News: Like a fraternity of drunken clowns, hopped up on goofballs, beating one-another to a bloody pulp with bricks; the maniacal laughter increases exponentially as someone runs off to get a cinder-block.

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Apple Talk / Flip the Switch Music Playlist
June 24, 2020, 11:48:21 PM
This O'Neal's posted with time stamp so YOU can do the math, catch up, and listen along if so inclined to SYNKING
Can anyone link me to that redacted document about kkk and alt-right involvement in police (heard about recently)

Bring and Brag / DIY Apocalypse Face Masks
April 08, 2020, 12:11:49 AM
The wife was conscripted to make masks, with special stretchy stitches and a pouch-like compartment for extra filters. They're ready to be pleated and fitted with pipe cleaners for a tight fit, which is what you want when you're up against times like these...

She got one done and then we asked why not go-out in style?

So I designed this souvenir Kali-Yantra hologram thing a few years back and painted it on the mask.

This is in malachite.

Bring and Brag / A Friend of mine did these
August 24, 2018, 04:19:45 AM
Apple Talk / It's your last wish.
August 23, 2018, 03:37:35 PM
Like out of three. What would you do?
Bring and Brag / Lost & Derailed Tracks
June 27, 2016, 09:53:33 AM
Novel Archeological records and deliciously tragic dead-ends collide here indiscriminately.  They mate, inelegantly, like recent forensic data-recovery dumps and vulgar decollages of higly non-linear, experimental, detournement-like excursions into sounds never seen.  And for good reason.

Then, I felt compelled to get this gif out of my mind,
have no idea what it's from.

Just came across this
and could not help thinking it was Retna?
Although it's posted as Chaz...  Me confused?
Still giddy as a schoolgirl after what I'm embarrassed to say caused me to lose all propriety:  the sudden appearance of that star.  I ran to beach last night ululating madness at the moon that lay itself before me on crescent waves across the sea.  In referential madness I noticed a smoldering, amorphous beast, surrounded by a circle of light.  My, I say, what tenebrous monsters these delinquents dredge up in these here strange times.

Feeling that cawing thing on the back of my neck, I decide to head back home.  Passing under a bridge, I'm suddenly blinded by a spot-light from a vehicle up the hill toward my pad.  Now, what with the extra gravity of that star, together with the chthonic pyre, and now this very bright light in my face, I figured I'd swagger my way right up there...

Turns out it was 5-0...  I mean, that's cool, I flashed them with my tactical LED...

Something needed to be done about that last encounter, so I sacrificed a virgin and let her freshly spilt blood guide my brush.  The result was a map of directions, to dispel Satan's minions  Really, they can't read this shit and it drives them crazy.   :lulz:

Or Kill Me / Phone Carrier Blues
October 13, 2013, 09:33:49 PM
There's an error on my bill.  It took me six months to get a pin reset by snail mail so I can terminate my account.  Finally, got my pin back and am calling to cancel my contract:

-- May I have your name please?
-- Okay..
-- Pin Number?
-- Okay...
-- Password?
-- Password?
-- I am telling you the truth, I cannot proceed without a password.
-- You are only speaking the truth in accordance to the limited resources afforded to you, mkay?
    (please tell me you are recording this)

I proceed to reach through the phone and nail the assistants tounge to the fucking recessed moulding on the wall.

I never gave a password to this account to prevent me from doing what is necessary when my provider tries to bend me over, okay :argh!:

I'm so pissed off that I apologize in advance and guzzle a bottle inderol with anticipatory bliss at the thought of all that can be accomplished with a partially short-circuited sympathetic nervous system and some catchy 80's music.

I keep the attendant hostage on the phone - demanding that I see my password reset email before letting it go...

The lack of adrenaline bores me and I end up releasing the hostage...

