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Insight Into Anarchy's Subtle Nuances. London. 2011.

Started by Eartha-ly Delights, August 10, 2011, 01:24:34 AM

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East Coast Hustle

Quote from: Doktor Phox on August 11, 2011, 05:55:56 AM
Y'all can go fuck yourselves, my only means of transportation died yesterday.

Lower class, unemployed, and not sorry about it.  :lulz:

Your feet fell off?

I'm sorry about your feet.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Quote from: Fuck You One-Eye on August 11, 2011, 06:06:40 AM
Quote from: Doktor Phox on August 11, 2011, 05:55:56 AM
Y'all can go fuck yourselves, my only means of transportation died yesterday.

Lower class, unemployed, and not sorry about it.  :lulz:

Your feet fell off?

I'm sorry about your feet.

I still live 20 miles from nowhere. My feet will fall off as soon as I need to gt anything aside from basic groceries.  :lulz:

Anna Mae Bollocks

Quote from: Fuck You One-Eye on August 11, 2011, 05:47:08 AM
Quote from: Eartha-ly Delights on August 11, 2011, 05:02:55 AM
If there had been opposing viewpoints they would have been inundated with shit like this one has been...dancing monkeys and pathetically overt attempts to change the topic to how much Dok isn't a guru . Like it always goes here...Discord seems somewhat confused with popular acclaim on this forum. Let's all agree to be discordant ...but only in the same way, innit?

Odd really as I would have thought the oxynmoronic qualities of that stand were fairly obvious.

So you're mad because pretty much everyone ITT is taking the side of the rioters?

Because you think we should, instead, be taking the side of the rioters?


Reading comprehension. You lack it.

She went off on Jenne for using the word "illegal" here
Like Jenne is some kind of xenophobe.
I told her Jenne wasn't like that and I let it ride, because she was still new. Guess that was a mistake on my part.

But she's not new anymore.  :evil:

And I'm somewhat insulted at the implication that we like Roger because he TELLS US WUT TO THINK and not because he's good people as long as you're making an effort to walk on your hind legs.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Fuck you, Earthaly.


Scantily-Clad Inspector of Gigantic and Unnecessary Cashews, Texas Division

Don Coyote

Anna Mae Bollocks

Scantily-Clad Inspector of Gigantic and Unnecessary Cashews, Texas Division


here's the thing. Discordianism is not some idealistic morality trip. I never was told I had to renounce all my earthly belongings. The Buddhists did tell me that so I told them to shove their religion up their fat ass. I'm a smart motherfucker, I got tons of good shit. Some people got more, some got less. Aint my bitch. Right? Wrong? I don't see it that way. That's easy-reader mentality. Shit is complicated, people are stupid, the lulz are endless but if you're hung up on this whole right/wrong trip you're in for a miserable century :lulz:

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark


Quote from: Eartha-ly Delights on August 11, 2011, 05:32:24 AM
Charley has adopted me as his pet stalker in fact. He even connected to me on facebook. I didn't connect to him...He uite likes me. I guess you'll try to put paid to that, but I have a feeling that Charley has a mind of his own and might make that decision for himself.

and taunting DOK??....fuck off. I have appeared on fewer than a dozen posts where he even was involved in the discussion and apart from this debacle here have interacted directly with him once. When I tried to subtly point out to Jenkem whatsherface that cayenne pepper is not considered an authentic Indian spice in India...and they got all butt hurt about it

Have I threatened poor old Dok now? Will he need to ban me in case I leap out a cupboard and attack him with a limp naan bread?
What a softcock he must be if he has to call in the troops every time some loud mouthed Aussie slapper gives him a bit of cheek.
This is what this thread is about.

Responses that address the dumb shit you are saying are being ignored in favour of bitching about how the Discordians have let you down by by not thinking for themselves (read: entirely agreeing with you). Yadda, yadda, circle jerk, here's what's wrong with YOU PEOPLE, blah blah, pretention in a can, immediately attack Dok weakly enough that you can deny it and cry about mind lasers and the PDCOM modus operandi when we give the standard "Oh, this bullshit again."

