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Started by Cramulus, July 17, 2018, 01:38:01 PM

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I'd say naming your website after the book and forcing your interpretation on said book into said website is pretty fuckin defining of speaking for said book therefore misleading everybody. A small website with a rational explanation such as the likes of would be more defining.
There is nothing to learn about discordia in the book,  why would you expect to come away from somewhere naned after discordia with answers?
And as Cain said,  the domain name is incidental,  no one here was involved in naming the place
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on February 23, 2019, 04:17:32 AM
What views, *specifically*, do you think this website espouses, and what contrary views, *specifically* do you think deserve more exposure?  Concrete examples only.  If this is just some abstract, hypothetical objection to this site being less crowd-editable than a wiki, well....go create a wiki or something. isn't registered.  Knock yourself out.

At the moment, it feels like you're just yelling "Help, I'm being repressed", but you're not being clear on who's repressing you, how they're repressing you, or what they're repressing you for.  Frankly, I think you're either a naif, or a B-level troll.

It's pretty clear that most users on have a rather left-leaning/anarchistic/libertarian view of the world, which embodies the whole forums.
Now, when anybody tried to lookup on what Discordianism is just because they happened to hear of it, one of the first websites they would stumble upon is this one.
The reading list of this websites includes not only the Principia, but also various others such as Black Iron Prison, being named right under the Principia, as if being just as important. I don't think I have to clarify that the BIP has some small aforementioned political views mixed in it, unlike the Principia it's a lot harder to interpret the BIP in any other way than it was written.

Any stranger stumbling upon this website would immediately think it to be a pastime project by some edgelords to poke fun at religion and "the system".
You know how the catholic church doesn't call itself the catholic church, but rather "the church"? It's because to them their interpretation of Christianity is objective, whilst to others it's subjective. I believe the same to be the case here in Discordianism, where a bunch of old popes can't handle their bible being interpreted in different ways, having written scriptures that define that unspecific parts of the original works.
This website only covers a branch of Discordianism, which irks me. Any Discordian repulsed by the BIP would be quick to leave Discordianism as a whole in the dust, which is rather sad if you ask me.
I want more different kind of Discordians, more people who interpret the words of Malaclypse and Ravenhurst in their own way rather than having to listen to a sermon about "how it really works".

It's most than definitely not about the domain, it's about what you choose to put on that domain, you could've simply said "Look, this is the principia and here is what WE think of it" instead it seems like someone opted to make it more like "Look, this is the principia and this is what it means".
I'm not here to say how one should interpret the Principia, or what views I'd rather see being dominant, it's about knowing that you are the majority and that there's people out there that are being pushed away because you'd rather not defile your perfect view of what Discordianism should be about. It's about being more open to other's interpretations.
We Discordians must stick Apart, as they say.

Eater of Clowns

Guy's got a really good point, people might want to do some additional reading on the subject to form their own opinions. We should put a link on the main page to the rest of the internet.
Quote from: Pippa Twiddleton on December 22, 2012, 01:06:36 AM
EoC, you are the bane of my existence.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 07, 2014, 01:18:23 AM
EoC doesn't make creepy.

EoC makes creepy worse.

the afflicted persons get hold of and consume carrots even in socially quite unacceptable situations.


Quote from: Noble on February 23, 2019, 03:34:43 AM
QuoteLet me know if you find a Discordian gathering space which represents "the entirety of Discordianism". Do the facebook groups with names like "The Discordian Society" seem like a fair representation, to you?
if you have this question then i don't think you understood. The point is that the principia itself can be interpreted in many ways and that said interpretations should be channeled into subgroups, aka sects/cabals, this website didn't do that and instead co-opted it to serve their own views, now you realize there's people with other views and a thread like this gets created where you start to worry about people not following your specific branch of discordianism.
Never used facebook, wouldn't know.

That sounds like a great idea for a website you should start.

It's also possible that you are misreading us as a unified sect -- we are in cabals and Episkoposes and have radically different interpretations of and relationships with the Chao.

That's how it happened here - I was a Discordian already, I discovered the forums, I hung out here. We argued for years, now the fight is (mostly) out of our systems. We also met up in person, formed cabals, wrote literature, had schisms. There used to be 3 or 4 discordian forums back, when forums were a thing. Now they're not and we're all that's left.

You react as if every chip on the table was placed there by a designer, but that's just where they fell. All of us doing our own Discordian thing resulted in this mess and HAIL ERIS for that.

But I think you might have missed what I was asking in the OP.... more on that in a sec

Quotewho claimed to speak for everybody?
I'd say naming your website after the book and forcing your interpretation on said book into said website is pretty fuckin defining of speaking for said book therefore misleading everybody. A small website with a rational explanation such as the likes of would be more defining.

Again, who is 'forcing an interpretation of the book into a website'? Look, you can read the Principia. And you can react to it, and talk about your reaction here on the forum. You have that freedom too, if you think something is missing here. (And you might have a better time with that if you actually express something instead of just telling everybody their Episkipos is bad PR or whatever.)

