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Chaos is Energy

Started by Dildo Argentino, November 13, 2018, 07:49:17 AM

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Dildo Argentino

Completely my bad for failing to notice that the section I found a little less than perfect was actually a quote from the original Principia, and if this has caused you any discomfort, I apologize sincerely. I started with praise for your work, and I meant it, it is a beautiful book and I'm planning on printing a copy or two. I might give them away during the festive season! But that particular thing caught my eye (as it appears, ten year after it was discussed here, so it ought to be old hat, anyway, unless I was purposefully misinformed), so I thought Principia Discussion may be a good place to mention it... Despite the fact that most every time I opened my mouth here most people ended up professing I was an unreconstructed asshole, very probably with assburgers, I still don't think so. The reason I'm come back every now and then is simply that I can't get my head around always ending up that street with a bunch of people who profess to be fond of a way of thinking I also have had a massive soft spot for for decades. Also, the fun.
Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis

Q. G. Pennyworth

It's okay, these things aren't marked after all.

I'm in a weird mood and that's not on you.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on November 14, 2018, 05:02:26 PM
Look, this thing is my baby. That doesn't mean it's perfect or that I can't take criticism, but if you're gonna come in here and go HOLY NONSENSE HAS PROBLEMS and then quote one of the five sections pulled from the Principia and act like this is a Holy Nonsense problem IN PRINCIPIA DISCUSSION, I'm gonna get my hackles up.

When have you known him NOT to be a passive-aggressive shitbag?  :lulz:
Molon Lube

Dildo Argentino

Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 15, 2018, 02:56:34 AM
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on November 14, 2018, 05:02:26 PM
Look, this thing is my baby. That doesn't mean it's perfect or that I can't take criticism, but if you're gonna come in here and go HOLY NONSENSE HAS PROBLEMS and then quote one of the five sections pulled from the Principia and act like this is a Holy Nonsense problem IN PRINCIPIA DISCUSSION, I'm gonna get my hackles up.

When have you known him NOT to be a passive-aggressive shitbag?  :lulz:

Ow, don't be like that!!
Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis


So Dildo, did you read that post from 2008 (which, I now realize, was really from 2005); and did you have any thoughts or comments on it?  Because I assumed that was your intent for starting the OP.

Dildo Argentino

Quote from: LMNO on November 15, 2018, 01:34:23 PM
So Dildo, did you read that post from 2008 (which, I now realize, was really from 2005); and did you have any thoughts or comments on it?  Because I assumed that was your intent for starting the OP.

Well I don't trust my memory the way I used to, but I swear when I first saw your comment, all I saw was the single sentence about this having been covered ten years ago. So either you changed it later, or I just overlooked it. I think you'll agree that both are quite possible. :D Any rate, I haven't, but I will, thanks for linking it and for asking.
Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis


That sentence was a link to the page.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Dildo Argentino on November 15, 2018, 02:21:41 PM
Quote from: LMNO on November 15, 2018, 01:34:23 PM
So Dildo, did you read that post from 2008 (which, I now realize, was really from 2005); and did you have any thoughts or comments on it?  Because I assumed that was your intent for starting the OP.

Well I don't trust my memory the way I used to, but I swear when I first saw your comment, all I saw was the single sentence about this having been covered ten years ago. So either you changed it later, or I just overlooked it. I think you'll agree that both are quite possible. :D Any rate, I haven't, but I will, thanks for linking it and for asking.

If it was edited, there would be italicized script underneath it, saying so.  But you know that.
Molon Lube

Dildo Argentino

Quote from: LMNO on November 15, 2018, 02:28:59 PM
That sentence was a link to the page.

I literally only saw "You're in luck!  We went through this about ten years ago." Which is not to say there wasn't anything else there, but if there was, I failed to notice it. I have noticed it now, and I will read up on it at the earliest opportunity.
Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis

Dildo Argentino

Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 15, 2018, 04:00:04 PM
If it was edited, there would be italicized script underneath it, saying so.  But you know that.

Well perhaps I had known, but I forgot. It was a while back.
Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis


Well LMNO had a long notorious history of shady dishonest behavior, so it was an honest enough mistake for you to make.
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman


Quote from: Hoopla! on November 15, 2018, 06:33:24 PM
Well LMNO had a long notorious history of shady dishonest behavior, so it was an honest enough mistake for you to make.





"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman


But seriously, Dildo quoted your response, so does he believe you used mind beams to change his quoted text?
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Hoopla! on November 15, 2018, 06:47:07 PM
But seriously, Dildo quoted your response, so does he believe you used mind beams to change his quoted text?

Holist gonna Holist.
Molon Lube