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Started by hirley0, January 12, 2012, 12:17:30 AM

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4 CIMI{death ? Y for:
anyway as part of my CAMPpain4 the DEMO in PUBLIC kan PriMary
iwill bring up the ICC issue / the Trial of O SUM bin Laden | or
whatever his name was | as OP'posed | THERE does seam to me
to be some flaw with the  MONTH after Month AFTER month of TV
coverage of the MAID#4 vail design. {probably i missed this AS
i seldom watch Prime Time tv coverage of the POLE.
/-/owever it seams strange WATCHING BBC, that i saw
NO Min of the Trial prior to the X'A.cut-ion: i find it rare ? no coverage
of the Criminal Trial | thats aLL so i though i would mention it

Not that i oppose the others in the race. no i don't, i oppose the
voters that when told to vote for 1 eithor mak a - {minus Sign)
OR write in a chinese one. Actually i do not think they know whiTch 12:50:50

(Read 1114 times) / 3PMb ? at 03:00:36 PM
So some BBC time for B.O. & H.C. 4THeir ReButt.ALL .. sTiLL My guess is there exists
the simal cast question about CH8 at that time ?/?
3:06:37.pmB ?  opb O.p.B. signing night :

(Read 1129 times) ? 7 MUCUK | Employment /?/ UNemployment
it is excedingly obvious to me that unemployment is not any problem whatsoever
THE PROBLEM is lack of an accounting{Monitary system) that has the ability
to compensate the individual " computer operator" for time spent at the
Let me point out what is obvious to me. they {individuals) at the teminal
ARE NOT engaged inmaking another piece of space junk to be added to
the already in existant pile of space junk, they are not engaged in the
manufavture of another piece of gas guzzeling / atmospheric contamination
device eithor. they are enployed in thinking. thinking is not evil, at least
in my opinion not as evil as another erection of a new bigger more costly
phalic symbole of earthling manufacture. Boo.
So exactly how much should computer operators { i mean individual
computer operators {including hand held devices be awarded by the
NEW system of JUSTice? I ask U 2 year olds? by the time you are ready
(20 ish}? for formal education at the higher levels? You should know
the answers. Space Junk, & Polution Solutions, R A figment of the
phalic era | the new ERA (call it what you like} i'LL say cLICK it Culture
cC for short WiLL require the {SUM)  answer to this question
it is not for US { pre cultureD corperate types to comprehend
Thank U /-/U

R1152+23 11 BEN ?/?


Quote from: hirley0 on May 01, 2012, 08:50:58 PM
4 CIMI{death ? Y for:
anyway as part of my CAMPpain4 the DEMO in PUBLIC kan PriMary
iwill bring up the ICC issue / the Trial of O SUM bin Laden |

Thank U /-/U/color] R1152+23 11 BEN ?/?
5:25:?? SAMe SONG / TREE REASON BRIDGE = e4U?  (Read 1249 times}


My bimonthly remainder
i hurl  OH as can date
for both tickets
wish to REMind aLL
that as i see the silly campaign
going forWORD that the efforts
to end the fighting in the mid East
seam SILLY! Their 4 , my position
is exactly the opposite as theirs
Let the games begin. no holds bared
20120717 17:17:17.17 PdT

WITH THE ADDED idea, No US involvment
no on the ground coverage
coverage by satellite only


11 OC 13 MOL  :fnord:
5 session(s) are active at Sun Sep 2
in opposition position to the $/VoTe can dates a few new platforms
1. the offer to the Iranians of A sub / newKs for 2 years use
a. to balance the power in their petty squabbles for prime time TV coverage
2: I AM no fan of their hostage taking | they seam to have defeated Carter
a. and i would let it go at that | bygones B bygones | newK's not HoStAGEs
3? recall ? not opposed to ether per say | I 0'pose those who support &
a. vote for such shenanygins . So yeah boo to them too. & U 2's of course
4- i do see the price controls | current Econ policy | is short term effective
a. My answer to them is to raise rates r=2:0.25:20 ? by location
5= my global economic 4c4 is Location =?= R (got it} & my long term solution
a. Look at ways to churn up cold{deep) ocean water ahead of depressions
b. find ways to increase cloud formation (use newK's} in winds -> drought
c: encourage Large scale {billions of Gal) water tunnel N->S projects
      {aka Water to Mexico water melons from Mexico} 10:20Am 


i CONsider the below songs of the 70's
the name of the movie was one flew over the cocos nest
it ('75) covered events in Oregon that took place in April of 81
six years after WORDS | he locations were factual | & some of
the action also | HollyWood did NOT get the Sailiant point however
I have 0 desire to correct THEM.

Quote from: Deepthroat Chopra on March 02, 2012, 01:21:38 PM
Quote from: navkat on March 02, 2012, 09:29:54 AM
Okay, so hirley0 is robot with Multiple Personality Disorder? Or...?

Go with Or...? We shouldn't rush to diagnosis. The soon to be released DSM V pathologises childhood, basically. AS well a lot of adulthood.

for the sake of the disagreements however i will Quote
"   Multiple Personality Disorder?   "
& MultiplY Personality Disorder?

