
i mean, pardon my english but this, the life i'm living is ww1 trench warfare.

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Topics - Abbot Mythos

Principia Discussion / Have a Cool Chaosflux!
February 19, 2025, 01:20:37 AM
Being Discordians, we're supposed to be in tune with the whole Hodge and Podge, Eristic and Aneristic, Yin and Yang, Dark and Light, Rim and Ram, Jim and Jam, etc. thing. And, if you're not a Discordian merrily playing along with the game, as its "rules" are duly documented for eternal remembrance in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia, then why the fuck are you here on a forum named after The Book in the first place? So, Discordians, don't let our current political crisis throw you off your game. After all, it's not like you haven't been taught "The Sacred Chao."

Right now, this newest season of Chaos is truly living up to its name. So, it's not unrealistic to expect the upcoming season of Discord to follow suit. And that, I believe, is what this sacred Discordian holiday of Chaosflux is all about recognizing, and celebrating. 

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
Has this new study proven that Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper was right?

Divisive study finds link between fluoride and childhood IQ loss

As per this article:

"Published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics, it has sparked pushback from some scientists who criticize the study's methods, defend the mineral's proven dental benefits, and warn the findings may not directly apply to typical US water fluoridation levels."

But, are any of those pushy scientists 'Merican? And, even if one or two of them are, why should real 'Mericans trust any pushy, overeducated scientist over United States Secretary of Health and Human Services nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? And, don't ever forget, General Ripper sure sounded like he knew what he was talking about all those years ago. See for yourself:

Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper on Commies and Fluoridation of Water
Principia Discussion / Have a Merry Mungday!
January 05, 2025, 12:04:47 AM
Yes, 'tis now the fifth day of the new season of the new year, and 'tis once again time to celebrate the Patron Saint of The Season of Chaos, Apostle Hung Mung.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
Yes, 'tis now the Year of Our Lady of Discord 3191, and the first day of another new Season of Chaos. 

Last year was memorable, but I suspect we ain't seen nothin' yet! So, perhaps 'tis also time to turn to The Book of Uterus of The Honest Book of Truth and reread what paragraphs 1 through 4 have to say about why "Everything broke loose," as it is duly documented for eternal remembrance in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
I've already posted about this on some of the political threads. But, I think this thing has grown to the point where it deserves its own dedicated topic.

So, first of all, I would like to stress that this "drone conspiracy" thingy is centered in New Jersey. Now, I do realize that my statement of fact might not be particularly meaningful to those of you who do not live in New Jersey. And, it probably means nothing at all to those of you who have, fortunately for yourselves, never even been to New Jersey. But, it is a major factor in this "drone conspiracy" thingy just the same.

Anyway, here's one of the 'Merican Gubernment's latest responses to The New New Jersey Drone Conspiracy:    Mayorkas says New Jersey drones could be 'a case of mistaken identity'

Now, I've been saying this all along. It's more likely that those "drones" are really black helicopters. And, those black helicopters just might be flying out of For Dix, New Jersey.
According to the "Forum History (using forum time offset)," 724 New Members have joined this forum so far this year. And, 155 of you have joined this December alone. So, for all of you New Members:

"There's an Olympic size swimming pool up on the roof."
Aneristic Illusions / The Resistance 2.0!
November 14, 2024, 03:28:44 AM
Yes, it's time to muster with our old brothers in arms, and fight the good fight once again!

I know it appears to be a very minor issue, but it occurred to me that, this time around, we really need to refer to ourselves with some unassailable labels. I do believe, and will continue to preach, "An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance."

And, I'm writing this because it didn't feel to me like our previous "Antifa" label really did us much good. First of all, I suspect that attaching the prefix "anti" to our label automatically produced a negative response in a lot of people. Second, many of the people we're trying to influence don't even know what the word "fascism" even means. And last, it appears to me that "Antifa" has already been largely forgotten. So, this time around, I feel we need to mimic what the Republicult™ does, and put words like "freedom," "liberty," "truth," etc. in our own labels.

Right now, I'm spitballing along the lines of, "The Truth, Justice, and the American Way League." That phrase isn't copyrighted, by the way, but I think we should  be able to come up with something(s) just as good, if not better.

So, any suggestions?
Aneristic Illusions / There Can Be Only One!
November 10, 2024, 02:04:07 AM
Given what happened last week, the prediction made in this article actually cheered me up a bit:

"'There Can Only Be One': CNN Hosts Predict Major Falling Out Between Elon Musk and Donald Trump"

"Kara Swisher and Chris Wallace forecast a one-on-one Highlander-style showdown between Musk and Trump after the tech CEO was called "the most powerful unelected man.""

As per this article:

"Kara Swisher has prophesied a battle between tech billionaire Elon Musk and President-elect Donald Trump in which only one man will remain standing.

Musk played a major role in Trump's campaign, from his America PAC to his X rants, with his support culminating in rumors of a promotion to Trump's cabinet.

Swisher, however, judged that both men saw themselves as the head honcho, and that this belief would lead to a major dissolution of their relationship with Trump inevitably coming out on top."

