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UNLIMITED Arizona Hilarity thread

Started by Requia ☣, April 22, 2010, 04:44:30 AM

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The sooner this thing goes critical, the better.

I suggest starting rumours that illegals are working at army bases and have been implicated in theft of military equipement, and see if the teabaggers are stupid enough to take the bait and protest a military base with their usual finesse and style (ie incoherent ranting, often while holding weapons).


Doktor Howl

Quote from: Requia ☣ on July 28, 2010, 09:37:32 PM
5 bucks says if the US military makes a show of force in AZ the Utah militia nutjobs head south too.

Naw, too far.
Molon Lube


Quote from: Cain on July 28, 2010, 09:39:25 PM
The sooner this thing goes critical, the better.

I suggest starting rumours that illegals are working at army bases and have been implicated in theft of military equipement, and see if the teabaggers are stupid enough to take the bait and protest a military base with their usual finesse and style (ie incoherent ranting, often while holding weapons).

I stand in awe of your deviousness.

The Johnny

Im not so sure but...

Given that so much economic gain comes from paying illegal workers low fares as to compared what a citizen would be paid for...

I think that its not a real win until all those workers are given rights.

What i mean is that this overall turn of events to deport illegal workers was a move from the screeching conservatives, and that the figures in power were not inclined to support it, was due to exploitative informal economy gains other than anything else.
<<My image in some places, is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a string and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively.>>

-B.F. Skinner

Requia ☣

And you hit upon the real solution to illegal immigration.

Enforce the labor laws and there won't be any reason for businesses to hire them.
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.



Businesses will well, go out of business, left and right, all the way down the pike.  Johnnyx has made the biggest point of all, and really, everyone knows it, but no one LIKES it.  Because it's a "LIBRUL" idea.  A "PROGRESSIVE" notion.

Neverfuckingmind that practically EVERY Conservative president of the US the last 30 years has been FOR it.  Guest worker programs, "amnesty," you name it, the last few Republican presidents from Reagan to Bush II, they wanted it.  I know guys like Tancredo are more of the "kick the bastids back out of the country" type, but the Senator Graham-types have been more conciliatory and realize they will lose GENERATIONS of Latino voters if this shit continues.

Teabaggers, they don't wanna hear that.  And they don't give a fuck.


tyrannosaurus vex

Okay, just playing Devil's Advocate a bit here...

The AZ law is terrible. But the fact that it was passed is, I think, less a testament to backwoods racism in AZ than it is to the growing frustration with the Federal Government's refusal to enforce existing law in any meaningful way. Personally, I'm not a racist, but I do think the US needs to actually control its borders. It's easier to sneak into the US and set up shop than any other developed nation in the world. The Federal Government has done practically nothing for 30 years about illegal immigration. A few round-ups, a few border patrol agents here and there, a fence (lol).

I support expanded, legal immigration. Obviously there are millions of people who would rather be here than their own countries, and I'm fine with that. But we should be doing it openly, respectfully, and above-board. Having such a restricted legal immigration channel and then doing nearly nothing to combat illegal immigration compounds all kinds of problems. And there are problems caused by illegal immigration. People come here and multiply but can't join society because of their "illegal" status. So generations of people grow up here but never identify themselves as Americans, which leads to self-segregation, economic stress, cultural clashes, crime, a sub-class of bottom-rung workers with practically no chance for advancement, etc.

The right-wing activists would have a little less to complain about and a lot less to say that other people are willing to hear, if the Federal Government would enact sensible immigration policy and then enforce it. The AZ law wouldn't have been passed if DC had been doing its job in the first place.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.


Sometimes posts on this board really surprise me.

There is an estimated 12 million illegal Mexican Nationals in this country. Now, I don't know how anyone could actually estimate this accurately, so let's say conservatively there are 6 million.

Screechers want them all gone tomorrow. You bet! Let's rip 6 million workers out of the fabric of the American workforce and just see what happens.

I hope you don't want any more vegetables or nice smooth roads or any untold number of services these people provide.

Instead of standing at the border barking we should just open the border and be done with it. The simple fact is the border is already for all intents and purpose wide open. Drugs are pouring into this country from Mexico in record numbers. Mexican Nationals can cross the border at will.

And then let's discuss the most obvious thing of all. This country is in a deep economic crisis. Illegals are a cheap workforce. But please continue to ignore the facts and continue to yell about them taking your jobs, jobs you wouldn't do in the first place.

A Jenne has already mentioned a guest worker program would solve just about everything the schreechers are screeching about.

But, continue watching all the side shows while the main stage is eerily quiet and empty.

