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Political quotes of the moment

Started by Cain, September 13, 2009, 03:10:36 PM

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Triple Zero

Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


I <3 The Editors

QuoteI gather that the new health care bill does not require insurers to cover Chronic Butthurt Syndrome (CBS):

QuoteGOP senators emerged Monday to caution that the health debate had taken a toll on the institution, warning of little work between parties the rest of this year.

"There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year," McCain said during an interview Monday on an Arizona radio affiliate. "They have poisoned the well in what they've done and how they've done it."

"BAWW," added the Arizona Senator and former Presidential candidate.  "My friends, BAAAAAWWWWWWW."  This is because Democrats used a highly obscure and controversial parliamentary maneuver known as "voting a bill into law," rather than just having the President issue signing statements as called for in the Constitution.  As a result: Adolph Hitler, Stalin, death camps, the collapse of the economy, doctors cruelly whipped with wet noodles, Alan Ginsberg coaching the 8th grade varsity football team, die grandma die, ladies with hairy armpits, Charlie Manson, and the End of the World.  Did I leave anything out?  Oh, yes, baby killers, faggots and niggers.  Naturally.

What have we learned?  Well, if democracy is the best system of government ever invented, all other systems of government must involve dipping my testicles into a Fry-O-Lator.  Watching laws being made is much like watching your parents make love: psychologically damaging, grotesque, awkward, full of screaming, recriminations, unorthodox maneuvers, cynical and manipulative displays of pantomime passion, and threats to take one's balls and go home; but the results, while certainly imperfect, are probably worth all the unpleasantness.  And why do you suppose God gave you a perfectly good set of eyelids?  Use 'em.



I need more of this kind of stuff.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on March 24, 2010, 09:59:28 PM
I <3 The Editors

QuoteI gather that the new health care bill does not require insurers to cover Chronic Butthurt Syndrome (CBS):

QuoteGOP senators emerged Monday to caution that the health debate had taken a toll on the institution, warning of little work between parties the rest of this year.

"There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year," McCain said during an interview Monday on an Arizona radio affiliate. "They have poisoned the well in what they've done and how they've done it."

"BAWW," added the Arizona Senator and former Presidential candidate.  "My friends, BAAAAAWWWWWWW."  This is because Democrats used a highly obscure and controversial parliamentary maneuver known as "voting a bill into law," rather than just having the President issue signing statements as called for in the Constitution.  As a result: Adolph Hitler, Stalin, death camps, the collapse of the economy, doctors cruelly whipped with wet noodles, Alan Ginsberg coaching the 8th grade varsity football team, die grandma die, ladies with hairy armpits, Charlie Manson, and the End of the World.  Did I leave anything out?  Oh, yes, baby killers, faggots and niggers.  Naturally.

What have we learned?  Well, if democracy is the best system of government ever invented, all other systems of government must involve dipping my testicles into a Fry-O-Lator.  Watching laws being made is much like watching your parents make love: psychologically damaging, grotesque, awkward, full of screaming, recriminations, unorthodox maneuvers, cynical and manipulative displays of pantomime passion, and threats to take one's balls and go home; but the results, while certainly imperfect, are probably worth all the unpleasantness.  And why do you suppose God gave you a perfectly good set of eyelids?  Use 'em.

I think I just saw God.
Molon Lube


Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


More of The Editors works can be found at  He's well worth bookmarking.

Also, in a surprise move, the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights said something quoteworthy today:

Quote"In our view it devalues the idea of a 'public emergency' to declare it in 2001, and then to continue to assert it more than eight years later."

By the current standards of western politics, the JPCoHR is dangerously subversive and radical.  I know, not hard.  But still, they're about the only MPs still worth listening to.


A right-wing email that's apparently circling around the tubes:

QuoteFW: fw: fw: Lock 'n Load


The time has come to take action into our own hands! The washington democrats no longer represent the people of America and its time we take action to stop these socialists before they ruin this great nation. Obamacare took this to the next level, as now we are no longer dealing with just socialists, but murderers. Under these new laws, the unborn will be slaughtered by the thousands, the elderly will be killed based on their "perceived" value to society. THIS MUST STOP

So what can we do, they took away our voice, they took away our rights. But we still have force. We are angry and we can fight. Keep your arms hidden, and keep many of them. If you don't have any, buy while you still can. We will hit them where it hurts and we will do it together. They cannot stop a network of us when we fight as one, so be prepared.

We fight back in the name of Gods children and all others who will suffer due to our dictators demands. Those lives are worth the same as the arrogant men and women who sit in our capital, and we are prepared to prove it.

There have been some great stories about bricks being thrown, calls being made, and gas lines being cut. Good. We should keep it up, pay a visit to any Dems in your area who voted for it. Use this email as a thread to exchange their personal contact information so we can keep getting to them. They can't stop us, and they have waged a war they will not win.

If they won't listen to us, we will make them listen. Damn it, this is our country, and I would sooner die than see it continue to fall at the hands of these murderers. Whose with me? Who will stand with me, and be prepared to fight when the time comes? Lock 'n load my friends, we're taking our country back, one dirtbag at a time if we have to.