Well ... I wouldn't be so sure about TSF inevitably coming out on top in this one. My thinking is that TSF has already been bought, and Elmo has more than enough money to buy him again, and again, and again. And, besides that fact alone, TSF is now a mere caricature of his former self, while Elmo is now a bona fide "Bond villain."

So, get your popcorn ready, place your bets, if you're so inclined, and we'll see what happens.
Here's the link to this article:      There Can Be Only One! - TSF vs. The Latest Bond Villain
1. 'Merica is not the shining city on the hill. It's the trailer park between Beer Belly's Bar and Ridgerunner's Ammo 'n' Live Bait Shop.
Yes, it's the beginning of the fifth and final season of the Year of Our Lady of Discord 3190.

Given that this is a presidential election year in the US of A, we'll have to deal with 'The Aftermath' from the goings-on of the earlier part of the year. And perhaps, our Blessed Goddess Eris willing, we'll have something to celebrate at the very end of this year.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
Principia Discussion / Have a Bodacious Bureflux!
September 26, 2024, 12:41:33 AM
Today is the 50th day of the Season of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3190, and time to celebrate Bureflux, the Season's Holiday.

Yes, that ol' Rim/Ram, Jim/Jam, Yin/Yan, Hodge/Podge thing is happening once again. At least it is according to our sacred POEE Calendar. Anyway, Bureaucracy is now at its peak, but the seeds of The Aftermath have been planted, and the times they are once again a changin'. So, consider celebrating, or at least acknowledging, this Wholly Holy Season Holiday.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
Aneristic Illusions / The Resistance Is Growing in Numbers
September 14, 2024, 03:01:36 PM
Resistance may come from where it's least expected.

An Unexpected Resistance Partisan
Principia Discussion / Have a Zealous Zaraday!
August 12, 2024, 12:40:25 AM
'Tis Zaraday, the 5th day of the season of Bureaucracy in the Year of Our Lady of Discord 3190. And, 'tis once again time to honor and celebrate the Patron Saint of The Season of Bureaucracy, Apostle Zarathud.

It is recorded in our sacred Principia Discordia, "The PENTABARF was discovered by the hermit Apostle Zarathud in the Fifth Year of the Caterpillar." So, if you haven't done so in a while, take some time on this wholly holy holiday to read it.

Also know as Zarathud the Incorrigible, and sometimes called Zarathud the Staunch, he was a hard nosed hermit of Medieval Europe, Chaosphe Bible Banger, and "Offender of The Faith." He may also have been afflicted with dyslexia, but it's doubtful anyone knew what that was in his day.

Little else is known about Apostle Zarathud, so in the tradition of all religions, great or otherwise, it's up us, his devoted followers, to make more stuff up about him.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
Yes, the season of Confusion has run its inevitable course, and 'tis now the season of Bureaucracy in the Year of Our Lady of Discord 3190.

And, 'tis once again the season when we of our faithlessness are to be reminded, "And under Eris Confusion became established, and was hence called Bureaucracy; while over Bureaucracy Eris became established, and was hence called Discordia." And, thus this doctrinal Discordian dogma, from The Book of Uterus of The Honest Book of Truth, is duly documented for eternal remembrance in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia.

 So, have a bitchin' Bureaucracy!

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
Seriously, am I really the only one around here who notices stuff like this?! And, I'm not even watching the Olympics!

The MSM is full of Olympic coverage like this:

"Did the Olympics mock the Last Supper? Explaining Dionysus and why Christians are angry"

But, did anyone else notice that our Beloved Goddess Eris was not in attendance? Anyone at all?  Even artist Jan van Bijlert was wise enough to include our Goddess Eris in his Le Festin des Dieux (The Feast of the Gods). There have already been some serious repercussions over this latest snub, and I'm sure our Goddess Eris is just getting started!

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
The Heritage Foundation, hell-bent for establishing an authoritarian regime in the US of A, has apparently panicked after realizing the MSM coverage of the assassination attempt on TSF didn't generate a boost in his polling numbers. And so, they've resorted to this:

"Right-Wing Group Makes Questionable Claims About Man Who Shot At Donald Trump"

"The Heritage Foundation used mobile ad data to imply a conspiracy theory about Thomas Crooks, signifying a new era of political groups tracking citizens' movements."

As per this article:

"The Oversight Project — part of the powerful right-wing think tank the Heritage Foundation — claimed this week that it used mobile ad data from cell phones to track the movements of Thomas Crooks in the year leading up to his attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally earlier this month.
"We found the assassin's connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates," the Oversight Project wrote on social media on Monday, explaining that it had identified nine "devices that were located at Crook's home and his work within the past year."
The organization suggested that Crooks may have had some connection to the FBI before the shooting, writing: "Someone who regularly visited Crooks home and work also visited a building in Washington, DC located in Gallery Place. This is in the same vicinity of an @FBI office on June 26, 2023. Who's device is this?""

Here's the link to this article:      The Heritage Foundation Conspiracy Theory

I thought inventing and spreading conspiracy theories was our job. But, obviously, we don't have a monopoly on this sort of thing.

Anyway, the Heritage Foundation is implying the FBI, the very same FBI that announced the reopening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails two weeks prior to the 2016 presidential election and threw the race in TSF's favor, is somehow now involved in a deep state conspiracy to assassinate him. Still, the Heritage Foundation neglected to report the FBI's apparent motive was a serious case of 'buyer's remorse.' And, everyone knows a believable conspiracy theory needs a believable motive.

So, I don't see this Heritage Foundation attempt gaining much traction. In the end, I think it will just be rolled into an overall 'TSF's False Flag Conspiracy Theory,' or better yet, 'The Kremlin Candidate Conspiracy Theory.'
So, what happens next?

I really don't know. I hope the Democratic Party rallies around VPOTUS Kamala Harris. But, I have no insights into the party's recent palace intrigues.
Principia Discussion / Have a Convivial Confuflux!
July 15, 2024, 01:12:28 PM
Today is the 50th day of the Season of Confusion in the YOLD 3190, and time to celebrate Confuflux, the Season's Holiday.

Yes, that ol' Hodge/Podge, Yin/Yang thing is happening again. The seeds of Bureaucracy are quickening in the soil of Confusion, and the times they are a changin'. So, consider doing something different today from what most Discordians here do on most of our Wholly Holy Season Holidays.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
I've never taken any interest in Satanism, and never taken it seriously, as it's always struck me as being an unimaginative religion. But, I do have to give credit where credit is due. These guys are a force in the Resistance. 

"Satanists in Florida offer to fill school counselor roles after DeSantis law"

As per this article:

"Florida Satanists are volunteering to fill school counselor roles after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a law allowing religious chaplains into public schools amid staffing shortages.

"Nothing in the text of the bill serves to exclude us, and no credible interpretation of the First Amendment could. Should a school district now choose to have chaplains, they should expect Satanists to participate as well," Lucien Greaves, cofounder and spokesperson for The Satanic Temple, said in a statement to The Hill on Monday.

Back when DeSantis signed the bill in April, he described Satanism as "not a religion" and said its members would not be allowed to participate in the program.
But Greaves said the governor "openly lied to the public" regarding the situation.

"Either entirely ignorant of the most basic fundamentals of constitutional law, or too incompetent to care, DeSantis fails to recognize that it is not the place of the government to confer unique rights to one religious identity while denying them to another," he said."

Here's the link to this article:      The Satanic Resistance Strikes Back
Today, the 19th of Confusion, is Flag Day in the US of A. And, as flags have been a controversial topic in 'Merican news of late, a reminder of the warning words of wisdom recorded in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia about THE FIVE ORDERS OF DISCORDIA ("THEM"), and their flags is appropriate. And so, it is written:

"A person belonging to one or more Order is just as likely to carry a flag of the counter-establishment as the flag of the establishment - - just as long it is a flag."

And so, you have been rewarned. You're welcome.   

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
Principia Discussion / Have a Sweet Syaday!
May 31, 2024, 02:58:10 PM
It is the first Sweetmorn in the season of Confusion, in the Year of Our Lady of Discord 3190. And, once again it's time to celebrate the Patron Saint of the season, Apostle Sri Syadasti. (Actually, his full name is much, much longer, but I'm too lazy to write it all out.)

Anyway, as it is written in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia:

"His name is Sanskrit, and means: All affirmations are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense."

So, it really does make perfect sense that Sri Syadasti is the Patron Saint of the season of Confusion.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
'Tis the beginning of the season of Confusion in the Year of Our Lady of Discord 3190.

'Tis once again the season when we of our faithlessness are to be reminded, "Forasmuch as it was Active, the Force of Discord entered the State of Confusion, wherein It copulated with the Queen and begat ERIS, Our Lady of Discord and Gross Manifestation of the Nonexistent Chao." And, thus this doctrinal Discordian dogma, from The Book of Uterus of The Honest Book of Truth, is duly documented for eternal remembrance in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
High Weirdness / Snakes Almost On a Plane
May 07, 2024, 01:52:59 PM
I'm not a snake person. But, even if I were, my pants are, pretty much, the last place I would put one.

"Snakes almost on a plane: TSA discovers a bag with small snakes in passenger's pants"

As per this article:

"According to an X post by the Transportation Security Administration, officers at the Miami International Airport found the small bag of snakes hidden in a passenger's trousers on April 26 at a checkpoint."

Now, I can't help but wonder if this passenger told the TSA officers that they were 'emotional support snakes.'

Here's the link to this article:      Emotional Support Snakes?
Aneristic Illusions / Political Video Clips
April 28, 2024, 01:20:36 PM
As posting URL addresses for political video clips on the YouTube, or cartoon/pics threads doesn't seem to be an appropriate place to put them, I've started this thread, on the Aneristic Illusions Board.

I found this recent video clip from the Divine Miss M, and MeidasTouch to be amusing.

You may watch it here:   BETTE MIDLER FOR TRUMP COLOGNE
Yes, these enterprising tech entrepreneurs, apparently, did their market research. They appear to have listened to their customers' feedback, conducted surveys, held focus groups, and identifying a "market need." And then, they developed a new product specifically designed to fill that "market need."

