Tag Archives: humor

On Activism – From the Boomtime Cabal

On Activism is a new publication from the elusive Boomtime Cabal: Exploring concepts such as what activism hopes to achieve and the flow of power, action over paralysis in a society that bombards information, and building systems of lasting change.

It details how to get involved in change you want to see, even if what you do is small.

It highlights the importance of communication and incremental change over glory chasing or ego of Causes.

It warns of the perils of the lack of self criticism and introspection on a personal level and at a group level and delves into the role of Discordianism and the need to poke fun at ideas we hold dear and those of the causes we band to.

It expands into the changing role of technology in activism and ramifications of how we communicate through new mediums, to the mechanics and interplay of protests and organisations (and the perils to watch for).

It comes in two swanky layouts:

On Activism – Adelord Layout

On Activism – Beasley Layout

Mirrored Links:

On Activism – Adelord Layout BoomtimeCabal

On Activism – Beasley Layout