News: "a rather irritating form of hermetic terrorism".

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Topics - hirley0

Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Electric Wheel
April 12, 2012, 04:02:58 PM
0 11 MANIK 7:07
this morning in the NHK 7-7:30 pbs/opb news cast the Electric Wheel was
reviled? designed for CARs of course | but the transport to skate board
cant be to many year in the distance | No AM not a fan of ground based Xport
- when i was maybe 10 { the ERA of 3D movies) there was a serial called
Rocket man. I was always a Fan / still am / cant wait for the TransportER 2
arrive. Now back to the scheduled 1st Reply | Don't hold you Breath /-/aHa
Techmology and Scientism / MAPS
April 09, 2012, 02:53:05 PM {{{{ this is the one i was looking for !!!!R52
YES'sum a /-/Ard WAY.
- NONE of the above actually work for me-
in any reasonable amount of time
somewhere I DO have a map link that does
today i can not find it. it starts at the 35 ti 1 i think?
Principia Discussion / |/ 4 OBE 2
March 23, 2012, 05:12:30 PM
so i joined :fnord: 2obe :fnord: NDE
these d'La R SO E St

You cannot delete your own topics in this board.
Check to make sure this topic wasn't
just moved to (by) another board.

  click here            :fnord:          for missing message
20120313 radioactivity
the Radioactivity message  JPG of audio sound wav
WAS removed{not by me) yesterday 20120407 or the day before

5 Ik{wind I C the wind blew the sound away { SAd
4 AHAU { & NOW THE PHOTOS { maybe {{ not to good ?YET
6 MUCUK{jade /Sun25 Maybe more curse than help  (R28
Aneristic Illusions / ENDLESS DEBAIT
March 16, 2012, 12:00:12 PM
i call governments of Governments by GOvernments For GOVernments
groups of self congraduelators that their self worth as a % of global
GDP is ever increasing at an ever increasing rate that is ever increasing

YES: a + third derivative.

Myself? opposed somewhat to the propositions know collectivly AS
democratic princpal, Has, in my opinion , the Stop flaw. By that
what i mean is when they say stop, they cause the GO. GOt it.

THUS: My alternative, is of course DicTaTorial, A vote globally
to elect one dictator not a bunch of LocaL get togathors to
elect more g/G\g's | pyrimead scheams | aka + 3rd derivitaves

yes 5pdt 4board i did start this thread 1 post is plenty

4:12- Author Topic: ENDLESS DEBAIT  (Read 7 times
Aneristic Illusions / Global Economic Plan
March 10, 2012, 07:29:56 PM
My view of global econ: .1 Hatfield should Not have been allowed
to make Japan #2 global'$. 2: Some reason why Russia is so cold
needs to be found. 3: Some portable device for converting desert
sands into solar panels should be devised 4: The method of defusing
volcanic eruptions needs to at least be attempted. Nuck em:
5: the transport of columbia River Water to Mexico should begin
beginning with Volcanics: clearly they are about to happen GLOBALLY
thus for the potent ones | including fuji | Nuking them in the
Lee Side in favorable weather/WIND is far prefered to just letting
them do their thing, when & how they currently do. Nuck Nuck Nuck'em

Barging water to Mexico? to get the program started. Huge plastic
bags full? open at two ends = to fill tow East up Columbia With
West {Ocean end) shut close when full & tow West out to sea.
64lb/ft^3 30x30x300ft * 8gal/ft^3 = $e6 / 8640T bag freshH2O

Relocation of Russian cold to prevent SE Asian Flood Rains
it probably requires towing Artic IcE South 1 to keep the
NW passage ice free year around 2 to spot cool :::: the
south china sea durring the M.soon season 3: Allow Warmer
surface Water North of Siberia in an effort to alter
Russias frozen north. Providing cabbage patch conditions