Eventually, someone will come along and tell you that you should be reacting differently, that a really real discordian should come off like XYZ. (for example, there's been a whole wave of people who told us our writings are doing a disservice to discordianism because they aren't written in the same humor-collage form as the Principia). You are the pope and can get the juice straight from Eris yourself.

That's an important point - Discordianism is not about Mal or Omar or RAW's writing. That's "Orthodox Discordianism", which is also a 100% fine version of it, if that's what you're into. Me, I only take a few parts from the Orthodox texts.

One of the energies in the Principia which nourishes me is the use of humor in service to love and understanding. This vibe is a little more clear in the sattelite writings of the OG Discordians, like Zenarchy, Zen Without Zen Masters, and a lot of the RAW lit -- Discordianism can be harsh and sharp, but that sharpness is a tool meant to shock someone awake, like the fly whisk in a rinzai zen monastery. It's not essentially malicious or predatory.

And in the current world config, there are a lot of Discordians out there who are on the hate trip, the all-destructive-trip, they are edgelord assholes who have found a Belief System that says "you can do anything you want" and stopped thinking right there. They are bitter people who delight in causing pain to others.

To give a concrete example - in an unrelated discussion that got out of hand, a Discordian I knew went out of his way to "trigger" a trans friend of mine and really upset her. He fired off a bunch of boilerplate transphobic trash talk specifically to piss her off. When I confronted him about how I thought that was a dick move, he said that he was trying to save her from identity politics or something. But his words were not a fly whisk, they were a knife. He was HIGH off the dopamine hit from having pushed someone's buttons until they got TRIGGERED!!! Expanding understanding did not play into it. Chasing this high was a major component of how he interfaced with people1.

And he's not alone. A lot of people are using the Discordian toolbox maliciously, selfishly.. they're out there, spewing racist shit, hurting people, high off the dopamine hit that you get from wielding power over someone.

So the OP's question is - is that something that Discordians should care about? Is it worth it to produce Discordian writings that help provide a breadcrumb trail away from being an edgelord dickhead? I mean, Discordianism belongs to us flesh and blood humans, it does not belong to the Three Dead Wiseguys who produced the texts we all fell in love with years ago.

As Popes, should we watch passively as the needle moves deeper and deeper into the hate trip? What if the Sacred Chao becomes a different kind of swastika, are you still cool with that, or is it worth resisting? When I see someone out there on the hate trip, should I get involved and try to inject a little compassion, or do I just back away and let racists have their playground all to themselves where they will grow and multiply?

And re-read the responses to the OP -- I don't think anybody in the thread says "Yes we need to correct everybody and get them to hold hands, we know what's right and wish to impose it on everybody".

QuoteI'm not here to say how one should interpret the Principia, or what views I'd rather see being dominant, it's about knowing that you are the majority and that there's people out there that are being pushed away because you'd rather not defile your perfect view of what Discordianism should be about. It's about being more open to other's interpretations.
We Discordians must stick Apart, as they say.

There are like 15 active users of this site, it's a stretch to call us the Majority. It's just easy to find our front door.

For what it's worth, if you hunt down any of the other discordian facebook groups / forums / IRC channels out there, you will also find stuff that repels you. I spent years trying to find other Discordian gathering points -- most of them are repellant as fuck.

And for what it's worth, if "being open to others interpretations" means being friendly with assholes and racists who are accelerating the harm and shit out there in the world... I'll pass.

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: Snowflake on February 23, 2019, 11:42:21 AM
It's pretty clear that most users on have a rather left-leaning/anarchistic/libertarian view of the world, which embodies the whole forums.

Wrong.  Here's a thread that craps all over libertarianism, the Parable of the Gong strikes me as containing a pretty strong warning about the dangers of anarchism, and "left-leaning libertarian" is a contradiction in terms.

But you haven't mentioned any *specific* views, just some general political categories, which are not rigorously defined.  Examples of specific political views would be being pro-taxation, anti-regulation, pro-abortion, anti-death-penality, and so on.

And further, you haven't even hinted at any views that you think deserve more exposure.  Why not?  Are you scared we might debate them with you, Snowflake?  Present me with your sacred cows, and I will give you a link to my Ginger Beef recipe.

After this, you go on for a bit, but you're mostly just repeating your earlier posts, without answering my questions.

It's most than definitely not about the domain, it's about what you choose to put on that domain,
You're putting stuff on the forum right now.  If you don't like what is being said about Discordia, then present your own viewpoint.  If I think your ideas are intelligent and original, I'll go to bat for you.  If I think they're idiotic or derivative, I'll flame you, or ignore you.

What are you trying to accomplish here?  You want the site to reflect other aspects of Discordia, but you're not going to say what those other aspects are?

P.S.  I'm not sure why you're so worried about this site scaring people off.  I'm not a real Discordian, but if I was, proselytization would be one of the Five Deadly Sins.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.