I write this because I cannot tolerate checking my e-mail again, ever   :horrormirth:
Principia Discussion / Finding Shadow Fnords
March 11, 2013, 07:40:05 PM

Was watching that derivative drivel "Shadow People" and saw this and wanted to post as a gentle reminder for myself to locate an errant writer/producer once known to frequent this joint.  Secretly, I thought this oblique reference might obtain the requirements of my responsibility to that effect.   :roll:

A year old, most you prolly already saw it, still I think it's cool.
Showing super-conductor locking a particular orientation for levitated thingie.
There's just something slightly uncanny about it that does not make sense w.r.t. having only a limited understanding of electro-magnetic fields, lines, etc.  Ergo the quantum "locking", just need some block rocking beats. :lulz:
Or Kill Me / Caution: Humans at Work
July 21, 2012, 12:30:30 AM
I have a little mess developing with a personal relationship, and last night was lucky enough to find some people that seem to see things in a way that was helpful.  All posturing to discord aside, I find I may have overly tolerated people that can just be plain disruptive, sometimes.  What I mean to say is that some people are just plain shitty, which, although not directly making me feel better, the attendant recognition at least does allow for that possibility.  It reminds me of the first chapter of that Hand-Book for the Human Experience that was floating around a few years back.  There is no reason to have these negative shit-talkers around.  Enough with the invidious sycophants. BastA. Some people are trying to actually make it.  Now move out of the way, bitch.  :horrormirth:
Techmology and Scientism / Fluidity Pipes
July 19, 2012, 10:22:31 AM
SWIM showed me this pipe that supposedly makes the water moar fluid.  Instead of adding X chemical to decrease surface tension, is it possible that a metal catalyst can do the same?
Discordian Recipes / Hot dog carbonara
April 20, 2012, 07:25:12 PM

Put water to boil in large pot

Simmer finely diced dogs on low heat till they start shrinking and tightening.
    Add drizzle of olive-oil if dogs are not fatty enough (not necessary w/ bacon or pancetta)

Remove slightly bronzed dogs from pan and place aside...
   Add drizzle of olive-oil to pan if lacking in grease.

Simmer finely diced onion in same greased pan till it starts turning transparent...

Meanwhile, beat eggs in bowl, adding grated Parmesan/Grana cheese and ground pepper...

Excoriate, crush and finely slice garlic.  Add garlic to pan with onion.

Turn heat up a notch, add dogs previously set aside to pan again.

Water pot should start to boil right about now - add salt and pasta to cook
    Set timer to one minute less than indicated on package (pasta later also cooks slightly In pan)

As garlic starts to melt in pan and dogs get crunchier (not fully charred), add splash of white wine.
    [get over it - it degreases and all the alcohol evaporates - two buck chuck is fine]

Timer goes off, drain pasta, keeping a cup of pasta-water aside.

Throw drained pasta into pan with onions and dogs.  Turn off heat.

Give the egg solution a final whisk and also throw in pan.  Beat it all together in the pan for 5 seconds then add the cup of pasta water while still beating for a few more seconds.  Timing is critical.  Do not cook the eggs all the way - just enough for it to start coagulating - the pasta water helps it all stick together.

Serve directly on plates - adding more grated cheese (salt) or pepper to taste.

A friend of mine also likes to garnish with caviar and creme, because he deserves it.
April 16, 2012, 08:04:40 PM

Just in: Blessed Tiger not mounting on Leopard.

Alien Taxidermists bursting at seams of US border after re-cloned tigger refuses to bootstrap as self-mounted volume on both external media and also virtual boxes running off native leopard.  Stuffing stocks plunge after first rise seen in years as commodity markets ride rough through the roof of zoological necromancy.


Certified frigging technicians...   Certified...  That's how I feel.  It's all fixed now.  I'm just about to remove the logic board...  There's my replacement part...  And...  Wait, they screwed me again... 
That's not the right part!

"hello, certified technician?"
"why did you not send me the logic board I ordered?"
"we sent you a compatible board"
"no you did not"
"you want the actual part you ordered?..."

Synthesis:  do not deal with certified (apple) technicians if you actually want to fix your computer.  If at any point presented with a certified technician, go elsewhere if you want to keep your sanity.

Apple Talk / BrainGoop in ms paint.
April 07, 2012, 09:57:48 PM
I came across this and thought it was cool that it's all done in MS paint.

