
MysticWicks endorsement: "I've always, always regarded the Discordians as being people who chose to be Discordians because they can't be arsed to actually do any work to develop a relationship with a specific deity, they were too wishy-washy to choose just one path, and they just want to be a mishmash of everything and not have to work at learning about rituals or traditions or any such thing as that."

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Messages - Mangrove

Quote from: Anonymous
Quote from: LMNOMangrove,

Did you know that you're my hero?

You've just said what I've been trying to communicate for years.  


Have a drink.

thanks dude. don't you just love running your own bar?

that wasn't a was a mang'.
Or Kill Me / Egyptian Numerology (Lengthy)
June 06, 2005, 12:19:20 AM
comments: rah!  8)

will have to read this in more detail later - it's late and i need sleep.

however your future as a semi-secret kabbalistic navigator is assured.

now go to the bar and collect your free drink.

at this juncture some of you may be thinking*:

"wait a minute big nose, if i abitrarily assign numbers to an alphabet, then surely at some point there will be some apparently meaningful correspondences?"

and if that's what you think? well, then you'd be right.

what's important is not the system you use but the process that you go through. it's the opposite of the zen koan. instead of seeking the most brutal simplicity to overthrow the mundane mind and experience satori (japanese for fnord, i guess) the qabalist works in the opposite way, seeking to connect everything to everything until there's no 'anything' left. overload the mundane mind with complexity.

bit like looking for 23s and 5s everywhere.....(maybe)

now the orthodox qabalist uses these methods to extract layers of meaning from their holy scriptures. and good for them. but we can use the methods but without the ideology - converting to judaism is entirely unecessary (unless you want to of course).

looking for holiness in religious literature is hardly a challenge though is it? what, with all those gods and stuff ambling around the chapters. no, try looking license plates, pizza menus, LMNO's story....whatever.

it's eris' way of reminding you that you can find her anywhere...or not.

the system i used for s.c.r.i.d was a new aeon qabalah used by a thelemic group. they had their reasons for picking those numbers and assigning them in the way that they did. however, that really doesn't matter. go make up your own.

connecting obvious words is not hard. perhaps your new qabalah system yields up the gematria that 'cell phone' is equivalent to 'annoying asshole on a train'....that's hardly surprising. where the real challenge lies is in finding the connections to what isn't immediately apparent. if your qabalah for instance gave up 'apple' and 'stapler'....then you've got some work to do. if you can make it happen, then your awareness of the interconnections has gotten that little bit bigger. perhaps you're on your way to enlightenment.

the qabalah is a tool or a map...and as always, don't confuse the map with the territory.

peace out,


* this only applies to people are actually thinking in the first place.
Or Kill Me / Eris = the Shit.
June 03, 2005, 06:07:23 PM
Quote from: The Open Bar

now OB, you remember the talk we had about you not stalking celebrities right?

<shakes head>....<sigh>
Quote from: synaptyxs=5


1+2+2 = 5

w00t! :D

122? hmm......i will see if i can dig up some more on this!

OB passed me a drink with a sticky note on it.

Glad you liked the kabbalistic analysis......I found out this morning that I had inadvertently copped some of chapter '77' from Crowley's Book Of Lies.

But he's dead and I'm ha! to him I say.
Ok, here's a bit more of Zurtok. If any of this is even remotely accurate, then you may praise my kabbalistic wisdom, if not, then what the hell do you expect from the internet???

Anyways....according to the New Aeon English Qabalah system as used by the Hermetic Order of the QBLH, the name 'ZURTOK' gives us a 77.  Divide that by 7 and you get 11 which is kabbalistically significant in that it's a prime and is "the general number of magick, or energy tending to change." (Crowley).

Referring 77 back to the usual, industry standard Hebrew kabbalah and some interesting words are thrown up. One of them is Strength (rendered in Hebrew by the letters Ayin & Vau). Though this can also mean 'he-goat' which could get you into a whole mess of symbolism about "randy Pan the goat boy", the Devil and so forth.

The name KHAN when using this New Aeon system equates to 28. Hebrew worlds equal to 28 are Unity (Yod, Cheth, Vau, Daleth) or Power (Kaph Cheth). This got me thinking of Genghis Khan.  He was definitely a strong leader and his power was a result of him unifying the Mongol tribes in a way that had never been done before. Strength & power are acquired through unity.

If you add 77 to 28 you get 105. Cross check that with Hebrew words and we get the fantastic: Heh Peh Kaph (To Subvert!). Subversion...couldn't get a more apt word for a Discordian now, could you?

Strength + Power/Unity = Subversion


I applied Notariqon* to your name and found the following:

Zealots Undermine Religion To Oppose Knowledge.

spooky non?   :wink:

* "Notariqon - there are two types of notariqon. The first condenses a word, sentence or phrase into a more simple one by reading only the initial letters, in an attempt to reveal a more fundamental truth. The second expands a word or a sentence whose component words are the initials of the original word" - Lon Milo Duquette.
Quote from: Zurtok KhanI am bad at math.

What does Zurtok equal?


i'll expand on that later....but for now it's 7 X 11 which seems to be a consistently good qabalistic number. (because it's prime)

that is...11 is prime..
Quote from: Saint*Bastard (Deceased)scrid bears the mark of creation.

thank you!  someone finally saw the special scridian birthmark.
Literate Chaotic / LMNO-PI
May 25, 2005, 11:59:51 PM
if i don't see a bridge in boston with the legend 'emperor cheney memorial bridge' sprayed on it, i will be one very sad mangrove.

Noooo.....look closer
Quote from: Pope T.Mangrove xviii should've known! i had the scrid pc enhanced....


look at the scrid pic up close
Quote from: renegade kabalist
Quote from: Altoid AddictYeah, it certainly obfucated me.

Altoid Addict=136, Sinner Bob=140

The difference being four, which symbolizes the independent soul (1) plus the holy trinity (3) combining into the Pillars of the Temple!

hello renegade kabbalist!

have you considered joining the SSOOKN?
Quote from: Great Teacher Largo
Quote from: Pope T.Mangrove xvii
carve up an X and you get L V X  or 'light' in Latin (plus the related gnostic mysteries of IAO)

You, sir, are now in the Committe for Obfuscation.

Your salary is the standard fare, 1 pfennig a year.


why thank you....(what's the £ to pfennig exchange rate at the moment anyway?)