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Ten two late the seven said

Started by Sepia, April 30, 2009, 04:00:11 AM

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And they were magnificent. They were beautiful upon their own darkness, their own loss of control, the truth in the light house. We saw it that night and we understood, we understood what we thought we had been understanding. Did you peer upon the sun until your eyes seethed with tears? Did you see the black hole coming from the sky? Did you see death walk out that night? What did you see in his heels?

It was stupidity. Daughter of your goddess, my goddess, that goddess. The bastard child, the new demented prince, the face that saw what humanity was and defined so far away in both space and time. She was in our gloves, she was in our feet. We saw upon her face, we gazed upon the dream, the miracle but they and it always told us the same thing. They told us that we were the millionth customer and we believed it. We wanted to believe in something and here we were, here we saw and realized what happened to us and as we accepted it we understood how fucking stupid we were,

It's a game Mr. Snow and you and yours have become to good at it

We didn't even read that comic, we passed that age in time and we weren't devouring anymore, we were dreaming, we were sullen and we felt sorry for ourselves and we saw beauty turn into apathy, we saw heroes turning into cowards, we saw the dreams they thought were true about us and we went the other way

We woke up in the valleys when the sun sat

We were living at night

We were living in the twilight and we did for the rest of our lives, we evaded them, their dreams and hopes for us, we weren't infected with what they were infected with but people came knocking at our door asking for ted kazinsky junior and we usually hit them with our glove and we unleashed it upon humanity, upon them all, upon those and them

We were seething with hatred but we didn't know

We were not aware of this situation, we didn't think it would be like this, we would believe you when you told us that it wouldn't happen today because that was over fifty years ago and nazism was defunct and then we read on our own and we knew you were lying or you were too lazy, too dumb to bother

We saw you, we understood you but you never even thought of us, we didn't exist and that is your crime, humanity, that is your everlasting crime and it is what fuels the eternity machine
Everyone will always be too late