
MysticWicks endorsement: "At least Satanists HAVE a worldview. After reading this thread, I'm convinced that discordians not only don't, but will actively mock anyone who does."

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Debatable Dumbfucks

Started by Sister_Gothique, June 27, 2011, 01:06:13 PM

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Dear Ignorant Fuckfaces,
        If you're going to join a debate, it may be well received when you actually pay attention to what said debate is concerning. I know it can be difficult, bothersome, or even painful, but those words actually mean something. No lie. With a little time, effort, and actual goddamn reading you may find that those little scribblies on your monitor start to create words and even sentences and that you may begin to comprehend-----Oh fuck it. It's not like you're going to read this either. You'll just skim over it like you do everything else and then morph it into an invitation to crumpets and tea or some shit with your marvelous stretch of the imagination. "Oh sure, come on over!" "Be sure to try the Kool-aid." "Faint taste of almonds? I don't know what you're referring to." And what a grand ole-fucking-time we shall have.
-Love and kisses-

So, I'm pursuing a debate forum when I stumble upon a topic someone posted about the Australian government wanting to go from their current packaging for cigarettes (corroded innards) to a more generic-looking package to try to take away some of the "cool" factor that the current package promotes (nothing says cool like atrophying bits, right?) and wanting to talk about that in terms of taking away certain rights from the tobacco companies.

I think that's kind of interesting and start to look at some of the responses..... :x......Which ALL seem to look like:

"smoking should totally be banned.its bad."

"I nO! sMokInG Is tEh #! KilLoR oF PUppIeS And rAinfOReSts AND WHALES iN teh WorLD eVAr! SrSLY! ITSA FACT!"

"My coosin Dwayne totally died from sm0oking while trying to kill fire ants with gasoline."

For fuck's sake....Is it really that hard to take the time to actually read what the topic is about? It's never-ending. *sigh*

P.S. Hi P.D. It's been too long. I'm clumsy and fell off the face of the earth once again. I should probably tell my mum I'm still alive, too, huh?
I'm the new "God's Will"...Soon it'll be, "Oh, I can't be held accountable for THAT, Sister Gothique made me do it!"

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Sister_Gothique on June 27, 2011, 01:06:13 PM
P.S. Hi P.D. It's been too long. I'm clumsy and fell off the face of the earth once again. I should probably tell my mum I'm still alive, too, huh?

Yeah, you should.  Her & your dad are all alone in Vail, waiting for the zombiepocalypse, and never hear from their kid.
Molon Lube


*waves to Sister G*

Long time no see!

And I like your OP!  :D