News: Like a fraternity of drunken clowns, hopped up on goofballs, beating one-another to a bloody pulp with bricks; the maniacal laughter increases exponentially as someone runs off to get a cinder-block.

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Started by alhazred, July 21, 2010, 06:41:37 PM

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Doktor Howl

Quote from: Dr. James Semaj on July 22, 2010, 03:08:13 AM
Sure this isn't the same guy making a repeat appearance?

Possible, but not likely.  The IP addies resolve several states apart.  Maybe he went to school early or something.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Hey, Apikoros II:  See how stupid this shit looks?
Molon Lube

The Wizard

QuotePossible, but not likely.  The IP addies resolve several states apart.  Maybe he went to school early or something.

Fair enough. This one will burn out in a day or two, anyway.
Insanity we trust.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Dr. James Semaj on July 22, 2010, 03:10:47 AM
QuotePossible, but not likely.  The IP addies resolve several states apart.  Maybe he went to school early or something.

Fair enough. This one will burn out in a day or two, anyway.

Apikoros II resolves a few thousand miles away from either of them.

Maybe it's just coincidence, you know?  3 dudes obsessed with their own "madness" and/or "zaniness", and insistent on telling us how often they masturbate.  Long odds, but not impossible.

And, as you say, this one won't last.  I give him 3 weeks, max.  He's too fucking pompous.  The others are gonna eat him alive.
Molon Lube

The Wizard

QuoteMaybe it's just coincidence, you know?  3 dudes obsessed with their own "madness" and/or "zaniness", and insistent on telling us how often they masturbate.  Long odds, but not impossible.

And, as you say, this one won't last.  I give him 3 weeks, max.  He's too fucking pompous.  The others are gonna eat him alive.

Maybe it's a club. A bunch of these guys testing their zaniness against the PD hordes.
Insanity we trust.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Dr. James Semaj on July 22, 2010, 03:30:01 AM
QuoteMaybe it's just coincidence, you know?  3 dudes obsessed with their own "madness" and/or "zaniness", and insistent on telling us how often they masturbate.  Long odds, but not impossible.

And, as you say, this one won't last.  I give him 3 weeks, max.  He's too fucking pompous.  The others are gonna eat him alive.

Maybe it's a club. A bunch of these guys testing their zaniness against the PD hordes.

No, it's just a Markoff Chain of wankers.
Molon Lube

The Wizard

QuoteNo, it's just a Markoff Chain of wankers.

Too bad. I kind of liked the idea of a masturbation obsessed conspiracy dedicated to the destruction of PD. It was interesting at least.
Insanity we trust.


I want this one to last a bit, I think we all need the stress relief, but it's no good burning through them in a week or less. :argh!:

Quote from: alhazred on July 22, 2010, 02:57:06 AM
It may take a while because I drink on occasion, just on occasion of course, but sometimes you just want to dump kerosene on everything and watch it burn. I don't of course, that would be crazy.
My descent into madness has been tempered by compulsive masturbation.

Is that so. I'd much rather hear about your failed attempts at humor. Was that one, too?


 I don't know who you guys are talking about. I want to apologize for being a bit confrontational. I was a bit put off by being confronted as soon as I walked in the door.

It is clear that there has been some problems here in the past and you people are a bit trigger shy. If it is all the same to you I will either sit quietly until you no longer think that I am somebody that I am not, or if that is not okay I will just move on down the road.


Quote from: alhazred on July 22, 2010, 03:54:24 AM
I don't know who you guys are talking about. I want to apologize for being a bit confrontational. I was a bit put off by being confronted as soon as I walked in the door.

It is clear that there has been some problems here in the past and you people are a bit trigger shy. If it is all the same to you I will either sit quietly until you no longer think that I am somebody that I am not, or if that is not okay I will just move on down the road.

Lurking is strongly advised for all newcomers, so you deciding to do just that is a step in the right direction.

