
Mr Rogers is above all that nonsense.

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Started by hirley0, January 28, 2012, 08:41:39 AM

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Prince Glittersnatch III

Quote from: hirley0 on January 28, 2012, 08:41:39 AM

I was JUST wondering which flavor of yogurt to eat for breakfast. Key-lime it is. All glory to the prophet Hirley0. <---worst human being to ever live. <----Learn the truth behind Discordianism

Quote from: Aleister Growly on September 04, 2010, 04:08:37 AM
Glittersnatch would be a rather unfortunate condition, if a halfway decent troll name.

Quote from: GIGGLES on June 16, 2011, 10:24:05 PM


R39 /teal tue reboot/web/fin 4 Men
NAVIGATION here has become so time consuming & difficult i'LL be reduced
to just 4 threads on the daily bass. here, Me v PhD, MsRa, & ?#4 Links L8r
5 Cib / R55 / c=16 / h=24 / Wed / Fib1 timed out:
% % % %%% Day_n = 20120201 t_Start =  1029
% % % %%% the inTENT of ToDays DiLLuShUN is to
% %%% PLOT the change in WEIGHT  of EARTH in
% 5.4e9 Current Earth Years
% Diam weight
% 12Km 6e24   6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
% 6Km  3e11               -     3             
% dW/dt        5.9e24/4.5e9 = ~1e15 v 5e3 current rate

w0=3e11 % Origional earth waight 4.5e6 cEy's ago
w45 = 6e24 % curent future weight projection

tr= 45:-1:0;

try as i might my brain simply was not in the mood to proceed
its very clear to It that the solution is NOT linear. 12:02:46 PM
However iT did not find even one w2 non linear PLOT {sad
13:33&1/3 Rpm brain cell found some way beyond hang up
% % % %%% Day_n = 20120201 t_Start =    1312
c1 =6* x.^3;
for j=1:46

%  % % %%% t_End =   1314_Spent =  2

1:54 PM 2012 02/01/ 6:47 PM 2012 02/01 yeah: what WAS this about?
possibly MatLab early today ?/? Wherewith i did get A curve i had
in mind ! Now to fragment the 45e8 {4.5 Billion) into 45 parts
eXactly why may brain does not understand this simle question?
I donno. Ti-83 says 100,000,000 1 Hundred Million 1e8/2.5e8 =.4ORb
so my question {for L8R) is how many feet {Km) diameter is each
new .4ORb layer of deposit on the surface of planet Earth = to?
& furthermore I should be using (NOT.4 1e8} but .1 aka 25 Ma's
thus t=0:0.25:45; R U ready?


8 Cauac /4 / 91  / 7  / 23 / Sat
7 Etxnab / 3 / 84 / 11 / 25 ? Fri
6 Caban / Fib2  R73 / C18 / H24 ? thur
Day_n =  20120201 t_Start =   2308
% % % %%% Diameter of the Earth for 20 Orbits
d1=6000 %Km
d20 = 13000 %km
ORb = linspace(6000,13000,20);
%%%% now try to apply the Fox { i do think this is WRONG {{ ?/?
for j=1:20
fox(j)= 13000-fo(21-j); 
%%% % volume 4/3*pi-r^3 ?
%%% % Earth, Mass (kg): 5.98 × 10^ 24 kg
V_2000= 4/3*pi*((12756.1/2)^3)
Mass = 5.98*10^24 % kg
mv = KGpKm*v;
mvp = diff(mv);

% % % %%% t_End =  2351 t_Spent =  43


12 AKBAL {darkness /135 / 18
11 IK {wind /117 / 8
10 IMIX /109/ 13 ?
9 AHAU 8 Pax /96/


Portland R User Group | Tuesday, February 21, 2012 |7:00 PM
Simple| 720 NW Davis, Suite 400 |Portland, OR 97209


So, yeah i sort of remember preliminary steps?
set up some matrix and shift{place data Sb ito it {never mind

today the object was
1 push the thread  to active?
2 consider the middle step ?/? "Integral form  ...->  Differential form  ...-> Matrix form"
3 wait for A solution to appear

thought4today:  {-  :fnord:  <-    :fnord:  <-  :fnord: <-{
3 matrix NOT 1

  :fnord:  :fnord:


LoooKi cookie i have 0 intent of running/installing it untill 1 day B4 ReboooT

My Approach was \ :fnord: :fnord: :fnord: :fnord: :fnord:
So yeah 71.5Meg in 17 min between 50&100kB/s does it compute yeaH about 70
To download the item you just requested, you need to have iTune
READ from boughtUM Left Right
Quote from: hirley0 on January 31, 2012, 08:17:36 AM
t=0:0.25:45; R U ready?

