
All you can say in this site's defence is that it, rather than reality, occupies the warped minds of some of the planet's most twisted people; gods know what they would get up to if it wasn't here.  In these arguably insane times, any lessening or attenuation of madness is maybe something to be thankful for.

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Evolution they cried excitedly expressing the value of thumbs

Started by Sepia, October 08, 2011, 02:01:05 AM

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It is a clean death, a silent death, swift with no sounds of tapping feet being brought through from a different side, another side, another way and idea and heart and soul and here we are, watching the sacrifice unfold in front of our eyes, colliding with the visions of reality super-imposed over the hyper-truth, ripples gather and scatter through the eternal void, the eternal abyss the heart of it all, thought-planets shatter, concept-supernovas extinguish and the universe that is real to us stops expanding and in swirl of it we sit, peaking on acid and grappling with this, finding the revolution

These first few desperate hours, these suntorn hours slipping along, movements in shadow across this heathen earth, heretics wandering them, no longer fearing god after the elevation of man to godhood but there are always those left behind, those not allowed to evolve, the men and women who came as far as they could but the way was barred and see ye not that broad broad road across yon lily leven that is the path of wickedness but some call it the road to heaven and there is a narrow road thickly beset with thorns and briars - the path of righteousness, though after it but few enquire

Or somewhere does it sing, underground, locked in a vault, an artificial idea turned onto questions of life, death, destiny and the meaning of it all, an AI created from everything ever recorded, the last judgment, we put our faith into a machine to judge us, interpret us based on what we are, how will we be judged by our own creation, who did we become in this end of it all, scenarios of ending of what is before something comes and everything changes, we should do it in style next time, we should have the band of titanic playing as god sees who and what we are and decide us

Everyone will always be too late