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Fictionpussy Galore

Started by Captain Utopia, August 06, 2010, 07:35:10 PM

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Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 06, 2010, 07:48:18 PM
Yeah, he's a smarmy little shit.  I blame myself, though.  He had left, and I had forgotten what a fucking sad sack he was, and emailed him.  Now I wish I hadn't, because it's become painfully clear that - other than his moonkitten troll - he's not much more than a sack of wet shit.

I need to listen to you more often, Payne.

Ach, I know how it goes. I've spent most of my life not listening to people, and look what benefits I've reaped from it.

DFP is still a douche though.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Captain Dystopia on August 06, 2010, 07:56:48 PM
Maybe someone can help me see what is so controversial about this? 

Your mom.

Has realized there's no point in putting any thought into replies to FP.
Molon Lube

Captain Utopia

Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 06, 2010, 07:53:41 PM
I think Payne remembers your incessant shit on IRC and PD in your previous incarnation.  I think everyone does.

I've been on IRC maybe 2-3 times, had a few pleasant short conversations and never had any drama there.  Previous incarnation?  Incessant shit?  Are you confusing me for an alt or something?

Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 06, 2010, 07:52:47 PM
Quote from: Captain Dystopia on August 06, 2010, 07:50:15 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 06, 2010, 07:42:56 PM
Fictionpuss knows this.  He's just stirring shit because he's still butthurt about the E-democracy thing.


I'm really not.  Have I mentioned it since then?  Have I demonstrated a grudge of any kind towards anyone who participated in that thread?  No.  It's delusional to suggest otherwise.

Yeah.  Me.  And believe me, I'm an expert on delusions.  This isn't one.

Then you might oblige me by showing even the slightest evidence that what I say above is false.  Otherwise, it's a delusion.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Captain Dystopia on August 06, 2010, 08:03:02 PM
I've been on IRC maybe 2-3 times, had a few pleasant short conversations and never had any drama there.  Previous incarnation?  Incessant shit?  Are you confusing me for an alt or something?

Oh, are you claiming you AREN'T Fictionpuss?

Quote from: Captain Dystopia on August 06, 2010, 08:03:02 PM
Then you might oblige me by showing even the slightest evidence that what I say above is false.  Otherwise, it's a delusion.

I don't have a thing to prove to you, shitheels.  Your opinion is utterly valueless.
Molon Lube


Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 06, 2010, 07:53:41 PM
Quote from: Captain Dystopia on August 06, 2010, 07:52:39 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Payne on August 06, 2010, 07:45:43 PM
Has been his MO ever since he got here, in my recollection.


I think Payne remembers your incessant shit on IRC and PD in your previous incarnation.  I think everyone does.

Yeah, not so much IRC, but definitely PD. Calling everyone in Scotland a bigot because they were Scottish was classic.

I left off it though, cause he occasionally seemed to be alright, and we came to an agreement that he wouldn't interact with me nor me with him. (Trying to end the drama.)

Fun fact though: FP is one of I think only three to get my copypasta'd diatribe, which is yoinked directly from the prologue of Christopher Brookmyres' Classic, Boiling a Frog. The text of which still makes me laugh.

Dysfunctional Cunt

Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 06, 2010, 07:50:40 PM
Quote from: Khara on August 06, 2010, 07:47:01 PM
If you get your idea from someone else, you give a nod.  If you get inspiration from someone else, you give a nod.  

A whole this came about because of a conversation I had with whoever a while back....  

Or a recent conversation with so and so inspired me.

It is common courtesy and the right thing to do.

Anything else is just another form of plagiarism.

While the regular members HERE recognized this as Dok's original idea, I doubt people who read Cram's blog know that, nor would anyone new.

This was not just a simple taking an idea and running with it.  Too much was written in exact verbage to accept that theory.  

Khara, Fictionpuss knows this.  He's deliberately trying to keep the pot boiling.

Like I said, Cram said he'll make this right, and I believe him.  When it's all over and done, I'm splitting this off, getting my head back in the game (with respect to this and the strangehunters thing), and - as an afterthought - dragging fictionpuss around by the ankles for a while.

