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UK General Election 8th June: Shake it all about?

Started by Vanadium Gryllz, February 23, 2016, 02:54:34 PM

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This is going to be a world first: we're going to completely fuck our own country over and slide into some kind of protofascism out of the sheer resentment of fucking ourselves somehow, amazingly, not making our situation better.


That's what it seems like, a schizo self harming mess that meets its own internal debate with "You lost" (in relation to the Brexit referendum), mirroring the same exact interactions from the lobotomites from /t/The_donald, how can anything meaningful come come of that?

Even at the high levels, the UK should be forming a coherent strategy from the different parts of the Union:
I was completely for Scottish independence and I like sturgeon a lot, but I've lost a lot of respect for her lately as she's taken to shitting on England as much as she can, instead of making suggestions on the negotiations and fleshing out what the UK should look like after Brexit. If anything its probably the biggest opportunity for the Scots to shape the union to something more like what they want to see, but instead they squander it with contrarian antics, like a bickering couple in a loveless marriage.

I can't really blame May for becoming completely detached from reality either, everyone she is interacting with is pushing their shitty agenda or contradicting her suggestions, her own party are using all of this to play power games for her seat, which no one wanted a year ago. She is reliant on the DUP time travelers from the dark ages to keep her tenuous grasp on power. If she can't get her own party let alone the houses of parliament to decide on what Brexit should be, I suppose it's impossible for her to communicate that to the people she's actually supposed to be negotiating with in the EU block.

The DUP thing makes me worried, Northern Ireland enters direct rule in a few days because they have failed to form a government, but May needs the DUP in power to sustain their government, which means she can't call an election again in Northern Ireland without collapsing her own government, which means direct rule could be in NI for the foreseeable future, regardless of borders etc, that's likely the biggest threat to the peace process right now.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Faust on November 29, 2017, 07:56:23 AM
To be fair that was from the likes of UKIP, the sun and some member of the UUP
But it worries me that this will become the accepted rhetoric for the talks.

There was another kipper then trying to pull a trump and suggesting that the Republic would have to pay for a border with Northern Ireland.

Good lord, he sounds just like Trump.
Molon Lube


Alot of the Kippers do like Trump.  I mean, just look at Farage.


Mays position is rough, she has three sets of demands on her in relation to the negotiations (on a single issue)
-Irish Government: NI stays in customs union (basically)
-British Government: UK leaves customs union
-DUP: NI follows rest of UK

I don't see the Irish Government backing down, definitely don't see the UK staying in the customs union which leaves her in the position that she needs to fuck the DUP under the bus (best place for them), but doing so collapses her government and an election could well end up with a Corbyn led gov.

Now here is a funny thing, SF could well end up being approached on a confidence and supply arrangement with the Tories to prop up their government, which would be an unholy alliance if ever there was one, unless she can find enough members of the SNP and Labour willing to hold the bandages on the government long enough to get negotiations finished.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on November 30, 2017, 01:27:39 PM
Alot of the Kippers do like Trump.  I mean, just look at Farage.

He's ideal for them, really.  Profoundly brain damaged Hitler.  He's what they've always wanted.
Molon Lube


Farage was whining on TV yesterday that he wasn't going to give up his EU pension because "why should my family suffer?"

His boundless narcissism really has no limits.

Also note: he was a commodities trader before going into politics.  In other words, his "family" (his German wife has left him and he's currently messing around with some French girlfriend) isn't going to suffer by losing out on a 70K pension regardless.


He's fighting back on the first step because if the the pensions go, right to property and so on is on the table.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


Today was the day that the initial set of negotiations would have been agreed upon, of which one of the big sticking issues is the border in Northern Ireland.

Theresa May, who's Tory government is propped up by the DUP who are time traveling Northern Ireland racists from the 1800 made a proposal to keep NI in the customs union (IE allow free trade and movement from the EU), avoiding any kind of border in NI, which in looked really good for the republic, and for the North. This looked like a done deal, May, the EU president and our own Taoiseach were set to make a big announcement that talks were moving forward.

On the speculation of this alone, Scotland insisted that should NI have special status there is no reason why any other part of the UK couldn't have the same arrangement and wanted it for them (this would result in either a border between Scotland and England, or the UK being completely unable to control migration which is what a lot of this whole Brexit shite was about. OK fine it Results in Hadrians wall  being rebuilt for the first time since the Romans but whatever.

Then London City chimed in saying they would also want the same deal as 90% of their trade is finance and international commerce. This would require London becoming a walled city or again completely invalidate the control of migration.

Not to mention the fact that May's own party were horrified at the prospect of parts of the UK's trade and travel still being dictated by Europe, and are now after her head.

But either way it didn't matter, because in making the deal either Theresa May didn't tell her partners in government the DUP what she had proposed or they got cold feet in the last five minutes and pulled the plug.

So no deal was reached, literally everyone was unhappy and it will be very unlikely May's government will last another week, if the DUP don't pull the plug, her own party might without her.
There is until the 14th to get a deal agreed upon, the likely outcome of failing to do so is the UK ends up on WTO rules, and Northern Ireland goes back to the bad old days of British soldiers shooting children and drunken mongoloid IRA "Freedom fighters" blowing up innocents.

The worst is, it came tantalizingly close to being OK. Let's see how the next week plays out maybe there is still some hope in this.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


I had to take it in while sleep deprived, as yesterday was my switch around day, but dumpster fire is pretty accurate.

We've also reached the point in the Brexit negotiations where we can't make offers without pissing off sizeable and powerful constituences ie we can please Ireland, but at the cost of the DUP (and thus government stability) and Scotland.

Also Arlene Foster is now basically our PM.

The deal with NI, while ideal, opens so many dangerous doors though.  Scotland and London of course said "why not us as well" and aside from the Irish Sea, there is no major compelling difference.  I wouldn't be surprised to see Loyalists nutters arguing this means making NI part of Ireland by other means, and since Loyalists exert a strong influence on the UK far right, this would likely be considered a "betrayal of Brexit" by Britain First, UKIP etc...though that may not fly as well since most of England doesn't give a fuck about Wales, Scotland and especially Ireland at the best of times.

Doktor Howl

Holy shit!   :lulz:

What the hell happened?  Just a few years ago, we were all doing fine.
Molon Lube


Quote from: Doktor Howl on December 05, 2017, 05:44:02 PM
Holy shit!   :lulz:

What the hell happened?  Just a few years ago, we were all doing fine.

Basically all the xenophobic politicians decided to play a huge game of "Touched it last" at the same time as a game of "Stick your dick in the beehive". They decided that everyone else HAS to play and the rules are they win.

The other politicians went along with it to shut them up as they were REALLY into dicks in beehives and just wouldn't shut up.

The rest you know.

Oh for the yesteryears of simple austerity, corruption and outright lies, asset stripping. Now Austerity is complicated to the point the government poverty committee quit. Bribes are required to cross bridges. Damien Green (Among others) literally wanks for a living and there are very few assets left to strip.

Add your own strong and stable joke at your leisure.

I'm kind of expecting a government collapse immenintly, if for no other reason than it may end up giving corbyn a paltry majority with questionable allies. When brexit goes wrong (as it inevitably will due to the very fucking nature of the idea, regardless of who you put in charge of it) he gets to take the blame, allies turn and it's these clowns again for X years.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on November 29, 2017, 08:16:36 AM
This is going to be a world first: we're going to completely fuck our own country over and slide into some kind of protofascism out of the sheer resentment of fucking ourselves somehow, amazingly, not making our situation better.

Way ahead of you.   :lulz:
Molon Lube