
There's only a handful of you, and you're acting like obsessed lunatics.

I honestly wouldn't want to ever be washed up on the shore unconscious on an island run by you lot.

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Discordians should learn how to FSU

Started by metapunk, September 26, 2005, 04:27:27 PM

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First off, many of you so called discordian/sub-genii have very low standards of activitie from what I can tell about this whole fucking subculture particuraly this most obvious and banal of spots for discordians to congregate. Since I am rarely a poster or participant in the idiocracy of so-called internet forums I doubt I will be around to hear the countless flames that result from an insult being posted.

Yargh, this be my bar and my bar will be open.

To count lets just wonder how many discordians have ever truly thrown a golden apple, or participated in any activity which seriously disrupted the status quo, making funny faces at boring suburbanites and then running around giggling like you have heard some great secret is entertaining but I doubt that the cumulitive effect will alter their paradigm...

Ahh fuck it. The whole point here is I'd just like to see more so called Discordians engaging in the procreation of discord instead of posting mindless replies to petty comments. When I proposed a convergence of discordians for a sinking of Columbus, Ohio on Sinko de Mayo the topic was just full of silly ass off cuff remarks about not sinking a banal city cuz umm...

And now New Orleans ended up sinking into the Ocean and that was a totally discordian freaking party town full of erisians and like minded fools, now it's just a wasteland patrolled by greyface and not like these two events are directly correspondent but perhaps if we had sunk Columbus, Ohio on Sinko de Mayo or 05/05/05...then well the wrath of Gaia and her drunken hurricane wenches would of felt appeased that an absurdly middle of the road town in the midwest had already taken the wrath of sum of these puppets of the revolutionaries...

Actually, I'd just like to see more drunken revelries and less parroting pathetic phrases or acting crazier/sillier than thou...umm so I don't give a fuck really, don't bother berating me with how cool you are, if you offended by this perhaps its cuz you suck...



i am the best master of every situation

that being said

i have not seen anything that you have done

unless you are responsible for the internet

which is unlikely
because i am pretty sure that was me

have you ever met-a-punk?

(baaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that was lame shit)

does anybody know where i can get an updated version of the activity standards?
neat hell

East Coast Hustle

to the OP:

you haven't been paying ANY attention, have you?

try lurking a bit to see what's actually going on before spouting off from your shitflaps...had you done so, you'd have seen that an entire coterie of us have spent the better part of the last year bitching about the very same thing. Also, several of us actually HAVE gone out and done some shit, as opposed to just calling ourselves punks and name-dropping the lamest gang in existence in our little rant like you did. you were name-dropping FSU Crew, weren't you? I thought so. those guys are mostly pussies and latent homosexuals whose self-loathing causes them to try and front like they're hard and beat up 15 year old kids at concerts. I eat FSU members for breakfast and wash them down with frosted flakes. So now that you've made a complete ass of yourself on a lame-ass forum full of lame-ass wannabe discordians (which makes you just about the lowest of the low, huh?), perhaps you'd like to share with us some of YOUR exploits?

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


*Places bet concerning use of "KYFMS" to avoid admitting not much*

I dont even need to look at the odds.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

I think it's just an attempt at getting some of us to spill our real life beans because the dude is looking for ideas.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


I've enacted two suggestions I've made here.

I won't say which two.
- DJRubberducky
Quote from: LMNODJ's post is sort of like those pills you drop into a glass of water, and they expand into a dinosaur, or something.

Black sheep are still sheep.

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Quote from: Irreverend Hugh, KSCI think it's just an attempt at getting some of us to spill our real life beans because the dude is looking for ideas.

I live with too many creatures that fart, spilling beans just makes me think of  Beans, beans, the magical fruit :lol:


QuoteI think it's just an attempt at getting some of us to spill our real life beans because the dude is looking for ideas.

Well, if ECH is correct about the FSU bit, he'd probably need them.  As far as I can tell, they are similar what we call "happy slappers" over here, who are about the most unoriginal cunts in history.


yah yah yah, it was definently lame shit talking, did you know i didn't really give a fuck to say it in the first place because it lacked any kind of propensity towards activities and who the fuck really cares about shit talking over the internet, the best and the worst of all, it's just funny how everything descends into puns and actually i have no clue who the fuck the FSU crew is/was/are, it was merely a acronym for First Stop Understanding...

Reality, I don't want to hear what you have done, and of course bitching about something when you just show up in a forum is just a way of causing attention but this is the ranting board, so fuck it I could give a fuck...

Actually, what really would be interesting is if there was a sense of solidarity or atleast a prolonged interest in attempting long-term actions beyond a sort of ADD brain numbed I forgot to not smoke my speed and then shoot my fucking mouth off for 25 minutes while I sit at my tech support job and wish I could smoke pot to chill out kind of vibe going on with the discordian movement in general...

Discordians pop up here and there and we hardly get along with each other because we are sugar addicted egotistical maniacs with poorly developed sex drives, as if... In reality, these are just metaphors for the fusion of personal experience and patheticly exposed narrative. Everything is perfect to each last flaw, bound by Eris in discordian law.

Has anyone ever heard the song "Get off the internet" by Le Tigre, I'd suggest firing up soulseek and listening to it. It speaks more elequently than I can. I certainly don't want to diss people on here and engage in a pissing contest although busting into a room with my dick out spraying urine all over your record player is bound to have that kind of influence on the mood. So do what you need to do. All I'm saying is "We Discordians should engage in a Radical Congress, cuz Greyface is eating our reality and pooping out grey bricks of reality TV."