JUST IN CASE u WERE WONDERING tomorrow is Sunday


Durring the DW.DE broadcast of the of the Sain{ v in sien political
Maid4TV the thought came to me about Math | thus this push to active

the two words are
before i branch out to the web to see what (Um}he thinks
{{ Q1 is the Web Masquline or feminan in the romance languages}}}?
= = =
i wanna say  a few paragraphs about the 2 i & d
when i was in the navy 56-60 Sum of my navy carrier was watching a RADAR
the Radar screen was in an area of the ship directly behind the wheel house
& was called CIC meaning Combat Information Center | there were no windows
a hatch{door forward to the top of the Ladder{STAIRS down to the boat deck
OR forward to the Wheel house | there were devices in both areas called
sound powered telephones | so communications were possible without the
use of carrier pigions | and the talk sounded something tike this
Con this is combat there is a contect bearing 180 true closing on collision
course at 33&1/3 knots reccomend changing course to 270 true
After stearing this is CON , we have lost steering !!!! Right full rudder
T open the escape hatch | We are going to Collide || the escape hatch was OPENED
? well never mind
my point is this between the Radar on the port side & the Chart table Forward
was a device call the plotting table In the ploting table was a bunch of gears
and motors such that a beam of light from below was projected up onto
the paper above ? the path of the ship on the map could be followed by
marking the paper . . . as time passed OK inside the devise where the
mechanical devices to move the light . one computation was the intigrator
the intigrator was a shiny disk being spun by a precision speed motor
an thus input time into the equation on top of the disk was a wheel on a shaft
shaft ====||<wheel  when the wheel was in the center(0) the shaft did not
turn as speed increased the wheel moved tward the outter edge and the
shaft turned | THUS ships speed (wheel on shaft distance drom 0) was
"INTEGRATED over time to output distance (the turning shaft

? another computation was the differentchitor {ill get the spellin eventually
the input was distance ===spinning shaft==x the outputs were 2
distance North/south & distance East/west

in my mind i have a very clear picture of the int
i do not have such a clear on of dif {have to think about it

in Math i was not as good at integration as i was at differential equations

{end of BS back to reel time? Gamburd is Very good at int | not as clever at dif{daf?

"Integral form  ...-> Differential form ...-> Matrix form"

it May take me 2 or 3&1/3 years to correct the spelling {Sorry


Quote from: hirley0 on April 17, 2012, 11:41:48 AM
the two words are | integrate | differentiate

"Integral form  ...-> Differential form ...-> Matrix form"

THURSDAY 20120419 ? 5 IX{jaguar ? MissALL island

iI Have worked {BeLieve it or not | on many Many Military devices ?
only 1 LibraScope. the LibraScope was a Mechanical computer used aboard
A ship to solve tradjectory{Moving target problems) Basically Sub v Hilo
{never mind the none sence? like a plotting tabel it had integrators &
differentiators | it also had a lot of other mecanical problem solvers
that i have long since forgotten about | i dont even REMember differentiators
the 2D (surface Plot} N-S E-W at 31 knots in standard TIME ?/? the L.scope
was 3D & included such words as ROLL & PITCH LEVEL & CROSS LEVEL
& on an on, really a maze of gears levers wheels | real  FUN & games
So why bother MathAMagics from the past 3D

"Integral form  ...-> Differential form ...-> Matrix form"

to 4D i conSider the L.Sc A 4D deviice | even though as installed on the Hi
speed vessel i was on |there was a wire missing {never mind
the 4D has feed back so the block looks like
E>Int => Diff -> Matr" ~>TBDE>

(uM}? the Final{End result feeds back to the input for constant?
UM reset?/?
of position ?/?

Currently if i were allowed to Return To campUS i would ask Cris about
the paper to concert from D to M as he had resolved the issue to a page
& according to HiM is just sitting on it. BeLieve what you want: AsK HiM

i now return the D to EB or Ed and move along to :fnord: sTrology4c4/ASKstronomers

Triple Zero

I'm continuing here btw, if you don't mind. To keep the other thread somewhat on-topic.