Fuck off.

Fast Eddy

ED: Christ on a bike, step the fuck back and reread everyone's posts. Most of us are sympathetic to the rioters or whatever the fuck you want to insist on calling them. And quit making silly and stupid assumptions about the positions of everyone.

Everyone thinks you're a fucking Looney Tune because you insist there's some deliberate conspiracy to provoke the riots and get the poor out of London for the Olympics. Cain explained well enough why that isn't true. The poor are still getting fucked, but not as part of a dark conspiracy, just because everyone likes shitting on the poor.

Also, if you can't understand what Dok meant with the anarchy comment, just fucking ask him to elaborate. Don't start in with some goddamn silly purple prose and verbal kowtowing. Keep it simple, stupid.

Dok: I didn't quite understand what your post was referring to. Could you elaborate a bit?

Disco Pickle

Quote from: Eartha-ly Delights on August 10, 2011, 11:21:49 PM
Quote from: Cain on August 10, 2011, 11:52:28 AM
London was going to be cleared regardless.  Welfare to help with rent payments stops in London at the start of next year.  On top of other benefit cuts, 40,000 people are expected to be made homeless, with around double that number (at least) expected to move from London.

You don't need a riot to do that.  Oh, but I forgot, every world event is part of the nefarious conspiring of the powers that be, right?

As for the police being unable to stop the riots, the fact the police force was gutted by spending cuts (20% across the board) probably had nothing to do with that, right?  Not to mention the only "riots" police have faced in recent years is environmental activists, anemic University students and spineless liberals clutching their permits and worried about breaking the law.  They definitely cannot handle some of the kids from the rougher parts of London, and they've known that for years.  The thing is, now those kids also know it.

And what does the first link prove?  There had been protests that had turned violent from the 7th.  Sunday night.  Yeah, they knew something was up.  But they'd called in police from every other part of London to try and contain Tottenham.  Something to do with lacking manpower due to cuts in police funding.


Oh the poor police. So under equipped... with riot gear and horses to run down protesters. With water cannon and tazers and sharp shooters on roofs.

And the announcement this morning that anyone living in a Council House whose child has been convicted of looting will be evicted...the whole family...for the crimes of a 13 year old member of it....that is not going to help the clearing out along I suppose?

You people like to style yourselves as radical thinkers. Don'take me fucking laugh. Discordianism my arse. You're just a pack of middle class apologists for the status quo. So many of you so heavily invested in or aspiring to a lifestyle of property deals and stock options, health plans and holiday brochures that the notion of real and meaningful change in the social hierarchy makes you all shit your britches.

Go on; exchange your dirty jokes and naughty pictures. Pat one another on the back and tell each other how gifted, how insightful, how erudite and well read, how essentially superior you all are to anyone who isn't part of the inner circle on your sad little forum for pseudo intellectual posturing.

It's about all any of you have the ticker for.

:lulz: Anarchy

I've stayed out of this thread except to follow it because I would definitely have some opinions that run counter to the majority and have been too busy to keep up with the inevitable "conversation" that would ensue.  

You seem to be thinking there's some sort of homogenized, leftist-centric, human poverty-centric view of discordia.  

The "Everyone must think alike and the alike way to think is the way I think" religions are always accepting new members.  Perhaps you'd be more comfortable in one of them?  

New people coming here and telling the old hats there is only one way to do discordianism and they're doing it wrong is a running gag here.  

For the sake of conversation and the hopes that I might learn something from you (something more than every tired, trite, lefty-anarchist talking point used over the last half century) I'll address a few of your points with some of my own.  And believe me, I'm far from a voice of the majority here.

QuoteOh the poor police. So under equipped... with riot gear and horses to run down protesters. With water cannon and tazers and sharp shooters on roofs.