Discordia en Espanol / T'ai CHi
March 01, 2012, 12:55:57 PM
:fnord: QR reader

FUTURE TENTsRead 33 times

Next Post :fnord: P2 Hi :fnord: #20 3/3 5:12:45 AM
10 MANKIN {deer {{Just Joking {{{ maybe
in the future {later today {{AM | Will continue to spiral round and round
Trying to get NEXT&prior links in order PLUS any Global ones that might
be left remember VERY GOOD at spin/span/spUN & other SP words/WAYs
Prior post :fnord: #48 :fnord: P4 Me4

Quote from: hirley0 on January 17, 2012, 08:49:13 AM
   太     极  additional plugins required 5:11am pst
Next Post :fnord: P2 /-/i :fnord: #20 1:48aM 3/2 & 4:14pm also
9 CIMI / 1:23->
this is the tricky part, the death spiral, round & round going down?
Yes is an eveN Numbered day? see post date above? although it is
ODD in the Mayan sense? believe whatever you like, i like it like that?
Sometimes,  sometimes i don't!-! on with sequencing 1:34}

Prior post :fnord: #27 :fnord: P2 Me4
Literate Chaotic / TNM 2012=>
February 13, 2012, 11:44:48 AM
20121229 tdar :fnord: & :fnord: Thomas M. Newman (Author)/187953 =Main # /8yr
20120927 :fnord: ProF
20120705 ? PURPLE 4 CHUEN   :fnord: 2010 FALL terms:#15: November 07
69 2010 PSU FALL term = Vasey
69 NatalieVasey
68 November 07, 2010, 05:57:06 AM
68 MatLa
67 iterate Chaotic / WINTER NatalieVasey
67 « on: December 09, 2010, 08:04:23 AM »
30 February 20, 2012, 12:48:17 
19U  March 25, 2012, 11:02:24 AM appletalk
17U March 31, 2012, 10:59:19 AM

20120704 :fnord: What Anthropologists Should Know About the New Evolutionary Synthesis
Smith, Cameron M. and Ruppell, Julia C.
Thomas M. Newman Scholarship, Portland State University  "2006"

TNM0 index

2012  ? 4Lamat  after years of search "document/187953" has emerged
the 1976 date aproximates the time frame that this effort was to find
Although its an after the event 74-75? It may be the number that unlocks
the mystery that surrounds these years in these tails of looking at the WEB

Thomas Newman
Thomas M. Newman. (1976)  Twin Rocks Sanitary District Sewer System, Ti { this can take one back to SAND SPIT time
Daniel Scheans Scholarship ? Thomas M. Newman Scholarship
Aneristic Illusions / Me4U?
January 12, 2012, 12:17:30 AM
Time for An Announcement for my effort as the computer wing
of the Republican race for the 2012 Presidential race

make no mistake about this I oppose the Donkeys more the the Elephants
I use windowsxp &98 & 98 &dos  ( -50.003 % v -49.997 % )

the Reason i write this is because (the way i C it) is U are ask to
"VOTE FOR 1" and then told to either make the - mark or the Chinese one

so yeah i'z opposed to Uz  :fnord:  :fnord:  :fnord:  :fnord: whiTch did U chooze
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Cooper Mt. grade
November 08, 2011, 04:00:43 PM
9:11 pSt  at 08:51:25 AM by hi
Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System Wednesday, November 9 at 2:00 PM EST

Here are specific items we want everyone to know about the test:

It will be conducted Wednesday, November 9 at 2:00 PM EST.
It will be transmitted via television and radio stations
within the U.S., including Alaska, Hawaii, the terri
$tories of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands,
and American Samoa. Similar to local emergency al
ert system tests, an audio message will interrupt
television and radio programming indicat
ing: "This is a test." When the test is over, r
egular programming will resume.

