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NAFR Jihad Sermon 14: Free?

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, March 22, 2005, 02:32:03 AM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Sermon on Eristicism 14:
Your Kind of Freedom? (part one)

In response to a little trouble that St. Kallista had with some dumb hokies...

Before I get started, I will quote from a book that anyone interested in freedom and blowing the mind may wish to read...The quotes set the stage for the startling realization that many of you who claim to live in these 'wonderful' free societies are actually living on the spoils of mass-murder, war, dispossession, and cultural eradication while denying anything of the sort.

Quote"Historians and politicians once liked to boast of the slaughter of Indians that characterized the European and Euro-American conquest of North America...

In the post-Nazi era, however, gloating over genocide has fallen out of vogue. In its place are discussions of the sad "inevitability" of the native peoples' destruction, of the "unintentionally" unleashed European diseases that are said to have done all the damage, and of the kind efforts of the European invaders to find a "middle ground" of accommodation and understanding between themselves and the Indians - generosities fated to fail, alas, because of the Indian leaders' alleged inability to "control" their warriors. It has been quite an intellectual pirouette to behold: from proudly taking credit for mass murder to blaming the victim - from open celebration of genocide to genocide denial - in just a few short generations."

-David E. Stannard (from the preface to Ward Churchill's "A Little Matter of Genocide")

Quote"We hear only of "Indian Wars," never of "settlers' wars." It is as if the natives, always "warlike" and "aggressive," had invaded and laid waste to London or Castile rather than engaging in desperate and always futile efforts to repel the hordes of "pioneers" and "peaceful settlers" overrunning their homelands - often quite illegally, even in their own terms - from sea to shining sea. It is a kind of historiography one might have expected of nazi academics a century after a German victory in World War II: "When the Poles, led by sullen Jewish chiefs, savagely attacked our innocent troops west of Warsaw in 1939, murdering thousands, we were forced to respond by..."

The American holocaust was and remains unparalleled, both in terms of its magnitude and the degree to which its goals were met, and in terms of the extent to which its ferocity was sustained over time by not one but several participating groups. The ideological matrix of its denial is also among the most well developed of any genocide - or, more accurately, series of genocides - for which a significant amount of information is readily available (i.e. copious official and unofficial primary records of the processes, explicit statements of intent by perpetrators, published philosophical justifications of the results, and so on). "

-Ward Churchill (from "A little Matter of Genocide")

Your time is about up. You land thieves and murderers. You can deny it all you want and say "I didn't kill anyone. I didn't steal anyone's livelihood or land." But on whose land are you living right now? Whose country is it? You'll lie and go through all sorts of justifications for staying exactly where you are because at heart you don't feel that indigenous people have any right to exist. Not much has changed, predator, except the fact that your social blindness and individual greed will wipe you from the planet.

Your kind of freedom is wealth for the few and slavery for the many. Your kind of freedom is the freedom to steal countries and then legalize the theft by claiming they belong to "all people," whatever that means. (More like "all people" so long as they look and act like you.) Your kind of freedom is to attack innocent people by the thousands and claim to the world that you are bringing them democracy and are destroying terrorism/communism/fascism/savages/whatever the bogeyman is at the time. Your kind of freedom is the freedom to only wave the red-white-and-blue and force everyone else to want the same kind of freedom. Your kind of freedom is the freedom to enslave and despise all the while saying that things are different nowadays and that we as people should all "move on," whatever that means. (More like "move on" because the issue is inconvenient and you want to appear that you have changed without actually changing.)

Your kind of freedom keeps nations dispossessed of their lands and then you say it is impractical to restore those nations to their rightful places. (More like impractical to admit that your settler societies are wrong and are a scourge that should be punished for their crimes.) Your kind of freedom is a sickening virus that has ravaged millions of human beings and countless other living things to maintain your consumerist fantasies. Your kind of freedom is the freedom to go anywhere you wish and burn as much fuel as you want because you can pay for such extravagance and the right to pollute. Your kind of freedom is the freedom that mentally challenged societies like yours imagine and dream about all along: the freedom to eat, and spend, and get laid, and eat, and spend while letting someone else (like your underclass slaves) do the work of producing all you eat and spend. Your kind of freedom is the freedom to wallow in the filth like a pig and claiming that you are advanced spiritually and mentally, even as your retardation clouds your soul with expressions like "I just need to find myself" or "We are all equally on the path that's right for ourselves" or even "Stick to the path of heart." What utter diarrhea! Does anyone who spouts such crap even have an inkling of how much of a nothing that expressions like that carry?