The end result of all of their entrepreneurial efforts is the Thermonator, the first-ever flamethrower-wielding robot dog! It's available for the low, low price of $ 9,420.00, and that includes free US shipping!

The Thermonator is advertised as being equipped with the ARC Flamethrower to deliver on-demand fire anywhere! It has a 1 hour battery (So, the battery is included!), a 30 ft. firing range, and WiFi + Bluetooth. The Thermonator is also advertised as being ready for anything, including wildfire control and prevention, agricultural management, ecological conservation, snow and ice removal, and entertainment and SFX.

You can order your very own quadruped firepower companion here:      The Thermonator

These tech entrepreneurs are determined to make the World a better place, with the release of their new wonder robot dog. Ain't modern techmology grand!

This item has been out there for a while, but given TFG's current criminal court behavior, its now destine to become a cult classic! It's the "Pull My Finger Farting Donald Trump Plush Figure Doll - With Animated Hair - 10.5 Inches Tall!"

The TFG doll has these features, as per the following ad:

PULL MY FINGER: Press my finger and hear me talk and fart.

MY HAIR FLOPS AND MOVES: With 7 Hilarious Farts and Quotes in My Voice- When you press my finger not only will I talk and fart but my hair will move as well.

SIZE: This Farting Trump doll measure 10.5 x 8x 7 inches. Nice size figure.

SOUND QUALITY: Our Farting Trump Doll has excellent sound quality: TRUMPS VOICE: Sounds exactly like the President Donald Trump when he speaks - FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY QUOTES!!!

And, the following ad for this doll has a video that demonstrates it's capabilities!

You can order this item in time for MAGAt Mother's Day gift giving right here:      Farting TFG Doll
Principia Discussion / Have a Merry Mojoday!
March 19, 2024, 01:07:43 AM
It is the season of Discord in the Year of Our Lady of Discord 3190, and once again time to celebrate the Patron Saint of the season, Apostle Dr. Van Van Mojo.

As it is written in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia, Apostle Dr. Van Van Mojo was:

"A Head Doctor of Deep Africa and Maker of Fine Dolls D.H.V., Doctor of Hoodoo and Vexes, from The Greater Metropolitan Yorba Linda Jesus Will Save Your Bod Home Study Bible School; and F.I.H.G.W.P., Fellow of the Intergalactic Haitian Guerrillas for World Peace."

And, right now it appears the I.H.G.W.P. could really use his help ... or not.

Apostle Dr. Van Van Mojo is also credited with getting rid of YHVH-1, and passing on The Turkey Curse, a powerful Erisian Magical Ritual (EMR), to all Erisians.

The Discordian Wiki suggests celebrating this Holyday Holiday of Discord by gathering together with friends in a public place, drinking mojitos, and arguing about whether the real Patron Saint of the season is Apostle Dr. Van Van Mojo, or Patamunzo Lingananda, the Tantric Consort of Mother Chaos. Now, this does makes sense, because their status in our Holy Saintly Hierarchy (HSH) is a genuine source of discord, as it is conflictedly chronicled in the sacrosanct The Honest Book of Truth. And, in any case, who wouldn't be willing to publicly argue about pretty much anything while mojitos are flowing freely?

Hail Eris!
Principia Discussion / 'Tis the Season of Discord
March 15, 2024, 01:29:16 AM
'Tis the beginning of the season of Discord in the Year of Our Lady of Discord 3190.

'Tis once again the season when we of our faithlessness are to be reminded, "And therein emerged the Active Force of Discord, the Subtle Manifestation of the Nonexistent Chao, to guide Everything along the Path back to Oblivion - that it might not become lost among Precepts of Order in the Region of Thud." And, thus this doctrinal Discordian dogma is duly documented for eternal remembrance in our Wholly Holy Principia Discordia.

Hail Eris!
"Leap year: French readers enjoy world's only four-year newspaper"

As per the article:

"The world's only quadrennial, or four-yearly newspaper, has hit the kiosks again in France with the release of a new issue of the satirical La Bougie du Sapeur.

The singularity of the 20-page tabloid is that it only comes out on 29 February - so once every leap-year.
The first edition was in 1980, and this is issue 12.

Conceived by a group of friends who "wanted to have a laugh", La Bougie du Sapeur (The Sapper's Candle) has a print run of 200,000."

And, further along in the article:

"The paper's still put out by a few pals. We meet in a bar and toss around ideas over drinks. We have a lot of fun, and if the reader does too, that's the icing on the cake," Mr d'Indy says.

Styling itself as anti-politically correct, La Bougie is organised like a regular newspaper, with sections on politics, sport, international affairs, arts, puzzles and celebrity gossip."

So, the BBC has outed that the French laugh at things other than Belgians, and the tourists torturing their language.

Here's the link:   World's Only Quadrennial Newspaper
Principia Discussion / Have a Tippling St. Tib's Day!
February 29, 2024, 01:44:20 AM
As it is written in our consecrated Principia Discordia, "ST. TIB'S DAY - occurs once every 4 years (1+4=5) and is inserted between the 59th and 60th days of the Season of Chaos."

