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Messages - Prelate Diogenes Shandor

Quote from: Cramulus on January 29, 2020, 07:29:07 PMalso substitute "here comes skynet"

I'd love to see a Terminator-style movie set in a third world country that's already ruled by a genocidal military dictator. And then when the machines come the only thing that changes is that the buildings are in better repair
Quote from: Pergamos on January 30, 2020, 12:16:46 AM
Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on January 29, 2020, 10:44:39 PM
Honestly I wish there was a viable solution where neither Israel nor Palestine gets Jerusalem. Like a "if you can't play nice with it, neither of you gets to have it" type thing.

Because it's not really anti-semitism unless you hate Arabs too...

I don't mean have another crusade or something and give it back to the christian weirdoes, I mean just get it away from the israelis and palestianians. Like if there was some way to get everyone out of there and then deploy some kind of area denial measure so they can't come back.

Also we should rebuild the Hadrian's temple of Jupiter
Quote from: Cramulus on January 29, 2020, 07:29:07 PM
These days, we get revolutionary new science every few months. Some of it's good, some of it's bad, some of it is so wild that we can't predict what it'll actually be used for. When you see people on facebook/etc talking about any new tech, you will always see some variation of a line from Jurassic Park:

"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

One thing that always bothered me about that movie is that I could never figure out if that character was deliberately written as a blowhard, or if the real issue was that Michael Crichton was a blowhard. Especially troubling is the fact that the dinosaurs aren;t really an essential part of their troubles at all. The tribulations suffered by the characters in Jurassic Park differ only trivially from the real life San Francisco Zoo tiger attacks, in which dangerous animals got out and mauled zoo patrons without any mad science occurring at all


Similarly, the main conflicts in both Frankenstein and The Island of Doctor Moreau are more attributable to the titular scientists being complete assholes than they are to science going too far
Honestly I wish there was a viable solution where neither Israel nor Palestine gets Jerusalem. Like a "if you can't play nice with it, neither of you gets to have it" type thing.
Quote from: Frontside Back on January 29, 2020, 01:35:56 AM
You cannot keep claiming every U.S. president as the antichrist, that's not gonna end well.
But it's a time-honored American tradition
I mean, I don't really believe in all that bible stuff, but you have to admit he does have a lot of the properties of the antichrist and/or the devil

For example, the constant talk by his supporters about how Trump speaks from his heart is reminiscent of John 8:44

You people are from your father, the devil, and you want to do what your father desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies.
I predict that despite the senate being republican Trump will be removed from office on or around July 20th of this year. cf. Revelation 13:5 The beast was allowed to brag and claim to be God, and for 42 months it was allowed to rule.
I just remembered this weirdly prescient sitcom clip from 2005
Quote from: Juana on January 22, 2020, 09:51:21 PMI think we knew he's pulling a reagan and sliding into the abyss of dementia, didn't we?

Not sliding. He is demented.
Quote from: Cain on January 22, 2020, 12:22:32 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on January 22, 2020, 12:59:45 AM
Quote from: Cain on January 19, 2020, 02:52:54 AM
Q: How can you tell Trump is lying?
A: his mouth is moving and sounds are coming out of it

QuoteNearly one dozen American troops were wounded in Iran's Jan. 8 missile attack on Iraq's al-Asad air base. This week, they were medically evacuated to U.S. military hospitals in Kuwait and Landstuhl, Germany, to be treated for traumatic brain injury and to undergo further evaluation, several U.S. defense and military officials have confirmed to Defense One.

Senior military and Trump administration officials had said on Jan. 8 that 11 Iranian missiles had caused "no casualties, no friendly casualties, whether they are U.S., coalition, contractor, et cetera."

In the past week, news organizations that were granted access to the base to film the damage and interview military personnel have reported that no Americans were killed, wounded, or "seriously injured." But the New York Times reported on Monday that some personnel had been treated for concussions.

In a Jan. 16 statement, a spokesman for the U.S. military command in Baghdad said, "As previously stated, while no U.S. service members were killed in the Jan. 8 Iranian attack on Al Asad Air base, several were treated for concussion symptoms from the blast and are still being assessed."

That particular lie had a lot of folks optimistic about avoiding war with Iran.

To be fair, he became president with his brain in even worse shape
Literate Chaotic / Re: ITT: Original Story Ideas
November 03, 2019, 02:56:45 PM
A satirical combination of Heaven is for Real and Michelle Remembers in which a sick child travels to heaven and is molested by God before returning to earth when the hospital revives them.


more ideas: I keep coming up with ideas for SyFy b-movie style horror flicks

*"Deathboat" - Victorian England's largest oceanliner strikes a zombie-infested iceberg. The zombies swarm in through the hole in the ship and wreck havoc as the ship slowly sinks

*"Loan Wolf" - The story of a werewolf banker

Literate Chaotic / Re: ITT: Original Story Ideas
October 20, 2019, 08:37:17 PM
*A victorian sci-fi horror anthology program

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. It was the season of shadows, it was the season of substance. It was an epoch of things, it was an epoch of ideas, and it lay between the pit of man's fears and the summit of man's knowledge..."


*A combination mummy-film/vampire-film set in the USA. The sun is ineffective against vampires in the parts of the world between the USA and Japan because these regions fall within the "12 Hours of Night" wherein the sun-god Ra is "dead". Therefore to stop the vampire the protagonists must reanimate a mummy to fight it
Quote from: The Johnny on September 18, 2019, 05:00:56 AM
Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on September 17, 2019, 10:54:22 PM
Frankly I don't think we should do anything about the situation in Saudi Arabia at all. According to wikipedia there weren't any fatalities so I don't see a damn reason why the attacks shouldn't be celebrated. Fuck Saudi Arabia and fuck the fossil fuel industry.

Well, as long as wikipedia with its independent journalism experience has confirmed it then it must be true!

None of the newspaper articles I've seen seem to mention any fatalities either (although I must admit I didn;t read them very thoroughly)
Frankly I don't think we should do anything about the situation in Saudi Arabia at all. According to wikipedia there weren't any fatalities so I don't see a damn reason why the attacks shouldn't be celebrated. Fuck Saudi Arabia and fuck the fossil fuel industry.