Quote from: metapunkAll I'm saying is "We Discordians should engage in a Radical Congress, cuz Greyface is eating our reality and pooping out grey bricks of reality TV."

Can you explain that more?  Because, contrary to what you may think, some of us here have also said these things, but we have also explained how we want to go about changing things.  More information on what you suggest instead please.


from what i am seeing

we are changing things

its so much easier to call peoples bluffs now than ever before
neat hell


Quote from: metapunkDiscordians pop up here and there and we hardly get along with each other because we are sugar addicted egotistical maniacs with poorly developed sex drives, as if... In reality, these are just metaphors for the fusion of personal experience and patheticly exposed narrative. Everything is perfect to each last flaw, bound by Eris in discordian law.

Maybe you give bad first impressions?  I've gotten along pretty splendidly with the fine folks of this board and the other discordians I know in person.  Perhaps a handshake would work better than urinating on their leg.  And last time I checked with my wife the sex wasn't an issue.  

QuoteHas anyone ever heard the song "Get off the internet" by Le Tigre, I'd suggest firing up soulseek and listening to it. It speaks more elequently than I can. I certainly don't want to diss people on here and engage in a pissing contest although busting into a room with my dick out spraying urine all over your record player is bound to have that kind of influence on the mood. So do what you need to do. All I'm saying is "We Discordians should engage in a Radical Congress, cuz Greyface is eating our reality and pooping out grey bricks of reality TV."

What the hell is a Radical Congress and how is that going to get RockStar:INXS off the air?  Perhaps you should provide more discordian-style illumination upon your ideas so we all may benefite from your vast wisdom.
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Umm I'm sure, I guess this could just end up being a driveby as I've never really been able to prolong interest in these internet forums, we got a nice community of discordians here in town that don't really do the whole discointernet ball thing. We did end up having a celebration for Sinko-de-Mayo, even after Eris ganked my cellphone on Chaoflux of this year leading to a lack of communication amongst all of the discordians in town...

I suppose I have no plan, to have a plan would be pathetic, because it's merely an attempt to paint possibilities with a grid intersecting onto dates, but I have ideas and perhaps I could of went through all of the inane debates and what not to try and find the meat of past conversations but instead its just easier to hop into the fray mouth blaring and fingers eloborating conventional ideas.

I was just quoting a suggestion from 1985 by Hakim Bey for a Congress of Weird Religions.

If you wanna hear what I'm proposing I doubt it's unique, fuck, I'd just like to see us engage in some more physical meet-ups and bizarre shite, but considering there are far to many wackos and miscreant holding/hiding the discordian banner it's unlikely to happen anyway but organically in order to prosper. I mean it just seems like the subgenii are the ones who used to hold all the parties and even seem to define discordians with their whole organized religion. I mean I was at X-day so I'm not talking shit, it was fun but I don't find dorky puns to be utterly enlighting, though if that is your cup of tea, sip it and gain what caffeinated cheese it provides you with...

Fuck people talking shit about chaos magick from their I'm so uber elite materialist that understands the universe obeys the laws of physics and your attempts at spirituality are just a joke that holds no basis in my ordered scientific materialist understanding of reality which I colour up with a little dorky joke on religion type shite...

AT this point. I would like to see more discordian temples, less dhrama, more anarchist orgys of confusion smart mob style such as the protests I've held to "Get Black Olive's out of the Can"...

I'd like to see crazy parades with bizarre costumes and some kind of critiques of the status quo television station cabbagecaster mentality which we all hate, but can't begin to alter through conventional means.

I had the idea to start a joke political party, the libertarian socialist discordian party, or LSD party but it reeks to much of electoral politics and drug busts for me to actually engage in said activitys under that moniker...we actually did hold a primary and decided to run Michael Dukasis for President and Big Boy holding Timothy Leary's ashes in a urn as VP. I think we won....

So really there is hardly anything possible via the disparate disconnection other than sharing ideas and flossing our teeth with these international forums...

I'd just like to see some meet-ups happening in real life now that MeetUPcorp decided to start charging people...Not like it happens...
Once friendships are formed. Anyways Discordianism always make me feel kind of queazy, but that's probably just my pineal gland acting up and/or the weird religiousness factor that disturbs the zen state of anarchy embodied in zenarchy when you start creating labels and running around with a label gun trying to alter everything by relabeling activities in perpetuity.

BEyond the immediate we could use a more interactive hub that would allow a continuity of dialogue and sharing of information that was accessible rather than buried in the context of a bulletin board style format. I could do it but I got lots of other shit on my plate and the chickens keep pooping more...

SO if anyone is in OHIO and they dig some kind of absurdist protest/colloboration and are wondering if it's snowing outside then respond. If you wanna joke about my name cuz I showed up out of nowhere with a new login and started dissing then go ahead, it might even be a real attempt at conversation after the insults die...


fighting todays wars with weapons designed for yesterdays

anybody else notice how the machine seems to benefit whenever things look like they went wrong on the surface?


more organized events so there is an excuse to put up more cameras

the seeds of the downfall are more deeply rooted than that
the machine will fall because everybodys health is failing at a younger age and personal debt is on the rise

the main problem is that i do not think there is any human being alive who wants to see how ugly shit is gonna get for a while when everything shakes down

this isnt really about tipping over cows
its more about 5-year-olds spleens exploding because their happy meal turned out to be a little too happy
neat hell

East Coast Hustle

you know, I was starting to think that dude might not have been a total douchebag until he got to the part where he started whining about people talking shit about chaos mahdjikque.

also, discordians are to subgenii what whiny leftist college "anarchists" are to Baader-Meinhoff.

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"