
He was a pretty good teacher, but he's also batshit insane and smells like ferret pee.

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Sigmatic Drinks Expensive Tall Boys

Started by Jasper, September 14, 2010, 04:08:45 AM

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I spent the last few months drinking beers, almost never the same brand twice.  I am reposting my notes on the subject here. 


Henry Weinhard Summer - Plain.  Tastes like "beer".  Above mediocre.
Full Sail Amber - Good with pizza, as I recall.  3/5.
MacTarnahan's Amber - Better than Full Sail, details hard to recall
Arrogant Bastard IPA - Challenging.  Hoppier than I'd like, but lots to keep my interest.
Devil Dog IPA - Wasn't bad, but even more hoppy than Arrogant B.  Made me feel bleary eyed.
Lagunitas Lucky 13 Red ale - Good.  Interesting aftertaste.
Alameda El Torrero IPA - Robust and flavorful. 
MacTarnahan's Winter HumBug Ale - A bit watery, very mild and not bitter.  Pleasant, but not exciting.
Drifter Pale - Smooth, slightly sweet, refreshing.  Paired seamlessly with a Caesar salad.


Black Butte - It was alright.  Same as many ales, better with pizza.


Session - Good!  Has an interesting pungency almost like licorice.
Mate Veza Black Lager - Drinking this as I post these notes, and really loving the smooth, frothy texture mixed with the distinct mouthfeel of Yerba Mate.  It's good! 


Paulaner Salvator Double Bock - Delicious!  I was pleasantly surprised.
Weltenburger Kloster Asam Bock - Another treat!  Starting to love Bocks.
Weihenstephaner Korbinien Doppelbock - Again, quite smooth, very flavorful, not bitter, just enough hops. 

Stouts (Muh fav'rit.)

Old Rasputin Imperial - Favorite.  Tastes like gold in beer terms.
Bison Chocolate - Sippable, tasty, pleasing.
Black Bear XX - No complaints, interesting character.
Sheaf - Didn't like it.  Tasted sour.
Sam Smith Oatmeal - Delicious, a bit filling. 
St. Peters Cream - Smooth and slightly flat tasting.  Good though.
Victory Storm King - Complicated, a bit hoppy, but in a good way.



DEFINITELY Old Rasputin.  I don't have the requisite language to convey how happy it makes me.


Red Hook rules.

I know a man who drinks it every day.  For the last two decades.  And nothing else.

Red Hook rules.

Sir Squid Diddimus

If you get a chance to try Old Rasputin on nitro tap, DOOEET!
The nitro adds a creamy frothiness that changes the flavor to something even BETTER


Oh shit.


Anyone know a place that has this?


Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."

Sir Squid Diddimus


I don't frequent public houses very often, so my knowledge of local dives is rather lax.


Delirium Nocturnum - Belgian Ale

Pouring it kind of flummoxed me.  I seem to have botched that part a bit.  But still, it is everything I expected.  It's frothy and light and slightly sweet at first, with a mild tang, then a mellow finish.  It tastes like something, but I can't put my finger on it- kinda golden tasting.  Kinda grainy, but - Perhaps yeasty?  No...

Ah, nailed the pour on the second half.  It's still hard to describe.  Not hoppy, and not spicy.  Not fruity...

Help!  This is too complex and I don't understaaaaaand!!! 

I like it. :)

Sir Squid Diddimus

I always found it to be malty with hints of molasses and caramel.
Strong too. 8.5% abv


Nocturnum is good, it's definitely not as...Belgian-y, which is good for folks who don't like the typical dubbel or tripel taste. Have you tried Tremens yet?

Also Squid, what was that Delirium I got from you last year? A Christmas one...Was it Noel?
Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."

Sir Squid Diddimus


Yep, that caught me off guard. LOL. I was buzzed before I finished the bottle.

Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


Haven't found Tremens yet.

I was kinda buzzed by the end, but it didn't last more than a half hour after I finished. 

I think I noticed some odd stuff floating in the bottom, that was normal right?