8:51AM pdT ~"his one here?"` U R 1 cleaver Dude

2~"What makes you think i"~ I donno. touchy subject 4Me's aLL

3~"act crater? An" and like i said aLLready i've no PRoof now

4"~ unoff interests you? " Shirley: Last time i was there it WAS DRY

11 CHUEN (monkey\day) 11/8 UCT Listen i'zon StD time now ?
this was supposed to be a bout Cooper Mt. a hill in the midst
of the Tualatin Vallyey. (so Latte}? for now let me mention
= =
ive always thought it may well be a central peek in a meteor
crater! Although i have no proof actually. so yeah never
mind the details of the geology, think about runoff instead
Horrorology / Me v phD
October 22, 2011, 05:04:53 PM
20111022 A Time has arrived for me to addDRESS this issue
{despite the imposed delays)(there are many} today i was going to eXplain
to them that i AM NOT {have 0) interest in Oral Arguments Q&A or pet'N P.tic

i was going to say Yes, i'LL travel (take a bus} to get there
SO that they can USe my name {if they want to) to harden their resolve
to do what theY do do.
{later as this will be best done offline & paste}
Techmology and Scientism / GRAVITY GAMES
October 09, 2011, 10:08:20 PM

2011 10/09 13:12 For the gravity games thread |10/19 new way to access : iT


= =

notice if you wiLL, in my version of the games (there eXists an eLement}{of faith)
i've no idea if the idea is universal or just my way of looking THRU A situation
: : :
thus i 'poise A three body problem (skate board} {rider) {& ball} the object being
as the rider makes his jump (skate board flip) he passes the ball(foot) to himself
at the landing site. Please provide the video when you have accomplised the task
? ? ? ?
NOw back to the Questions (only 4)? the first is partical vs field theory (skip it}
2 if gravity field theory (think soap bubbles) & ping pong, tennis &basket balls
3 think about the Sound? the larger the lower the pitch. smaller = higher note
4 using a yoyo whileriding a skate board comes to my mind also. Video Please
the Reason this thread was concieved of ... was to group AFEW of the SET2 graphics
in one place to observe them together as a unit. I rather doubt that More than
a month or two of images will be included {truely it's eXceedingly slow & boaring
hopefully as time passes A FEW select lines will emerge during solar cycle (Um}?24
the CONcept being that 1. GW's are Friendy, 2. elusive 3? hard to comprehend
they appear to me to come in all sizes & shapes. eXactly how to generate one
REMains a mystery to me. My guess is X Class Solar flares do generate EVENTS
Large enough to be detected {by me) here on Earth (so yeah i do LoOk for 1}?
Bicycle bouncers & Motorcycle Dare devils are of course included in the Class
as their loop de loop & ariel acrobatics for sure enter into the real of
defigning the ordinary. The list is probably long & varied. To me there is the
root to it all. the Gravity Wave, that i refer to as the POD. having surface?

Techmology and Scientism / CLEAR NEWS
October 04, 2011, 04:01:59 PM

^=== 20111025 ===^

Lemme tRY to eXplain. My idea on the solution is this
= =
To remonitize Gold, Silver, & Copper's & Monitize Oregon
Forest Woods activated in Japan March11-May12, & Water's
: : :
for eXample the price of Gold wiLL be (overnight) increased
60 times its price in effect the day My appointed predicessor
takes control of pricing|Silver=Gold/60 & cu=Si/60 Got it ?
? ? ? ?
My Tour of duty to last one day. the final day of the current
method of determining AU:Ag prices. My appointed Predicessor
(the french Man) Whos Main Job is to Appoint his Follower ?
on his first day. &To serve A limit term of 1Yr 1Mo & 1day.
the CLear object in eLectricaL generation is to get the sit
on your ass governments out of this business & put the
Military people in charge of construction (Stand UP & Count
No More Grid, got it! individual NEW units(portable)aFORDable
first modle to be named "ProLifeRate" UNderstand? TBC-
Techmology and Scientism / FIREFOX ?
September 26, 2011, 09:27:17 PM
.1 ABOUT a month or two ago i switched over to FF from IE ?1
2: i have learNt to use TooLs to Clear Recent History
3? & to Start P B. (however what i reaLLy want to do
is just turn off the history capture from the beginning (Comprend/-\'?
Literate Chaotic / C Me
September 26, 2011, 01:04:23 PM
spaceweather M26 AR1302

