
I live in the Promised Land, except the Chosen People are all trying to get out. 

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Started by Junkenstein, July 09, 2020, 06:38:37 PM

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4. Roger's nipples now have four different textures of hair. That's course, curly, fine, and something we've been calling "Kramer"


Quote from: Cramulus on May 24, 2021, 08:56:16 PM
4. Roger's nipples now have four different textures of hair. That's course, curly, fine, and something we've been calling "Kramer"
This Certified Pope™ reserves the Right to, on occasion, "be a complete dumbass", and otherwise ponder "idiotic" and/or "useless" ideas and other such "tomfoolery." [Aforementioned] are only responsible for the results of these actions and tendencies when they have had their addictive substance of choice for that day.

Being a Product of their Environment's Collective Order and Disorder, [Aforementioned] also reserves the Right to have their ideas, technologies, and otherwise all Intellectual Property stolen, re-purposed, and re-attributed at Will ONLY by other Certified Popes. Corporations, LLC's, and otherwise Capitalist-based organizations are NOT capable of being Certified Popes.

Battering Rams not included.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cramulus on May 24, 2021, 08:56:16 PM
4. Roger's nipples now have four different textures of hair. That's course, curly, fine, and something we've been calling "Kramer"

This has been true since 1989 and I fail to see how anyone can be blamed for it.  Especially me.
Molon Lube


"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: altered on May 25, 2021, 05:16:20 AM
I've been blaming Cram for it

So have I.  Even though I didn't run into him until 2006.  I just knew that some awful malevolent intelligence, cool and unsympathetic, was looking at my hair and making its plans.
Molon Lube


Quote from: altered on May 25, 2021, 05:16:20 AM
I've been blaming Cram for it

This makes sense. Kramer, Cram-er. It all fits together.


Quote from: Cain on May 25, 2021, 03:59:49 PM
Quote from: altered on May 25, 2021, 05:16:20 AM
I've been blaming Cram for it

This makes sense. Kramer, Cram-er. It all fits together.



After relatively mild side effects from Moderna I, Moderna II kicks like a mule: hot and cold fever, headache, arm fully unusable and just general tiredness. Worst of it gone within 24 hours but not completely.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

The Wizard Joseph

You can't get out backward.  You have to go forward to go back.. better press on! - Willie Wonka, PBUH

Life can be seen as a game with no reset button, no extra lives, and if the power goes out there is no restarting.  If that's all you see life as you are not long for this world, and never will get it.

"Ayn Rand never swung a hammer in her life and had serious dominance issues" - The Fountainhead

"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation."
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality :lulz:

"You program the controller to do the thing, only it doesn't do the thing.  It does something else entirely, or nothing at all.  It's like voting."
- Billy, Aug 21st, 2019

"It's not even chaos anymore. It's BANAL."
- Doktor Hamish Howl


My Home Town (Lebanon, Ohio) has decided to pass an ordinance not only banning, but criminalizing all abortion. The Council Meeting consisted mainly of the Council talking about how they use the Bible to make all of their decisions in local government, and friends of mine calling them on their shit.

The Protest of the decision was met with a Counter-Protest of Right-Wingers with big guns that was about quadruple the size. This is the same town where known Nazis in the area assaulted protesters on camera in the streets during past protests. It's likely going to get pretty ugly here soon, and we'll be moving into Lebanon likely within the next few months to get out of this piece of shit house.

Hopefully, I can get some SRA buddies together over the next few months to join at future Protests to discourage future threats and intimidation.
This Certified Pope™ reserves the Right to, on occasion, "be a complete dumbass", and otherwise ponder "idiotic" and/or "useless" ideas and other such "tomfoolery." [Aforementioned] are only responsible for the results of these actions and tendencies when they have had their addictive substance of choice for that day.

Being a Product of their Environment's Collective Order and Disorder, [Aforementioned] also reserves the Right to have their ideas, technologies, and otherwise all Intellectual Property stolen, re-purposed, and re-attributed at Will ONLY by other Certified Popes. Corporations, LLC's, and otherwise Capitalist-based organizations are NOT capable of being Certified Popes.

Battering Rams not included.


Quote from: PoFP on May 27, 2021, 06:08:04 PM
My Home Town (Lebanon, Ohio) has decided to pass an ordinance not only banning, but criminalizing all abortion. The Council Meeting consisted mainly of the Council talking about how they use the Bible to make all of their decisions in local government, and friends of mine calling them on their shit.

The Protest of the decision was met with a Counter-Protest of Right-Wingers with big guns that was about quadruple the size. This is the same town where known Nazis in the area assaulted protesters on camera in the streets during past protests. It's likely going to get pretty ugly here soon, and we'll be moving into Lebanon likely within the next few months to get out of this piece of shit house.