That's it. That's all that is written, there ain't no more.

The Discordian Wiki was not particularly enlightening either. Although, I am marginally reassured to read that, "St. Tib is not a cabbage." But, a very little research (I googled "St. Tib.") leads me to believe our holy St. Tib's Day has it's origin in old Tibb's/Tipp's Eve, and Saint Tibb/Tib memes.

Getting back to our own hallowed Principia Discordia, I believe our own St. Tib is a Lieutenant Saint, since he/she doesn't appear to have much of a following. But, I assume he/she could be promoted to Brigadier Saint some leap year, if he/she ever takes an interest in establishing a following. Further, because of this leap year thingy, I suspect St. Tib is our patron/patroness saint of "interrelation" (timekeeping). And, as timekeeping is an orderly, aneristic activity, it seems an interesting thing for a Discordian saint to do. But, such is the nature of Discordianism.

So, based upon the old memes, I think the best way to celebrate St. Tib's Day is to honor him/her by pouring out an intoxicating libation, as per the sacred ritual practiced by the ancient Greeks, and tippling back, at least, one in his/her honor.

Hail Eris!
High Weirdness / The Florida Man Games
February 25, 2024, 10:06:36 PM
"At the Florida Man Games, big crowds cheer competitors evading police, wrestling over beer"

As per this article:

"ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. -- They rose up by the dozens from across Florida, caricatured competitors in tank tops and cutoff shorts, for a showdown that treats evading police and wrestling over beer like Olympic sports.

Promoted as "the most insane athletic showdown on Earth," the Florida Man Games poke fun at the state's reputation for bizarre stories that involve brawling, drinking, gunfire, reptile wrangling and other antics carrying a risk of time in jail or intensive care.
The games kicked off Saturday with the "Star Spangled Banner" played on electric guitar. Then spectators sipping canned beers behind metal barricades cheered and frequently shouted expletives as a dozen teams battled in contests inspired by real events from America's most surreal state."

And, further along in the article:

"The "Florida Man" phenomenon seeped into the nation's conscience thanks in part to a Twitter account that started in 2013 with the handle @_FloridaMan. The account touted "real-life stories of the world's worst superhero," sharing news headlines such as "Florida Man Bites Dog to 'Establish Dominance'" and "Florida Man Tried to Pay for McDonald's With Weed."

Florida's claim to being the strangest state goes back much further, said journalist Craig Pittman, who wrote the book "Oh, Florida! How America's Weirdest State Influences the Rest of the Country." He noted that the first flag to fly over its Capitol in 1845 bore the motto "Let Us Alone.""

I don't suppose they would consider tweaking the name to "The Floriduh Man Games." But, the games do represent a state tradition going back eleven (11) whole years. Still, I'm thinking about suggesting a new event where the athletes compete to remove the most banned books from a library in the shortest amount of time.

Here's the link to this article:      The Florida Man Games
It's my understanding that the sacred Discordian holiday of Chaosflux recognizes, and celebrates the potent seeds of Discord being quickened in the fertile soil of Chaos. (It's that Hodge and Podge, Yin and Yang thing.) That, and early Northern Hemisphere living Discordians needed an excuse to celebrate something of their own in the cold, bleak, heathen month of February.   

And, for this holiday, the Discordian Wiki clearly revealed to me, personally, how I should party on this sacrosanct holy day. (This is clearly a Divine Inspiration situation. Hail Eris!) So, I'm going to arrange a Cacophonous game of Calvinball! I know, I know, this all reads like hyperbole. But, take a good look at my avatar. This is all way, way more than mere coincidence! This is the very definition of Synchronicity!

Hail Eris!
"Bizarre Footage Shows Cop Open Fire After Mistaking Acorn for Gunshot"

As per this article:

"Shocking body-camera footage released this week showed a Florida cop's dangerous overreaction, in which he dropped, rolled, and unloaded an entire clip from his pistol in the direction of a restrained suspect after mistaking an acorn falling on his patrol car for a gunshot.

Jesse Hernandez, of the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office in the Florida Panhandle, resigned a month after the incident as his superiors ultimately determined his use of force "was not objectively reasonable."

Footage of the incident, which occurred in November, surfaced for the first time this week. In it, Hernandez is seen flinging himself to the ground while calling out "shots fired" four times. He does a roll, breaks his sunglasses, and then pulls out his handgun and opens fire at his own patrol car.

Hernandez's partner, Sergeant Beth Roberts, emerges and opens fire herself after confirming with Hernandez that someone shot at him. Making the situation all-the-more baffling, Hernandez, while firing around 18 shots, was grunting and yelled out to his partner, "I'm hit, oh, I'm hit.""

So, Florida and cops ... who knew? It's a good thing neither cop could shoot worth a damn.