Your kind of freedom is as one dimensional as Thomas Jefferson and George Washington in their "fight" against tyranny. More like a fight against England because the King decided to prohibit further settler/colonial expansion by declaring in 1763 that the boundary of all colonies was at the Appalachians. The land west was to remain under sovereign Native control.) Both of those men had substantial holdings west of the Appalachians and stood to loose millions of acres and infinite profits (from tobacco) if they were to obey the new law. Jefferson and Washington were both proto-nazis in that they supported the extermination of indigenous people so that the land would be cleared up for Anglo-Saxon settlement. (It was a lebensraumpolitik that later inspired Adolph Hitler.) This is YOUR kind of freedom.

What will you do when the land decides to belch and cover you with ash? It really doesn't matter. As if anything you could do then would change a thing. Besides you have had all this time to change your direction and have accomplished absolutely fuck all, so why would anything be different because of a little environmental trouble is coming your way? You can pray to Eris, but what are you going to do when you realize that She is the one who done it all?

Forget you ever heard/read this. It will worm its way through your mind irregardless.

"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


Ward Churchill is about to be fired from his job at an institute
dedicated to freedom of speech (Colorado University) for being too free
with his speech. His boss just resigned under pressure from politicians,
and as soon as they can get somebody more compliant in her job, he will
be unceremoniously canned as well.

Ironically, when I brought up what was happening to him on this website,
everyone pretty much agreed he got what he deserved.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: gnimbleyWard Churchill is about to be fired from his job at an institute
dedicated to freedom of speech (Colorado University) for being too free
with his speech. His boss just resigned under pressure from politicians,
and as soon as they can get somebody more compliant in her job, he will
be unceremoniously canned as well.

Ironically, when I brought up what was happening to him on this website,
everyone pretty much agreed he got what he deserved.

That's because it's the same as it ever was. No whiteys ever give a shit about any Indians, except to steal from them and take their lands. Opies can't even understand where someone as smart and level headed as Mr. Churchill is coming from....A little matter of context is in order. But most white people can't see shit if it's more than three inches away from their remote controls anyway.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"

Zurtok Khan

The more I think about what Ward Churchhill has to say, the more I think he is correct.  I stared out thinking that the people who died didn't deserve it...but the more I think about it, the more I see that they did.  And alot more people probably deserved it to.  Most people's attitudes to the Arabs are/were what St. Hugh was saying about the Indians, they're lower class citizens.  They believe in a different God, they have different customs, and they aren't as *ahem* advanced as we are (of course, when you consider the plethora of things they invented that we use, that arguement falls flat on it's face...unless you're a redneck like Dubbya).

They consented to letting the goverment use the Arabs so blatently against the Russians, they consented when the Goverment put Sadam in power (whoops!  Dubbya never mentioned that!).  But, of course, the majority of the American People need to wake up and smell the bullshit instead of towing the party line, "We're good because we're Americans!"  No, thats what the Nazi's thought too, "We're good because we're Germans!"  But, if you were to mention that to them you'd probably be punched.

Any way Hugh, nice rant.
Resistance is Fertile.

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
-Mark Twain

I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
-Mark Twain

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Why thank you.

Yep. It says a lot to point out that the "They deserve to be bombed and attacked because they're evil" line of thinking is what the Evil(tm) folks like the Nazis said. Heh. The Welsh used to have a saying that applies to this: "He who would kill a dog must first call it mad."
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


Its still like that in parts of Europe, you wouldnt believe the amount of bullshit that goes on unnoticed. Or maybe you would.  The British Empire is still worshipped in the UK.  Tell that to the Aborigines in Australia who were hunted like wild animals.  Tell that to those who lived in abject poverty in India.  This country I live in invented the concetration camp, first suggested gassing villages for "being troublesome". This country stole peoples lives, land and gold over 25% of the globe.  And this was our "Golden Age".  People wonder why I have an urge to kill people who talk about the "glory days" of the Empire.  Apparently it was all for "progress" though, which makes it all right.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: ScribeIts still like that in parts of Europe, you wouldnt believe the amount of bullshit that goes on unnoticed. Or maybe you would.  The British Empire is still worshipped in the UK.  Tell that to the Aborigines in Australia who were hunted like wild animals.  Tell that to those who lived in abject poverty in India.  This country I live in invented the concetration camp, first suggested gassing villages for "being troublesome". This country stole peoples lives, land and gold over 25% of the globe.  And this was our "Golden Age".  People wonder why I have an urge to kill people who talk about the "glory days" of the Empire.  Apparently it was all for "progress" though, which makes it all right.