Hopefully, I can get some SRA buddies together over the next few months to join at future Protests to discourage future threats and intimidation.

That sucks. It sounds like Ohio is quite the battleground in more ways than one. I just read how a lot of Ohio Republican legislators are trying to push for a bill that would prevent basically any organization from encouraging or enforcing mask wearing or vaccinations. I know that there are lots of people who would cheer on these actions in pursuit of the cause of "personal liberty". I am not one of them. I'll admit I don't have a position that is free of contradiction. But I feel like it should be my individual right as a laborer to not have to service an individual or work closely with someone if I feel doing so would put my health or safety at risk. In the same way I am currently informed that I can consult my manager and implement additional safety measures if a procedure exposes me to a level of risk I am not comfortable with.

Are you going to be alright moving into Lebanon?
registered to see the fatberg.


I'm looking for a piece of Subgenius writing which encouraged people to burn a twenty dollar bill. Something about it being a form of Subgenius initiation  .. to experience the resistance to the destruction of your own slack, to feel the slack burn away into the air. Sound familiar to any of you naked old losers?

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cramulus on May 28, 2021, 03:54:39 PM
I'm looking for a piece of Subgenius writing which encouraged people to burn a twenty dollar bill. Something about it being a form of Subgenius initiation  .. to experience the resistance to the destruction of your own slack, to feel the slack burn away into the air. Sound familiar to any of you naked old losers?

Nope.  You're supposed to send your $$$ to "Bob".  Everything else leaves you unclean
Molon Lube


Quote from: TheAudience on May 28, 2021, 01:56:55 PM
Quote from: PoFP on May 27, 2021, 06:08:04 PM
My Home Town (Lebanon, Ohio) has decided to pass an ordinance not only banning, but criminalizing all abortion. The Council Meeting consisted mainly of the Council talking about how they use the Bible to make all of their decisions in local government, and friends of mine calling them on their shit.

The Protest of the decision was met with a Counter-Protest of Right-Wingers with big guns that was about quadruple the size. This is the same town where known Nazis in the area assaulted protesters on camera in the streets during past protests. It's likely going to get pretty ugly here soon, and we'll be moving into Lebanon likely within the next few months to get out of this piece of shit house.

Hopefully, I can get some SRA buddies together over the next few months to join at future Protests to discourage future threats and intimidation.

That sucks. It sounds like Ohio is quite the battleground in more ways than one. I just read how a lot of Ohio Republican legislators are trying to push for a bill that would prevent basically any organization from encouraging or enforcing mask wearing or vaccinations. I know that there are lots of people who would cheer on these actions in pursuit of the cause of "personal liberty". I am not one of them. I'll admit I don't have a position that is free of contradiction. But I feel like it should be my individual right as a laborer to not have to service an individual or work closely with someone if I feel doing so would put my health or safety at risk. In the same way I am currently informed that I can consult my manager and implement additional safety measures if a procedure exposes me to a level of risk I am not comfortable with.

Are you going to be alright moving into Lebanon?

Dewine is actually one of the few Pro-Mask + Vax Republicans, but he's just as Conservative as the people who criminalized abortion. Ohio is run by Conservative Elites who've been in Ohio Politics for generations, except for the major cities like Cincinnati.

And as for Masks and Freedom, I find that Fascist/Predatory politics is based around pushing "Freedoms To" without adequate and corresponding "Freedoms From". Do I think you should be able to force someone to wear a Mask in their own home? Fuck no. But in a Public place of business, people should have Freedom From reckless endangerment during a certified global pandemic.

We've actually started moving into a place a couple cities over that's a little less dependent on the Growth Coalitions and Right Wing Extremism. It was a deal we couldn't pass up. We'll be further from family but ultimately better off.
This Certified Pope™ reserves the Right to, on occasion, "be a complete dumbass", and otherwise ponder "idiotic" and/or "useless" ideas and other such "tomfoolery." [Aforementioned] are only responsible for the results of these actions and tendencies when they have had their addictive substance of choice for that day.

Being a Product of their Environment's Collective Order and Disorder, [Aforementioned] also reserves the Right to have their ideas, technologies, and otherwise all Intellectual Property stolen, re-purposed, and re-attributed at Will ONLY by other Certified Popes. Corporations, LLC's, and otherwise Capitalist-based organizations are NOT capable of being Certified Popes.

Battering Rams not included.

Doktor Howl

Faust, Cain:  We have an Italian dude in the waiting room, and I can't tell if it's a bot or not.
Molon Lube