
Also, i dont think discordia attracts any more sociopaths than say, atheism or satanism.

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Unlimited Dok Howl Supervillian Thread

Started by Triple Zero, May 03, 2010, 09:25:37 PM

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Doktor Howl

Quote from: Ne+@uNGr0+ on May 06, 2010, 10:38:26 AM

He would excise the cancer that is killing in a transdimensional nanosecond.

There is no cancer.  What there IS, is a half dozen retards trying to treat the patient with apple-corers.
Molon Lube

East Coast Hustle

Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 06, 2010, 03:06:25 PM
Quote from: Exit City Hustle on May 06, 2010, 07:40:41 AM
sometimes I actually think that you might all be retarded, and that I might be retarded for being unable to look away.

this is definitely one of those times.

Srsly, Dok, you don't see the difference between what brotep said and what you're saying he said? because it's fucking glaringly obvious.

Srsly, Brotep, you don't know better than to keep fighting a pointless battle like this one?

Srsly, Nigel, with the "you fuck with my boy, you fuck with me" vibe? Are we discordian guidos now?

Srsly, TripZip, with the immediate histrionics every time you feel antagonized?

Srsly, ECH, with the "you fucking tards" bit? Suck it up or GTFO much?

This thread leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

1.  It isn't really what Brotep said, so much as the opportunistic shit he pulled...Waiting til I was in an argument with Hoops and Trip, then piling on.  Brought back bad memories.

2.  I didn't need Nigel's support, but I appreciate it.  Is going to help a friend "Guido"?

3.  Tripzip is fine, in my books.  We simply have had a misunderstanding or two.  Same with Hoops.

4.  And you're not a retard.  That's MY job.  Back off or I file a greivance.

meh, I may have picked a bad example of what I think is an unfortunate trend towards cliquishness here. But that doesn't change the fact that there's been an unfortunate trend towards cliquishness here. And yeah, I'm fucking fine with EVERYBODY here but that doesn't change the fact that for all of our talent at picking apart what's wrong with the rest of the world we seem to be utterly goddamned unable to engage in effective and objective analysis of our own fucked-up counterproductive behavioral patterns and we sure as shit seem unable or unwilling to make anything more than the most superficial of changes to those patterns. And yes, I am sure as fuck including myself in that charge, probably first and foremost.

I think I need a break from this crowd. No offense to you guys. I fucking love you guys. But I need a fucking break. Peace out for a while.

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


East Coast Hustle

yeah, but that trip really opened my eyes/changed my thinking/fucked my head up. I've got alot of shit I need to process and I'm not sure that the contentious atmosphere here is going to be conducive to that in the short term. I'm not flouncing or anything lame like that, I just need to force myself to stay out of my comfort zone for awhile. I'll be back when I have some fire to bring.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Gotcha.  Via con dios.

Before you go, I wanted to ask if you've heard of a place called Primo in Rockland, ME.  Tony Bordain went there.  It looked pretty good.

East Coast Hustle

Supposed to be the best restaurant in the state, at the moment. I intend to go confirm this for myself soon and will report my findings.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Woot, etc.  I may finally be able to convince Mrs LMNO to head Downeast.

Shibboleet The Annihilator

Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 06, 2010, 03:07:56 PM
Quote from: Ne+@uNGr0+ on May 06, 2010, 10:38:26 AM

He would excise the cancer that is killing in a transdimensional nanosecond.

There is no cancer.  What there IS, is a half dozen retards trying to treat the patient with apple-corers.


Doktor Howl

Quote from: Exit City Hustle on May 06, 2010, 03:58:12 PM
yeah, but that trip really opened my eyes/changed my thinking/fucked my head up. I've got alot of shit I need to process and I'm not sure that the contentious atmosphere here is going to be conducive to that in the short term. I'm not flouncing or anything lame like that, I just need to force myself to stay out of my comfort zone for awhile. I'll be back when I have some fire to bring.

Be well.  And don't stay away too long.  You don't post enough as it is.
Molon Lube

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

Triple Zero

ok, as promsied, the reply.

Dok said "tripzip is fine", I say "Dok is fine" :)

Really after stepping back for a couple of days, things like these are really not worth fighting over. Had to step back for IRL reasons first, but I did mull over it a lot.

Then now I will proceed to answer Dok's questions hopefully without re-igniting anything.

Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 05, 2010, 05:17:49 PM
If this makes me an example of what's wrong with PD, I am a little curious...Was I to accept Morrison's comments without analysis?  I mean, I can do that...Or at least avoid any such conversations in the future.  Your suggestion?

Nah I might have better tried to bring the thread back onto a different topic myself instead of bitching about it.

It was partly also that the overpopulation discussion seemed to go to a point where even expert opinions are (seemingly) very divided on the magnitude and solutions to the problem. Kind of like climate change. Or whether Mathematics is a science or not :) While this leads to an interesting discussion, it will be a heated one and it really is a different topic going from "Morrison is wrong in saying we're in the victory lap because of for example overpopulation" to "Overpopulation is in fact a real big problem OR not".

It was a sort of thread drift I thought we were trying to avoid, and probably combined with some other entirely unrelated thing that had pissed me off, I overreacted somewhat.

QuoteIt is my opinion that when you start identifying with the various fake ideologies that the monkeys have all bought, you drop on your knuckles and no longer qualify as a biped...This, in turn, disqualifies you as a Discordian for the duration of your error.  This would include political, economic, religious, and fraternal beliefs.

(bolding added)

Okay, I totally missed the bolded part. Makes a world of difference.

Quoteseems to me you're looking really really hard to dismiss people.

Which I never implied.  Not sure where that came from.  Can you enlighten me?

It really seemed like "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation to me, at the time.

Maybe it's this. I do think that [some] Discordians can have a "taste" of some ideologies. I think it's a natural thing for [some] Discordians, and not only because RAW has written extensively on the subject.

Now I absolutely agree with that this Discordian in case will always have to come back after his "trip", to subvert the ideology, to kill the idols. Otherwise they got stuck in the monkey-trap.

But I disagree with the nature of this return as you describe it. You say the trip itself was an error, and the monkey needs to get some sense slapped back into it.

And that's the thing. Now I'm not a really big practicing reality-channelsurfer myself, but I have done and still do it from time to time. And so far, my monkey has always snapped back into TFYS after a while, and I trust it to do so in the future. Hell I would have never gotten through that book on Qabalah if I hadnt been able to set aside my scientific rationalism for a while. But I got back, with an experience richer (at the very least it allows me to make SSOOKN in-jokes, but it's useful in other manners too). And that's maybe also the thing Morisson was saying about individuality or something, it's not like I traded in my scientific rational person for a qabalist. It's more like I augmented the bullshit fundamentals of my belief with some other bullshit (and yes science is probably the best bullshit we got, but it's not perfect either).

And who knows, maybe next time I'm gonna study up on healing stones and energy flows and shit. ..Or maybe not :) Anyway the point is, if I do, I will get back to Discordianism, cause nobody ever leaves. But I resent the idea that such an entire trip will be seen as "an error". Of course, I wandered off the path and have come to see the errors of my ways. But I also wandered off the path and saw some pretty weird shit, some awesome shit, and even firsthand knowledge of the errors of my ways is valuable because it's the same errors of other people's ways.

QuoteAs soon as someone even just momentarily argues some ideology, they get trashed.

Again, if I am expected to just blindly accept an ideology as invalid, let me know.

QuoteBecause I was criticizing you (and others, but you ignore that, I suppose) which is not the same as casting you as a villain. That would be overreacting.

Yes, you were criticizing me.  I'd prefer you criticize my argument.  I do not claim to be an infallible guru of some kind.

Hm, okay. You're right I will keep that in mind, sorry.

QuoteIn fact, in your original post, you stated that I attacked multiple things, and only bit on the one that got responses, and now you're saying that I only focused on one thing from the beginning.

Quite frankly, Trip, between the Morrison thread and my thread, I feel like you've set out to attack me.  I may be wrong about that, but the personal nature of your criticisms has me more than a little concerned.


You are right. I think it was a whole combo of reasons, most of which to do with me, not you.

I really did enjoy that video (if only because the fucker reminded me of P3NT so much :) ), and after I watched it I saw the thread had grown from 2 to 6 pages or so. But then I was disappointed that it was a discussion about whether overpopulation was an issue or not.

Also, ECH just was the second person to accuse me of histrionics. I looked up the word again and still don't agree it fits entirely. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong dictionaries but they say things like "exaggerated emotional behavior calculated for effect".
You are right in noticing that lately I've been having a bit of a shorter fuse than usual, and tend to explode in a different manner than previously. But I just want to say, it's not purposefully calculated for effect or theatrics or like that. It's also happening IRL now and then, apparently I have a lot of pent up anger and disappointment (in myself) and turmoil in me, and it seems to be coming to the surface. I'm trying to deal with it. The advantage I have is that I am very aware of it happening, because me (as well as my gf) are quite introspective.

So far, solutions seem to be to take a step back and cool-off a bit when necessary (I have a big textfile called posts.txt that I use as an incubator, you really don't want to see what's in there :) but it works wonders for letting off the steam of the moment, as well as reading it the next morning and thinking "I'm SO glad I didn't post that!" :) ) another trick is to remind myself that I cannot change other people's behaviour, I can only change the way I respond to it. You can probably tell I don't always manage to apply one of these tricks.
Dok, weren't/aren't you dealing with a similar sort of thing? Got any more tricks? :)
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.