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Started by Chaplin_Sinatra_Fonzarell, May 23, 2005, 06:49:25 AM

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Oh, Fuck

A film by Chaplin Sinatra Fonzarelli


A JAPANESE MAN dressed as Abraham Lincoln but wearing only boxer shorts instead of pants stands outside of a bungalow and plays a violin made of human organs and bones. The tune he plays is that one Mozart (or maybe it,Äòs Vivaldi) song that they always play in cartoons and commercials. A CRAZED MAN runs down the street dressed eccentrically, waving a trout

CRAZED MAN: Karl Marx! Karl Marx! Karl Marx! Karl Marx! Karl Marx! Karl Marx! Karl Marx!

A HIDEOUS-LOOKING BLONDE PORN STAR walks up to JAPANESE MAN, pulls out his cock, and sucks him off until his jizz is blasted all over her face


The CRAZED MAN walks down a busy street. Men in business suits with gray faces holding briefcases goose-step in unison. He pulls out a copy of Beowulf and a Super-Soaker and begins reading from it and squirting them


The UN building

UN DELEGATE: I think it,Äôs time we revised section 2B146 of volume 567A9 once and for all. Furthermore,Ķ.

Suddenly, GRENDEL appears, with a massive club,  and tackles the delegate. He bites into his jugular and rips it out with his teeth. He then pulls the deceased delegate,Äôs arm out of his socket and uses it to beat the delegate next to him to death. Many delegates run in fear. He catches another one, and clubs him to death with his club. He then begins to devour his corpse, consuming all but the legless torso. He then disrobes said torso and begins fucking it in the ass.


GEORGE W. BUSH walks up to a small house in the middle of the desert with a machine gun in hand, opens the door, and opens fire, killing all of the inhabitants of the house.

GEORGE W. BUSH: Fucking goddamn motherfucking piece of shit sand-niggers! I hate goddamn sand niggers so fucking much!

He then walks into the house, smashes up the kitchen, find jewelry in the jar of flour, and pockets it. A shot of him walking away as their blood puddles on the floor.

SCENE 5: A HIPPIE is playing a bass guitar in his room while a lobster watches mesmerized. A TAX COLLECTOR comes in, hears the music, produces a hideous shriek, and his head  then explodes.


A group of attractive members of both sexes sit around in an interior set. A starved boy looks in at horror as they begin gorging themselves with Hershey kisses, vomiting them up, and coating each other in toilet paper

WOMAN: God bless America

An explicit bisexual orgy rivaling most hardcore porn films in variety and graphic nature follows. They then bring out a globe of planet Earth, which they all shit, piss, jizz, and menstruate on.


ERIS, a PIRATE, a WITCH, an INDIAN, a FAIRY, a GYPSY, a COWBOY, a VAMPIRE, a HIPPIE, and a PROSTITUTE go up to Japanese Lincoln as he continues to play. ERIS punches him in the face, knocking him out

Chaplin Sinatra Fonzarelli, G.G.L.F., C.L.F., L.F.L.F., R.M.S.T.A., R.P.C.V., N.C.c., T.R.R.R., W.I.T.C.H., W.P.P., V.P.D.F.Y.S., S.C.U.M., I.G.R.S.A.F.D.S.K.S.K.J.J.J.S.Y.Y.D.F.D.K.D.S.F.K.S.D.K.J.L.K.F.G.K.S.D.G.G.J.R.J.S.T.S and other various divisions of the Maude Senger cabal of the Pantheo-Anametamystikhood of Eris Esoteric, and President for Life of the Holy Empire of Ayatollah Discordiolla



Everyone will always be too late


"the use of fasteners is to be next to godliness" - R.H.Howes


Shibboleet The Annihilator

That was truly an amazing journey.

I vote Chaplin_Sinatra_Fonzarell for Nobel Peace Prize.

I want a sequel.


Quote from: FnordiscordiaThat was truly an amazing journey.

I vote Chaplin_Sinatra_Fonzarell for Nobel Peace Prize.

I want a sequel.

You forgot to add two

words to your
sentence there

fuckhead you are
what said.


on a serious (serious) note though, I liked this.
Everyone will always be too late


nutmeg induces sick nasty nastiness


Mesozoic Mister Nigel

"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman



Last time I saw this they called it "The Aristocrats"
Quote from: Eater of Clowns on May 22, 2015, 03:00:53 AM
Anyone ever think about how Richter inhabits the same reality as you and just scream and scream and scream, but in a good way?   :lulz:

Friendly Neighborhood Mentat

Luc Coburn

Wow.  My perception of existence has been altered by this.