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Messages - Raz Tech

Done.  Some of my proxies got loose and voted as well.
Do you like entirely too much strategy in your strategy games? If so, you should try the europa universalis games if you haven't already.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Random News Stories
May 30, 2014, 09:37:59 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 30, 2014, 08:50:15 PM
Quote from: Raz Tech on May 30, 2014, 08:10:48 PM

Nowadays, every time anything like this happens it's made to look like the CO's fault, in a report that goes all the way to the pentagon.

This sort of applies to everything, though.

Fact is, the system itself is broken.  It was broken back in the 80s and 90s while I was in, and it's a little worse now.  It is broken because of EXACTLY what you just said, and it applies to damn near everything that goes wrong.

Interesting, what branch?  I often wonder if I look back on my whole experience, or of it just always keeps getting worse and the beginning never seems as bad. 
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Random News Stories
May 30, 2014, 08:12:42 PM
also .45's don't have bolts, they have slides, and we don't use the term locked and loaded

I don't know why that peeves me but it does.
Aneristic Illusions / Re: Random News Stories
May 30, 2014, 08:10:48 PM
Okay, I have a really long-winded comment about rape in the military, buy I'm on a phone so bear with me if it comes out all fuckered up.

Rape in the military is a very prevelant thing.  Ive seen cases of men raping women, women rapping men, men rapping other men, all sorts of terrible shit.  It used to be not so bad back in the day, but the way commands work now has made it worse.  You see, once upon a time I remember us hearing about one of our shipmates (who happened to b4 a girl) got assaulted by a kid who was also on our boat.  Sofor of us dragged him into a back room and kicked the piss out of him.  Afterwards, he went to captains mast (where you receive military punishment) and the CO kicked his sorry ass from the boat to the brig.  Should we have beat the guy up? some would say no, but we look out for out own so I would do it again.The point is, he got his in the end.

Nowadays, every time anything like this happens it's made to look like the CO's fault, in a report that goes all the way to the pentagon.  So the spineless CO's that are becoming more prevalent try their hardest to turn a blind eye, which of course harbors an environment that makes such horrendous things almost decriminalised

Fortunately, somebody finally came up with the idea that there should be a means to circumvent direct chain of command in these issues, so while it's far from not happening, light is finally being shed on the issues at hand.

The only other issue is that there are also many cases of boy who cried wolf floating around.  I know of at least one case where a person was cheating on their spouse for at least 4 months, got caught, and tried to turn the whole thing into a rape case.  I wish people would stop doing that, because it detracts from the people who are actually having an issue.
Or Kill Me / Re: What's In A Name?
May 30, 2014, 07:33:25 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 30, 2014, 07:24:51 PM
I don't hate Raz as much as many other people.  I have a feeling he'll work out fine.

Wait is that you don't hate me as much as other people hate me, or you don't hate me as much as you hate some other people?

Also I would probably make a bitchin set of bagpipes.  They'd be the palest bagpipes you've ever seen.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 30, 2014, 07:16:13 PM
Errand in Texas more than 100% successful.  I got what my boss wanted, then the smarmy little sales fuck from the vendor tries to get me drunk over Thai food and turn the tables on me (Thai food twice in one day - I had also gone out with a friend, earlier - is a form of heaven, even in Dallas).

Fortunately, I have some experience in these matters.  90% of the alcohol put in front of me wound up on the floor and/or the planter next to me by one discreet means or another, and dickhead more or less passes out trying to keep up with what must have LOOKED like some man with an iron liver.  By the end, he was trying to drink me under the table because he's a Sales Guy with Perfect Teeth and I am some sort of lower hominid who lacks even a basic MBA.

But because I wasn't actually drinking, that wasn't possible.  I "helped" him "outside to get a cab" (the Thai dude was HAPPY to see the loudmouth go), but he passed out completely just as we got out the door, so I accidentally left him in a dumpster between the Thai joint and the off-stadium sports bar next door, with the (unsigned) "contract revision" stuffed down the back of his pants.

I am becoming a little concerned that this job is having an effect on me, and not for the better.

I want to grow up to be just like you.
Quote from: Eater of Clowns on May 30, 2014, 12:15:46 AM
Welcome to PD, Raz!
hello, man whose dietary choices both scare and amuse me.

Quote from: All-Father Nigel on May 30, 2014, 12:19:05 AM
This pleases me.
me too

Quote from: Net (+ 1 Hidden) on May 30, 2014, 12:21:30 AM

Welcome aboard!

