food out to us through the window thing, and the way it works, once she put the food through and we opened our side, her side was closed and remained closed...  Can you see where this is going?

Yeah, it took about half a second for me to grab my friends hand with the money in it to stop him from handing it over.  At about the exact same moment I realized what I was about to do (which is eat free taco bell food), the cashier girl realized how bad she fucked up.  We were making eye contact and there was this cool sort of weird moment where we both realized what was going to go down.  At this point, I sort of remember me saying something like "fuck it, just drive!!" and we pulled out of there and on to the overpass with about 15 bucks worth of free taco bell food.

Ok, so, its no reservoir dogs, but at least we got away...

I may not understand this precisely
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


Doktor Howl

Quote from: Hangshai on February 10, 2010, 07:31:40 PM
One time I was coming home from a concert in SF and we stopped at some Taco Bell (we endearingly call it 'The Butt' over here, because it is the ass of fast food joints).  The concert was Steel Pole Bath Tub's reunion show a few years back with Neurosis.  Anywho, so we stop at the drive thru and its one of those ghetto 'dont shoot the cashier' windows with a huge plexi-glass contraption that slides the food out to you, kinda like how gas stations do it at night when you have to buy your smokes through a window or whatever, anyway, you get the idea.  So, we pull up and before we say anything, before we hand over the money (I was in the front passenger seat), the cashier girl pushes our food out to us through the window thing, and the way it works, once she put the food through and we opened our side, her side was closed and remained closed...  Can you see where this is going?

Yeah, it took about half a second for me to grab my friends hand with the money in it to stop him from handing it over.  At about the exact same moment I realized what I was about to do (which is eat free taco bell food), the cashier girl realized how bad she fucked up.  We were making eye contact and there was this cool sort of weird moment where we both realized what was going to go down.  At this point, I sort of remember me saying something like "fuck it, just drive!!" and we pulled out of there and on to the overpass with about 15 bucks worth of free taco bell food.

Ok, so, its no reservoir dogs, but at least we got away...

So, you got some poor girl in trouble at her job.

Perhaps next you could, you know, stomp on puppies.
Molon Lube


i was eating with my fam at a higher end restaurant and i saw a full family of 5 do a dine and ditch. The poor waitress walked up and saw what they had done and walked off in tears.


Doktor Howl

Quote from: -Kel- on February 10, 2010, 07:56:52 PM
i was eating with my fam at a higher end restaurant and i saw a full family of 5 do a dine and ditch. The poor waitress walked up and saw what they had done and walked off in tears.

Sure.  Her income for the night was just wiped out.  She just went from a day at work to a day at work for no pay.

And the parents, well, what an example.
Molon Lube


Suu, if someone does a dine and dash at your restaurant, do you have to pay for it as the waitress? (already been replied to as I wrote this) And LMNO, have you ever even worked at a fast food place?  There have been many times where I have been broke and hungry so I called a local fast food joint and said, 'hey, I just went through there and you forgot my burger/taco/milkshake' whatever, and they just tell me to roll on by and pick it up.  No receipt, nothing.  Besides maybe a scolding for being dumb (Im sure they covered it the first day on taco bell training, 'Get the money BEFORE you give the food).  TBH, the girl at the window was smiling, almost laughing, because she knew she fucked up.  Personally, although I have no way to prove this, I think she thought it was funny...  Oh, and finally, I just got off the phone with my local Taco Bell, in which I posed this situation as a hypothetical one to the manager on duty, and guess what...  The person would get a stern 'talking to', but NO money taken out of their check.

But, I doubt that redeemed me in any way in your eyes.

Anyway, it was just supposed to be a stupid/funny story about taco bell to make someone laugh. lighten up.  Im not trying to make some sort of social statement.

And, suu, Im sorry if you would have to pay for it.  My GF waited tables at a pretty popular downtown restaurant, and it was fucking hell.  The owner/manager was a fucking dick, and they overworked the girls.  Only girls, which he would regularly harass and yell at in front of customers, to the point where even customers would complain on behalf of the girls.  Its fucked and needless to say, after 2 years I convinced her to quit and go back to school where she is now in the nursing program.  And she no longer has to wait tables.  That job is why you are so angry.

When I was younger, I did a couple dine and dashes, sure.  But now that I am older, and self-employed, I pay for stuff.  This was, you know, a night coming home after a concert, I mean, its not like Im some criminal mastermind that specializes in stealing fucking FOOD for chrissakes.

I mean, can I not even tell a funny story without creating a fucking existential crisis on this forum?
All text and pictures uploaded by/to/from this person/account is/are purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Or not.