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"Are things okay in The Wasteland?"

Started by The Good Reverend Roger, November 11, 2009, 03:56:47 PM

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Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on November 11, 2009, 07:12:50 PM
Quote from: NiveKRayne on November 11, 2009, 07:08:25 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on November 11, 2009, 06:59:24 PM
Quote from: NiveKRayne on November 11, 2009, 06:56:13 PM
We appreciate everything you do for us and we try to pay you back in the biggest of ways we can muster. You come over and swill coffee with us, bring us the latest news of the day or week depending on when you've come over. We really do enjoy your presence as a person not just a sitcom. We LIKE having you meet all our friends because your fucking awesome. AWESOME. One day the tables will turn and we'll be able to do more nice things that you have done for us. We all like you for you, not just your funny stories. Goddamn, I sound like some kids show telling you to be you and if they don't like it well dammit they can all fuck off for the sake of fucking off. Those assholes that can't deal with you as a person aren't really people, they are just shells of people who let themselves die on the inside because they weren't strong enough to stand out and be what they really wanted to be. Keep in mind that your just living out life as you see fit, with minor lumps that come up of course, but dammit, Roger, you're fucking awesome.

Thanks, Nivek.   :oops:  Also, those thousands of files didn't hurt a thing, so don't sweat it, ya dig?

I feel like doing something grotesque this weekend.  You guys in?

Grotesque? Hmm, lemme see what's on the schedule for this weekend.. *opens day planner* well we can probably work you in...  :lulz:

We're always game for something grotesque. :D

GREAT!  I have Monday off, and I'm thinking we need some churchifying on Sunday.

Thinks we really, really need to go to church.

:lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: Great I'll wear my best baby stompers and fishnets.


I'm just gonna give Roger a hug.  I don't know him well enough to say he's my friend or I'm his, I just know I have boundless respect for him.  And I  was raised hippie so the response to someone being upset that nobody likes them, especcially if they are basically likable is a hug.

Now knowing roger he'll probably hit me for hugging him, but, y'know, that's ok too.
You're a special case, Babylon.  You are offensive even when you don't post.

Merely by being alive, you make everyone just a little more miserable

-Dok Howl


Quote from: Nigel on November 11, 2009, 06:30:14 PM

Put on your big girl panties and deal with it. Some of the things we like, other people believe are stupid. You can either get assburnt and defend your stupid shit, or you can go find a board where people agree with you and discuss it there.

I swear to fucking god. It's like the fibromyalgia thread on the glass board. Now people are getting butthurt because some of the bead ladies are talking about hypochondriacs. Well, you know what ladies? TAKE THAT SHIT TO A FIBRO SUPPORT BOARD.

Same fucking thing with talking about magic here. Why not go to a Satanist board and start talking Jesus? Why not go to GLP and start talking Liberalism? Oh wait, that would be trolling? Well, guess what, dumbfuck.

To be perfectly fair, there are plenty of people here who seem to treat Magick the same way Rat does.  To imply he's on the wrong board wouldn't be entirely true.

It seems the main problem here was that he used TGRR's words out of context (sarcastically) to support his viewpoint, NOT that he shouldn't talk about Magic.

Hmm... I feel slightly dirty now.

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Quote from: LMNO on November 11, 2009, 08:03:37 PM
Quote from: Nigel on November 11, 2009, 06:30:14 PM

Put on your big girl panties and deal with it. Some of the things we like, other people believe are stupid. You can either get assburnt and defend your stupid shit, or you can go find a board where people agree with you and discuss it there.

I swear to fucking god. It's like the fibromyalgia thread on the glass board. Now people are getting butthurt because some of the bead ladies are talking about hypochondriacs. Well, you know what ladies? TAKE THAT SHIT TO A FIBRO SUPPORT BOARD.

Same fucking thing with talking about magic here. Why not go to a Satanist board and start talking Jesus? Why not go to GLP and start talking Liberalism? Oh wait, that would be trolling? Well, guess what, dumbfuck.

To be perfectly fair, there are plenty of people here who seem to treat Magick the same way Rat does.  To imply he's on the wrong board wouldn't be entirely true.

It seems the main problem here was that he used TGRR's words out of context (sarcastically) to support his viewpoint, NOT that he shouldn't talk about Magic.

Hmm... I feel slightly dirty now.

Well, if its any help I can make a purification sigil for you  :lulz:

Also, the other bit of the problem was that I didn't make it clear I was being sarcastic. Being obvious about it would probably not have caused an issue, as TGRR is not an insane person... well no moreso than any of the rest of us.
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: LMNO on November 11, 2009, 08:03:37 PM
Quote from: Nigel on November 11, 2009, 06:30:14 PM

Put on your big girl panties and deal with it. Some of the things we like, other people believe are stupid. You can either get assburnt and defend your stupid shit, or you can go find a board where people agree with you and discuss it there.

