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Sorry Dok...

Started by Dimocritus, July 18, 2010, 01:58:24 PM

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But there's noting I can do for you, I have my own problems ATM. They took my picture. Just TOOK it! Do you understand what that means?!? I don't either, but one thing's for sure, they have EVIDENCE now!! Oshit, someone's here. If I don't make it out of this alive, don't worry. The helmet filled wih cottage cheese is in the mail...
HOUSE OF GABCab ~ "caecus plumbum caecus"

Doktor Howl

Quote from: dimo on July 18, 2010, 01:58:24 PM
But there's noting I can do for you, I have my own problems ATM. They took my picture. Just TOOK it! Do you understand what that means?!? I don't either, but one thing's for sure, they have EVIDENCE now!! Oshit, someone's here. If I don't make it out of this alive, don't worry. The helmet filled wih cottage cheese is in the mail...

I knew I could count on you, Dimo.  In any case, they are treating me well, until such time as the ransom arrives.  They are, however, forcing me to use science all bad.
Molon Lube


Dude, DON'T TELL THEM ANYTHING! The have nothing on you, yet. If you keep your pie-hole shut, you may just get out alive.


You all may be able to relax, some.  Somehow they figured out my part in all of this, peripheral as it was, and made me a job offer. 

Why didn't they just black bag me too?  I'll never know.  Maybe I had my position too well secured, maybe they had my psych papers and realized I'd go along with a reasoned offer and a good payout.  I only this morning put two and two together, and that it was the same group behind different fronts.

I'd like to say I didn't betray you all, but I can't as damning as it all appears now.  The plans they're showed me and the goals they aspire to WILL be or the best, it's just the best in a longer view than is commonly accepted.  If that qualifies as evil, then I'm prepared to accept that.

If they are lying to me, I will know, and I swear it will be stopped if it deviates from what I've been shown.  The whole department are high IQ paranoid schizotypals, you'd all fit right in.  If you can see past recent events I'm certain you could join us. 

Anyways, I ahve to go ask Al, John and Mary if they want to get beers after work.  The invites are on armed landmines which I will sew into their chair seats.  If they're on their game, they'll get them, and we'll laugh about it all.  (I just hope this evening doesn't degenerate into rohypnol roulette like last week's outing.  IT was a shame it turned into Steve's goodbye party, but he really should have paid more attention. )

Sorry for the tangent, but it's just a taste of how things roll when you're working for the "Evil Empire".  Please consider, it really is a hoot. 
Quote from: Eater of Clowns on May 22, 2015, 03:00:53 AM
Anyone ever think about how Richter inhabits the same reality as you and just scream and scream and scream, but in a good way?   :lulz:

Friendly Neighborhood Mentat


Richter, as true as all that may sound, it still doesn't make a lick of sense. These rotten bastards CAN'T be trusted. "Evil Empire" my ass. They're just running a low-class ranson scheme, and these shitnecks don't even have the decency to make propper demands! I'll tell you what. I've grown to expect a certain degree of professionalism in the filth that I deal with, and these guys just don't deliver.

Oh, and this "job" you've been offered, there's no doubt in my mind that they're just trying to get info about "The Society" that we've all worked so hard to protect, and they'd most likely just put you to work in a sweatshop making custom leather fetish gear in a dusty basement in Cambodia, as opposed to the intel gathering work that you've become known for.

You do whatever you feel you need to, but I already know what I'm going to do. These fuckknuckles already know who I am, and they have the good Doktor, so I'm paying the ransom. BUT, funny joke on them: instead of a crisp fiver and a helmet full of cottage cheese, I sent them some loose pocket change and a fedora filled with slightly moist shredded newspapers from the 70's! Ha ha! Hopefully they get the reference...
HOUSE OF GABCab ~ "caecus plumbum caecus"