
Yeah, fuckface! Get ready to be beaten down. Grrr! Internet ain't so safe now is it motherfucker! Shit just got real! Bam!

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Messages - Kimmy Gibbler

Bill the Rapist.  Roll for anal circumference.
If it wasn't for Scooby Doo we would have never had the parody of it that the Venture Bros did.  I'd link to the episode, but I can't find any that weren't already baleeted.
Quote from: Mangrove on January 29, 2008, 08:11:47 PM
Moulan Yan

It's mulignane or, alternately, moolignon.

And you forgot nigger.

Also, for those times when you need a new slur...

Quote from: Richter on January 27, 2008, 02:11:49 AM
Also:  "Holder" Series and "Containment Protocols" from /X have always been amusing.

My contribution
Holy fucking shit, Suu, I laughed so hard at that one I was crying, drooling and nearly shat myself.   :lulz:
No matter how many times I read this I always laugh at the horse dying part.
Or Kill Me / Re: Abortion is Murder
January 10, 2008, 10:55:33 AM
Quote from: vexati0n on January 10, 2008, 06:04:33 AM
Many cannibal tribes refer to human meat as "long pork shoulder."
Principia Discussion / ZOMG LAWL OF FIEVS
January 10, 2008, 10:33:01 AM

I'm glad I watched that sober.  Saving that for whenever someone IMs me up with "Dude, I am so fucking high".
Quote from: Cain on January 01, 2008, 12:35:30 PM
Did you know if you remember a music track essentially that is an electronic representation of the track that is being "read" inside of your brain?  And you can do it with tracks you haven't even paid for!  This is an outrage, what are the RIAA doing about people who remember tracks that they have not legally got permission to own?

Quote from: hunter s.durden on November 22, 2007, 03:22:09 AM
phantomjoe77 (10:03:36 PM): whatre you doing on PD?
Jessyelly90 (10:03:56 PM): looking at stuff?
phantomjoe77 (10:04:06 PM): dont do that
phantomjoe77 (10:04:09 PM): its a cult
Jessyelly90 (10:04:17 PM): how so?
phantomjoe77 (10:04:19 PM): theyll kill you
Jessyelly90 (10:04:24 PM): really
phantomjoe77 (10:04:28 PM): yeah
phantomjoe77 (10:04:31 PM): to death
Jessyelly90 (10:04:42 PM): thats usually how people get killed...
phantomjoe77 (10:05:05 PM): just sayin'....
phantomjoe77 (10:05:10 PM): they're evil
Jessyelly90 (10:05:15 PM): what are YOU doing on it?
Jessyelly90 (10:05:26 PM): how are they evil?
phantomjoe77 (10:05:37 PM): It's an evil cult
phantomjoe77 (10:05:43 PM): they don't love Jesus
Jessyelly90 (10:05:48 PM): .....
Jessyelly90 (10:05:52 PM): and?
Jessyelly90 (10:05:57 PM): your point is...?
phantomjoe77 (10:06:05 PM): that's evil
phantomjoe77 (10:06:12 PM): Jesus is lord
Jessyelly90 (10:06:13 PM): i guess im evil then
phantomjoe77 (10:07:08 PM): people are murders and sinners
Jessyelly90 (10:07:21 PM): how?
phantomjoe77 (10:08:29 PM): they worship false Gods....
Jessyelly90 (10:08:54 PM): like who?
phantomjoe77 (10:09:17 PM): Eris is the goddess of abortion
Jessyelly90 (10:09:38 PM): your a super christian arent you/
Jessyelly90 (10:09:42 PM): ?
phantomjoe77 (10:09:59 PM): I am
Jessyelly90 (10:10:17 PM): .....
Jessyelly90 (10:10:23 PM): im not
phantomjoe77 (10:10:25 PM): Jesus is great...
Jessyelly90 (10:10:25 PM): at all
phantomjoe77 (10:10:30 PM): WHAT???????
Jessyelly90 (10:10:41 PM): im one of those false god worshippers you just called evil
Jessyelly90 (10:10:50 PM): =^.^=
phantomjoe77 (10:10:54 PM): AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
phantomjoe77 (10:11:08 PM): ARE YOU CHARGIN YOR LAZERS!!!!!11???@@@

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: I like boobs
October 25, 2007, 11:05:24 PM

I have way too many animated boob gifs.

need to get moar