I swear to fucking god. It's like the fibromyalgia thread on the glass board. Now people are getting butthurt because some of the bead ladies are talking about hypochondriacs. Well, you know what ladies? TAKE THAT SHIT TO A FIBRO SUPPORT BOARD.

Same fucking thing with talking about magic here. Why not go to a Satanist board and start talking Jesus? Why not go to GLP and start talking Liberalism? Oh wait, that would be trolling? Well, guess what, dumbfuck.

To be perfectly fair, there are plenty of people here who seem to treat Magick the same way Rat does.  To imply he's on the wrong board wouldn't be entirely true.

It seems the main problem here was that he used TGRR's words out of context (sarcastically) to support his viewpoint, NOT that he shouldn't talk about Magic.

Hmm... I feel slightly dirty now.

I'm not saying it's the wrong board. Don't get me wrong... this is also not a cooking board or a fucking romance support board. I'm just saying, if you know there are people who will react extremely negatively to your recipe posts or your tales of romantic woe, either put on some fucking underwear or don't post that shit. Flailing around and misquoting people who disagree with you isn't going to change a fucking thing.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

The Wizard

Hey, Reverend. When I first joined up on this forum, you were the first guy to respond to my intro thread. My first couple conversations with you, whether we agreed or not, were what made me decide that this was a place I could belong, where I could talk about shit I was interested in or rant my guts up and not have people treat me like a freak.

So, you are needed man. Don't let yourself forget that. And if people don't give you the respect you deserve, then follow the general consensus here. FUCK THEM. They don't deserve a Rain God.

You can count on people here, at least. You've got friends here.

Dr. James Semaj the Paradoxical
Wondering when he turned into a fucking teddy bear
Insanity we trust.


Roger, I absolutely love your phone calls. Seriously. :)
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. --Loren Eisley, The Immense Journey

Her Royal Majesty's Chief of Insect Genitalia Dissection
Grand Visser of the Six Legged Class
Chanticleer of the Holometabola Clade Church, Diptera Parish

Cainad (dec.)

They may think they can treat you like The Horrible Cranky Misanthrope show, but what they forget is that you're not. You're flesh and blood and there is no plate of glass or plastic separating you from them. The foolish ones, the false friends, forget that your words are not written by a scriptwriter in the back room.

Let them think they can turn off the Truth, the Hateshit, just by avoiding you. When the barbarians are at the gates, they'll get theirs and realize, "Wait, he was actually trying to tell us something, wasn't he?"

I dunno. Not much for me to say that hasn't already been said ITT, but has become my sanity support crew and I'll be damned if I don't do what I can to give back.


Quote from: LMNO on November 11, 2009, 08:03:37 PM
Quote from: Nigel on November 11, 2009, 06:30:14 PM

Put on your big girl panties and deal with it. Some of the things we like, other people believe are stupid. You can either get assburnt and defend your stupid shit, or you can go find a board where people agree with you and discuss it there.

I swear to fucking god. It's like the fibromyalgia thread on the glass board. Now people are getting butthurt because some of the bead ladies are talking about hypochondriacs. Well, you know what ladies? TAKE THAT SHIT TO A FIBRO SUPPORT BOARD.

Same fucking thing with talking about magic here. Why not go to a Satanist board and start talking Jesus? Why not go to GLP and start talking Liberalism? Oh wait, that would be trolling? Well, guess what, dumbfuck.

To be perfectly fair, there are plenty of people here who seem to treat Magick the same way Rat does.  To imply he's on the wrong board wouldn't be entirely true.

It seems the main problem here was that he used TGRR's words out of context (sarcastically) to support his viewpoint, NOT that he shouldn't talk about Magic.

Hmm... I feel slightly dirty now.

I think the fact that he dragged his shit from that thread into this one also implies he was in the wrong.
You're a special case, Babylon.  You are offensive even when you don't post.

Merely by being alive, you make everyone just a little more miserable

-Dok Howl


Alright, let's see if I can type this without making a horrible fool of myself or sounding like a new-age hippie.