So you'd rather have a "fair fight" between the POLICE, and a rioting mob of humans?  Have you ever actually BEEN part of a riot yourself?  Please do yourself a favor and follow this to it's logical conclusion.  I can help you visualize the outcome if you're having trouble.

QuoteAnd the announcement this morning that anyone living in a Council House whose child has been convicted of looting will be evicted...the whole family...for the crimes of a 13 year old member of it....that is not going to help the clearing out along I suppose?

Apologists for bad parenting of children are some of my favorite people.  I'm sure we're going to get along great.  Ignoring the bit about a conspiracy because it sounds fucking crazy, and has already been covered by others here.

QuoteYou people like to style yourselves as radical thinkers. Don'take me fucking laugh. Discordianism my arse. You're just a pack of middle class apologists for the status quo. So many of you so heavily invested in or aspiring to a lifestyle of property deals and stock options, health plans and holiday brochures that the notion of real and meaningful change in the social hierarchy makes you all shit your britches.

Clearly you've lurked for some time.  This place is just dripping with middle class apologists for the status quo.  And some of us aren't aspiring to that lifestyle, some of us are doing it because that's what we want to fucking do.  Some of us don't like the system and are constantly looking for ways to break it.  Some of us have looked at the system and decided to find ways to hack it to our advantage.  Some of us just don't give a shit either way.  Some of us think there's a real possibility of
Quotereal and meaningful change in the social hierarchy
and some of us like to laugh at that idea.  

I looked at the poverty around me growing up and decided I didn't want to fucking live that way.  So I found ways to get out of it.  Yes, I own stock.  Yes, I have owned property and plan to again.  Yes, I take international vacations, but you won't find them in brochures.  I won't fucking apologize for it.  The "status quo" has been stable enough for me to find ways to benefit from it.  I won't fucking apologize to anyone who hasn't bothered to learn themselves.

What the fuck does meaningful change in the social hierarchy even mean? What does it mean to you?  That a bunch of people (children, at that) who think burning down their own fucking city are the sorts of people you'd want to elevate above the ones who DON'T go start shit on fire and rob their own neighbors?

I bet you're one of those types who actually thinks poverty can be eradicated.  Usually by taking all of the money from the people who have it and giving it to the people who don't, innit the truth?


If you're going to be an anarchist don't tap dance around the fucking thing.  Jump in with your boots (doc martins, right?) on and swim in that shit.  Own it.  Be prepared to defend it.  Someone here, possibly a few, will try and tear it down to it's individual ideas.  Don't shy away from changing what you think about any bit of it.  But also don't shy away from defending what you honestly believe to be right.

THIS. IS. DISCORDIA!  We don't all think alike and ain't that the glory of it.
"Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter." --William Ralph Inge

"sometimes someone confesses a sin in order to take credit for it." -- John Von Neumann


I'm a middle-class, white-collar, property-owning, white-skinned, trust-funded, boarding-schooled winner of the genetic and social lottery.

No, that's not an apology.


WYF? This thread went to hell didn't it?

Yes, ED is my friend. You all all wrong about her politics though, she is more socialist/communist than anything. She doesn't hold back much either, says what's on her mind.

She is doing some amazing writing in Life Stories/Blogs at EB&G.

Personally I hope she sticks around.


Quote from: LMNO, PhD (life continues) on August 11, 2011, 02:49:20 PM
I'm a middle-class, white-collar, property-owning, white-skinned, trust-funded, boarding-schooled winner of the genetic and social lottery.

No, that's not an apology.

I'm a middle-class, white-collar, property-owning, white-skinned, vicious bastard that dragged himself out the gutter cos it fucking stank in there and has no sympathy for anyone who doesn't. Why the fuck would you want to stay in a gutter? Retarded!

No, that's not an apology either.

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark

East Coast Hustle

I just like watching things burn.