*Steps down from soapbox*


Phoenix, Arizona (CNN) -- Jairo Tellez's seafood distribution business is a family affair. In the industrial warehouse that houses J and V Mariscos on the west side of Phoenix, his wife, Vicki, and four of his seven children load trucks, take phone calls, enter data and help care for his infant grandson, who has a playpen in Tellez's office.

But with portions of Arizona's controversial immigration enforcement law set to take effect Thursday, the business is in limbo.

"If people are not eating, we're not selling," said Wendy Cisneros, a family friend who works in the back office. "We've lost 60 percent of sales, and right now the future's uncertain. We don't know if we're going to stay in the state; we don't know if we're going to close the business. Everything's up in the air."


Maricopa county Sheriff Joe Arpaio has a message to the people who intend to protest the controversial Arizona immigration law tomorrow: "I'm ready for it."

"I hear a rumor they want to block my jails. So if they want to block the jails they can have a little trip in the jails," Arpaio told me on "GMA." "So we are not going to put up with any civil disobedience just because they want to show, give a message through the media about this situation that is occurring here in Arizona."



Quote from: vexati0n on July 29, 2010, 07:00:06 AM
Okay, just playing Devil's Advocate a bit here...

The AZ law is terrible. But the fact that it was passed is, I think, less a testament to backwoods racism in AZ than it is to the growing frustration with the Federal Government's refusal to enforce existing law in any meaningful way. Personally, I'm not a racist, but I do think the US needs to actually control its borders. It's easier to sneak into the US and set up shop than any other developed nation in the world. The Federal Government has done practically nothing for 30 years about illegal immigration. A few round-ups, a few border patrol agents here and there, a fence (lol).

I support expanded, legal immigration. Obviously there are millions of people who would rather be here than their own countries, and I'm fine with that. But we should be doing it openly, respectfully, and above-board. Having such a restricted legal immigration channel and then doing nearly nothing to combat illegal immigration compounds all kinds of problems. And there are problems caused by illegal immigration. People come here and multiply but can't join society because of their "illegal" status. So generations of people grow up here but never identify themselves as Americans, which leads to self-segregation, economic stress, cultural clashes, crime, a sub-class of bottom-rung workers with practically no chance for advancement, etc.

The right-wing activists would have a little less to complain about and a lot less to say that other people are willing to hear, if the Federal Government would enact sensible immigration policy and then enforce it. The AZ law wouldn't have been passed if DC had been doing its job in the first place.

Vex, there are always better ways to deal with immigrants than to take away rights of citizens at the same time.  It's not just the racism, dude.  It's the same idiotic principle that's been at play since 9/11.  That sacrificing our liberties is worth the payoff of so-called security. 

It's bullshit.  Total and PROVEN TO BE bullshit.  Anyone who works in the facts and figures will tell you:  immigration does NOT cause increase in crime.  Paying for illegal immigrants to go to school and have health care acutally PAYS OFF in the long run with a smarter, harder working, healthier workforce.

Anyone duped into thinking a law like this is "necessary" to "force the federal government's hand" into doing anything "worthy," they are buying oceanfront property in Nevada.  All this means is they will tighten their grip on civil rights like Patriot Acts. 

But, you know, overreaction to social and legal injustices is just so passee...


Quote from: Doktor Charley Brown on July 29, 2010, 11:04:11 AM
Phoenix, Arizona (CNN) -- Jairo Tellez's seafood distribution business is a family affair. In the industrial warehouse that houses J and V Mariscos on the west side of Phoenix, his wife, Vicki, and four of his seven children load trucks, take phone calls, enter data and help care for his infant grandson, who has a playpen in Tellez's office.

But with portions of Arizona's controversial immigration enforcement law set to take effect Thursday, the business is in limbo.

"If people are not eating, we're not selling," said Wendy Cisneros, a family friend who works in the back office. "We've lost 60 percent of sales, and right now the future's uncertain. We don't know if we're going to stay in the state; we don't know if we're going to close the business. Everything's up in the air."

This is the economic fallout Rog originally talked about.  Businesses in AZ, businesses that folks like Sheriff Joe and his ilk don't realize are a fundamental part of the microeconomy of that state, will be folding and coming to, say, CALIFUCKINGFORNIA, instead.

And you won't find our state trying a Prop 87 again any time soon.  Although, I guess I should be careful what I say because if Meg fucking Whitman makes it to the governator's seat, we may be in for another, uh, "interesting" ride.  I can only hope she falls on her fat fucking face in the debates this fall.