Yeah. I seem to remember that the British were the first to actually gas the Kurds. (Seems Saddam was only the latest upstart in Kurd-gassery.) The British also invented the slave plantation, in Ireland, to try to herd the Irish into starvation. (It almost worked. Fuck, it did work. The Irish are almost as English as the English are these days.) The plantation was then used in the Americas by both Anglo and Spaniard alike to work the Indians to death and then when they ran out of the millions of Indians, they went ahead and imported Africans. Heh. What a big mongolian clusterfuck!
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


What the English did in Ireland alone is enough to qualify the entire damn country being wiped off the face of the Earth.  And I suspect it was probably worse elsewhere, there just arent any records or that closenss to Britain to prove it.  The recent case in Kenya concerning British war crimes (kept very quiet over here) being a case in point.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: ScribeWhat the English did in Ireland alone is enough to qualify the entire damn country being wiped off the face of the Earth.  And I suspect it was probably worse elsewhere, there just arent any records or that closenss to Britain to prove it.  The recent case in Kenya concerning British war crimes (kept very quiet over here) being a case in point.

Actually there are quite a bit of records for it. For the Irish case and especially for the colonial Americas. There is everything from census numbers to inventories of what was stolen from Indians. Numbers killed, burned, hanged, and in what manner they met their deaths. Records of planned smallpox outbreaks. Letters urging the settlers to burn down Indian homes and buildings and destroy their crops so that they would be famished and die off from diseases. There's a whole fucking library of records.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


Shit.  Well I know only really about Africa and Asia and either the records are being sat on by someone in a place thats hard to find (quite likely) or they just didnt bother.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: ScribeShit.  Well I know only really about Africa and Asia and either the records are being sat on by someone in a place thats hard to find (quite likely) or they just didnt bother.

African records are voluminous too. In fact the only reason why people haven't looked into much of them yet is the "why bother it's not us" attitude.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


Quote from: Irreverend Hugh, KSC
Quote from: ScribeShit.  Well I know only really about Africa and Asia and either the records are being sat on by someone in a place thats hard to find (quite likely) or they just didnt bother.

African records are voluminous too. In fact the only reason why people haven't looked into much of them yet is the "why bother it's not us" attitude.

I had suspected some of it may be down to racism, "who cares, they are only Africans/Asians/not caucasian" type thinking.  I bet some of the people reponsible for those atrocities are still sitting in our House of Lords.  And thats just from the time of the break up the empire, which barely touches upon it.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: Scribe
Quote from: Irreverend Hugh, KSC
Quote from: ScribeShit.  Well I know only really about Africa and Asia and either the records are being sat on by someone in a place thats hard to find (quite likely) or they just didnt bother.

African records are voluminous too. In fact the only reason why people haven't looked into much of them yet is the "why bother it's not us" attitude.

I had suspected some of it may be down to racism, "who cares, they are only Africans/Asians/not caucasian" type thinking.  I bet some of the people reponsible for those atrocities are still sitting in our House of Lords.  And thats just from the time of the break up the empire, which barely touches upon it.

Heh. Well, here the Nazoids run the whole damn show. Look at our damned president. What a fucking freakshow!
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


You all won't belive this but I'm gonna tell you anyway. I was born in Oklahoma in what USED to be Commanche Territory. being born in Oklahoma means you have to study OK History that means you have to learn the Wasichu version of the indian wars-unless like me you have the Great Great Grandson of Quannah Parker as your History Teacher! I learned the Commanche version. I later read BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE. By the time I was 15, I fervently wished to be ANYTHING but white! I tried for years to 'connect' with Genuine Lakota Sioux Holy men or ANY Holey man who wasn't white. I finally realized that they don't WANT us WASIChU to learn about their sacred ways. What they want is for us to fuck off and allow them to carry on their own traditions without interferrence! White people are-in a sense spiritually bereft. 'Our' tradition is dominantly Judeo-Christian. The problem is that the lineage has been broken so many ways to Sunday that No One can rely on any version of Christianity to be wholey, Holy and consistently compassionate without REMAKING it wholesale in the present because it's history is tied up in bloodshed and crusade. At least Eris is funny! :twisted:
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the cat in the whiskey bottle!

Bob the Mediocre

Damn, how'd I miss this a month ago. Anyway, I'll be sure to look for that book
"we are building a religion
we are making a brand
we're the only ones to turn to when your castles turn to sand
take a bite of this apple
mister corporate events
take a walk through the jungle
of cardboard shanties and tents
some people drink pepsi
some people drink coke
the wacky morning dj says democracy's a joke
he says now do you believe in the one big song
he is now accepting callers who would like to sing along"