Or Kill Me / The Certified Thread
March 20, 2012, 11:35:52 AM
Bat shit finally got the best of him
Spies study his every move
To make it look like an accident
The teaching, that is
How will he react -- hold-up
Veiled concerns of something deeper
To betray another, more sinister mistake

Or is it an attempt at satire --
The theatre of war stark naked
Don't ask, don't tell...
The best of what is given
Reveals a farce of misplaced care
That dances to her death
Like David's gaze of Goliath's head
Apple Talk / My own personal pet cemetery...
March 19, 2012, 01:44:42 AM
I did it again...  I left the door open last night and a ninja sneaked in to spill wine on my laptop.  Of course it may have been a leprechaun, but that's not the point.  The point is that I was expecting this to happen, so this time I got myself a spill-proof keyboard.  This only evinces my stupidity because I actually ended up wiping the wine off the keyboard and into the USB port before I turned the darn thing back on again...  So...  Diagnostics reveal that circa three components, USB, charger, and display adapter are fried, hard-drive is fine.  Minor damage but still enough for Apple to consider it totaled...

The problem is that getting a new one is not an option (primarily, OS not compatible)

I was wondering if anyone had tips on fixing MacBook Pro's?

I think I may take the thing to a re-seller to have it fixed, I'm just a little concerned about how ready people seem to rip-off Mac customers?  Apple itself wanted to charge me the price of a new model just to fix my old one....   :argh!: 
(I am a little pissed off at myself right now)
Aneristic Illusions / The Pharmacracy of Consent
March 14, 2012, 10:18:29 PM
It is surprising to learn how dangerous methadone and subutex are, as sanctioned alternatives to heroin I was expecting otherwise.  Then again, I think by now people should be starting to see the difference between legal and illegal drugs becoming less distinct.  When the metrics of quantity and quality also star to blur, I think the stigma against "illegal" drugs will become less prominent.  The question is then what to do when the opportunity presents itself.  If it were possible to legalize cocaine, heroin and marijuana, is there anyone here that would object?
Propaganda Depository / PlunderAudio
March 10, 2012, 11:13:02 PM
I made this last week then realized the vocal sample might work with something here.
The song is (ogg) called hereticalwrench and is linked:
Bring and Brag / I made a gif!
March 04, 2012, 08:39:22 AM
I was thinking about Roger when I saw this  :)
Apple Talk / Re: Hey, Lex, SPLIT
February 25, 2012, 08:58:21 AM
Quote from: Template on November 01, 2009, 07:08:01 PM
Quote from: BabylonHoruv on November 01, 2009, 06:31:06 PM
I am in awe. 

However I still can't figure out what the dolls are.  Lacking the proper referential I think.

It looks like an infant and it's not artificial...

It's just as well you don't understand.

Does being a genetically modified organism count?

"Causal reasoning approaches try to reconstruct and sometimes justify the rules that allow scientists to infer causal relationships from data, including experimental data....

Mill's method of difference captures an important kind of reasoning that is used frequently in biological experiments. ..

Mill construed this "method" in terms of a principle of inductive inference that can be justified pragmatically. However, it is interesting to note that the principle can also be viewed as instantiating a form of deductive inference.

To this end, of course, the Method of Difference must be strengthened with additional premises. Here is one way how this can be done (adapted from Hofmann and Baumgartner 2011):

S1 and S2 are two homogeneous test situations (assumption)
Two factors A and W both occur in S1 both not in S2 (exp. result)
W is an effect in a deterministic causal structure (assumption)
In S1 there exists a cause of the occurrence of W (from 2, 3)
In S2 there exists no cause of the occurrence of W (from 2,3)
S2 contains no confounder of W (from 5)
S1 contains no confounder of W (from 1,6)
The cause of W belongs to the set {A, W} (from 4, 7)
W does not cause itself (assumption)
A is the cause or a part of the cause existing in S1


I don't know why, but I think there may be something interesting about this?  (or maybe later). Just a random thought, really, probably nothing...