Don Coyote

Discordians aren't even real tho


btw -- thank you, Noble, for the energy


Quote from: Noble on February 23, 2019, 11:42:21 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on February 23, 2019, 04:17:32 AM
What views, *specifically*, do you think this website espouses, and what contrary views, *specifically* do you think deserve more exposure?  Concrete examples only.  If this is just some abstract, hypothetical objection to this site being less crowd-editable than a wiki, well....go create a wiki or something. isn't registered.  Knock yourself out.

At the moment, it feels like you're just yelling "Help, I'm being repressed", but you're not being clear on who's repressing you, how they're repressing you, or what they're repressing you for.  Frankly, I think you're either a naif, or a B-level troll.

It's pretty clear that most users on have a rather left-leaning/anarchistic/libertarian view of the world, which embodies the whole forums.
Now, when anybody tried to lookup on what Discordianism is just because they happened to hear of it, one of the first websites they would stumble upon is this one.
The reading list of this websites includes not only the Principia, but also various others such as Black Iron Prison, being named right under the Principia, as if being just as important. I don't think I have to clarify that the BIP has some small aforementioned political views mixed in it, unlike the Principia it's a lot harder to interpret the BIP in any other way than it was written.

Any stranger stumbling upon this website would immediately think it to be a pastime project by some edgelords to poke fun at religion and "the system".
You know how the catholic church doesn't call itself the catholic church, but rather "the church"? It's because to them their interpretation of Christianity is objective, whilst to others it's subjective. I believe the same to be the case here in Discordianism, where a bunch of old popes can't handle their bible being interpreted in different ways, having written scriptures that define that unspecific parts of the original works.
This website only covers a branch of Discordianism, which irks me. Any Discordian repulsed by the BIP would be quick to leave Discordianism as a whole in the dust, which is rather sad if you ask me.
I want more different kind of Discordians, more people who interpret the words of Malaclypse and Ravenhurst in their own way rather than having to listen to a sermon about "how it really works".

It's most than definitely not about the domain, it's about what you choose to put on that domain, you could've simply said "Look, this is the principia and here is what WE think of it" instead it seems like someone opted to make it more like "Look, this is the principia and this is what it means".
I'm not here to say how one should interpret the Principia, or what views I'd rather see being dominant, it's about knowing that you are the majority and that there's people out there that are being pushed away because you'd rather not defile your perfect view of what Discordianism should be about. It's about being more open to other's interpretations.
We Discordians must stick Apart, as they say.
What you are gazing into is fifteen years if not more of stratified history, there have been many people here from contradictory backgrounds.
Take reverend whats his name for instance, passionate about prohibition legislation of drugs, he used to have this fun game where he would drag the forum into multi year wars, he was a stand up guy in that regards, however he also had an unforgivable fetish for puns and had to be led into the labyrinth and fed to the Minotaur.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Noble on February 23, 2019, 11:42:21 AM

It's pretty clear that most users on have a rather left-leaning/anarchistic/libertarian view of the world, which embodies the whole forums.

Holy crap, you're an idiot.   :lulz:
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

I feel dumber for having read that drivel.

I should be compensated.
Molon Lube

Don Coyote

Quote from: Doktor Howl on February 23, 2019, 09:49:49 PM
I feel dumber for having read that drivel.

I should be compensated.

Would you like BitCoin or Exposure?


The thing is, after you "think for your self" and decide to come up with your own private cult to gather personal power and gratification by doing whatever the hell you do WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU CALL IT DISCORDIANISM?!?!1!

At this point that's just shitty marketing.
I get trauma from stuff most don't even notice.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Con-troll on February 24, 2019, 10:11:43 AM
The thing is, after you "think for your self" and decide to come up with your own private cult to gather personal power and gratification by doing whatever the hell you do WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU CALL IT DISCORDIANISM?!?!1!

At this point that's just shitty marketing.

Welcome to the entire Goddamn universe, dude.  Wake the fuck up and smell the sodium pentathol.
Molon Lube


So this is the entire Goddamn universe after all? Are you certain you aren't hiding anything else from me?
I get trauma from stuff most don't even notice.

The Wizard Joseph

There's a part of me that's ready to just do some shity marketing for a living. Why fight the course of the universe?
You can't get out backward.  You have to go forward to go back.. better press on! - Willie Wonka, PBUH

Life can be seen as a game with no reset button, no extra lives, and if the power goes out there is no restarting.  If that's all you see life as you are not long for this world, and never will get it.

"Ayn Rand never swung a hammer in her life and had serious dominance issues" - The Fountainhead

"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation."
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality :lulz:

"You program the controller to do the thing, only it doesn't do the thing.  It does something else entirely, or nothing at all.  It's like voting."
- Billy, Aug 21st, 2019

"It's not even chaos anymore. It's BANAL."
- Doktor Hamish Howl