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Calling it now: Dems snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in 2016.

Started by Doktor Howl, August 04, 2015, 12:19:20 AM

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So now I see that, in addition to castigating the US and Iraqi military for not successfully sneak attacking the entire city of Mosul (because hiding a 30,000 strong military force is super easy), one of Trump's advisors, former General Flynn, is now attacking Hillary via Twitter for revealing how long it takes for nuclear weapon to launch.

Which has been known for almost 30 years now, due to the declassified Managing Nuclear Operations manual.


Clearly they should continue being kept far from even considering such ballistic tech., and also most things with moving parts.


My mom is a poll worker, she has been venting to me about this whole election cycle. In fact I was visiting my parents during the primary, and she had ballots thrown back at her by people who wanted to vote for Trump, but did not update their party affiliation.

She told me duing the congressional primary, people were showing up, to vote for Trump. She had to turn them away, of course, because, well, he wasn't on the ballot, but they blew fits and threatened her. They had to call a cop for detail to control them. Mom kept telling me over and over how one particular woman kept coming back, bragging that she never voted, but registered just this year to vote for Trump.

Well, she called me today, scared out of her fucking mind. Some of the Trump "poll watchers" found her at the grocery store and followed her home. They staked out the house, and are now stalking her. Fortunately, this is Florida, so my brother had no fucking qualms walking out front with his .45 and telling them to GTFO. Since my mom works for the election board, she can't have any party affiliation or candidate endorsements anywhere, so it's not like there's Hillary stuff around the house or on her car. They just recognized her and attempted to let her know that they're watching her so she doesn't do anything "funny".

Once they high tailed it when my brother came out armed, mom got the license plate and called the Feds, who came by, and told her that her case was hardly an isolated incident, and they've been getting calls from all over the county to deal with these assholes. Their county is a blue county with the exception of the career old school GOPer in the House who has come out openly against Trump, so now my mom is scared to fucking go to work in 2 weeks, and my brother is trying to convince her to pack the 9mm, and we both keep reminding her that if they so much as speak to her in a threatening manner other than asking for a ballot and "please" and "thank you", they can get locked the fuck up.

And now, for comedy:

Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


Add another marker to the "election violence is inevitable" column then.

In other news, trumps campaign manager is apparently posting things that make her look good at the expense of.... trump. One person noted that she's a contractor and therefore unlikely to get paid even in the outside chance of a win.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Thank god your brother was there and armed at least.  This shit is only going to get crazier and worse...especially since it looks like Florida may flip this year.  Are there any upcoming votes after the election?

In other news...

QuoteA liberal activist and organizer coordinated with reporters from the conservative news site Breitbart during the primaries to cover his disruptions of events for candidates such as Sen. Marco Rubio.

Aaron Black, an associate with Democracy Partners and a former Occupy Wall Street organizer, worked with the pro-Trump site Breitbart, tipping it off about his stunts, exchanging raw video and coordinating coverage, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation.

Black has resurfaced recently as one of the people featured in undercover video from the Project Veritas group. In the video, he claims to work for the Democratic National Committee. Though he does not appear on their payroll, his bio at Democracy Partners credits him with "working closely with the Democratic National Committee" during the 2012 election cycle. Black in the video says he helped organize protests in Chicago that led to Trump's cancellation of a rally there in March.

Please combine this with Podesta emails regarding making the media focus on Trump, for a truly horrible (if also brilliantly cynical) campaign strategy of pushing the weakest candidate and undermining the strongest ones.  IMO Rubio's credentials were always overstated, but with him as the candidate the Latino vote definitely wouldn't have been alienated, and Rubio may have even been able to win over some Catholic voters.  I can see why the Clinton campaign may have felt he was a dangerous opponent, despite his other weaknesses.

(When asked for a comment, Rubio no doubt said "let us dispel with the fiction that Clinton doesn't know what she is doing...")


Quote from: Junkenstein on October 25, 2016, 07:31:01 AM
Add another marker to the "election violence is inevitable" column then.

In other news, trumps campaign manager is apparently posting things that make her look good at the expense of.... trump. One person noted that she's a contractor and therefore unlikely to get paid even in the outside chance of a win.

I almost feel sorry for Kellyanne Conway. Almost.  She does have a history of supporting or working for deeply stupid politicians though, so my sympathy is suitably limited.

