
That line from the father's song in Mary Poppins, where he's going on about how nothing can go wrong, in Britain in 1910.  That's about the point I realized the boy was gonna die in a trench.

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SPIDERS II: Electric Boogalo (the search for Curly's gold)

Started by LMNO, October 06, 2010, 04:50:05 PM

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That night, things were a bit quieter when they all met at the Tequila Mockingbird.  Nothing much had changed, but there was an ominous feeling in the air.  Paul sat quietly as people around him muttered and schemed.  In one corner, a cluster of citizens were scribbling intricate logic grids on a napkin, only to wad them up into little balls and throw them on the floor a moment later.  

It seems like they had been talking it through for days.  For a reason that no one could explain, they started turning on Requia.  It just seemed like the right thing to do.  It started with a few peanut shells being tossed her way, which escalated to crumpled up bar napkins, and then ice cubes.  Despite her protestations, things soon got ugly, and Requia fled into the night, chased by hurled invectives and accusations.  She was last seen catching a cab on the corner of 6th and Havershire.  Some say she took a bus to Wasilla, intending to seduce Sarah Palin, then flay her alive and use her skin as a suit.  And some say she already has, and everything we've seen since the 2008 convention has been an elaborate revenge plot.

Requia was Put On a Bus.  She is out of the game.


Paul sat down on the front steps of his apartment building.  He was still shaking and pale.  Whatever it was that happened last night was really freaking him out.  He knew that the city had a face, and a spirit, and that spirit could be malevolent, but... a physical manifestation?  All he could really remember were a cluster of large, black eyes, black as obsidian.  And legs... A collection of insectoid joints and angles.  But he escaped.  He wondered why.  Maybe it was because he was different.  Maybe all this "think for yourself" stuff wasn't just about intellectual games.

"Paul, how are you?" Darrell was walking up the street with a concerned look on his face.  Usually Paul was a cheerful, happy guy.  Maybe a little too cheerful.  Darrell wondered about that, sometimes, if Paul was a little touched in the head.  Even so, Darrell liked hanging out with him.  If anything, he was good for a laugh.  Not back at the bar tonight, though.

"Hey, man.  Something really weird happened to me last night.  I was drinking at the Rosie Palm—"

"You know that going there too much will make you blind, right?"

Paul didn't crack a smile, he just pressed on.  "—and when I walked home, I was... chased... by something."

"Something?  Was it a mugger? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, but... Look, this is going to sound weird, but it was like I was being stalked by a giant, like, Spider or something.  It was like the city had come alive, and took the shape of this monstrous thing with fangs and crooked legs..."

"What the hell have you been drinking?"

"Fine, call it a metaphor, I don't care.  But it happened."

"So how did you get away?"  Darrell sat down on the stoop next to Paul.

"I don't know.  One minute I'm scared shitless, alone and in the dark, and the next thing you know I'm in the middle of some damn parade."

"You're leaving something out."

"I know.  I can't remember.  All I can think of was that I hit some sort of Eristic rift in the timespace."

"...Come again?"

Paul hoped this would work.  If, maybe, he could convince someone else, he wouldn't be alone. "See, since all of Order is in our heads, and we forget that it's self created, then when something really, really weird happens then our brains lock up.  But if we are made aware that our experienced reality is subjective, then maybe at times of high stress we can find our way into some other kind of reality."

Darrell just stared.  After a moment, he stood up and said, "That's, well..."

Paul looked up hopefully.

"...complete bullshit.  I'm sorry, I can't listen to this, I've got to get home.  Look, when you figure out what really happened to you, give me a call.  In the meantime, maybe you should get some more sleep.  You look tired."  Paul watched Darrell walk away and turn the corner.  Sleep?  He wasn't sure he would ever sleep again.

Discordian conversion: Unsuccessful.


The Spider crept out into the night once more.  It felt strong, it felt sure of itself.  Leaping from building to building, it scuttled and scurried through the night, looking to feed.  Below, it saw a young man stapling something to a telephone pole.  Perfect, it thought to itself.  Dropping to the ground, it visualized the proper disguise, which materialized around it.  It stepped into the light, and said, "Excuse me, sir."

Matt spun around, startled, and found himself face to face with a stern looking police officer. "Um, yes?" he gulped.

"May I ask what you are doing?"

"Just... Just putting up a flyer."

"Looks to me like you're defacing public property.  I'm going to need to see some ID."

"I.  I don't have any on me."

"What's your name, son?"


"Well, Matt, you're going to have to come with me until we figure this out."  The officer motioned down the alley he had just emerged from.

"Wait.  Why down there?  I'm not going down there with you."  

"Son.  You must obey authority.  And right now, I'm Authority."  The officer leaned in close, and Matt caught a whiff of something foul.  "So, you behave, son.  Do as you're told."  He smiled, and that's when Matt saw, behind teeth as white and straight as a ruler, a row of fangs peeking out, glimmering in the lamplight.  

"What the hell?  What are you?"  He backed up quickly as his right hand plunged into his shoulder bag, frantically searching for... Ah.

The policeman lunged forward as his mouth split open, showing horrible fangs dripping with poison.  It growled as it made to grab hold of Matt, who pulled his hand out of his bag and proceeded to empty an entire can of aerosol adhesive into the Spider's monstrous face.  

With a shriek, the Spider clutched its face, which was entirely the wrong move because now its hands were stuck to its head.  Matt turned and ran off into the night, not looking back.

The Spider attempted to subsume a Discordian, and failed.

Fredfredly ⊂(◉‿◉)つ



Voting will not be official until all players have posted.

Votes needed to Put Someone On a Bus: 8.  (15/2=7.5+1 {round up}= 8 )


Quote from: Doktor Alphapance on October 11, 2010, 01:49:03 PM
  It growled as it made to grab hold of Matt, who pulled his hand out of his bag and proceeded to empty an entire can of aerosol adhesive into the Spider's monstrous face. 

With a shriek, the Spider clutched its face, which was entirely the wrong move because now its hands were stuck to its head.

Quote from: IRC
[14:12:53] <@Frod> ahhhh glued myself


Fredfredly ⊂(◉‿◉)つ

Quote from: BDS on October 11, 2010, 02:17:09 PM
Quote from: Doktor Alphapance on October 11, 2010, 01:49:03 PM
  It growled as it made to grab hold of Matt, who pulled his hand out of his bag and proceeded to empty an entire can of aerosol adhesive into the Spider's monstrous face. 

With a shriek, the Spider clutched its face, which was entirely the wrong move because now its hands were stuck to its head.

Quote from: IRC
[14:12:53] <@Frod> ahhhh glued myself

that proves more that im the discordian, since i glued myself while gluing the spider. GOOD TRY THO BDS

who of couse said THIS

09:16 bdsimpleton: or something
09:16 bdsimpleton quickly hides his 6 extra legs


Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


Fredfredly ⊂(◉‿◉)つ

Doktor Howl

Quote from: ☂ Kim Jong Fred ☂ on October 11, 2010, 03:29:31 PM
see i told you people to vote for Dok

Why?  Requia votes to lynch me every game, and she has a suspicious face.

Phox 1
Molon Lube


Wait, Requia is female?  I better go change my narration if so...

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Doktor Alphapance on October 11, 2010, 04:04:28 PM
Wait, Requia is female?  I better go change my narration if so...

Yeah.  Not your fault, though.  She's never posted in Spagbook.
Molon Lube

Dysfunctional Cunt

I'm back to being terribly suspicious of the worm......

....however, I will stick with my last vote....

Phox - 2

Fredfredly ⊂(◉‿◉)つ