God bless


We appear to be doomed by our DNA to repeat the same destructive behaviors our forebears have repeated for millenia. If anything our problem solving skills have actually diminished with the advent of technology & our ubiquitous modern conveniences. & yet despite our predisposition towards fear-driven hostility; towards what we anachronistically term primitive behavior another instinct is just as firmly encoded in our make-up. We are capable as our ancestors were of incredible breathtaking acts of kindness. Every hour of every day a man risks his life at a moments notice to save another. Forget for a moment the belligerent benevolent billionaires who grant the unfortunate a crumb of costfree cake. I speak of pure acts of selflessness. A Mother who rushes into the street to save a child from a speeding vehicle. A person who runs into a burning building to reach a family trapped on the upper story. Such actions,such moments,such unconscious selfless decisions,define what it is to be human


That explains the teabaggers committing minor crimes all over the place recently. 


Quote from: Da6s on March 25, 2010, 06:20:39 PM
A right-wing email that's apparently circling around the tubes:

QuoteFW: fw: fw: Lock 'n Load


The time has come to take action into our own hands! The washington democrats no longer represent the people of America and its time we take action to stop these socialists before they ruin this great nation. Obamacare took this to the next level, as now we are no longer dealing with just socialists, but murderers. Under these new laws, the unborn will be slaughtered by the thousands, the elderly will be killed based on their "perceived" value to society. THIS MUST STOP

So what can we do, they took away our voice, they took away our rights. But we still have force. We are angry and we can fight. Keep your arms hidden, and keep many of them. If you don't have any, buy while you still can. We will hit them where it hurts and we will do it together. They cannot stop a network of us when we fight as one, so be prepared.

We fight back in the name of Gods children and all others who will suffer due to our dictators demands. Those lives are worth the same as the arrogant men and women who sit in our capital, and we are prepared to prove it.

There have been some great stories about bricks being thrown, calls being made, and gas lines being cut. Good. We should keep it up, pay a visit to any Dems in your area who voted for it. Use this email as a thread to exchange their personal contact information so we can keep getting to them. They can't stop us, and they have waged a war they will not win.

If they won't listen to us, we will make them listen. Damn it, this is our country, and I would sooner die than see it continue to fall at the hands of these murderers. Whose with me? Who will stand with me, and be prepared to fight when the time comes? Lock 'n load my friends, we're taking our country back, one dirtbag at a time if we have to.

God bless


This will prove to be more effective as a left-wing troll, due to minor crimes being much easier to police than group actions.


They have all lost their minds.  I'm kind of relieved, actually.

Triple Zero

dunno where else to put it, sarcastic but accurate:

The Bomb for Beginners

A do-it-yourself guide to going nuke in a few easy steps

by Michael Rühle | 25.02.2010

Building a nuclear weapon has never been easier. NATO's Michael Rühle provides step-by-step instructions for going nuclear, from discretely collecting material to minimizing the fallout when caught. These simple steps have worked for the likes of Israel, Pakistan, and North Korea, among others. The nuclear club is open to your country, too.

Tired of being bossed around? Want your neighbors to treat you with more respect? Want to play in the majors? If so, you have to have your own nukes.

Impossible? Not really. Granted, if your country is a signatory of the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), as most countries are, the constraints on your bomb building are considerable. Inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are difficult to circumvent. And the IAEA can no longer be fooled as easily as in the 1980s, when it failed to uncover Saddam Hussein's military nuclear program in Iraq despite regular inspections.

The IAEA's increased awareness means that you have to be imaginative. Here are some steps to consider.

First, begin developing a civilian nuclear program. Under the NPT, you are not only entitled to a civilian nuclear program, you may even ask for help from the IAEA. The IAEA will provide you with the basic ingredients and much of the know-how for a military program. Moreover, you can legally buy reactor fuel, and thus do not have to acquire it by performing hair-raising stunts like those the Israelis pulled in 1968, when they [...]
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.


Reginald Ret

I am quite glad i am a eurospag in this decade.
I'm relatively safe here.
Lord Byron: "Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves."

Nigel saying the wisest words ever uttered: "It's just a suffix."

"The worst forum ever" "The most mediocre forum on the internet" "The dumbest forum on the internet" "The most retarded forum on the internet" "The lamest forum on the internet" "The coolest forum on the internet"

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Regret on March 26, 2010, 10:12:30 PM
I am quite glad i am a eurospag in this decade.
I'm relatively safe here.

It's OUR turn to have the Nazis!   :lulz:
Molon Lube

Triple Zero

Hm... that sucks. At least, I was thinking, Europeans culture got quite the backlash from nazis (it's been waning a bit lately, especially in Italy), a lot of NEVER AGAIN sentiment, which is good. But I wonder, would we have learned that lesson as hard if they had not killed 6 million Jews and Gypsies and whatnot? Like, I mean, if you get Nazis (like a disease), will it really take another genocide before people wake the fuck up?
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.