
Revenge is a dish best served salty, sterile, wet and warm.

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Chaos is Energy

Started by Dildo Argentino, November 13, 2018, 07:49:17 AM

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I'm comfortable concluding that indeed, bath salts are a hell of a drug.

Dildo Argentino

I haven't read the whole discussion, most of the linked content is dead, sadly. I did read the post you linked to, and I liked your characterisations of the pairings (though I don't understand the Atlantean stuff).

The most halfassed thing that occured to me as I was reading was that this reminds me of the courtly cards in the tarot. Both the coins/cups/swords/sticks and the Princess/Queen/Prince/Knight sequences are supposed to be analogous to earth/water/air/fire, so the courtly cards form a matrix similar to the New Chart. But that's as far as that went...

The other thing I've been thinking about is whether the Order/Disorder and the Creation/Destruction dimensions are on the same level, and whether they are independent. I think order/disorder are qualities that tend to be ascribed to states of affairs, while creative/destructive are ascribed to processes. It even feels quite natural to describe creation as movement from disorder to order, and destruction as movement from order to disorder. Then I tried to think of a way of defining order and disorder in term of creation and destruction, and I could only come up with: order is the precondition of destruction and the result of creation, while disorder is the precondition of creation and the result of destruction - but that's saying the same thing. Also, where do I fit the static-dynamic duality into all this?

The "this smells like hippie shit, it's still dualistic, and we like breaking things" bit was very much after my own heart. But this is still dualistic, isn't it?

Also, all four appear to be perspective/ascriber-dependent. The very same thing is seen as beautious order by some and as atrocious disorder by others (industrial agriculture versus permaculture, regimented, Prussian-style schools and project-based learning, person-centered schools), and the very same acts are seen as creative and destructive (often in sequence).

That's as far as I got for now.
Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis

Dildo Argentino

Quote from: Hoopla! on November 15, 2018, 06:47:07 PM
But seriously, Dildo quoted your response, so does he believe you used mind beams to change his quoted text?

Well, you know it would take considerably less than mind-beams ( :

But on the balance, I admit that by far the most likely explanation is simply that I was being a dozy fuck. Maybe some vague recollections about... never mind. dozy fuck. :D
Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis

Doktor Howl

Um, yeah.  That's why it was "Big Word is great, BUT.
Molon Lube


I kinda think that the original framers of the Principia1 did believe in a hierarchy between creative and destructive forces. While Order/Disorder are equal and up for interpretation, their advice is to embrace creative over destructive, whatever that means to you.

Whether this "creativity is better than destruction" hierarchy is moral, or cosmic, or comic, or spiritual, or arbitrary--is anybody's guess.

1 the OG Chairfuckers, you know who I mean

Dildo Argentino

Quote from: Cramulus on November 15, 2018, 08:48:14 PM
I kinda think that the original framers of the Principia1 did believe in a hierarchy between creative and destructive forces. While Order/Disorder are equal and up for interpretation, their advice is to embrace creative over destructive, whatever that means to you.

Whether this "creativity is better than destruction" hierarchy is moral, or cosmic, or comic, or spiritual, or arbitrary--is anybody's guess.

1 the OG Chairfuckers, you know who I mean

In a way, it seems self-aggrandizing to me. (And I should know about that shit!) As if I were ever in a position to know for sure. "I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good." - Mephisto in Goethe's Faust
Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis


Quote from: Dildo Argentino on November 16, 2018, 06:14:26 AM
Quote from: Cramulus on November 15, 2018, 08:48:14 PM
I kinda think that the original framers of the Principia1 did believe in a hierarchy between creative and destructive forces. While Order/Disorder are equal and up for interpretation, their advice is to embrace creative over destructive, whatever that means to you.

Whether this "creativity is better than destruction" hierarchy is moral, or cosmic, or comic, or spiritual, or arbitrary--is anybody's guess.

1 the OG Chairfuckers, you know who I mean

In a way, it seems self-aggrandizing to me. (And I should know about that shit!) As if I were ever in a position to know for sure. "I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good." - Mephisto in Goethe's Faust

whatever that means to you
As if I were ever in a position to know for sure
whatever that means to you
As if I were ever in a position to know for sure
whatever that means to you
As if I were ever in a position to know for sure
whatever that means to you
As if I were ever in a position to know for sure
whatever that means to you
As if I were ever in a position to know for sure
whatever that means to you
As if I were ever in a position to know for sure
whatever that means to you
As if I were ever in a position to know for sure
whatever that means to you
As if I were ever in a position to know for sure
whatever that means to you
As if I were ever in a position to know for sure
whatever that means to you

Dildo Argentino

:D Okay fair enough. But let me reframe it:

Firstly, how do I get to know what creativity means to me? What's the advice for uncertainty about that? I don't think it's all that rare.

Also, I think for people who are pretty sure about what creativity and and destructiveness mean to them, it might be bad advice.

Of course I don't really see how advising people in general is possible beyond the profoundly self-evident (which does come in handy at times).
Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis



It sounds like you're going down the a priori/a posteriori road with a large backpack of epistemology, hauling a wheelbarrow full of semiotics.

You might want to deal with that before even approaching the OP.

Dildo Argentino

Quote from: LMNO on November 16, 2018, 04:22:21 PM

It sounds like you're going down the a priori/a posteriori road with a large backpack of epistemology, hauling a wheelbarrow full of semiotics.

You might want to deal with that before even approaching the OP.

The OP? What I wrote? How could I have written it without approaching it? Long pencil?

Also, frankly, no. Must be some weird acousics.
Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis


Quote from: Dildo Argentino on November 16, 2018, 03:32:32 PM
Firstly, how do I get to know what creativity means to me? What's the advice for uncertainty about that?

Aren't you the Pope? Get Eris on the horn, ask her directly.


"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman

Dildo Argentino

Quote from: Cramulus on November 16, 2018, 05:11:16 PM
Quote from: Dildo Argentino on November 16, 2018, 03:32:32 PM
Firstly, how do I get to know what creativity means to me? What's the advice for uncertainty about that?

Aren't you the Pope? Get Eris on the horn, ask her directly.

Yeah you know I do that, but I'm acutely aware she could be having me on!
Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis



....WHAT IF 'D.O.G.' SPELLED.... "CAT"?



That was the only time I laughed in that movie.
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman