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Started by Dr Goofy, September 05, 2008, 06:15:01 AM

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not necessarily it isn't.....have a look and see that there is plenty of evidence.  You can choose to dismiss it or not mate.  My opinion is that there is plenty which science cannot explain and there might be plenty of stuff we consider wierd and out there which may one day be explained and factual.  No need to get personal now is there?  You disagree, good for you.  Just because lots of people with beards agree with you doesn't make it fact, though there's plenty of chance it is.

However, why always do people who disagree with this viewpoint always get personal?? I thought you were above that dude...

I have had experiences (not just me either) which current science cannot explain and so excercised the very human faculty of wanting to understand and make sense of these.  I found possibilities which i can consider.  Just because science can't explain it doesn't make it utter rubbish does it?


Quote from: Lupernikes_shadowbark on September 08, 2008, 05:21:27 PM

However, why always do people who disagree with this viewpoint always get personal?? I thought you were above that dude...

Please to point out where I got personal.

I still have time to, if you want.


not you my good Dr, sorry


You said always.

You aren't being very clear there. It leads me to think that perhaps you aren't being very clear with the rest of your ideas?


I should have quantified SOME people, ok fine..I'm atr work and it's busy suddenly and have a cold so am not at my sharpest, sorry.  I did not mean you


Quote from: Lupernikes_shadowbark on September 08, 2008, 05:21:27 PM
not necessarily it isn't.....have a look and see that there is plenty of evidence. 

Evidence of what?

QuoteYou can choose to dismiss it or not mate.  My opinion is that there is plenty which science cannot explain and there might be plenty of stuff we consider wierd and out there which may one day be explained and factual.

Yes, but so far science has given better, more concise answers for that phenomena.  And yes, the current models do not easily explain some stuff.

QuoteI have had experiences (not just me either) which current science cannot explain and so excercised the very human faculty of wanting to understand and make sense of these.  I found possibilities which i can consider.  Just because science can't explain it doesn't make it utter rubbish does it?

I never said that.  

I said that, since you don't have enough information, it remains in the state of "unknown".

My disagreement with you is that because you don't know enough science to identify it, you jump to a parascientific explanation.

Which is just about as bad as saying you were visited by seraphim, if you ask me.


I said i could not explain things nor that I am right if you'd read all of my posts LMNO...I believe this to be the case but do not hold it as truth....I merely took exception and someone's attitude and attempt to force their opinions on me in a patronising way. 

If i'm wrong them fine, I will accept that when it is proven, otherwise I'll stick to what i know


But you just said you don't know...

So; let us begin again.

Please describe an experience you've had that you've had, in as much detail as possible.


never mind, I cannot be arsed now


Quote from: Lupernikes_shadowbark on September 08, 2008, 05:44:01 PM
never mind, I cannot be arsed now

You're going to QUIT now?!?!

We could be on the verge of a great discovery!


such is life, I'm very busy and have a stinking cold and have had enough of arguing over a point i don't feel I made and, I suspect, am being wound up


Ok, then I'll take a blind shot:

Law of Fives.
Limbic System Cascade.
A combination of any of the above.

How'd I do?


could be or could not be; I already said I don't know

could be chemical or physiological or could be something else; therre could be morer forces (i'm talking forces such as gravity etc here not literary/religio-mystic forces) at work in the universe which are beyond scientific means of explaination...

but there have been occurences which have been studied and recorded, though no explainations have been discovered. 

Plus I know people, including cynics, who have experienced the same things I have and cannot explain them either, so i'm not sure about nuerochemical imbalance...again your opinion is fine (also I've learnt that you never share personal experiences and/or information on a forum, ever!) i'll not go into details if that's ok with you.


I think i've already brought up Occam's razor before.

In this case, a neurochemical cascade combined with the Law of Fives is WAAAAAAY simpler and more solid an explanation than "mysterious forces that science has not even named, much less proved."


like I said, I think what i think and too stubborn to change now

if you've never experienced anything which could be termed paranormal then maybe you have never had a need to try and explain them, until you have, you won't need to.  I'm just saying some things I have experienced led to me seek answers and was curious