Quote from: hirley0 on April 19, 2012, 07:22:21 PM
Quote from: Triple Zero on April 19, 2012, 07:01:50 PM
Quote from: hirley0 on April 19, 2012, 06:51:53 PM
2: the reason 4 this WAS to ask "HER"  to show her Math{script

This is / use GIMP.

it sounds to me as if you use some form of UNIX ?
Like obooto?/? or was it U
Look i really have not a clue how to say ? (Um}?
11:11AM pdT

here however is my follow UP Question | ps i did download py once its on CD

Actually no, I'm on Windows 7 currently. But I have Python and GIMP installed on Windows just the same, because I prefer free and open source software.

At some point I'll return to Ubuntu, though. I enjoyed using it in the past, but I haven't really decided to bother with the whole transition and everything. And for now, things work rather well. Win7 is a pretty neat OS. If it weren't for the fact that I have no idea what it's doing behind my back, and Microsoft's explicit "And nor do you need to know unless you're government or corporate forensics and attend our MS certified forensics presentations", I would almost stick with it :)
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



13:33&1/3 -
% % % %%% Day_n =  20120419 t_Start =  1223
% data points
da=[2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1]; l=length(da); x=1:l;
%  lines + green o's
plot(x,da, 'go')
% set axis limits
axis([-5, 9, -5, 5])
% dotted lines
grid on
%/%% ?/??
lookfor polyfit %% POLYFIT Polynomial curve fitting.
help polyfit %%% finds the coefficients of a polynomial
%%%%% See also POLY, POLYVAL, ROOTS.

% polynomial fit, blue curve
p7=polyfit(da, x, 7)
%% % Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
p3=polyfit(da, x, 3) % %%%    -0.6944         0    4.0278    2.0000
%%% % Warning: Rank deficient, rank = 3  tol =   2.8588e-014
% polynomial fix, RED curve's lookfor frange NOT FOUND

which polyfit % c:\hub\matlab\toolbox\matlab\polyfun\polyfit.m
help spline % SPLINE Cubic spline data interpolation.
%%%% %%% %% %
%%%%  Here's an example

xi = 1:.25:l;
yi = spline(x,da,xi);

%%% % ze t_End =  1252 t_Spent =  29
% /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
# Day_n = 20120201 t_Start =  2308
% % % %%% Diameter of the Earth for 20 Orbits
d1=6000 %Km % d1 =   6000
d20 = 13000 %km d20 =  13000
ORb = linspace(6000,13000,20);
%%%% now try to apply the Fox
for j=1:20
fox(j)= 13000-fo(21-j); 
%%% % volume 4/3*pi-r^3 ?
%%% % MASS ? Earth, Mass (kg): 5.98 × 10 24 kg V= 4/3*pi*(12,756.1/2)^3)
V_2000= 4/3*pi*((12756.1/2)^3) % V_2000 =  1.0868e+012
Mass = 5.98*10^24 % kg % Mass =  5.9800e+024
KGpKm=Mass/V_2000 % KGpKm =  5.5024e+012
mv = KGpKm*v;
mvp = diff(mv);
%%%??? Error using ==> plot Vectors must be the same lengths.
%%%??? Error in color/linetype argument
%% ze t_End =  2351 t_Spent =   43
12:34b 9B

Quote from: Triple Zero on April 19, 2012, 07:32:49 PM
I'm continuing here btw, if you don't mind. To keep the other thread somewhat on-topic.

Quote from: hirley0 on April 19, 2012, 07:22:21 PM
Quote from: Triple Zero on April 19, 2012, 07:01:50 PM
Quote from: hirley0 on April 19, 2012, 06:51:53 PM
2: the reason 4 this WAS to ask "HER"  to show her Math{script

This is / use GIMP.

it sounds to me as if you use some form of UNIX ?
Like obooto?/? or was it U
Look i really have not a clue how to say ? (Um}?
11:11AM pdT

here however is my follow UP Question | ps i did download py once its on CD

Actually no, I'm on Windows 7 currently. But I have Python and GIMP installed on Windows just the same, because I prefer free and open source software.