STEREO x-ray pdxT

AR1302 Appears to me to be in the NORTHERN hemisphere
4me it seams to be that to hit Earth the spot must be south of =
thus A none E eveNT : however the gif i find very interesting Go G
- --
5:30 BBC NEWS T ok tuned in  : in Dam ask US
now where was I 2pm serious : : the .g is so quick the stereo story is
HARD to foLLow BuTT it appears an increase at B should be 9/30 10/1
Literate Chaotic / Mt FuGi in October of 2011
July 23, 2011, 01:14:46 PM
  :fnord: Link2Round major "10/11" problem FOUND 9/11
back2 4C4  fwd2=10deG

20110910 these days i use the R group to do Img:
20120406 FULL MOON  :fnord:
20120505 TBD
2pick UP tail v

Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / MRSA P FOR(UM}me
March 05, 2011, 11:55:53 PM
2011 03/12 8:45 AM psT
My HealtheVet Help Desk

This e-mail is intended only for the person or entity to which it is
addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential,
or otherwise protected from disclosure. Dissemination, distribution, or
copying of this e-mail or the information herein by anyone other than
the intended recipient or for official internal VHA and/or VA business
is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify
the sender by reply e-mail, and destroy the original message and all

to me enTitY refers to aLL fields of the inner solar system
out to & including Mars & the Martions Moons.
out beyound the astroid belt to include the Largest moon of Jupiter
when it is on Earths side but not Jupitor itself (a fine line) in&out/$
what happens to me is open to any sovern nation
individual, group or hacker capable of modifying
or changing what has happend within the "ENTITY".

sweep it up? 9:11AM psT uters - Radiation leaked from J { Last Edit: Today at 09:10:48 AM by hirley0 »

2011 03/11 Message from the NSAPI plugin:
No backend server available for connection: timed out after 10 seconds.

2011 03/05 PM AN "ExPECTED" ...Unexpected Problem
MHV encountered the following unexpected problems:
An unexpected problem occured. Please contact the helpdesk,
if this problem persists!-! Please contact our helpdesk or
send us an email at

1958 ATOMIC {to end the ?"COLD"? WAR
1969 CHEMICAL {TO BEGIN to end the SE Asia 1
1980 VOLCANIC { to Close to teLL to day Carter fly over O
{url=] 1991 NATURALLY [/url} { Bush Push 2 {{naturaLLy
2002 BIOLOGICAL {{{ i'LL have LiTTle to say about the beginning OR the END
THE bio dates aRe not eXact (to protect Me).,
Yearly Med Photos(WEBS)? 7/2 revision due 3rd 1/4 THIS THREAD ITSELF MeD.Log
Literate Chaotic / DATE TIME vs
March 05, 2011, 03:25:58 PM
20110305 7:17- 7:27 AM pst there are many things about computers i dislike
The main 1 is in notepad when i press the F5 i get time before dat
nother thing i truley dislike is low level of the hard drive
that track below 0000 0000 where stuff gets put that is not accessable to Me Easily

And #3 of course aRe the delays {those though ArE systemic and not computer
programs.  (IF) some one knows of a program /OR/ collection of programers THAT
do have the intelectual ability to get the date ahead of time by aLL means Link
Literate Chaotic / Wallula Stone 2011 -
February 18, 2011, 06:27:42 PM
20110218 Wallula Stone?
Literate Chaotic / 2011 psu WINTER
December 09, 2010, 04:01:12 PM
TABLE of conTenT | back to FALL . .. ... Ni terms

Total time logged in: 5 days, 5 hours and 55 minutes.
20120722 Total time logged in: 38 days, 18 hours and 35 minutes.