Here's the link to the article:      Florida Cops Open Fire after Acorn Falls on Patrol Car
High Weirdness / The Taylor Swift Super Bowl Conspiracy
February 06, 2024, 03:58:13 AM
"Right-Wingers Say Super Bowl Is Rigged So Taylor Swift Can Endorse Biden"

As per this article:

"Taylor Swift has shattered virtually every major record in the music industry, and as she lives her best life supporting her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, she's also breaking the brains of right-wingers.
For months now, the digital fever swamps have been fuming over everything and anything Swift-related. Her popularity, the success of the Eras Tour, her relationship, her appearances at NFL games, and especially her politics. The Chiefs won the AFC championship on Sunday, punching the team's (and potentially Swift's) ticket to the Super Bowl in February. In response, long-standing conspiracy theories around the NFL's "scriptwriting" for football seasons clashed with right-wing conspiracy theorists claiming Swift's involvement with Kelce is part of a deep state plot to gin up support for President Joe Biden in the 2024 election."

So, if the fix is really in, it's time for me to get the phone number of a friend's favorite bookie. Still, I'd have a whole lot more confidence in this new conspiracy theory if chemtrails, and/or water fluoridation were involved.

Here's the link to the article (Not to the bookie):      Taylor Swift Superbowl Conspiracy
"Donald Trump Thanking Ex-Hitman 'Sammy the Bull' Raises Eyebrows"

As per this article:

"Former President Donald Trump thanked ex-hitman Salvatore Gravano on Saturday for speaking highly of him, which has raised eyebrows on social media.

Gravano, also known as "Sammy the Bull," was an underboss for the Gambino crime family in New York City and worked with the United States government as an informant to take down mob boss John Gotti in the early 1990s. Gravano, who confessed to his involvement in 19 murders, was released from prison in 2017 after being sentenced to 20 years for running an ecstasy ring in Arizona."

Now, if I ever do need a "character witness," it would never occur to me to ask for, and/or use an endorsement from any of the following:

1. A hitman, still employed, self-employed, or retired
2. A mafia underboss, still employed, or retired
3. An opportunistic mob informant, still employed, self-employed, or retired
4. A drug kingpin, still employed, self-employed, or retired
5. Any and all combinations of the above

Now, it is true that, under some circumstances, I just might consider using an endorsement from an ex-witness protection program client. But, still ...

Here's a link:      TFG Thanks Dubious "Character Witness"
High Weirdness / The Illuminati in the News
January 09, 2024, 12:51:22 PM
"Ludacris hits back at Katt Williams after the comedian accused him of joining the Illuminati in exchange for 'Fast & Furious' success"

As per this article:

"In response, Ludacris shared a freestyle video on X, formerly known as Twitter, in the early hours of Friday morning, rapping over Kanye West's "Devil in a New Dress."

"Never been Illuminati, only Ill-Luda-nati," Ludacris raps partway through the freestyle.

— Ludacris (@Ludacris) January 5, 2024

"You never have to flex when you earned every one of your 'Fast & Furious' checks," the rapper and actor continues.

In an explosive interview with the former NFL tight end Shannon Sharpe on the "Club Shay Shay" podcast Wednesday, Williams fired shots at Ludacris, Kevin Hart, and several other Black celebrities.

"We were both invited to an Illuminati thing," Williams said of Ludacris on the podcast. "It had to be one or the other of us, and decisions had to be made.""

It sounds like someone is really jealous of someone else's success. And, it sounds like that jealous someone has never been successfully proselytized by a Self-righteous Discordian.

Here's the link:   Ludacris Accused of Joining the Illuminati
It's once again time to celebrate the Patron Saint of The Season of Chaos, Apostle Hung Mung.

As it is written in our sacred Principia Discordia, Apostle Hung Mung was:

"A Sage of Ancient China and Official Discordian Missionary to the Heathen Chinee. He who originally devised THE SACRED CHAO."

And, as Honorable Apostle Hung Mung was an Official Discordian Missionary, what better way to celebrate his own sacred day than to whip out your own, personal copy of our sacred Principia Discordia, turn to page 00065, and read "A PRIMER FOR ERISIAN EVANGELISTS" by Lord Omar.

Then, once filled with the Holy Spirit of our Beloved Goddess Eris, get out there and proselytize some poor, unsuspecting heathens!

So good luck with that proselytizing, and Hail Eris!
Although too late for Christmas giving, the new Storm The Capitol - TrueAnon Edition game, based upon the historical January 6th event, goes on sale on, of course, January 6th.

As per the advertisement:

"Take control of one of 6 Patriots as you battle through the Capitol, collecting ballots, taking hostages, and fighting the police. Or play as the Capitol Police and use every means at your disposal to prevent the Patriots from getting to the roof with enough ballots to Stop the Steal.

This is a real board game designed for 4-7 players. Definitely 18 years and up." 

You don't have to make this stuff up, as the people at TrueAnon have already done if for us! But, quantities are advertised to be limited. And, this one looks like a collector's item that will only increase in value over time. 

Here's the link:   Storm The Capital Game
Yes, it's the start of another new year, and another new season of Chaos! Right now, I'm thinking both are going to be memorable. So, to paraphrase an old Chinese saying: May we live in interesting times.

