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The case against Obama

Started by Cain, January 09, 2010, 08:16:59 PM

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There is also his failure to put a stop to mountain top removal mining.  Even his EPA admits it is irreparably damaging the environment but they are approving the permits anyway. I don't think he mentioned it specifically, but I do remember him mentioning he would reverse some of Bush's bad environmental decisions, and this by far is the worst one.

East Coast Hustle

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


I've found myself agreeing with people who are calling this the third Bush term.

Also, Mecha Reagan would only result in the plot of Metal Wolf Chaos coming true.  Uh, make that "plot", a word I use with great hesistation.

Requia ☣

Quote from: Iason Ouabache on January 10, 2010, 07:29:10 AM
Expansion of the Faith-Based Initiates Office. I know that kinda pales in comparison to everything you posted but it still pisses me off.

I hope you plan on posting this to your blog at some point.

Are you shitting me?  That's supposed to be the one thing Obama was good for.
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.


Quote from: Emerald City Hustle on January 09, 2010, 11:04:55 PM
Cain, I hope you don't mind that I've just c&p'd that to Facebook as a note.

Can't wait to see what kind of shitstorm it stirs up.

Hey, I did too. :)


So he isn't exactly the hope and change superman that most people thought they were voting for.  The important thing is he is 100 times better than Bush, and probably 10 times better than McCain would've been.

Still... Hillary would've been better.

East Coast Hustle

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"



You should probably actually read what he is doing, because its exactly the same sort of shit Bush pulled.  Not similar, not me using hyperbole to make a point, it is literally the same stuff Bush said and the same extra-Constutional powers Bush asserted and the same foreign and security policy Bush wanted to follow.

Also, Iason, I'll find links confirming all of these today, then I'll post it.



I probably should have stopped reading the moment I realised this article was an appeal to ridicule.

But I didn't. That said

Quotehe buried the Imperial Presidency of George Bush and restored the Constitutional balance of government by respecting the equal standing of the legislative branch of government.

FAIL. He institutionalised it. The secrecy, the unitary executive, the wide-ranging powers...all of it.

QuotePassed and signed the stimulus package, the biggest piece of legislation--ever--in blinding speed, thus being able to start to stabilize the economy, with GDP now projected to grow at the rate of 3 percent by the end of the year. Check the comeback of your 401K since Obama has taken over.

Good thing all those unemployed people have 401k's, isn't it?  Good thing all this "growth" isnt actually just corporate parasites feeding off a failing state.  Because then there would be trouble.

QuoteStabilized the top 20 banks without federalizing them.

And what a success thats turned out to be!

QuoteReduced the rate of foreclosures inherited from the Bush administration.

He's also managed to not choke on a pretzel yet, but I dont think this is any reason for applause..

QuoteKilled the F-22 fighter jet program, a popular program with Congress, saving billions of dollars.

And then promptly continued to expand the overall Pentagon budget, making such savings worthless.  Also, the F-22 will make a comeback, sooner or later.

QuoteCooperated with Japan in bringing a $5 billion stabilization package for Pakistan.

Which was promptly spent on guns, hookers and blow by the Pakistani Army.

QuoteEngaged the Muslim world in a dialogue, beginning with his unprecedented speech in Cairo, followed by an interview with Al Arabiya, and face-to-face discussions with Iran, a total reversal of the Bush years of Muslim baiting and hate.

Good thing Obama hasn't invaded five Muslim countries then, and escalated the conflict in at least two of the theatres he inherited from Bush.  Because that would suck.

QuoteDramatically reversed the reputation of the United States around the world, with now most nations looking favorably on the US, and receiving the Nobel Peace Prize as one consequence.

Wheee!  When Obama's policies kill people, the world still loves us for it!  And that makes it right.

QuoteAgreed to plan for bringing the troops home from Iraq, at a slower pace than what he promised, but based on knowledge that commanders-in-chief, not candidates, have.

Bullshit.  It was known since 2006 any withdrawal would take 18 months at best to do, assuming perfect conditions.  Also 50-60,000 troops are staying behind, presumably to referee the upcoming Iraqi Civil War.

QuoteBrought the White House online, doing for the White House what he had done for political campaigning. There are now online Q&A's with the administration, and a White House blog.

So we can troll the Whitehouse blog comments?  Big whoop. 

QuoteBanned the use of torture, and he has begun a complete review of the torture policies under Bush.

No he hasn't.  Unless Bagram and Balad have suddenly been overrun by foreign torture enthusiasts.  And review isnt the same as prosecute, which any government which abided by the rule of law would be doing.

I'm starting to get serious 2003 vibes right now.


Lets put it this way...what many online Obama supporters (not neccessary guest7654, more the blog he posted, as well as others) seem to fail to understand is that when you are having to making the case that Obama is better than Bush, you've already lost.  Bush was the third worst President of all time, being better than Bush shouldn't be contestable.  But it is.

Requia ☣

Erm, a lot of those are the same things we're complaining about, number 1 in particular seems to be a failing of his, he doesn't have it in him to control congress, and so can't get anything he wants done unless lobbyists do it for him.  There's bailout related stuff on there for him too.

Some of them... number 20 is false.  It was ordered that there be no investigation of the involvement the higher ups had in torture, and torture has not actually stopped, even if its more limited.

21, seriously, appointing a woman who not only doesn't care what the law is, but can't come up with good excuses for her decisions is not a good move, at all.  At least Scalia is creative.  I'll give him a pass if she manages to end corporate personage without wrecking the whole of the law in the process, but even then she was a bad pick.

I'll grant you maybe half that list.  But this isn't merely complaining about things he's failed to do, this is mostly about his *deliberate* actions.  Nothing forced him to appoint industry executives and lobbyists to major positions (ooh, can we put that on the list?)
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.

Requia ☣

Quote from: Cain on January 11, 2010, 10:27:26 AM
Lets put it this way...what many online Obama supporters (not neccessary guest7654, more the blog he posted, as well as others) seem to fail to understand is that when you are having to making the case that Obama is better than Bush, you've already lost.  Bush was the third worst President of all time, being better than Bush shouldn't be contestable.  But it is.

Who was worse?
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.



But Obama hasn't had 8 years yet. 

Requia ☣

I meant worse than Bush.

There are a few that come to mind from the 19th century, Bush at least avoided genocide.
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.