Quote from: Jenne on July 29, 2010, 02:11:26 PM
Quote from: Doktor Charley Brown on July 29, 2010, 11:04:11 AM
Phoenix, Arizona (CNN) -- Jairo Tellez's seafood distribution business is a family affair. In the industrial warehouse that houses J and V Mariscos on the west side of Phoenix, his wife, Vicki, and four of his seven children load trucks, take phone calls, enter data and help care for his infant grandson, who has a playpen in Tellez's office.

But with portions of Arizona's controversial immigration enforcement law set to take effect Thursday, the business is in limbo.

"If people are not eating, we're not selling," said Wendy Cisneros, a family friend who works in the back office. "We've lost 60 percent of sales, and right now the future's uncertain. We don't know if we're going to stay in the state; we don't know if we're going to close the business. Everything's up in the air."

This is the economic fallout Rog originally talked about.  Businesses in AZ, businesses that folks like Sheriff Joe and his ilk don't realize are a fundamental part of the microeconomy of that state, will be folding and coming to, say, CALIFUCKINGFORNIA, instead.

And you won't find our state trying a Prop 87 again any time soon.  Although, I guess I should be careful what I say because if Meg fucking Whitman makes it to the governator's seat, we may be in for another, uh, "interesting" ride.  I can only hope she falls on her fat fucking face in the debates this fall.

It will be interesting to see what the judge decides with finality.

tyrannosaurus vex

Quote from: Jenne on July 29, 2010, 02:06:14 PM
Quote from: vexati0n on July 29, 2010, 07:00:06 AM
Okay, just playing Devil's Advocate a bit here...

The AZ law is terrible. But the fact that it was passed is, I think, less a testament to backwoods racism in AZ than it is to the growing frustration with the Federal Government's refusal to enforce existing law in any meaningful way. Personally, I'm not a racist, but I do think the US needs to actually control its borders. It's easier to sneak into the US and set up shop than any other developed nation in the world. The Federal Government has done practically nothing for 30 years about illegal immigration. A few round-ups, a few border patrol agents here and there, a fence (lol).

I support expanded, legal immigration. Obviously there are millions of people who would rather be here than their own countries, and I'm fine with that. But we should be doing it openly, respectfully, and above-board. Having such a restricted legal immigration channel and then doing nearly nothing to combat illegal immigration compounds all kinds of problems. And there are problems caused by illegal immigration. People come here and multiply but can't join society because of their "illegal" status. So generations of people grow up here but never identify themselves as Americans, which leads to self-segregation, economic stress, cultural clashes, crime, a sub-class of bottom-rung workers with practically no chance for advancement, etc.

The right-wing activists would have a little less to complain about and a lot less to say that other people are willing to hear, if the Federal Government would enact sensible immigration policy and then enforce it. The AZ law wouldn't have been passed if DC had been doing its job in the first place.

Vex, there are always better ways to deal with immigrants than to take away rights of citizens at the same time.  It's not just the racism, dude.  It's the same idiotic principle that's been at play since 9/11.  That sacrificing our liberties is worth the payoff of so-called security. 

It's bullshit.  Total and PROVEN TO BE bullshit.  Anyone who works in the facts and figures will tell you:  immigration does NOT cause increase in crime.  Paying for illegal immigrants to go to school and have health care acutally PAYS OFF in the long run with a smarter, harder working, healthier workforce.

Anyone duped into thinking a law like this is "necessary" to "force the federal government's hand" into doing anything "worthy," they are buying oceanfront property in Nevada.  All this means is they will tighten their grip on civil rights like Patriot Acts. 

But, you know, overreaction to social and legal injustices is just so passee...

I'm not taking the Minuteman position here. I'm just saying we have immigration laws, and we should enforce them. If the laws aren't working, then we need to revise them, and enforce the new ones. We shouldn't just leave the system broke and ignore the consequences.

And by saying illegal immigration causes crime, I'm not saying that everyone coming across the border is a criminal, but that the defacto segregation between citizens and non-citizens results in higher social abrasion. It's true that most of them just want to work and earn an income they can't in Mexico. But that's also a problem. If they don't come here to join America, only to work, then they are not interested in being Americans. They have no intention of integrating, and even if they did, our broken immigration rules wouldn't let them integrate.

The US is not Mexico. If Mexico has failed these people so badly that they must pack up and move to another country, then that should be reflected in their actions. If they want to live here, then they should identify themselves as Americans first and Mexicans second, which they don't (partly because they don't want to and partly because some elements of our society won't let them). America is a nation of immigrants. One of our biggest strengths is our ability to accept anyone. But we can't be expected to accept people who don't really want to be here, but are forced by political or economic reasons to be here, and who send everything they earn out of the country and expect to eventually move back out of the country themselves. That isn't immigration.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.