Roger, I respect you. I respect you for what you write and who you are. If people don't like you for who you are and what you say, then  fuck 'em. Not literally though, they probably have all sorts of nasty diseases. Spend your time with those who value you for who you really are, who like you even without your mask. When it comes down to it, those are the people that matter.
Is it plugged in?


hey roger -
i think the problem is that they need you.  it's not your fault you are one of the great ones but you are.  you've probably tried to teach them how to not need you but they are stupid and unable to learn.  you are helpful in some way and now they depend on you.  unforunately, in - as you put it - the wasteland - the great ones are few and far between, so this a)overtaps your resources and b)leaves you few great ones to depend on yourself.

with that said - i would recommend (i know, i know - i'm a fucking broken record) hopping on your ducati and going very far.  ride that thing until your ass hurts so much you don't know if you'll ever be able to make it home.  (i must admit i'm jealous of your climate - it's already way to cold to ride my bike any real distance 'round here)

also, getting back to them - the only way they will learn to cope without you is for you to not be there.  i'll just pass on that there's a camp for sale about a mile down my road - i believe it's on 20 acres - for $60k - there's electricity but no phone or water.  you could put a well in for a few grand - but there you could be a hermit.  see people if you want - or don't.  the people around here aren't like those in the wasteland.  there's only 2 types of people around here - people that hunt and fish and talk non-stop about hunting and fishing.  and then there's the crazies who figured out they can't stand most people and opted for a life more solitary.  there's an abundance of great ones around here.

good luck.  and remember, it's not your fault. 
"a real smart feller, he felt smart"

Doktor Howl

Bump, cause I feel more like this now than ever.
Molon Lube


Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on November 11, 2009, 03:56:47 PM
Jabbered here to avoid spagging Suu's thread up any further.

I think I've spend a little too much time down the rabbit hole.  It's strange down here, and it's full of Hideous Truths™ that, in retrospect, I didn't really need to know.  The problem with this is that I have become, apparently, a very unlikeable person.  Outside of my immediate family, I have maybe ten people that can stand my presence, and half of them are crazy or damaged in some way.

Looking back, I was probably better off making my money in Wrongfun ways, hanging out with whores and hustlers and the very dregs of society.  At least I had someone to talk to, people that understood me.  My people, as it were.  They were shitheads, but they were there when I needed them, instead of merely expecting me to be there for them.

But the kids moved into state, and I had to become respectable, for their sake.  I have to deal with teachers and college reps and a neighborhood that is full of a better class of scum.  And as much fun as it is to tear into those people, I do kind of miss having more than a couple of people around me that like me.

As the man said, I can't take any more bad water, I've been poisoned from my head down to my shoes.  Poisoned by exposure to Calvinists, exposure to the horrible fucks that live behind me, exposure to people who want to hear me rant, but don't particularly like to have me around otherwise.  Exposure to people that want Roger on demand, who value my advice but not me, if you get what I'm saying.

Of course, I am certain that this is mostly me.  I have been told, for example, that I am a very difficult person to live with, and people who are at first excited to hang out with me - or even talk with me - soon avoid me like the plague.  I'm not sure what to do about that, because the day I become someone else for any reason, even for basic human contact, is the day I eat my fucking gun.  And that ain't happening...I'm not done with you fucking primates yet.

So, no, things are not okay in the wastelands.  Things are actually pretty fucking miserable.  But they make pills for that, I have found, and the pills do okay.  But I miss all the lowlifes I used to know, back when I knew how to Rock N Roll, back when the Lost Highway looked cool, when I was walking with The King.  Maybe I need to get back to that, and stop relying on people who don't actually view me as a person.

Something has to be done.  I refuse to live like this.  I refuse to be a crying towel one day, and an unwanted annoyance the next.  I refuse to be nothing more than entertainment on demand.  If that's how people view me, then I shall remove the annoyance from those particular people.  I am nothing if not considerate.

Let me be clear that I'm not bitching about "respect", here, or "my due", or any bullshit like that.  I'm bitching that I have been reduced to an On-Demand presentation, or a monster, or some horrible thing that is best viewed from a distance...Ho ho!  Look at the funny misanthrope and his funny pills and funny stories and okay, great, that's over, let's watch something else now.  I have, it seems, an off button.  My old associates were the scum of the Earth, really awful people in some cases, but they never aimed a remote at me when the funny ranting man ran out of rants for 10 seconds.

Something has to be done.

Or kill me.

No, no no, good sir.  For now SCIENCE has made you BETTER, and SCIENCE leads the way.

Your patients, because let's face it, at this time in our lives everyone is a patient for one reason or another; your patients think they know what they need, and demand as much from their good Doktor.

Ah, but you are the Doktor, nein?

So:  And so:  You must examine, diagnose, proscribe, and then TREAT THE FUCK OUT OF THESE MOTHERFUCKERS.

They simply will not get better, otherwise.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: LMNO on March 08, 2010, 06:58:52 PM

So:  And so:  You must examine, diagnose, proscribe, and then TREAT THE FUCK OUT OF THESE MOTHERFUCKERS.

They simply will not get better, otherwise.

Yes.  This.
Molon Lube


I never read this thread the first time round.

All I gots to say is that I like having Roger around the forum and in IRC. It is a deep pain to me when he is not here (or there. (In IRC).)

And yes, it's partly because he is necessary. But I want him around too.

Herr Doktor: Thank you for all you do.