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General Trump hilarity free-for-all thread

Started by Mesozoic Mister Nigel, November 22, 2016, 04:26:22 PM

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Quote from: Emo Howard on May 03, 2017, 10:01:59 PM
If there's one good thing that could possibly come from the Trump Presidency, it would be if Trumpsters get just a glimmer of an idea that international politics are hard.

Most of them, it seems, think something along the lines of "I tell you wut, we just need to git in thurr an be all like 'Hey yall, we're Amurrica and this is how it is (PEW! PEW!)' an then they'll be all like 'oh shit, yall! Amurrica's back, we better straighten up an kwit screwin around! An we'll be all like "Hell yeah, they's a new shurruf in town, and it's US! (Ptoo... Ding!)" An we'll git in there and Git er Dunn an then everyboddy will respek the hell outta us"

So, in that sense, I'm kind of behind Trump's "Golly gee whizz. This is more complicated that I realized." message.

Fetch the wagon and the hose, we've got ourselves an optimist here.

Anyway, I disagree. This would involve people absorbing new information which contradicts their worldview. The chances of this happening are similar to my next fart being a full rendition of the works of Brahms. 
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Yea, to me that sounds like slave-laughter.

The last line is peak laughter.

I'm inclined to agree with Howard. The only thing I would add is just that the pool of people who make those steps shrink rapidly at each step,  and those are only the first two.


Quote from: Junkenstein on May 03, 2017, 10:10:59 PM
Quote from: Emo Howard on May 03, 2017, 10:01:59 PM
If there's one good thing that could possibly come from the Trump Presidency, it would be if Trumpsters get just a glimmer of an idea that international politics are hard.

Most of them, it seems, think something along the lines of "I tell you wut, we just need to git in thurr an be all like 'Hey yall, we're Amurrica and this is how it is (PEW! PEW!)' an then they'll be all like 'oh shit, yall! Amurrica's back, we better straighten up an kwit screwin around! An we'll be all like "Hell yeah, they's a new shurruf in town, and it's US! (Ptoo... Ding!)" An we'll git in there and Git er Dunn an then everyboddy will respek the hell outta us"

So, in that sense, I'm kind of behind Trump's "Golly gee whizz. This is more complicated that I realized." message.

Fetch the wagon and the hose, we've got ourselves an optimist here.

Anyway, I disagree. This would involve people absorbing new information which contradicts their worldview. The chances of this happening are similar to my next fart being a full rendition of the works of Brahms.

Fersure, man, Fersure.

So far, the only actionable route that I have seen to take comes about due to my observation that a sizeable chunk of those people also believe that medicine is a scam, and that you can treat cancer, heart disease, diabeetus, lupus... etc, with some concoction consisting of honey, garlic, ginger, dandelions, vinegar, and whatever other shit they can find in their yard. I've been encouraging them to stop taking their bullshit pills, and drop their health insurance, and just drink honey ginger dandelion vinegar instead.

I have no way of knowing if it's working or not, but hopefully I've killed a couple of them by now.
Formerly something else...


Quote from: MithridatesXXIII on May 03, 2017, 10:19:02 PM
Yea, to me that sounds like slave-laughter.

The last line is peak laughter.

I'm inclined to agree with Howard. The only thing I would add is just that the pool of people who make those steps shrink rapidly at each step,  and those are only the first two.

- 5 points. Koans are forbidden.

You could have saved us all a lot of time by just saying you don't understand.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Or you can admit that every time you laugh in that fashion, all you are saying is "look how right I am, does anyone else see this?"


After you've had your chuckle and you ask yourself And then? following it up with more of the same is just that; watching yourself being dismantled by remoras who've realized they can eat more than cast off waste


I really don't think you get why and what I'm laughing at. But +1 point for giving me a quick one there.

Do you want to try a Sufi parable now? I hear they make you look really sophisticated. Not even slightly pretentious.

Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Quote from: MithridatesXXIII on May 03, 2017, 11:05:48 PM
After you've had your chuckle and you ask yourself And then? following it up with more of the same is just that; watching yourself being dismantled by remoras who've realized they can eat more than cast off waste

Oh, I am wounded, WOUNDED. With this nonsensical mess of shit you are really spoiling me.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


I don't think you get that the only thing that laughter gets you is to be put in the category of non-factor along with the audience of colbert, noah, the British nerd and the rest. You've become the laugh track of the big bang theory.