Literate Chaotic / MATLAB ? 2010 ? 2011 ?
November 13, 2010, 02:29:40 PM
20101113Total time logged in: 4 days, 22 hours and 39 minutes. read down:

% Day_n=20101112 t_Start=1046 t_End=1050 t_Spent= 4

%who % 2010 matlab ? % what % navigate 101

which dir %% % dir is a built-in function.

which sound % ?_\matlab\toolbox\matlab\sounds\sound.m

dir ?_\matlab\toolbox\matlab\sounds %%% -found splat.mat

% /\/\ /\



lookfor lookfor

.         :fnord: Link 4word2 Law Suit

Literate Chaotic / 2010 Summer
July 04, 2010, 11:42:09 PM STEREOab odd-even ozone-hole 20100709 page 2  20100813 2010 BREAK s/F  20100704 2010 SUMMER  20100328 SPRING TERMS  20100317 BREAK 3/15-29  20100102 2010 Winter  20091205 TNM 09 BREAK  20090922 TNM 09 FALL  20081223 TNM

20100704 prehaps the time has arived for ME to return some snapses time to
the Geology?Anthropoly questions. Begining from Lunar Orbital data from NASA
= =
Listen? I AM no fan. & some wiki data about continantal drift, as i think A
connection exists. Plus a drizzal or two about Water there & on Mars yes sirE
: : : 24e7?  82K/T 120 & 144 mYa? 200 " 65.5 " i'LL use short Time
OK i also use the 24 hour clock face and Sun has crossed galatic equator +10ka?
? ? ? ?
Thus 65.5 = 6.55 hours ago clock face time: turning2 The Moons Orbital #
that it went UP (out of the pacific hole) & was inserted into Earth Orbit
by THE larger member of a dueO-o the smaller being the launce energy source
Orbital peiod Slows currently 13? assume 10&12 as OK No's = 1-1.2e7 as M_o
What does it mean to me: lookfor ICe on the Moon (i already say noT a FAN ( i use e7 Not B
ok 4get Mars: What next? Well look4 THE plot($), LLR's? On never mind 4get'Em
once upon a time, when i was very young i had a top that had a screw plunger ON
the top. by pushing down the plunger the top was made to spin faster & faster
and it would spin by itself for a very long time (& wander about on its own)
By&By it would slow, as it did so the plunger at the top would begin to fall
away from the verticle position and form circles (on its own) Suddenly as if
it thought the situation over it would right itsef again to being on top of
the top (verticle)briefly and then fall even further Making Larger Circles: eoBs

Drs. Jean Dickey, James G. Williams, JPL
    -- Lunar ranging has greatly improved scientists'
knowledge of the moon's orbit, enough to permit accurate
analyses of solar eclipses as far back as 1400 BC.
: : :
= =
4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91109
Unfortunately the system could not find the page you have called.

Literate Chaotic / TNM 2010 SPRING TERMs
March 24, 2010, 03:37:32 PM eot scrch24 $pot X + Brentz flood 20100515 page 3 crew May 9th ? CORE a 3 QUAKE.rnd 20100409 A ?A Return to NASCC back2beds J.B. Monday BREAK END  20100704 2010 SUMMER  20100328 SPRING TERMS  20100317 BREAK 3/15-29  20100102 2010 Winter  20091205 TNM 09 BREAK  20090922 TNM 09 FALL  20081223 TNM
Literate Chaotic / TNM 0 10 aka Winter Terms
January 02, 2010, 01:38:09 PM RUDY4 2/24 LGL Wallula OrgSync 20100122 page 2 3P &-31Ma 405 X-Y  Hiss 2 day Jan 14th Texas O PEOPLE  20100704 2010 SUMMER  20100324 2010 SPRING TERMs  20100317 BREAK 3/15-29  20100102 Winter  20091205 Xm break  20090922 TNM 09 FALL  20081223 TNM
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Hi mono.LOG
November 09, 2009, 01:20:07 PM
20091109 5:20AM pst

:)  4AM posit report I DO Go To bet on this #
:(  Race 8 - 4:01 PM  6 Good Bad N Ugly  3/1
:d ??????
;) 529 S.W. 4th .