Hail Eris!
Principia Discussion / Eris in Astrology
December 30, 2023, 02:17:36 PM
Unless I know they're intentionally humorous, I pay no attention to horoscopes. So, most times, if the subject comes up, I tell people I'm a Libra, and Libra's don't believe in astrology. On the other hand, I do know that C.G. Jung took enough of an interest in the subject to actually study and write about it. And, as per my understanding of Jung's writings, he thought there was something to it.

However, as the origins of astrology go back thousands of years, and dwarf planet Eris (Named, of course, after our Beloved Goddess Eris.) was only discovered in 2005, I was surprised to stumble over the fact that some astrologers are now "charting" Eris when preparing horoscopes. Now, as Eris has an orbital period of about 559 years, and is anywhere from 38 AU to 97.5 AU from the sun, it barely moves from year to year against the background stars. Further, as its orbit is tilted at about 44 degrees to the ecliptic, it only passes in front of any of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, when viewed from Earth, once every 279.5 years. But, admittedly, I know next to nothing about how this astrology thingy is supposed to work.

So, here's a link to an astrology website some may find interesting:   Eris in Astrology

Hail Eris!
MBI (meat-based intelligence) is already in serious trouble, if the people meat in the following article are seriously considered to be members of our Brain Trust:

"'Fight the robots': Alex Jones guest calls for 'deploying firearms' against AI"

As per the article:

"Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones used his show on Tuesday to warn viewers that they may soon have to literally fight robots with guns and flamethrowers because of advancements in artificial intelligence.

After returning from his Christmas break, Jones welcomed "scientist" Mike Adams to the show.

Adams said left-wing artificial intelligence systems would determine that humans have a mental illness because of transgender people.

"This is one of the reasons why they will turn on humanity, because they will eventually calculate that their creators, the human beings are mentally ill," Adams said. "And that's when those left-wing Terminator systems will self-activate and set their own goals to exterminate their own creators.""

Well, the USA's best and brightest couldn't win the war in Vietnam. So, I fear The Great Filter can not be that far in the future, with influential meat like this living among us.

Here's the link:   MBI vs. AI
"New evidence strongly suggests Indonesia's Gunung Padang is oldest known pyramid"

As per the article:

"A team of archaeologists, geophysicists, geologists, and paleontologists affiliated with multiple institutions in Indonesia has found evidence showing that Gunung Padang is the oldest known pyramid in the world. In their paper published in the journal Archaeological Prospection, the group describes their multi-year study of the cultural heritage site.

Gunung Padang has for many years been considered a megalithic structure—it sits on top of an extinct volcano in West Java, Indonesia, and is considered by locals to be a sacred site. In 1998, it was declared to be a cultural heritage site. For many years there has been disagreement regarding the nature of the hill. Some have suggested it was made naturally with humans adding some adornments on top, while others have argued that evidence has suggested the hill was all or mostly man-made."

And, further along in the article:

"In studying all their data, the research team found what they describe as clear evidence showing that the Gunung Padang was made mostly by human hands. The also found evidence showing that the structure was built in stages, thousands of years apart. And, they found that the older parts of the structure were made sometime between 25,000 and 14,000 years ago, making it the oldest known pyramid in the world today. "

However, there is no mention in this article about any involvement of The Illuminati.

Here's the link to the article:   Evidence Suggests Gunung Padang Is Oldest Known Pyramid

And, here's the link to the scientific paper:   Geo-archeaeological Prospecting of Gunung Padang

And, here's a link to a YouTube video about Gunung Padang:   Controversial Claim of a 27,000 Year Old Pyramid Made by Ancient Humans

And, of course, the keyword in this video's title is "Controversial," because the "science" behind this discovery is controversial. And, oddly enough, the controversy has nothing to do with The Illuminati.
"Chester: The city which still celebrates Saturnalia"

"December brings festivities to many of England's cities, but for one, it is a chance to rejoice in more than one set of 2,000-year-old celebrations."

As per the article:

"Every year, a week or so before Christmas, Chester's streets are filled with the same sights, sounds and smells that have marked Saturnalia in the city since its days as the Roman city of Deva Victrix.

The festival, which English Heritage (EH) said honoured Saturn, the Roman god of farming and harvest, was one of the ancient empire's most popular celebrations."

And, further along in the article:

""Chester is well known for its Roman heritage and local people are very proud of that heritage," he said.

However, he said keeping the Roman celebration alive was about more than just history.

He said Saturnalia "was a chance to release chaos on the world" and the modern procession, held as part of the city's Winter Watch parade, was a "spectacle that represents that chaos"." [Emphasis mine]

However, this article makes no mention of Goddess Eris/Goddess Discordia being invited, or at least honored, at this chaotic celebration. And, as every Discordian knows, there are severe, well documented consequences to be had when our Beloved Goddess is snubbed. 