Quote from: Junkenstein on May 03, 2017, 11:10:52 PM
Quote from: MithridatesXXIII on May 03, 2017, 11:05:48 PM
After you've had your chuckle and you ask yourself And then? following it up with more of the same is just that; watching yourself being dismantled by remoras who've realized they can eat more than cast off waste

Oh, I am wounded, WOUNDED. With this nonsensical mess of shit you are really spoiling me.

It's not directed personally. Isn't that how this began?


Quote from: MithridatesXXIII on May 03, 2017, 11:12:12 PM
I don't think you get that the only thing that laughter gets you is to be put in the category of non-factor along with the audience of colbert, noah, the British nerd and the rest. You've become the laugh track of the big bang theory.

Dear fellow, I'm not sure you're able to understand quite how wrong you are.

Laughing a lung up at something is a holy rite(tm pending) and you're going to remain incomplete until you learn it.

While Nero fiddled, The ancient order of HA HA was born. We Laughed at the plagues. We laughed at Napoleon. And again at Napoleon. And again at Napoleon. We laugh every time someone marches at Moscow in the winter. What can we say beyond certain hats are amusing? We Laugh at the 3 Stooges, Auschwitz and the continuing decisions to throw nuclear bombs around for testing purposes. We Laugh at Tommy Cooper's last show. We Laugh at the ways of Clinton Clifford and Little Larry. We Laugh at corruption and watch to see who isn't laughing because that's where the bribes went. We laugh at how much asbestos is in your house and workplace right now. We laugh at radioactive clocks which are still more common than you may think. The constant appearance of HA HA ONLY SERIOUS is everywhere if you know where to look. Just look at anything, you'll find it.

Sitting there with your straight face hanging out may work for you. If dying of a heart attack at 30-odd is your goal. By all means let these things be VERY SERIOUS for you. That's not an entirely bad thing but by doing so you give them a level of importance they quite frankly don't deserve.

Power can suffer practically anything apart from people's laughter. Do you think idiot hates the media because it takes him seriously? The cretin hates SNL because people laugh at a caricature of him. It undermines his very sense of self as a WEALTHY IMPORTANT PERSON. It kicks his inner child and reminds them that they were once a small screaming human with no control over his bowels. And he's close to the other end of the scale now so that's a serious worry for him. One of the last posts was specifically about prosecuting someone FOR laughing. That alone should give you an understanding of how much power hates HA HA.

The world is very large and complex. I can affect and change a relatively tiny part of it. Even with a couple of lottery wins tomorrow, I would still only be able to change a tiny fraction of it. But yet with modern technology, I can know about vast parts of it. And I'll be FUCKED BLUE if you're telling me not to laugh at it.

Because you've got to laugh at all of it. Dictators with toupees and crazy ideas are fucking hilarious. People acting in vast numbers against their own best interests is downright hysterical. The determination of hordes of idiots wanting to be the boot that stamps on others is a god-damn riot. The only reaction these things deserve is a solid HA HA directly to the face.

So please, take your humourless arse outside and laugh in somethings face. It's liberating, if you have the balls to do so. Or you can sit there and fret about how very serious and sad it all is and try and work out what to do. Here's the thing though, one of us will be having a fucking good time.

Probably me, because I'll be laughing sputum and spittle into your goddamn face. And then I'll laugh at your reaction too for good measure.

TL;DR - Shove your big bang theory up your arse. Sideways. With gusto.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


This is a monument to weakness and helplessness.

What happened I thought you loved to provide the laugh track to reality politics which is as funny as the big bang theory? It's your schtick.


No one can discern your ironic laughter from the mouthbreathers who think it's literally humorous.

Listen to the endless screaming underneath that. Laugh in those people's faces. With enough alt-left counter pepes even you can make a difference. GTFOHWTBS


Well o wise and powerful one what have you got to offer?  Because "fuck all" seems to be what you bring to the table. It sure as fuck isn't funny, whatever it is.

As nasrudin said, "Christ this guy is dull".
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.