That's DEFINITELY not an apology.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: Eartha-ly Delights on August 10, 2011, 11:21:49 PM
Quote from: Cain on August 10, 2011, 11:52:28 AM
London was going to be cleared regardless.  Welfare to help with rent payments stops in London at the start of next year.  On top of other benefit cuts, 40,000 people are expected to be made homeless, with around double that number (at least) expected to move from London.

You don't need a riot to do that.  Oh, but I forgot, every world event is part of the nefarious conspiring of the powers that be, right?

As for the police being unable to stop the riots, the fact the police force was gutted by spending cuts (20% across the board) probably had nothing to do with that, right?  Not to mention the only "riots" police have faced in recent years is environmental activists, anemic University students and spineless liberals clutching their permits and worried about breaking the law.  They definitely cannot handle some of the kids from the rougher parts of London, and they've known that for years.  The thing is, now those kids also know it.

And what does the first link prove?  There had been protests that had turned violent from the 7th.  Sunday night.  Yeah, they knew something was up.  But they'd called in police from every other part of London to try and contain Tottenham.  Something to do with lacking manpower due to cuts in police funding.


Oh the poor police. So under equipped... with riot gear and horses to run down protesters. With water cannon and tazers and sharp shooters on roofs.

And the announcement this morning that anyone living in a Council House whose child has been convicted of looting will be evicted...the whole family...for the crimes of a 13 year old member of it....that is not going to help the clearing out along I suppose?

You people like to style yourselves as radical thinkers. Don'take me fucking laugh. Discordianism my arse. You're just a pack of middle class apologists for the status quo. So many of you so heavily invested in or aspiring to a lifestyle of property deals and stock options, health plans and holiday brochures that the notion of real and meaningful change in the social hierarchy makes you all shit your britches.

Go on; exchange your dirty jokes and naughty pictures. Pat one another on the back and tell each other how gifted, how insightful, how erudite and well read, how essentially superior you all are to anyone who isn't part of the inner circle on your sad little forum for pseudo intellectual posturing.

It's about all any of you have the ticker for.

Oh good. Someone being a total dick to EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM because someone disagreed with her.

You know what, Eartha? FUCK YOU, TOO.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: Eartha-ly Delights on August 11, 2011, 05:32:24 AM
Quote from: Joh'Nyx on August 11, 2011, 05:22:49 AM
Im not RL friends with people here, so i can, without personal interest, say that you making remarks about stalking Charley, and taunting Dok, arent good grounds for a serious discussion.

Also, Cain is pretty much a professional in regards to politics and i would suggest you reevaluate on what he mentions are weak arguments.

Bear in thought that you then went on to paint a picture of us as middle class apologists, all of us, so we take that as an insult.

So yeah, reevaluate all this and think on why people are acting the way they are.

Charley has adopted me as his pet stalker in fact. He even connected to me on facebook. I didn't connect to him...He uite likes me. I guess you'll try to put paid to that, but I have a feeling that Charley has a mind of his own and might make that decision for himself.

and taunting DOK??....fuck off. I have appeared on fewer than a dozen posts where he even was involved in the discussion and apart from this debacle here have interacted directly with him once. When I tried to subtly point out to Jenkem whatsherface that cayenne pepper is not considered an authentic Indian spice in India...and they got all butt hurt about it

Have I threatened poor old Dok now? Will he need to ban me in case I leap out a cupboard and attack him with a limp naan bread?
What a softcock he must be if he has to call in the troops every time some loud mouthed Aussie slapper gives him a bit of cheek.

Shut your ignorant facecunt, retard. All capsicums are New World, so by your moronic logic NO peppers are "authentic" to Indian cooking. Nitpicking the variety of pepper for "authenticity" makes as much sense as omitting potatoes from all Indian cooking because they're "not authentic".

Jesus fuck, take a history lesson or read something sometimes before trying to pass on your dimwitted misinformation as "schooling". For fuck sake. If you're going to try to act the know-it-all, at least research it first before launching yourself into dramatic wrongness, hero.

"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."