Anything in particular that brings you to the forum?

here's what i posted in another part of the form, copy-pasted for convenience:
And now for why I became a discordian, because this comment is already a wall of text and I don't want to half-ass my first wall post on this particular forum;
I was on deployment with the Navy, and sick of not believing in the afterlife or spirits in the sky or whatever, so I brought along a plethora of religious books, and started reading to find something that would appeal to me.  I read the Qu'ran, The Torah, the Talmud, some stuff on Wicca, Thelema, the left hand path, and the satanic Bible.  All of it was crap.  Then I notices a folder on my computer called discordianism, and went meh, fuck it.  It was the greatest thing I ever read, changed my life, yet I was lonely.  I was the sole discordian I knew of.  Then a few years later in a drunken stupor, I went man, I bet there's some kind of discordian forum on the Internet somewhere.
and lo, I was enlightened.

Quote from: LMNO, PhD (life continues) on May 30, 2014, 12:21:55 AM
Make yourself at home.

If you can, try not to shit on the carpet.

But that's my favorite place to shit.  This place is a fucking prison!
I don't even have on of these! May I?
Quote from: All-Father Nigel on May 29, 2014, 11:48:07 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 29, 2014, 11:21:53 PM
Quote from: All-Father Nigel on May 29, 2014, 09:49:07 PM
Is that your reaction to the fact that things are bad? I'm confused by what you mean. KNOWING that things are bad, shining a light on it, is what encourages people to do things differently.

Naw.  That's my reaction to a combination of three things:

1.  "5 guys discussed it, and one was a dick about it." 
2.  "10% of guys are poisonous, so the rest must be held in the same regard."
3.  People getting their junk rustled by P3nt, when it is KNOWN that P3nt is out to rustle junk.

Seriously, if someone's reaction to a small minority of people being abrasive and alienating about a subject that brings so much anguish and suffering to so many people is "Well I WAS gonna be an ally, but that one person ruined it for me and now I don't feel like helping", they might consider re-examining their motives and attitudes. It's a little like refusing to take an anti-slavery stance because some slaves are really angry about it and that just seems hostile and rubs you the wrong way.

I'm not an ally because or in spite of your reaction or QG's reaction, because my allegiance isn't for sale.  I'm an ally because I have a daughter and a spouse and a mother.  And also because, you know, it's the right thing to do.  I am not going to STOP being an ally in this, because that would be immoral, and it's kind of fucked up to use that impossible scenario as a club to thump me with because I object to being told that I am potentially toxic because 10% of guys are (not sure where that number comes from) or because 20% of PDers in the thread put the troll face on when the subject came up.

My objection to people being abrasive and alienating is that it is not constructive, when it is aimed specifically at the people who are not - or are trying not to be - the problem, as it was in the original 10% piece.  It's tumblriffic indulgence that would make Garbo blush and maybe even stop slamming people with the cookie-seeker stamp for 10 or 15 seconds (perhaps I exaggerate).

I know what I am supposed to do about the societal problem being discussed, because I've thought about it and discussed it with my daughter to no end, and she's enough authority on the subject for me.  But if I didn't, I'd be a little confused right now.  5 guys aren't even supposed to talk about it.  I wasn't aware we needed a minyan.

So when I say it's hopeless, I mean it's hopeless to discuss it on PD, because nobody except maybe LMNO is actually out to communicate.  As far as the actual problem goes, I am not taking my cues from tumblr, facebook, twitter, or PD for that matter.  The uniform is plenty snappy, but it doesn't fit.

I agree with you completely, both about the "right thing to do" aspect and the criticism of the abrasive approach. However, I have been thinking a lot about the abrasive, alienating approach - mostly with regards to the animosity between MLK's "peaceful protesters" and the Black Panthers - and I am in the process of revising my opinion, I think, because I am starting to think that both approaches have validity in different ways.

I disagree that it's useless to discuss on PD, because the rest of this discussion, I think, has been interesting, and people ARE communicating.

It's put quite a few things in a different perspective for me, so thanks to all for that.  I think the issue would still be easier to handle if the tumblr-esque feminazis would knock things off though.

Some excellent points have been brought up here though
Hello everyone, I'm Raz Tech.  I enjoy long walks on the beach, drinking whiskey on the weekends, and heavy doses of hallucinogens whenever I damn well please.
I've been around here for a few days, and I like the cut of your jib, so I'm gonna make myself cozy and hope things work out between us.

I created this simple graph to help you understand, where the bottom is the year and the side is a numerical representation of my hate. As you can see, I've clearly reached the Satan ass-fucking Hitler plateau, and once you're that high on anger, there's no coming down.
bumping that game up the list, thanks
I've heard of it, I think.  When I finish with the current backlog of games I'm working on, I'll make sure I give it a go.