:) Total time logged in: 1 days, 5 hours and 0 minutes
Literate Chaotic / 4cast4
June 15, 2009, 10:43:55 PM
20090617  TNM index

20110910 A Major error seams to have emerged (rev 9/11)
2011 fall (new moon) quake season 9/27 10/26 11/25
the 10/11 date is a FULL Moon day & is an error
the BASIC derived perigee DATES = 9/27 10/26 11/23

20110911 Major errors for Fall season 2011 found to be in the 10/11
date of the full moon. it is a NEW Moon season & should be shown to
begin one moon sooner at 9/27 | there may be other errors like this 1
also it is a good time to restate the orange lines (October Offset) is
consistantly misplaced | _ should center in October | move it Right ->2M
Literate Chaotic / TNM
December 23, 2008, 07:17:09 PM
Rev 20120107 2012  2013201420152017
this is mostly A 2008 note to myself... to see how long i can still find it 15 -2015 = DUMB {{ HEAR HERE '15} 20131204PM don't have ~pdx00782 CH :fnord: gamburd {hack<'15 |'15}

:fnord: ProF :fnord: virginia/pub :fnord: thropol :fnord: St

:fnord: chulbe :fnord: CHair :fnord: COURSES :fnord: St   2017 CME

2012  20132014201520172018
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 248
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-       03681 :fnord: 2015 sumRY
                  28   3681488 :fnord: 2014 tDAR
            00141425876269 :fnord: 2013 TNM
  200   605156130046614 :fnord: 2012TNM ProF
3551 44525833675410893 :fnord:  20110531 2011 SUMMER   fap Avatar? dickey\jpl
  507  663  91911882738 :fnord:  20110305 2011tnmSPRING Xavier DEC
1346 1746251635307619 :fnord:   20101209 2011 WINTER   CMs Wallula2
2096 2514339845408387 :fnord:   20100916 2010 PSU fall Meteorite TeXas O O
  876 1048134217243135 :fnord:   20100813 2010 BREAK s/F    EQ "Round"
1212 1505191623264505 :fnord:   20100704 2010 SUMMER p2 Lunar Range? K/T
2126 2501299036426077 :fnord:   20100324 2010 SPRING TERMs
1856 2056257232786518 :fnord:   20100317 BREAK 3/15-29
2736 3203397949257853 :fnord:   20100102 Winter wallula
3702 4089496757128917 :fnord:   20091205 Xm break mFLOODj
3889 43795304661612961 :fnord:   20090922 Fall 09 -*

2010  17619
2014 25248
2015 30123
2017  51169
2018  66091
:fnord:  20090918 page 7
:fnord:  35-Ti-1
:fnord:  HR 17
:fnord:  FONT'n:
:fnord:  pg6 20090907 75 77?35T 80TTc 89sphereA
:fnord:  35TI1.H 74
:fnord:  ROBlosey 73
:fnord:  sick\ROCK 72
:fnord:  BELT/beds 71
:fnord:  BAud As 70
:fnord:  More Mz 67
:fnord:   BUHS# 66
:fnord:  ofg SEARCH 65
:fnord:  pg5 20090902 60 64r2R 65=OFG 70ba7 73robL 74TN-KA 
:fnord:  Scappoose 54
:fnord:  Flood 12.9 53
:fnord:  Mazama 52
:fnord:  TT CM old 46
:fnord:  pg4 20090803 TT 46C Mt KIDS 53FLOODS
:fnord:  photo's 31 expired links 2TT
:fnord:  pg3 200900301 Screening Names TN TT
:fnord:  pg2 20081230 "2 Upd
:fnord:   pg1 20081223 THankU PD   

:fnord: timeteam?airdates 

20130701      t.a.garrison
&   pewewardy
- & 20130124
:fnord: Nov 2011
:fnord:  mY iSSi
:fnord:   links to 4cast4 
:fnord:  MatLab
:fnord:  PORT and ' IANs
:fnord:  MeD.Log
:fnord:  20110313 MUS
:fnord:  20110305 MRSA P
:fnord:  FIX WINDOW ?