We occasionally get people who can't or won't fit in, or they just want to troll, and they frequently come back out of spite after they've been driven off. That's why a lot of newbies will be accused of being a returning troll.

There's some fantastic threads that illustrate our perfectly honed sense of Troll, I'll see if I can't bump some.


 Put that on the front page. I am actually a pretty decent guy, as far as that goes. I do have my moments but they do not include being a whipping boy because I did not put an intro in the right place. Seriously, I thought the site was good and decided to see what the forum was like. Since some jerk was here before me I get treated rather poorly as soon as I walk in.

Nice place. Do all newcomers get treated like this or did I violate a special name convention?

Look people, clearly I upset some people by being here and not appreciating being confronted and treated poorly upon arrival.


Quote from: alhazred on July 22, 2010, 04:03:41 AM
Put that on the front page. I am actually a pretty decent guy, as far as that goes. I do have my moments but they do not include being a whipping boy because I did not put an intro in the right place. Seriously, I thought the site was good and decided to see what the forum was like. Since some jerk was here before me I get treated rather poorly as soon as I walk in.

Nice place. Do all newcomers get treated like this or did I violate a special name convention?

Look people, clearly I upset some people by being here and not appreciating being confronted and treated poorly upon arrival.

Advice: Don't get defensive, even if you think you're right. That'll make things worse, I promise.

It isn't just "some guy" or even a couple of people, it's just about every newcomer we get. There's a few who don't get the standard troll call, and that's because they are nice and act like a real person straight off the bat, instead of trying to prove how weird they are.

Other than that, all I can say is that Dok Howl is just a cranky old man who is seriously annoyed by everyone, and hates people who act stupid.

ETA: Also, the whole "I'm wacky/crazy/a really real discordian" thing is so played out that people have a tendency to jump right away, too, so it isn't just Dok.

Nurse Freeky,
Is trying to help you, newb.


Quote from: alhazred on July 22, 2010, 04:03:41 AM
Put that on the front page. I am actually a pretty decent guy, as far as that goes. I do have my moments but they do not include being a whipping boy because I did not put an intro in the right place. Seriously, I thought the site was good and decided to see what the forum was like. Since some jerk was here before me I get treated rather poorly as soon as I walk in.

Nice place. Do all newcomers get treated like this or did I violate a special name convention?

Look people, clearly I upset some people by being here and not appreciating being confronted and treated poorly upon arrival.

You sound upset. Don't you know you're bleeding in shark-infested waters?
Did you look around at all before posting? It doesn't seem like it, else you'd know that a lot of newcomers get the same cheerful welcome... and you'd probably have some idea of which actions get which reactions out of the regulars here.
The rest of this thread will likely go as a great number of other introduction threads go. Regular posters here will talk mostly about you, rather than to you, with the occasional negative reply to something you have tried to interject into their discussion, in your own defense. All the "BAAWWWWWWW" in the world won't protect you from this, so I'd suggest finding some threads where you can use your time more wisely and creatively.

Your introduction didn't go so well, nor did what appears to be an appeal to compassion. Your posts are reading to me like a victim's defense. Can you see, by re-reading this thread, how well that tone is working?
If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting.

Look around. Find something which interests you. If it's this thread (which the topic of is now "Count the similarities between new guy and these people we didn't like") then by all means, go ahead... but lacking any knowledge of how this particular tribe of monkeys works, you're unnecessarily handicapping yourself.

(Also, what Freeky said)

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

You're probably OK, n00b. Grow a thick skin, laugh at yourself, and come out of your corner without pretense, and everything will be fine. Well, until it isn't, which will also happen.

On another note, this forum is CRAWLING with hot females, gorgeous gay men, and even rugged heterosexuals, which is unusual even for today's Internet. So go find the corseted pixie in Spagbook, and take heart that such things exist.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Yeah.  Because the only thing better than horrid bastards, is horrid SEXY bastards.  8)