Bring and Brag / Ypsilanti labrats
January 06, 2012, 06:30:03 PM
Just needed to pinch this one off:
Or Kill Me / Undoing
August 02, 2010, 01:00:43 PM
1) There is a difference.
2) This difference makes a difference to you.
3) This is not the same difference
4) Radical is the most important difference
5) The distinction is not between things.
6) It is not between subject and object.
7) It is not all the same difference.
8) There is a first among equals
9) Possibility precedes actuality
10) Not in sequence, but importance.
11) PRO TIP:  There is no boat
Or Kill Me / 2 upload
July 31, 2010, 11:45:26 AM
Walking down to the beach today was interesting.  It may have been all the anticipation (been pushing for a while), but taking the time to "just-look" as I walked, instead of dragging all my "work" with me, was wonderful.  It may have had something to do with "letting-go", generally, however, quite a few threads on this board also made the difference.  Without having this sound like an acceptance speech.  I would like to just mention a particular sequence of events that was awesome, in reverse order:  The John / Colbert show, the stones and shells by the beach, the walk to the beach, feeling the sand between my toes (which did trigger a slight "matrix" induced solipsistic loop, refreshing, provocative, and passed).  My relaxed driving of errands in counterpoint to the usual rat-race etc. etc.  

All this previously occasioned by a conversation about taking a rest (the necessity of which should have been obvious regardless) together with the pictures, as they relate to my temporality "stuff".  This in mixing "throwing trash down the mountain" with "confession" for hoarding to-do's... Interesting switching occurring as falling asleep, fire alternating with water...  v. cool... this post is just a squeeze before I fall asleep, do not mean to sing out of tune.  just trying to read, and for reason I have to contradict myself  :mrgreen:
...  talk about time machines  :lulz:

I post this not just because I am a personal fan, but just in case someone missed this auteur, it is my moral obligation to introduce him to you, as he is a diplomat of the future, of sorts...

To not waste time, start with "The Stalker" (or "Zone"), and wow from there, even though he may still have had a few things to think through, his aesthetics are impeccable.  That, added to a metaphysical whirl, and you see why he deserves more credit for all the concepts that were ripped from him, repeatedly...
GASM Command / InterGASM
July 12, 2010, 11:54:22 PM
Signs point to know...
maybe gradual refers to gentle, as is with most Japanese ways.
the distinction is in the distinction, not of token, but type.
like in the picture, both are there at the same time.
the realization of this is both immediate and gradual
like water flowing up a waterfall...
Or Kill Me / words on weak but pure freedom
June 23, 2010, 11:41:36 AM
Liberté, égalité, fraternité:  some of the most dangerous words.  We all have some contention with at least one of them, regardless, their efficacy has been proven.  These words, synthetically, in various permutations, have given rise to modern revolution.  Context and events may have been different, but the ideas are the same.

I want to focus on freedom, and have a discussion about how it is relevant to "change change".

By this I mean not the false token you might give to charity, with inauthentic auspices of hope.  I mean the constraints we put on freedom need to be changed.  Freedom has been materialized as a commodity of exchange, with the strict but strong definition of having the possibility to do otherwise.  This gives the illusion of a strong sense of freedom with respect to how we identify our action or decisions as having originated from our independent agency.

It does not take long to find strong arguments against this form of radical freedom: socio-biological, ethical-aesthetic, meta-physical etc.

So by change now I mean making a difference, and freedom the possibility to do so.  The condition on the possibility of being free IS freedom in the fist place...  Does that make any sense to anyone? :mittens: 
do not read:

am interested in said d-amine receptor b/c of the sound it makes.
reminds me of winning the lottery.
will search TEAS for ITALIAN researchers for new AGONIST


Don't fuck w/ the Kernel?

what about GABBA?

re: on the chronology of ecperience
pinealism and how chaos springs from anaxagoras principle

see you when?
 :argh!: solve or die

me does not take well to threats ;-0

so now its time to walk the plank
Discordian Recipes / hamburgers
May 13, 2009, 08:25:45 AM
am looking for a meat tree, don't have time to scower site.
am here to translate snippets of a greater whole...