
Sometimes I rattle the cage and beat my head uselessly against its bars, but sometimes, I can shake one loose and use it as a dildo.

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This god damned Woody Allen thing,

Started by Salty, February 10, 2014, 01:58:47 AM

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Ok, so, look, this thing is pretty complicated. The actual children involved, who they belong to, how and when and what exactly happened. It's a mess. No one is all that sure, except maybe the people who found facts and made sure.

You might even ask yourself: who the fuck cares? Celebrity gossip, blah blah blah.

But here's the thing:

I don't usually concern myself with the lives of the rich and affluent. I didn't really give a damn when Tiger Woods was caught cheating on his spouse. Or that asshole Sandra Bullock was married to. These things, overall, do not concern me.

But recently, it is dawning on my that it should.

We do not live in a vacuum. The actions we carry out do not live in isolation except very rarely. Much, much less so  with people who have influence over the teeming, ignorant masses.

Woody Allen has a career that spans some 50 years. 5 decades of injecting his thoughts into the hearts and minds of human beings the world over. Given that, does he carry an intrinsic responsibility to the rest of us? I am apt to say, No. I frimly assert that people's choices are their own and they have to live it with a lot longer than I do.

HOWEVER, I have responsibilities too. I have to make sure my son grows up in such a fashion that he undoes what men have been doing to women since time out of mind. I am the only one who can make sure he knows to treat women with repsect, to not violate their boundaries. If my son raped someone and I found out I would beat the living shit out of him, you can believe that. Set you clocls by it. He will be an adult at that point, and I will spare him nothing. Will this fix anything? No, probably not. But he will suffer consequences, oh yes. I will do, I HAVE to do everything in my power to prevent that from happening.

By extention of that lovely thought, I cannot endorse anything that allows him to believe he is allowed to perpetuate the fucked up rape culture we find outselves in.

He has been enjoying Arkham City, his BATMANGAME. I cannot allow him to play it anymore. Why? Because when the thugs see the Dark Knight on the rooftops they shout, "Whaddya scared? C'mon down and fight!"

When they see Catwoman, who is all legs and tits, they shout, "I'm gonna make you beg me to stop." As well as ample use of the word bitch. Every woman gets called a bitch. Recenlty, I have edited this word out of my daily lexicon, the same way I don't way something is gay, or call people cunts. Not because people police me against it, but because I well and truly do not want to treat people like that. I do not want to reduce their humanity in that way, I refuse to do so.

He will be very upset. He won't get it. But I will not allow his mind to be poisoned to think that's casually ok, that women can be treated so drastically different from men. Small seeds grow very large.

So, from a broader perspecitve, is it ok to simply not give a fuck about Woody Allen? Sure. You do your thing and I will do mine, I am not going to sit here and tell you to fortify yourself with moral indignation.

At the same time, I will loudly bark in to people's faces that Woody Allen is NOT OK. That apologizing for him is even more so NOT OK.

And I would like to take the time to point out that there are far, far too many people who simply enjoy his movies without giving pause for thought that he is a detestable human being, and that this bland acceptance furthers a culture that promotes rape. molestation, and general montrousness.

We have a serious issue here, and elsehwere in the world, and it has to do with how women are treated. It isn't going to fix itself. It isn't going to be fixed by being passive or quiet about it. It is only undone by the slow crawl of generations, but the hard work falls to each of us, especially we white males.

Believe it or not, people listen to us more than anyone else. So it is we who have to look at these things and shout loudly about how wrong they are. We have to give a fuck about Woody Allen because we can so easily ignore him.

Who cares? Find out.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


Or Tiger Woods for that matter.

Or so many exmaples of men who could, and would, be role models for countless young men.

Here in the 21st Century, this is the best we can offer? These privileged few who treat women like garbage?
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.

Ben Shapiro

I'm laughing at this whole thing because I'm suppose to care about what Woody Allen does.


"Supposed" is a mighty strong word in this context.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


QuoteSo, from a broader perspecitve, is it ok to simply not give a fuck about Woody Allen? Sure. You do your thing and I will do mine, I am not going to sit here and tell you to fortify yourself with moral indignation.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.

Ben Shapiro

Sorry I was referring to the outrage on facebook. More interested to see if he gets a slap on the wrist because he's Woody Allen if he is guilty.


Oh, hah.

Yeah, I doubt it since it happened 20 years ago.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


You make a pretty convincing argument considering my current state of apathy about all of this.  What I'm taking away from this is more like regardless if its true or not, what is important is how we, as a collective, respond to these KINDS of claims. Because it's not so much about taking sides but about demonstrating a kind of collective openness to others who share a similar predicament. Hm.

Ben Shapiro


Quote from: Bu☆ns on February 10, 2014, 02:30:36 AM
You make a pretty convincing argument considering my current state of apathy about all of this.  What I'm taking away from this is more like regardless if its true or not, what is important is how we, as a collective, respond to these KINDS of claims. Because it's not so much about taking sides but about demonstrating a kind of collective openness to others who share a similar predicament. Hm.

Certainly that is a large part of it.

My own concern is the manner in which this illustrates quite clearly how we, as a society, demonize those who make claims of being abused, while giving men the benefit of the doubt to extraordinary degrees.

His daughter stands by what she said 21 years ago. Why are we so quick to question HER instead of HIM? What does a child have to gain from that? What does he stand to lose?
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


It is an intregal component of rape culture.

It is also very difficult to see or care about if you have never been a victim of it.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


The same applies for many of the other things tumblr often loses its shit over.

They take it to far, but racism, body shaming, and all the rest are important.

In the same way I won't raise my son to hate women, I will not raise him to reduce human beings to their size.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


Quote from: /b/earman on February 10, 2014, 02:31:43 AM
Or at least be stripped of his awards.

That's just it, it won't ever happen. That is the problem. There is no consequence socially or professionally.

Molest your daughter, keep your adoring fans.
How about this?

QuoteIn 1977, after a photo shoot in Los Angeles, Polanski was arrested for the statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl and pleaded guilty to the charge of unlawful sex with a minor.[17] To avoid sentencing, Polanski fled to his home in London, eventually settling in France. More than 32 years later, in September 2009, he was temporarily arrested by Swiss police at the request of U.S. authorities, who unsuccessfully asked for his extradition.[18][19][20] During an interview for a later film documentary, he offered his apology to the woman,[21] and later said that he had regretted that episode for the last 33 years.[22]

Polanski continued to make films such as The Pianist (2002), a WWII true story drama about Jewish-Polish musician Władysław Szpilman. The film won three Academy Awards including Best Director, along with numerous international awards. He also directed other films, including Oliver Twist (2005), a story which parallels his own life as a "young boy attempting to triumph over adversity".[2] His most recent films are The Ghost Writer (2010), a thriller focusing on a ghostwriter working with a former British Prime Minister, and Carnage (2011), a comedy-drama starring Jodie Foster and Kate Winslet.

And he was actually charged with the crime.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


I have noticed a trend we Discordians tend to share:

We eschew these new modern gods, celebrities, for an old one who speaks to us.

But the bulk of the worlds clings to the lives and actions of entertainers. They live and breathe their words, actions, songs; their lives are considered public property. This is not to be discounted, and I don't think  we fully realize the full impact they have on humanity as a whole.

We can ignore that because it is stupid, but we cannot ignore the effects for long.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.