And I agree with you completely.  This was an amazing idea and you know the fun my kids and I had with this before our weird went so far in the ghetto guns were needed to survive it. 

I just think the basics that I posted are a good "food for thought" for anyone before they post something that comes from someone else's orignal idea or even a random conversation.  Just because we're a bunch of spags here doesn't mean we have to ignore a few basic common courtesies.

Am I right?

As for the dragging of FP, I still have those thumbscrews and I think there may be some decent lengths of chain in the basement.....  just in case you run out of ideas...  you know maiming and torture was one of my minors IRL  :wink:


This thing:

Quotefictionpuss. That your career on PD has come to this will, I am sure, have come as a surprise to many, not least your erstwhile smug and, as it turns out, disastrously complacent self. However, to those with a more rounded experience of your methods and morality, both the beneficiaries and the victims of your self-righteous and self-appointed crusading, it will remain a source of bed-wetting astonishment that it has taken so long for the hive mind to bring themselves to bear upon your arrogant and devious person.

You are, in the well-chosen words of our resident hate-shitters in describing your ilk, an unreconstructed wanker. To that one might add that you have infinitely more to say for yourself than your knowledge or experience could possibly justify, and that I have seldom found myself passing judgement on someone so evidently lacking the benefits of a damn good kicking.

You have thrust upon us your ill-informed, half-baked, out-dated and, frankly, paranoid theories for a tiresome number of posts now, and the wonder of it is that anyone continued to listen long enough for you to persist with the behaviour that has ultimately led to your downfall. I would remind you, fictionpuss, that paranoia is often merely the flipside of egotism: both deludedly imagine the world to revolve around oneself.

While your n00bish exploits have occasionally enjoyed vindication in the past, it should be evident to anyone remotely cognisant with the facts that your roles in certain notorious events have been grossly exaggerated by both posterity - which is often inexplicably kind to the self-aggrandising - and by your own indulgently biased accounts. No doubt you like to depict yourself as a thorn in the flesh of the establishment, but closer to the truth would be to say that you are merely an irritant, and that the subsequent rashes are far more the result of your unwanted presence than of any defect on the part of those you choose to infect.

In the case of someone so self-absorbed, it is perhaps plausible that certain developments may have escaped your notice; to wit, the inexorable evolution of this forums posts and the irrefutable testimony of the hive mind, which states, if you would take note, you are not welcome any more. Once upon a time, you found and to your credit exposed corruption and conspiracy among those of whom we expected better. Your problem, it strikes me, was that you did not know what to be about next. You have continued to seek out such nefariousness, but where you have not found it you have instead imagined it - and more insidiously, implied it. If I were you, I might wish to consider whether a man who finds corruption in every place he looks might perhaps be seeing the reflection of what lies within himself.

In the instance that has brought you before me, you arrogantly pitted yourself against an organisation far more august and enduring than the windmills at which you had tilted before; and though you were but a mosquito attacking an elephant, it cannot be ignored that this mosquito wished the elephant harm, and its bite may have done so had it not been swatted.

In short, fictionpuss, there is no place for you here in the future. This is a new Discordia, a new forum, with new standards and a new morality. I must not allow it or its institutions - nascent and ancient alike - to be disparaged and prejudiced by the diseased mind of a wee shite like you. For this reason, I order that you be taken from this board, henceforth to a place of confinement, there to dwell in perpetual fear of being chibbed and humped by rabid schemies.

Doktor Howl


Oh, yeah.  I didn't realize that was derived.

Off to hit Cicero's stuff.
Molon Lube


Yeah, I pretty much adapt a lot of stuff with changed names and such. My prophecies are taken directly from the bible, and changed to make them about me and PD. I've changed lyrics of songs for the same. And then there's this gem.

I did it for the lulz, m'lud.