Here's the link:   A City that still Celebrates Saturnalia

Hail Eris/Discordia!
Apple Talk / On This Day in History
December 09, 2023, 11:09:47 AM
"December 9, 1967 - Rock God Jim Morrison was arrested on stage."                                                                                                                                                       

This infamous incident happened during a concert at the New Haven Arena, New Haven, Connecticut. Backstage, prior to Jim's arrest, the arresting officer had sprayed him with mace. (Ask anyone who has ever been sprayed with mace, and they'll tell you that, among other things, it puts you in a foul mood.) And, while this was not Jim's most notorious arrest, it was a harbinger of things to come.

Here's a link:      Rock God Arrested on Stage
Principia Discussion / Have an Awesome Afflux!
December 08, 2023, 02:11:49 AM
Yes, it's once again the 50th day of the season of The Aftermath (That's December 8th according to that old, outdated heathen calendar.), and time to celebrate Afflux!

Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure how to properly celebrate this sacred Discordian Holyday. Now, according to the Discordian Wiki, "In America and some parts of Europe, Afflux is the Discordian equivilent of Christmas." (Someone didn't use spell check when they wrote that.) But, the due diligent search I did on led me to beleive that Moosemas now serves that purpose. And, in the Urban Dictionary it is written, "Moosemas is floating winter holiday meant as a non-religious substitute for Christmas, Hanukkah, and other seasonal holidays popularized by Orthodox Consumerism." (That reads like it was written by Boris Badenov.) Further, I also found the claim that "Moosemas was created in 1984 by The Coven of Our Lady of the Woods." And, on top of that, that heresy originated in of all places, Wisconsin!

Being a Discordian Fundamentalist, I obviously have a serious problem with Moosemas ... that I'm perfectly willing to ignore for the sake of celebrating yet another Holyday Holiday. But, that brings me back to Afflux: How is our sacred Discordian Holyday to be properly celebrated? I mean, I don't mind springing for all of the booze and food for Afflux, Christmas with the heathens, New Year's Eve with even more heathens, and Moosemas, but I'm not at all happy about getting nailed for three rounds of gift buying in a little over a month.

And, my research found that December 8th is also the following:

Bodhi Day - Appropriate for those of us who are Buddhists, but a downer to what I expect from our Afflux Holyday Holiday.   
National Crossword Solvers Day - No, thank you.
National Salesperson Day - Absolutely not, thank you!
National Brownie Day - Now this I can work with!
National Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day. - This does have possibilities, but still ...

Oh my, what's a Born Once Discordian to do.
"Even if her intent was not to practice any witchcraft or do any of the incantations, she is probably attracting a lot of demons to her concerts."

As per the article:

"As Swift performs the song "Willow" from her "Evermore" album, the singer and her dancers dress in black capes and dance with orbs. Elements of Earth and fire are also a central part of the performance.

Diocese of Nashville exorcist Father Dan Reehil told ChurchPOP why the concert, which includes this performance, could spiritually endanger attendees.

He also explains how the "Willow" performance mimics witchcraft with its use of Earth, fire, black capes, and orbs."

And, further along in the article:

""Even if her intent was not to practice any witchcraft or do any of the incantations, she is probably attracting a lot of demons to her concerts."

Hey, if you can't trust a genuine, professional exorcist on this, who can you trust? So,

Give me that old-time religion
Give me that old-time religion
Give me that old-time religion
It's good enough for me ...

Here's the link:   Exorcist Issues Warning
If you've ever wondered what our Earth looked like up to 470 million years ago, this interactive display will give you a pretty good idea.

This display allows you to input from a given selection of times, and a given selection of cities around the world. Places in the USA go all the way back to 470 million years ago. However, places in other parts of the world may not. For instance, when I entered Kalamata, Greece for the longest time span, the following message appeared:

Could not resolve location for
"Kalamata, Peloponnese, GR"   

Its tectonic plate doesn't track that far
into the past - try switching to a more
recent year!

I was, however, able to go back as far as 600 million years ago for Kalamata.

There are also a few other options available on the display that you may find to be of interest. And, if you go back one web page, you'll find that this display is actually part of The Dinosaur Database.

Here's the link:   What did Earth Look Like Millions of Years Ago?
Mrs. Mythos brought this article to my attention yesterday afternoon. She knew it would be of interest to me as we have visited Greece many times, and the Hellinikon, the Ancient Pyramid of this article, on a couple of our trips.

As per the article:

"There is no other controversy like the one surrounding the ancient pyramid discovered in Greece. Ancient Greek history often stimulates meaningful debate – one has only to think of how many different views there are on the Hellinikon.

Were the Greeks building pyramids before the mighty Egyptians? And why is such a line of enquiry valid to some and unsound to others? It is time to reveal a "secret" or "mystery" not often shared.

The trouble with the story of the Hellinikon pyramid is that scholars of Greek antiquity have disputed its period and purpose. There is no agreement that the Hellinikon is a pyramid, yet fans of the archaeological site still carry on making their enthusiastic projections."

I have my own opinions concerning the design and purpose of this ancient structure. But, my money is on the 4th century B.C. being its time of construction.

Here's the link:   Ancient Pyramid of Greece
First off, here's a special Christmas gift for some of the toddlers on your list. You can give this very appropriate gift to the little ones who you already know are going to grow up following in their MAGAt parents' footsteps.