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Sessions on the train

Started by NotPublished, January 15, 2010, 09:05:17 AM

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Ok so I get bored on train rides righttt ....

Heres what I call - "People are strange"

I can never underestand,
Half the things we do.
Or.. even why,
The way we are.

They come in
All shapes & sizes.
Fat ones. Skinny ones.
They're all the same.

Not to mention.
Feet are strange.
Something I never understood.
Or wish were there.

If only they were
Like Stumps or...
The erasors at the end of pens.
Maybe then... Maybe then people will be less strange.
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


And I wrote this one after my friend said she replaced me with a D.S for entertainment

Its called "Crack Whore Thief"

She's standing there,
Holding a stubbie and her cig
Screaching in that bogan voice -
"'ow's it goin'?"

Her hair wild... and its on fire.
Like the bush out yonder,
And skin...
That's red and dry.

In the distant past,
They called her Mama Jugs...but,
'careful mate.
She'll roll ya.

After all.
You're on her turf...
She's just a crack whore thief.
Earning a decent living.
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


I wrote this one today, its called

Psycho Ex

She was there, always watching...
As I imagined her sweet face,
Engulfed by a hellish inferno...
Her flesh slowly dripping off...

This bitch is demonic,
Nothing can stop her.
She even got her own radtio station,
For hourly broadcasts.

She won't leave me alone.
She whispers false nothings to my potentials.
She sleeps at my doorstep,
Howling like an angry bitch.

What do I do?
Lest death frees me from her.
She's like that boulder from Indiana Jones.
Shit! Here she comes again.
Me and a friend want to make a game based on where you can be the psycho or the ex - I thought this would do good for scripture or something like that.

Theres a few words I want to replace though I don't think it flows enough in the third stanza

In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


Hahaha damn whats with me lately, I've never attempted to write anything resembling poetry - and now all of the sudden I just can't stop (Hopefully I'm getting better at it). Its kinda fun to express like this. I've never attempted to express myself through words before.

Anyhow... left brooding on the train, I wrote this -

Hitch Hiker

I carry this weight,
Of my back pack.
As I travel from
Plains to marsh.

Despite the company,
I kepe thinking I'm with the group...
Even I can't see the truth.

Its just me and you -
Going on this journey.
But secretly we're together for the benefit.
It's all for selfish reasons.

You can't help but think
Your going the same way.
But the reality is -
Your just a picky bitch.
Its a definant mixture of something,  :lulz:
Wasn't sure about some of it. It doesn't keep the tone at all aye.
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


After getting bored of trying to analyse what the hell is wrong with my siblings, Nigel's horrible children stories inspired me to write something today... It is kinda way too short, I didn't know how to continue it.

The Larger Child

Mummy says I'm a special package.

The other girls at school say I'm fat. But thats ok, cause mummy says they are just jealous.

Everyday I find packets of chips and lollies at home. Mummy is very cross when she finds out. But thats ok! Its because Mummy didn't want the suprise spoilt for me. I love mummy.

Sometimes I find mummy crying to daddy saying that I'm fat. Sometimes I cry when I'm happy to! So mummy must be very happy!

I like being special, people are jealous of you, and mummy is always happy. Sometimes I see her staring at me while I'm eating and she begins to cry.

But thats ok! I like making her happy, so I eat some more.
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


The DS died and she came crawling back  :lulz:
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


It died of its own accord, I like to think it was because I kept wishing for it to happen.

All I could say was "Well well well look what the cat dragged in..."

... I FEEL LIKE DRAWING :( *I absolutely suck at it :( but it won't stop me :)*
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


Ok so I did some crappy drawings, I'll fix them later up and do something about it.

On the train ride today, I felt I had to do this one -

Bad Reflections

I look on and on,
Wishing for it to go.
My bones are sticking out.
But it's just not enough!

I hold too much water! I'm fat.
My bones are too large! I'm fat.
Don't tell me otherwise! I'm fat.
I just can't take your harsh criticisms! I'm fat!

For some reason I can't fit.
Into my 12 year old clothes.
It's just because...
I'm fat.

I feel weak an faint.
But that's ok!
I have my energency celery,
And hot water to top it off.

Oh no!
I reached my max calorie intake!
I better shave.
Those lovely bones. Lol


Ok I have this friend who is starting to have a severe body image issue, she thinks she is fat when she is clearly not. So I don't know if you can label it as anorexia, but everyones concerned - we've all told her that it looks very unhealthy (and IS unhealthy) and to visit a nutritionalist, but now she feels like everyones against her ... (I definately won't show her what I just wrote  :lol:) But its getting really bad, she doesn't have muscle where there should be. And she thinks shes doing it for a better cause, and laughs about it ... I remember one time we went out for Pancakes, all she ordered was a Salad and a Hot Water  :x :x :x :x :horrormirth:
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


"If I owned Goodwill, no charity worker would feel safe.  I would sit in my office behind a massive pile of cocaine, racking my pistol's slide every time the cleaning lady came near.  Auditors, I'd just shoot."


Hot water with lemon is good. Plain hot water, not so much.
Salad is no replacement for pancæks.


How does anyone have fun without pancakes?!?!

Anyhow I know this one I posted up before but I figured put them in one thread, atleast it'll be good reference for myself (And a way to bump older stuff :P)

Quote from: Sweet Nothings
Fuck that shit.
It was an experience atleast,
The tempting eyes,
The handsome face, strong arms ..
But what does it all mean?

I was there,
Watching the rhythm of an orgy,
Skin on Skin
Chest on chest
Lips on lips.

I was tempted,
Invited many times,
I even thought of joining
Was I jealous? Was I missing out?
But I'm not a born hunter

Never before did I feel concerned,
But I realise - its the nature of Man.
But why, isn't it mine?
The idea of feeling special - lost
Amongst the bare chested Men

But thankfully, I realise
Its not what it all seems
I know me for me
What was I to expect
It was a Gay Club

Quote from: Playing
I move about,
My chin clasped on theirs,
Resting myself -
We're in perfect harmony

We move,
We sway,
We caress.
My very soul is filled with joy.

I stroke her repeatedly,
Softly - Like a little song bird
I restrain my very nature
She sings back in kind. As is her simple request

It takes hours of practice,
I beat many habits
I go back in again -
And play my violin.

I'm soo tempted to write one about Sloppy chewing right about now its driving me nuts :(
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


I was trying to write something about Eris but I only drew blanks,

so this is what happened

Eris #2
Our lady of Confusion,
What the fuck...?

Eris #3
Around and round she twirls,
I cower in fear,
As she beats me once more.

Eris #5
Pray Great Lady,
Why do you mock us so?
Ah... She reponds
I'll tell you why,
It's just because.
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


Slushing about......
Hark! It lays waiting.
In the womb that I call my own....
There! It comes now!

A waste of nutrients
This gracious Poo,
A life I created
It gently slides out of my Anus.

Gross! It's moving..
What is that?
Oh, its worms.
I see...

Hail Eris!
I think its just about time
That you took your Bitch
To the vet.

My writing creativity died before it even started :(
I tried doing one today .. all I could think about was poo. I suppose its what happens when your mind goes to shit...
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


They stared.. deeply into each others eyes,
Frozen in the moment... wanting.
A single tear left his eye
As her body was engulfed by flames
"The stupid bitch was on heat", he said.

It was a fine day, she said.
Meet me at the quary, so I did.
Held me at gunpoint, it went.
I drove off the fucking cliff, we're dead.

:lulz: No idea.

In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.