Ed1 My next appointment WITH.THEM-4Me is Friday 9/7 3:33&1/3 PM pdT
it Shirley? will be a replay of the '70's {20th cent Med /-/UmmOR's) Links ?:


Quote from: hirley0 on September 05, 2012, 06:47:28 PM
i CONsider the below ABOVE songs of the 70's
it Shirley? will be a replay of the '70's LINES
20120906 2:28m


¢an it be i was all wet ? SHe did touch on the ¢ent
as an opener? hearing this i put out a protest NOT INterRESTED!
sHe did not force the issue & We Moved along to the detail
say A\-\ {thats Right & the EAST RIVER } going Forward
now bac2bac2} 2:22
4:56PMpdT- SO? yeah i went?/? & the tests went weLL enough
PB 128/90 P100 Ox 96 /p105  pb2 140/90 p108
story line is pending | means no new news from me | West side
4:04  m
?ORANGE? 3 Men 18 Mol AKA Friday 7th 7AMpdT
SO? yes: today is an official day in the 70's tail of 1 FLEW
THE 80'S TAILS of 1 blew, the 90's ones too, what2do,what2do,
it wiLL in all probability have very little to do with 21st ¢entury
biological warfare | then again i may be RONG | maybe not tho
see edit 1 2 &3 below for revisions A-C  & revised clock settings

Quote from: Queen Gogira Pennyworth, BSW on March 01, 2012, 08:35:33 PM
Quote from: hirley0 on March 01, 2012, 11:33:50 AM
Quote from: Queen Gogira Pennyworth, BSW on February 29, 2012, 10:19:10 PM
Okay, that's it. After Audiobook, Nessie, and Cuddlefish, we're doing the Book of Hirley0. I'll need to hire a robot to help me organize it properly, but it'll be worth it.

Next Post :fnord: P :fnord: #Ac.F
for now i will guess the above will be fine by me?
/-/ope i can provide any sorted details about the steamy stuff
currently its the Medical Questionair about Mental,
you know steamy stuff like did my Great Great Grand PAW
{oh never mind its all about Dates and today (ODD) 1'st
i REMain Very confused ass i thought yesterday was 7 CHIC
AM surei it will take a long time {most of the day| to solve
which CHIC today is & what "YESTERDAY" was all about 

3:33&1/3 Prior post :fnord: #20 :fnord: P2 They sa

Sorry if that was a bit presumptuous, I was assuming the permission from the kopyleft thread would be enough to at least get started. It'll be a little bit before I can get around to it anyway, and I'll be sure to run the drafts by you :)
y at 06:16:13.AM

The Friend Zone / Re: Comic for Portland people  :fnord: {6:33:51.AM
« on: June 07, 2012, 03:19:41 AM »,31235.315.html

it is clear 2Me | the hacking going on | of my posts |
reaLLy i have no plan to attempt to avoid it | Just beWAry it takes place


Sunday?20120909 1822 1870 1878 9:30AM CATS corner SW10&Salmon
Yestrdays report about the River being EAST was in error?
Upon review of the tape the string is " WEST " "RIVER" B advised
My short term memory is VERY BAD | &i 0pologize for error
Going forward:} it IS reboot time expect delay/interrupt
1831 MaryK for Fe Chair
1836 Free Mobile Medical Units Starting with dentists
1843 00:42 GO \/\/o 1845
1850 woRD of the day? 4Plank building?/? 4DEAD
OK the truth is ThaT AM NOT an advocate of peace in the mid E
howEVER i have come up with a peace plan never the less based
upon my experiences as a test dummy for all of the latest weapons
of war. the current being biological 4 those who keep score ? it
does occure to me after several tests the new ones come out
about the time of solar max (currently in the making} their4
my plank is the free distribution of the Faraday shield head piece


1897 the Go West Girls {GwG) via the /-/E Tunnel
{8AM Sat 800 NW 6th new D'partSURE
1868 1874
1858 WoD FLORIDE 1867 7:11


  v READ DOWN v by the Fort Night:?
1915 Sunday? 20120923 ? Plank of the Fort Night Builder:
1932 1935 {Read 1937 times :fnord: R69 1940}while both sides of the BANK $'s,
Political Maids for Prime time TV endorse Same with old reruns of No NewK
"proliferation" tails, the true problem, that of Biological WAR is ignored totally.
(IMO)} naturally they are wrong, in their productions concerning upcoming
world events. {never mind enforced stupidity| they are alive & well!! for my
part in the campPain, i point to the Medical establishment, BOTH public &
private, as totally unable to even contemplate their lack of methodology in
regards to the situation. their4 my platform planks include one to scrap the
complete system as presently constituted. Let theM go broke. Do away with
the "Hospital System" & replace it with Mobile |Quick response| units in 2
years. End the paper chase & get on with resolving the biological PROBLEM
8:38:38.38 AM pdT
enough 1948 bac2color planks 1968 2:TOrtUS :fnord: 1970 3:45


1972 Oct 1 Paint ? Planks ?/? }1986 1991 2001 2004 2014 2023
2026 coolplay
2030 StILL alive i like it.
2032 2035 2041 2043 2046 2048 2060 2062 2066 2069 2072
2076 {12 session(s) are active  Sun Oct 21 11:27:50 2012.
2082 1,600,000,000,000 — direct economic costs of WWII .
Financial Cost of WW2. $2,091.3 billion (adjusted for 1990
World War II was approximately $3.3 trillion.
2092 ten? yes it is upsetting the changes in seismic data 2day
/\/\aYbe i can say | i did pass the 6-? great your Gov Members on 11th
between Main & Madison | there were more than 10 {i think OR maybe 10
exactly | i did not count | i just looked thru the window | some one was
there? no one i recognized | then most 1/2 were facing Easts | bac2win
2095 No I am not. AM opposed 2104 2106 2112 2116 2118 2129