Still, being the only adult in the Trump campaign must get tiresome.


Not looked at her track record, what other clowns has this gumby been involved with?
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.



A whole parade of sensible and reasonable people.

Wanna bet if she's still employed by trump come election day? My money's on no.

ETA - Quayle.  :lulz:
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.



Quote from: MithridatesXXIII on October 25, 2016, 05:30:58 PM
It's too close to the election for her to drop out.

Any other takers? For clarity, she may not drop out, a dramatic sacking is very possible.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Quote from: Junkenstein on October 25, 2016, 07:31:01 AM
Add another marker to the "election violence is inevitable" column then.

In other news, trumps campaign manager is apparently posting things that make her look good at the expense of.... trump. One person noted that she's a contractor and therefore unlikely to get paid even in the outside chance of a win.

He's already getting in hot water for not paying a lot of people on his staff. I don't know what he expects will happen. You don't exactly win an Atlantic City jackpot becoming the President, and if Trump is half as rich as he pretends to be, the $425k taxed salary for president doesn't exactly do anything for his coffers.

Quote from: Cain on October 25, 2016, 11:30:21 AM
Thank god your brother was there and armed at least.  This shit is only going to get crazier and worse...especially since it looks like Florida may flip this year.  Are there any upcoming votes after the election?

It looks like the state is putting all of its referenda on the November ballot. Which is basically what California does, and now I am staring at a ballot of 10 propositions and a dozen local referenda, on TOP of presidential, congressional, and state legislative candidates.

Legalization of marijuana is on both states' ballots, that's another thing driving the looneys to the polls, but the odds of California flipping to red is near impossible unless the handful of Trump supporters from the Central Valley decided to take over the cities and force women and brown people to stay home.

I'm actually pissed I have to vote in CA, I applied for an absentee ballot for NH, and it was not processed, so I had to scramble to get my signature to the election board here in San Diego by the deadline, yesterday. I'm not really up on the issues here just yet, and a lot of them are really, uh, California. Prop 60 mandates that condoms must be used in the film of porn movies filmed in state. It's interesting to see a state so invested in having true democratic votes in the lawmaking process, but at the same time, I feel like some things just don't need to go into the public's hands. There's also a prop for background checks involving ammunition sales. If that passes (and if Hillary wins), the 2nd Amendment freaks are going to go ballistic and blame CA on everything, as usual.
Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


So one of the clips of Trump has the "Blacks for Trump" guy in the background.  Had a website: 

Went there and:

And so much more O_o
Sexy Octopus of the Next Noosphere Horde

There are more nipples in the world than people.


Has the attitude towards mental illness changed at all over this cycle?
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: SuuCal on October 25, 2016, 02:52:21 AM
My mom is a poll worker, she has been venting to me about this whole election cycle. In fact I was visiting my parents during the primary, and she had ballots thrown back at her by people who wanted to vote for Trump, but did not update their party affiliation.

She told me duing the congressional primary, people were showing up, to vote for Trump. She had to turn them away, of course, because, well, he wasn't on the ballot, but they blew fits and threatened her. They had to call a cop for detail to control them. Mom kept telling me over and over how one particular woman kept coming back, bragging that she never voted, but registered just this year to vote for Trump.

Well, she called me today, scared out of her fucking mind. Some of the Trump "poll watchers" found her at the grocery store and followed her home. They staked out the house, and are now stalking her. Fortunately, this is Florida, so my brother had no fucking qualms walking out front with his .45 and telling them to GTFO. Since my mom works for the election board, she can't have any party affiliation or candidate endorsements anywhere, so it's not like there's Hillary stuff around the house or on her car. They just recognized her and attempted to let her know that they're watching her so she doesn't do anything "funny".

Once they high tailed it when my brother came out armed, mom got the license plate and called the Feds, who came by, and told her that her case was hardly an isolated incident, and they've been getting calls from all over the county to deal with these assholes. Their county is a blue county with the exception of the career old school GOPer in the House who has come out openly against Trump, so now my mom is scared to fucking go to work in 2 weeks, and my brother is trying to convince her to pack the 9mm, and we both keep reminding her that if they so much as speak to her in a threatening manner other than asking for a ballot and "please" and "thank you", they can get locked the fuck up.

And now, for comedy:

Jesus holy merciful fucking fuck.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."