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"Cro's & Pons: Fun With Dissociation"

Started by NegativeNinja999, November 16, 2017, 08:22:59 AM

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So I mixed up the labels in my fridge again this time I put the mayonnaise label on the truth serum jar and vice versa, but it was still a good sandwich black forest ham, swiss cheese & sodium pentothal great in a pinch.  But this is about more than condiments and run-on sentences; this is about Truth.  People of Nowhere, I must confess that I am guilty of the most pathetic crime commitable.  Seriously even God is turning in his grave.  Over the years I have become one of the many time-traveling fucktards who resort to nauseatingly desperate measures to block out all the gut-wrenching turmoil unfolding in every direction I look, and like many others I let the eraser get away from me.  In fact I don't have much time before this too is lost in the ether of unconsciousness, so I must quickly document this momentary lapse from autopilot before the system reboots.  I fear that not only is this change for the worst, but it is also irreversible and gaining exponential momentum by the trillisecond.  Thank fuck I don't have to fret about it since my ability to swiftly maneuver around any thoughts that register as "unpleasant" keeps me in perpetual bliss.  The only problem is that this is now affecting which parts of my memory I have direct access to, causing occasional blackouts that can spit me out anywhere at any time, coming to with nothing but a trail of destruction behind me.  Now these negative energies are compartmentalized and often times manifest in other activities such as random acts of terror and constant blabbering of nonsense.  Furthermore, juggling this arsenal of white-washed memories gets confusing when the only way to really manage them is to not look directly at them for the sake of my own sanity, if that's a real thing.  But I don't just do this for shtits and jiggles, it's a requiredment; you shove them as far out of frame as possible until they're nothing but tiny demons in your peripheral smiling and you just don't wave back, don't interact at all.  Point is it's getting out of hand to the point where I seem to no longer be the one in charge of which memories go in the shredder and which ones are to remain archived.  I know it's my fault and an evil trick that anyone can do, and I don't want to be that guy who wakes up one day and goes, "Oh shit why is my freezer is full of people I've seen on backs of milk cartons."  But I also don't want to be that guy on ebay outbidding some other crazy fuck on a DIY lobotomy kit.  But those are clearly the only 2 options we have at this point.
Dad:  "Quit making that ugly face or it'll get stuck like that."
Me:  "But I'm not making a face."
Dad:  "Oh, well then too late."

Doktor Howl

Quote from: NegativeNinja999 on November 16, 2017, 08:22:59 AM
and I don't want to be that guy who wakes up one day and goes, "Oh shit why is my freezer is full of people I've seen on backs of milk cartons." 

Newsfeed?   :lulz:
Molon Lube


I like this guy.  :lulz:

Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 16, 2017, 09:39:46 PM
Quote from: NegativeNinja999 on November 16, 2017, 08:22:59 AM
and I don't want to be that guy who wakes up one day and goes, "Oh shit why is my freezer is full of people I've seen on backs of milk cartons." 

Newsfeed?   :lulz:

And I agree, if it's not been done already  :lulz:
This Certified Popeā„¢ reserves the Right to, on occasion, "be a complete dumbass", and otherwise ponder "idiotic" and/or "useless" ideas and other such "tomfoolery." [Aforementioned] are only responsible for the results of these actions and tendencies when they have had their addictive substance of choice for that day.

Being a Product of their Environment's Collective Order and Disorder, [Aforementioned] also reserves the Right to have their ideas, technologies, and otherwise all Intellectual Property stolen, re-purposed, and re-attributed at Will ONLY by other Certified Popes. Corporations, LLC's, and otherwise Capitalist-based organizations are NOT capable of being Certified Popes.

Battering Rams not included.