Captain Utopia

Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 06, 2010, 08:04:53 PM
Quote from: Captain Dystopia on August 06, 2010, 08:03:02 PM
I've been on IRC maybe 2-3 times, had a few pleasant short conversations and never had any drama there.  Previous incarnation?  Incessant shit?  Are you confusing me for an alt or something?

Oh, are you claiming you AREN'T Fictionpuss?

Of course I am not claiming that.  It's never been a secret.  You just confused me with the references to IRC and incessant shit, since after a shitneck start of the first degree, things went a lot more smoothly.

Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 06, 2010, 08:04:53 PM
Quote from: Captain Dystopia on August 06, 2010, 08:03:02 PM
Then you might oblige me by showing even the slightest evidence that what I say above is false.  Otherwise, it's a delusion.

I don't have a thing to prove to you, shitheels.  Your opinion is utterly valueless.

Then we're done here.

Nice way to abuse your mod abilities to frame a disagreement between us into a fail thread.

Real classy.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Captain Dystopia on August 06, 2010, 08:22:50 PM

Then we're done here.

No, we're not.   :lulz:

Quote from: Captain Dystopia on August 06, 2010, 08:22:50 PM
Nice way to abuse your mod abilities to frame a disagreement between us into a fail thread.

Real classy.

Oh, yeah, you must have missed the several mentions that I was in fact going to split the thread.  I left your part out of the trash bin so you wouldn't have a "malaul" pulled on you, and not have the ability to respond to what Payne and I have said.  Since, however, you have taken that as an excuse to attack my integrity as a mod, you have now become my personal project.

Classy?  I'll show you classy, you dishonest son of a bitch.
Molon Lube

Captain Utopia

Since the new OP is now out of context - I did not stir shit by bringing up a dead argument - there were two posts in the previous 10 minutes offering differing opinions on the subjects I discussed.  You chose to single me out for your own reasons.  I'm an easy, safe, target.

The thread title you chose is not neutral.  It is completely disrespectful to me, and you know that, which is why you chose it rather than appending "- derail".  I expect anyone entering such a thread mocking me, to take anything I say even less seriously than they otherwise would.

That is an abuse of your mod powers.  Especially when that framing is personally beneficial to yourself.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Captain Dystopia on August 06, 2010, 09:08:54 PM
Since the new OP is now out of context - I did not stir shit by bringing up a dead argument - there were two posts in the previous 10 minutes offering differing opinions on the subjects I discussed.  You chose to single me out for your own reasons.  I'm an easy, safe, target.

The thread title you chose is not neutral.  It is completely disrespectful to me, and you know that, which is why you chose it rather than appending "- derail".  I expect anyone entering such a thread mocking me, to take anything I say even less seriously than they otherwise would.

That is an abuse of your mod powers.  Especially when that framing is personally beneficial to yourself.

Yeah, because it has the word "unlimited" and "fail" in it, right?  Instead of a play on words on a character from a James Bond movie?  Fuck you, you little piece of vermin.

Also, I "singled you out", because you came in the original thread sniping at me, you fucked up little liar.
Molon Lube

Captain Utopia

Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 06, 2010, 09:11:06 PM
Also, I "singled you out", because you came in the original thread sniping at me, you fucked up little liar.

Where is the snipe?  I still don't see it.  This is the second time I'm asking since you avoided the question the first time.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Captain Dystopia on August 06, 2010, 09:14:09 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 06, 2010, 09:11:06 PM
Also, I "singled you out", because you came in the original thread sniping at me, you fucked up little liar.

Where is the snipe?  I still don't see it.  This is the second time I'm asking since you avoided the question the first time.

Cut the bullshit, shit for brains.  If you piss down my neck, don't try to tell me it's raining.  You came in the thread taking a swing at me.  You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.  Then you tried to cover your ass by claiming that I was using admin powers inappropriately.  So point out the "unlimited" and "fail" part, already, and stop trying to fucking dodge.

This is just another demonstration of your chronic dishonesty and lack of character.  If you're going to troll, at least man up about it, you little sissy.

I fucking hate you now, you little slimeball.  You and I are going to have no end of fun on PD from now on.
Molon Lube