
If they treat education like a product, they can't very well bitch when you act like a consumer.

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Predictably we move on...

Started by LHX, December 17, 2007, 07:06:12 PM

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we live in a place where changes do not get made

we dont make decisions here - we only react to situations

the main hobby of humans in developed countries is either to 'win' the property race or be stimulated

the property race has long since been determined as a waste of time

the need for external stimulation has long since been determined as a sign of self destruction

but we will never change these things

these are not habits - these are patterns of movement

they are paths that man is attached to much the same way as a train is attached to its track

and what does it take for a train to be taken off its track?


a collision?
the bridge is out?
a earthquake?
no more fuel?

or maybe worst of all:

the day that comes when trains are no longer needed because there is a new technology in place

and the trains get left behind to rust and rot

if that extended metaphor was too much - you should prolly stop reading now

who put you on the track you are on?

most directly it was your parents / guardians

secondarily - it was the social context you grew up in
- what you were taught in school
- what was broadcast through the airwaves

third it was your life experience

the problem is - the only legitimate learning circumstance is the last one

a lot of times in developed societies people are encouraged not to have that life experience

by who?
well - likely parents and teachers

(*note that you cant really pin any blame on them either because they only really did what they could with what they were taught by THEIR parents and teachers - this is what gets perpetuated from generation to generation)

when a person is encouraged not to experience things - this is damaging

you become soft
old fashioned

you are the equivalent of a pair of air jordans in a place where people have the ability to fly and teleport

worst of all - you become generally scared

scared in a universe that was made to meet your every need

scared to die in a place where life is eternal

you become a walking contradiction

scared of pain when it is the only path toward healing

we are beyond the point where we can really criticize people anymore - as i said at the beginning - its pretty predictable

it would be irresponsible of me at this point to act as though i would expect anybody to do anything other than continue doing what they are doing

but what im saying is this:

until some fucked up shit happens to you specifically - you are not going to change your ways

on a larger scale - until some seriously fucked up shit happens on this planet - this place is going to keep going the way its going

occasionally - people are able to elevate themselves to the point where they can see these patterns of movement for what they are and make a decision to switch their path

- in the train metaphor - the train can say 'fuck the track'
- strap on some wings and get some high-octane fuel - take to the skies

if you feel you need to make changes in your life - you are probably right

there are a couple of ways to look at it:

1. what you have in front of you is a opportunity to take it upon yourself to force a change
2. keep doing what you are doing until you are forced to change by something bigger than you

(looking at it closely tho - you might determine that those two are one and the same)

i havent posted in a while

rarely correct but always on point
neat hell


Fucking hell yeah.

Also, people were asking after you at EB&G the other day.  I can post this there for you, if you don't have the time to drop in?


Goddamn, good to have you back, LHX.


sup fellas

i got a couple of weeks to dig in the ditches here before i resume my full-time shift in april

ill pop into EBG and say whats up
neat hell


Cool, it'll be nice having you back here for a while.


Hey LHX, good to see ye around again. I liked this piece - I was just reminiscing today about how this commutiny/cabal used to be really focused on producing output. Like the BIP pamphlets, website, The Age of Aftermath magazine project, etcetc. And recently we've kind of veered away from that, perhaps because there's not much new to say about the Black Iron Prison. But I like this take, this spin. It's refreshing to read.

TBH, I didn't like the line
Quoteif that extended metaphor was too much - you should prolly stop reading now

the line
Quoteyou are the equivalent of a pair of air jordans in a place where people have the ability to fly and teleport
made me lol

The traintrack metaphor resonates with me as it matches up with my own opinions about Free Will and the lack thereof.

And it just goes to show that you can't really fight bureaucracy because bureaucracy is made up of all of us. And that part of you which wants to fight the machine - that's part of the machine too.


true said

zoom out on the perspective and you can always find another machine at work on a level higher

consisting of everything below

the more you plug away at it - the more the scope of the struggle shifts

first it is self vs the world

then it is self vs self where you see repercussions in the world

then it is self in world vs the universe


i would hate to be on the baltimore ravens right now
neat hell

Triple Zero

hi X! indeed nice to have you back

Quote from: LHX on December 17, 2007, 07:06:12 PM
and what does it take for a train to be taken off its track?


a collision?
the bridge is out?
a earthquake?
no more fuel?

you maybe forgot the obvious.. a switch?
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



neat hell

Darth Cupcake

LHX! Yay! Glad to have you posting again!

Quote from: LHX on December 17, 2007, 07:06:12 PM
if you feel you need to make changes in your life - you are probably right

I think this is one of the best lines in this post, as simple as it is--it is completely accurate. So often people are told that when they feel discontent, or like there's something wrong, like changes should be made, they are told to calm down and not rock the boat, that they're imagining things, etc.

You cut to the chase and put it simply, but accurately.

Over all, as always, a nicely written piece with an excellent message. That line in particular, however, really stuck out for me.
Be the trouble you want to see in the world.


rah!  Good to have some LHX wisdom again.  Good stuff.  Hope the IRL has been treating you kindly while you've been away. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

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Glad to see you back here X.

Also, drop me a pm if you have the time for a game of Go.
P E R   A S P E R A   A D   A S T R A

The Apex, The Harmony Of

Quote from: LHX on December 17, 2007, 07:06:12 PM
if you feel you need to make changes in your life - you are probably right

I vote for making that shorter and putting it in the meme thread.