At some point I'll return to Ubuntu, though. I enjoyed using it in the past, but I haven't really decided to bother with the whole transition and everything. And for now, things work rather well. Win7 is a pretty neat OS. If it weren't for the fact that I have no idea what it's doing behind my back, and Microsoft's explicit "And nor do you need to know unless you're government or corporate forensics and attend our MS certified forensics presentations", I would almost stick with it :)

Triple Zero

Yeah Pylab python code translates pretty directly to MATLAB code. That's why they called it PyLAB :)

But you made two mistakes (highlight in red):

Quote from: hirley0 on April 19, 2012, 09:39:00 PM
13:33&1/3 -
% % % %%% Day_n =  20120419 t_Start =  1223
% data points
da=[2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1]; l=length(da); x=1:l;
%  lines + green o's
plot(x,da, 'go')
% set axis limits
axis([-5, 9, -5, 5])
% dotted lines
grid on
%/%% ?/??
lookfor polyfit %% POLYFIT Polynomial curve fitting.
help polyfit %%% finds the coefficients of a polynomial
%%%%% See also POLY, POLYVAL, ROOTS.

% polynomial fit, blue curve
p7=polyfit(da, x, 7)
%% % Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
p3=polyfit(da, x, 3) % %%%    -0.6944         0    4.0278    2.0000
%%% % Warning: Rank deficient, rank = 3  tol =   2.8588e-014
% polynomial fix, RED curve's lookfor frange NOT FOUND

As far as I remember from MATLAB, the code x = 1:l generates a sequence [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]? But Python's range(8) makes a sequence [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7].

But the reason why you get the rank error is because you switched the order of your parameters for polyfit. It should work if you do this:

p = polyfit([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], da, 7)

See the first param is the x points and the second is the y (data) points. Otherwise it tries to fit a polynomial for [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] on the y axis for the points [2,0,1,2,2,1,1,2] on the x-axis and you get multiple values for a single x position and you can't fit a polynomial to that.

(also try putting [tt] tags around your code, it looks prettier :) )
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



were typin i know & i was trying to post prior to 2 too

Quote from: Nigel on April 19, 2012, 06:06:00 PM
I think I have a quiz today.

And an exam tomorrow for sure.

Y?Um the 20 Earth orbits refers to orbits around the Galaxy
not orbits around the SUN | My 0pology for the frame confusion

Also My guess is the above would be of integral form ?/? Matlab
& R may be more of a Diff form than Int?/?
Stella {vinsim is a look alike} is more MaTrix (imo)
as far as 4D } the quest is beyound me.
i would say this about that however
Cris teaches Physics he has/had an office on the 4th floor of SB2
West side West Hall once it had a telecommunications sign
Maybe that is goone. Anyway stop in for a chat
tell him you came in to get a copy of the STELLA sheat
" that he is sitting on " that i sent U up to see his ping pong ball


Quote from: Nigel on April 19, 2012, 06:06:00 PM
I think I have a quiz today.
Quote from: hirley0 on April 19, 2012, 10:04:07 PM
And an exam tomorrow for sure.

17:02 "the reason why you get the rank error"
yeah: when i first look at this i did not understand
after the second OR maybe 3rd read thru i could see it also
Moving along anyway, in my mind there exists a conversion
error | i was sort of in a hurry | did not want to spend
much time on the issue | whatever it was | so i skipped
poly & hopped aboard spline | i may well go back and
look into the spline.m file to see how it is done.
= =
one of my main D'lusions{problems with matlab is the one
i refer to as built in. a buit in is a routine that i cant
read into to see exactly how what gets done, got done? i
forget the example it was a long time ago. i still use
matlab, though these days it's not often. My guess is R is
the next {in time)  step ? my guess is, i will skip it
: : :
i took a stat class, all female except me | that had stella
as the 2nd 1/2. i found stella of interest & consider it
a different approach to Math than MatLab. unfortunatly 4Me
my download of a sample STELLA is cripleware and there is
no save feature. because its very time consuming ? whereas
matlab is rather quick, in comparison(imo) not being able to
save one days effort for the next day makes mY Stella unused
? ? ? ?
I would place MatLab & {yeah{{PyLab  at rank 1 integeral
STELLA {vinsim {rank 3 Matrix form  with R between {at 2
sure i would like to get to 4 ? feedback form | However
my guess is that i will not make it there. i will skip R
as to robust for my taste & STELLA{matrix form | as to
costly. Sputter along | maybe look through Spline sum Time